US Soldier & Contractors Killed In Terrorist Attack In Kenya -- Is Obama Behind It?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
US soldier, contractors killed in al-Shabab attack on Kenya base

In the wake of the Benghazi embassy attacks in Libya and the recent embassy attacks in Iraq -- Obama once again drops the ball with the latest attack on American soldiers and contractors abroad -- you would think after the escalation of violence in Iraq --- he would have beefed up security in his native country -- unless of course, he was behind the attack.

"A US military service member and two US contractors have been killed in an al-Shabab attack on a military base in Kenya used by US and Kenyan military personnel, the US military said. Two other Department of Defense personnel were wounded in Sunday's attack on the Manda Bay Airfield in Lamu county. The attack by al-Shabab began before dawn and lasted around four hours, witnesses and military sources told Reuters news agency. A Kenyan police report seen by Reuters said the attackers destroyed two planes, two US helicopters and multiple US military vehicles during their assault."

After Trump had gained the victory in Iraq a couple of years ago, after he has brought home troops and de-escalated tensions throughout the Middle East -- there has been this ongoing effort by liberals to help our enemies ramp up tensions and attacks against US interests, be it in Saudi Arabia, Israel, Yemen and of course Kenya and Somalia....

Some are saying that since Iran and al-Shabab are enemies, that once Trump eliminated Iran as a threat in the region with the take down of Soleimani -- Obama may have urged al-Shabab to take this moment to launch an attack on US military...basically Obama may be using this blow to Iran as a way to embolden al-Shabab and other Sunni terrorist groups to step up attacks on the US -- if so, this is the smoking gun evidence we need to finally execute Obama for treason.
Somalia and Al Shabab do not represent a threat to the state of Israel or the petro-dollar. Iran represents a threat to the state of Israel...Syria (supposedly) represents a threat to the state of did Iraq. Libya represented a threat to the petro-dollar...see how that works?

Zionism and oil. It all becomes VERY easy after that.

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