US opinions regarding man made global warming - per Gallup Polling

State law not only establishes exemptions for school vaccination requirements, but also establishes requirements regarding the exemption application process. This graph, with 2019 data, highlights selected attributes of school vaccination exemption laws, which are reviewed in the Public Health Law Program’s assessment (linked above).
Exemptions do not nullify the law.

From YOUR link

All states require children to be vaccinated against certain communicable diseases as a condition for school attendance. In most instances, state school vaccination laws expressly apply to both public schools and private schools with identical immunization and exemption provisions. The Public Health Law Program has conducted an assessment of state statutes, regulations, and state health department policies (collectively referred to as “laws”) regarding school vaccinations. This assessment is a 2019 update of state vaccination laws originally collected in 2015 and updated previously in 2017.
Exemptions do not nullify the law.

From YOUR link

All states require children to be vaccinated against certain communicable diseases as a condition for school attendance. In most instances, state school vaccination laws expressly apply to both public schools and private schools with identical immunization and exemption provisions. The Public Health Law Program has conducted an assessment of state statutes, regulations, and state health department policies (collectively referred to as “laws”) regarding school vaccinations. This assessment is a 2019 update of state vaccination laws originally collected in 2015 and updated previously in 2017.
it allows someone to bypass the law legally. oops.
Thanks for the advice.
You're welcome.
The best way to get cooperation is to convince people to join you.
If you can't do that, your cause might not be as compelling or important as you think it is.
it allows someone to bypass the law legally. oops.
I know what a fucking exemption is. Only those who qualify. Almost every state requires a notarized document proving eligibility.

Just like with people who believe AGW is a giant hoax, the basic intelligence of people who turn down vaccinations for their children for non-medical reasons, is suspect in the extreme. Anyone, for instance, that still believs vaccinations lead to autism is a fucking idiot.
and don't get immunized and are not forced to do anything.
Are you forced not to murder anyone? Are you forced not to steal? Are you forced to remain on your side of the highway?

If you want your children to attend public school and do not qualify for an exemption you are forced to get them vaccinated on penalty of them not attending school, which is a violation of the law in most states.
Are you forced not to murder anyone? Are you forced not to steal? Are you forced to remain on your side of the highway?

If you want your children to attend public school and do not qualify for an exemption you are forced to get them vaccinated on penalty of them not attending school, which is a violation of the law in most states.
Exemption will always be given
Ahhhh but look at any poll on "voter concerns"...for the last 13 years btw....

Climate change waaaaaaay down the list. You have to scroll down for many seconds to find it.

Mean...the poll cited by the OP irrelevant. :deal:

Real world proof?

Drive through your neighborhood and count how many homes have solar panels!:boobies::boobies:
Take a 20 minute drive tonight and count how many EV's you see!:boobies::boobies:
Go to the website and see how much of the US electricity grid is powered by wind/solar!:boobies::boobies:
Go research the House Democrat websites and count how many reps have a green party platform!:boobies::boobies:

All a massive.....


its pretty obvious the poll was taken in a metro area, probably somewhere in California, a state that has abused its own water table for decades. EVs make no sense for people living in rural states and truly how many people are serious about fossil fuel reduction when it comes down to it? Are we going to quit flying? Do without many consumer products due to the transportation to bring it in? We don't even have the infrastructure for the conversion.
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No, that's your abysmal ignorance. I believe what I believe - as I have stated here and directly to you, repeatedly - because of the science assessed by the IPCC in FAR, SAR, TAR, FAR, AR5 and AR6

Dude...JC routinely owns you on substance. :deal:

You believing what you "believe" is an exercise in cognitive dissonance. How many allies do you have in this forum?:fingerscrossed: Three...maybe four?

Nobody cares about people with fringe ideas....just a fact of life. Outside of the tiny world of climate science, nobody caring in the public domain. Words don't mean shit...symbolic narratives...moot.

None of your stuff transcends into the real's nothing but philosophy. Only behavior matters in the real world.

its pretty obvious the poll was taken in a metro area, probably somewhere in California, a state that has abused its own water table for decades. EVs make no sense for people living in rural states and truly how many people are serious about fossil fuel reduction when it comes down to it? Are we going to quit flying? Do without many consumer products due to the transportation to bring it in? We don't even have the infrastructure for the conversion.
Wrong. This was a Gallup poll of the nation. The details are all available in the full results PDF.

"Results are based on telephone interviews conducted March 1-15, 2021 with a random sample of –1,010—adults, ages 18+, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. For results based on this sample of national adults, the margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points at the 95% confidence level."

Wrong. This was a Gallup poll of the nation. The details are all available in the full results PDF.

"Results are based on telephone interviews conducted March 1-15, 2021 with a random sample of –1,010—adults, ages 18+, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. For results based on this sample of national adults, the margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points at the 95% confidence level."

random my ass, rural people do not want EVs, they are not practical
of course you do when they agree with you
There are times when I have been disappointed with the results that Gallup got, but I've never considered the possibility that they were lying as to how their data were collected. How much of the US population lives in rural areas where an EV would be inappropriate? I suspect that is now become a bit of a minority.
There are times when I have been disappointed with the results that Gallup got, but I've never considered the possibility that they were lying as to how their data were collected. How much of the US population lives in rural areas where an EV would be inappropriate? I suspect that is now become a bit of a minority.
pretty much anywhere more than 200 miles from a large city, me for instance, and EV would have to be charge twice during a trip and then again that night, ridiculous. I check into a hotel and they might have 2 plugs and one doesn't work. They aren't worth a damn in cold weather, reducing the range by 70% and they have no heat more or less.
pretty much anywhere more than 200 miles from a large city, me for instance, and EV would have to be charge twice during a trip and then again that night, ridiculous. I check into a hotel and they might have 2 plugs and one doesn't work. They aren't worth a damn in cold weather, reducing the range by 70% and they have no heat more or less.
There are several EVs with ranges in excess of 200 miles. They do lose range in cold weather but not 70%. Their heaters work better than heaters in gas cars. No waiting for the engine to warm up.
There are several EVs with ranges in excess of 200 miles. They do lose range in cold weather but not 70%. Their heaters work better than heaters in gas cars. No waiting for the engine to warm up.
they have no heat at 15 degrees, they lose about 70% at 15 degrees. 200 miles is less than a 3 hour road trip, I consistently drive 5-7 hours, no thank you

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