US opinions regarding man made global warming - per Gallup Polling

This all comes from an article called "Global Warming Attitudes Frozen since 2016"

There are lots of different parts to it. This charts when, Americans believe, will the effects of global warming begin to happen. As you can see from the first line, 69% believe either they are already happening or within a few years while 29% believe they will not occur in our lifetimes or never. Breaking that a little further, a simple majority - 59% - of Americans believe global warming effects are already taking place and only 10% believe as many do here, that they will never take place. There are break downs on gender, race, age, college and political party. Belief that global warming is underway or imminent seems to trend with being a young, college-educated, Democratic woman of color. The opposite view trends with being an old, uneducated, Republican, white man.

View attachment 779292

Here is an interesting graph showing the division on a political party basis. I would draw your attention to how small the difference was not that far back.


So, please peruse these polling results and tell us what you think of them.

Do you understand that what this poll shows, has nothing al at all to do with the scientific bullshittedness of the whole “Global Warming” hoax? What it does show, and measure, is the effectiveness of the lying propaganda, and the degree to which the population has been deceived into believing this hoax.
Do you understand that what this poll shows, has nothing al at all to do with the scientific bullshittedness of the whole “Global Warming” hoax? What it does show, and measure, is the effectiveness of the lying propaganda, and the degree to which the population has been deceived into believing this hoax.
It shows the opinions of the posters here. It actually tells us nothing that you claim it does because we currently have no idea why any of these posters believe they way they do.

For instance, we have no idea why you believe that mainstream science would be producing "lying propaganda".

And tacking on laughing emojis rather than answering the implicit question, justifying your beliefs.
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It shows the opinions of the posters here. It actually tells us nothing that you claim it does because we currently have no idea why any of these posters believe they way they do.

For instance, we have no idea why you believe that mainstream science is producing lying propaganda.
Funny, I was thinking exactly the same about you. That's irony right?
Funny, I was thinking exactly the same about you. That's irony right?
No, that's your abysmal ignorance. I believe what I believe - as I have stated here and directly to you, repeatedly - because of the science assessed by the IPCC in FAR, SAR, TAR, FAR, AR5 and AR6
No, that's your abysmal ignorance. I believe what I believe - as I have stated here and directly to you, repeatedly - because of the science assessed by the IPCC in FAR, SAR, TAR, FAR, AR5 and AR6
And it’s all nonsense
Are you included in the 10% of Americans that believe we will never see the effects of global warming happen?
I see the effects of the climate changing every day of my life.
What I legitimately question is whether mankind has had any significant effect on it, whether mankind can do anything going forward to significantly alter it, and whether man has the ability to adapt to a constantly evolving climate.
Are you included in the group of people who feel the need to control the choices of others who don't share your opinions regarding climate change?
This all comes from an article called "Global Warming Attitudes Frozen since 2016"

There are lots of different parts to it. This charts when, Americans believe, will the effects of global warming begin to happen. As you can see from the first line, 69% believe either they are already happening or within a few years while 29% believe they will not occur in our lifetimes or never. Breaking that a little further, a simple majority - 59% - of Americans believe global warming effects are already taking place and only 10% believe as many do here, that they will never take place. There are break downs on gender, race, age, college and political party. Belief that global warming is underway or imminent seems to trend with being a young, college-educated, Democratic woman of color. The opposite view trends with being an old, uneducated, Republican, white man.

View attachment 779292

Here is an interesting graph showing the division on a political party basis. I would draw your attention to how small the difference was not that far back.


So, please peruse these polling results and tell us what you think of them.
At the same time, ask the people to rank 20 prominent issues such as crime, election policy, immigration, inflation, economy, etc. etc. that includes climate change, and polls show that climate change will be way down on the list of concerns for a substantial majority of Americans.

And information suppression plays a big role in attitudes about climate change just as they do in elections. No way in hell Biden would have won in 2020 if the MSM and social media had not given him every advantage, suppressed most information that would show Biden in a bad light while refusing to report Trump's accomplishments and bashing him at every opportunity.

It is the same with climate change. If the MSM and social media reported/allowed any of the opinions of those who hold different points of view from those who profit from making climate change an issue, the attitude of the general population would likely be very different.
I see the effects of the climate changing every day of my life.
What I legitimately question is whether mankind has had any significant effect on it, whether mankind can do anything going forward to significantly alter it, and whether man has the ability to adapt to a constantly evolving climate.
Are you included in the group of people who feel the need to control the choices of others who don't share your opinions regarding climate change?
I am included in the group of people who accept the overwhelming conclusions of mainstream science that global warming is taking place and accelerating, that the primary cause is human GHG emissions, that it represents a significant threat to the well being of humankind and requires sincere and committed action from all of us.
At the same time, ask the people to rank 20 prominent issues such as crime, election policy, immigration, inflation, economy, etc. etc. that includes climate change, and polls show that climate change will be way down on the list of concerns for a substantial majority of Americans.
Not unsurprising when scientific discussion of the topic routinely talk about 2100 and beyond.
And information suppression plays a big role in attitudes about climate change just as they do in elections.
What information regarding anthropogenic global warming do you believe is being suppressed by the mainstream media and social media?
No way in hell Biden would have won in 2020 if the MSM and social media had not given him every advantage, suppressed most information that would show Biden in a bad light
Like his age? His frequent gaffes and blunders? His son Hunter being paid excessive salaries? His tendency to get physically affectionate with women? His past relationships with racist politicians? What Biden information do you believe wa suppressed?
while refusing to report Trump's accomplishments and bashing him at every opportunity.
Trump was bashed because he deserved to be bashed and please list Trump accomplishments that you think were suppressed? The tax cut? Not everyone thinks that was a great accomplishment. What else have you got?
It is the same with climate change.
Is it?
If the MSM and social media reported/allowed any of the opinions of those who hold different points of view from those who profit from making climate change an issue, the attitude of the general population would likely be very different.
Can you name any of these people that hold different points of view? How did you come to hear about them?

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