US Economy Actually Lost 2.5 Million Jobs in January – Reported as a “Gain” of 517,000


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022

Via Rich Dvorak: “The Not Seasonally Adjusted print for monthly change in Nonfarm Payrolls was -2.5 million jobs. That means the headline +517K employment gain reported in January was driven entirely by a +3 million seasonal adjustment.”

How very interesting.
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Via Rich Dvorak: “The Not Seasonally Adjusted print for monthly change in Nonfarm Payrolls was -2.5 million jobs. That means the headline +517K employment gain reported in January was driven entirely by a +3 million seasonal adjustment.”

How very interesting.
There are so many ways to fake "added jobs" reports. LOL Democrat supporters have no clue.
There's nothing they won't lie about. Trump completely broke these depraved fucks. Hell they're writing books about what they almost found in his raw sewage. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

karine ape 4.png
Via Rich Dvorak: “The Not Seasonally Adjusted print for monthly change in Nonfarm Payrolls was -2.5 million jobs. That means the headline +517K employment gain reported in January was driven entirely by a +3 million seasonal adjustment.”

How very interesting.
is it just as interesting that in October, the nsa change was 1.2 million and the sa only 324,000? Or November nsa was 620,000 and sa only 290,000

In the 84 years of available data, employment has always gone down in January…that’s why we have seasonal adjustment: to show what the change was without the noise of regular seadonal changes.

Look at the level of nonfarm employment in the last 15 years: which line gives the better picture of the trend?
There's nothing wrong with Uber, Lyft or Amazon delivery.
I bet every Liberal here wants one of those as a career.

Via Rich Dvorak: “The Not Seasonally Adjusted print for monthly change in Nonfarm Payrolls was -2.5 million jobs. That means the headline +517K employment gain reported in January was driven entirely by a +3 million seasonal adjustment.”

How very interesting.
Like cholesterol. Less is better ! ( The brain is mostly cholesterol). Them statinz izza werkin good !
Mission Accomplished:

The last time the interest rate cycle bottomed out was during the early-1940s. The low inflection point for the 10-Year Treasury note at that time was a yield somewhere around 2 percent. After that, interest rates generally rose for the next 40 years.

No one can predict the future. But looking to past interest rate cycles for guidance provides a startling realization. We may be less than three years into a 40-year period of rising interest rates. In other words, everything the world has come to know and love about financial markets since 1981 has been stood on its head.

is it just as interesting that in October, the nsa change was 1.2 million and the sa only 324,000? Or November nsa was 620,000 and sa only 290,000

In the 84 years of available data, employment has always gone down in January…that’s why we have seasonal adjustment: to show what the change was without the noise of regular seadonal changes.

Look at the level of nonfarm employment in the last 15 years: which line gives the better picture of the trend?


Seems the Bureau of Labor Statistics own data would imply a disaster in the labor market on both sides of Mr Trumps Presidency.....which would be Democrat tenure and control......and steady improvement during the Trump years.

The Banker, CityGator and all the other low information peeps on this forum have no use for facts. We all know that.\
The question is.....why do we tolerate them?

Seems the Bureau of Labor Statistics own data would imply a disaster in the labor market on both sides of Mr Trumps Presidency.....which would be Democrat tenure and control......and steady improvement during the Trump years.

The Banker, CityGator and all the other low information peeps on this forum have no use for facts. We all know that.\
The question is.....why do we tolerate them?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics used seasonally adjusted number during Mr Trump's presidency as well.

Not one thing has changed in how they do their reports.
The online I&I/TIPP Poll asked 1,358 Americans a simple question: “Are you better off today than you were two years ago, or not?” Possible responses were “Yes, better off,” “No, not better off,” and “Not sure.” The poll, which was taken from Feb. 1-3, has a margin of error of +/-2.8 percentage points.

By 61% to 33%, Americans overwhelmingly picked “No, not better off” over “Yes, better off.” Just 6% said they weren’t sure.

Not surprisingly, Republicans overwhelmingly say they are not better off (76% “not better off” vs. 21% “better off”). But so does a super majority of independents (71% to 20%). Even among Democrats, few are celebrating. The poll found that less than half (49%) said they are better off, while 45% say they are not better off.


Via Rich Dvorak: “The Not Seasonally Adjusted print for monthly change in Nonfarm Payrolls was -2.5 million jobs. That means the headline +517K employment gain reported in January was driven entirely by a +3 million seasonal adjustment.”

How very interesting.

It's only interesting to ignorant rubes, who don't understand how employment statistics work but are in desperate political need to deny official numbers.

This is what raw employment looks like vs adjustments:


What do you see? ~3 million job contraction like clockwork each and every January.

So if you see 2.5m loss instead of expected 3m, then what does that mean? It's means VERY GOOD EMPLOYMENT NUMBERS.
You're the ignorant rube on your fifth booster shot.

Yeah, I remember.

How can you remember made up bullshit?

I had original shots and one booster a year wtf does that have to do with employment statistics?

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