US drops to last place in economic freedom ranking under Joe Biden

What did Reagan do to address the situation?

The four pillars of Reagan's economic policy were to reduce the growth of government spending, reduce the federal income tax and capital gains tax, reduce government regulation, and tighten the money supply in order to reduce inflation.

The results of Reaganomics are still debated. Supporters point to the end of stagflation, steady increases in median incomes, stronger GDP growth, and an entrepreneurial revolution in the decades that followed.

Critics point to the widening income gap, what they described as an atmosphere of greed, reduced economic mobility, and the national debt tripling in eight years which ultimately reversed the post-World War II trend of a shrinking national debt as percentage of GDP.

Your own post details exactly what Reagan did, Rye! It's pretty much the exact opposite of what Joe Biden has been doing since he took office. Biden has increased Government spending by huge amounts and is asking for even more stimulus. He's been calling for tax increases. He's increased government regulations and he hasn't tightened the money supply at all. That's all a recipe for inflation.
Your own post details exactly what Reagan did, Rye! It's pretty much the exact opposite of what Joe Biden has been doing since he took office. Biden has increased Government spending by huge amounts and is asking for even more stimulus. He's been calling for tax increases. He's increased government regulations and he hasn't tightened the money supply at all. That's all a recipe for inflation.
Reagan increase the size of government.

Reagan raised taxes 18 times.

What regulation has Biden changed?

Why would you tighten the money during a period of economic stress?
This year’s Index of Economic Freedom paints a disturbing picture, both at home and abroad," Heritage President Kevin Roberts said of the report. "The decline of American economic freedom is serious cause for alarm and has real and tangible consequences for all Americans, especially low-income families and the working class."

The report determined the U.S. fell 2.7 points from the 2021 Index of Economic Freedom to a record-low score of 72.1, according to the data released Monday. The U.S. also fell to its lowest ranking globally, from the 20th spot in last year’s rating to 25th in 2022.

The index, launched in 1995, evaluates countries on rule of law, government size, regulatory efficiency and open markets, while also examining specific categories such as property rights, judicial effectiveness, government integrity and tax burden.

Americans are currently dealing with 40-year highs in inflation, with the consumer price index rising 7.5% in January of this year compared to the same month in 2021. Biden’s first year in office also saw a supply-chain crisis, U.S. consumer confidence plunging to an 11-year low, industries rocked by vaccine and mask mandates and the U.S. national debt notching a new record when it surpassed $30 trillion.

Joe Biden is the economy killer.
Of course he is and thank you for your brilliant assessment.
We should all take lessons from intellectual giants like you. Genuine pillars of society. Children should admire you hate and ignorance as a lifetime goal. Then again, if they are republicans, they are born with it.
Get as bit of that up ya.
Reagan increase the size of government.

Reagan raised taxes 18 times.

What regulation has Biden changed?

Why would you tighten the money during a period of economic stress?
Reagan did raise taxes 18 times, Otto but that's a deliberately misleading statistics that the left uses to paint an inaccurate picture of Reagan's economic policies! Reagan was a tax cutter. The taxes that he DID cut FAR outweighed the taxes that he raised!

You tighten the money supply to combat inflation. It's pretty basic Macro Economics, Otto! It's politically unpopular because it usually negatively affects the stock market and slows the economy but you do it because it's the responsible thing to do. Asking for Trillions MORE in stimulus spending when inflation is rampant is fiscally irresponsible!
Reagan did raise taxes 18 times, Otto but that's a deliberately misleading statistics that the left uses to paint an inaccurate picture of Reagan's economic policies! Reagan was a tax cutter. The taxes that he DID cut FAR outweighed the taxes that he raised!

You tighten the money supply to combat inflation. It's pretty basic Macro Economics, Otto! It's politically unpopular because it usually negatively affects the stock market and slows the economy but you do it because it's the responsible thing to do. Asking for Trillions MORE in stimulus spending when inflation is rampant is fiscally irresponsible!
I sit here reading your well written thoughtful responses, and then this otto comes back with his trivial bull crap, and then it makes one wonder is it really worth it to explain anything to these leftist here ?? It seems an exercise in futility.
Your own post details exactly what Reagan did, Rye! It's pretty much the exact opposite of what Joe Biden has been doing since he took office. Biden has increased Government spending by huge amounts and is asking for even more stimulus. He's been calling for tax increases. He's increased government regulations and he hasn't tightened the money supply at all. That's all a recipe for inflation.
Biden undoubtedly needs the money for Obama's continued hope and change plan, and also for his attempts at insulating the Democrat party from future challenges with a large amount of the money being needed to do just that, and let's not forget the "fundamental transformation of this country", yep into a leftist la la land.

Yes Biden is a puppet of Obama and company, and Obama is enjoying a third term in office behind the scenes per a weak compromised Joe Biden that is being loyal to him, otherwise because it could be that this leadership under Biden alledgedly has so much dirt involved, that he had no other option but to become what he has become now "a loyal puppet" for the leftist who are pulling his strings.
I sit here reading your well written thoughtful responses, and then this otto comes back with his trivial bull crap, and then it makes one wonder is it really worth it to explain anything to these leftist here ?? It seems an exercise in futility.
The only way to combat the nonsense is with thoughtful responses, Beagle. Don't turn it into a mud slinging contest because that's what someone who doesn't have the facts on their side wants.
Screw you. You made an accusation and it is your responsibility to post what you claim is a lie. This is the United States, asshole, and unless you can post what you claimed it is your duty to post the number of the post which you accused me of lying. Of course if you are a Trumpanzee, and/or a Russian then I can accuse you of being a Putanpanzee.
You are so dishonest. Here is what you posted.

What a crock of shit ^^^.

Reagans first year in office the inflation rate was 10.3%, which was better than Carters rate of 13.55%, a great improvement. In Reagan’s next year the inflation rate dropped to 6.3%. So in his first two years inflation slowed by almost 10%.

Bidens first year in office the inflation rate is 7.5% and the year before Trump was at 1.23. So, under Biden’s administration we are up 6.3% over Trumps administration.

I also don’t believe Presidents can do much with the economy it is factors beyond them, otherwise they’d fix it because elections ride on that.
Of course he is and thank you for your brilliant assessment.
We should all take lessons from intellectual giants like you. Genuine pillars of society. Children should admire you hate and ignorance as a lifetime goal. Then again, if they are republicans, they are born with it.
Get as bit of that up ya.
So tell me moron, you think we are better off than we were a year ago? Children will admire you for this
This year’s Index of Economic Freedom paints a disturbing picture, both at home and abroad," Heritage President Kevin Roberts said of the report. "The decline of American economic freedom is serious cause for alarm and has real and tangible consequences for all Americans, especially low-income families and the working class."

The report determined the U.S. fell 2.7 points from the 2021 Index of Economic Freedom to a record-low score of 72.1, according to the data released Monday. The U.S. also fell to its lowest ranking globally, from the 20th spot in last year’s rating to 25th in 2022.

The index, launched in 1995, evaluates countries on rule of law, government size, regulatory efficiency and open markets, while also examining specific categories such as property rights, judicial effectiveness, government integrity and tax burden.

Americans are currently dealing with 40-year highs in inflation, with the consumer price index rising 7.5% in January of this year compared to the same month in 2021. Biden’s first year in office also saw a supply-chain crisis, U.S. consumer confidence plunging to an 11-year low, industries rocked by vaccine and mask mandates and the U.S. national debt notching a new record when it surpassed $30 trillion.

Joe Biden is the economy killer.

Reagan did raise taxes 18 times, Otto but that's a deliberately misleading statistics that the left uses to paint an inaccurate picture of Reagan's economic policies! Reagan was a tax cutter. The taxes that he DID cut FAR outweighed the taxes that he raised!

You tighten the money supply to combat inflation. It's pretty basic Macro Economics, Otto! It's politically unpopular because it usually negatively affects the stock market and slows the economy but you do it because it's the responsible thing to do. Asking for Trillions MORE in stimulus spending when inflation is rampant is fiscally irresponsible!
How would raising rates of borrowing or decreasing the supply of money help a supply chain related inflation? A labor shortage forcing employers to increase wages?

How would tightening money supply help was we emerged from a global pandemic?

BTW consumer spending increased 3.8% in January.
How would raising rates of borrowing or decreasing the supply of money help a supply chain related inflation? A labor shortage forcing employers to increase wages?

How would tightening money supply help was we emerged from a global pandemic?

BTW consumer spending increased 3.8% in January.
Christmas credit card bills came due.

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