US drops to last place in economic freedom ranking under Joe Biden

What did I lie? It's you and the other faux conservatives who use BIG LIES & fictional Conspiracy Stories ad nausea.
Go back and read your post and your claims, then figure it out, I’m tired of showing your lie, then several posts later you ask what lie. I pointed it out, it is obvious you can’t refute it, so you play children's games. Dishonest is what you are. What big lies and fictional conspiracy story do I tell?
I have no problem with history at all. What I have a problem with is you lied, got caught and then changed the direction of your first post because you got caught lying and now you lie again to cover up the last lie. You need to be honest and avoid such nonsense.
RC be honest!
That would make RC a dull boy.
Farmer suicides went up after Trump restricted their livelyhoods. Come to your own conclusions.
Google "Farmer suicides went up after Trump restricted their livelyhoods" and try actually reading the articles.
Can you compare that to other suicide statistics without attempting to make out like it was Trump fault?

Farmer suicides went up after they were told they could no longer sell their produce. As I said, you are free to come to your own conclusions .
Go back and read your post and your claims, then figure it out, I’m tired of showing your lie, then several posts later you ask what lie. I pointed it out, it is obvious you can’t refute it, so you play children's games. Dishonest is what you are. What big lies and fictional conspiracy story do I tell?
Screw you. You made an accusation and it is your responsibility to post what you claim is a lie. This is the United States, asshole, and unless you can post what you claimed it is your duty to post the number of the post which you accused me of lying. Of course if you are a Trumpanzee, and/or a Russian then I can accuse you of being a Putanpanzee.
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