US Army’s Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge

Then your fellow libs such as @rightwinger use the existance of government subsidized welfare bums as an excuse to demonize business owners for hiring illegals

You support business hiring illegals at substandard wages without being prosecuted?
You support business hiring illegals at substandard wages without being prosecuted?
You forgot the qualifier “knowingly” hiring illegals

Yes, employers who blatantly abuse the system should be punished

But as long as liberals encourage all the conditions that ensure the ready supply of illegals - meaning the open border - then you wont solve the problem using your policy of soft on illegals but hard on employers
Having worked in HR for a time, I really don't understand how so many employers get away with hiring illegals. You MUST have on file an I-9 form that details the proof the job applicant presented to convince you that s/he is legally in the country. (Most employers retain photocopies of those documents with the I-9 Form, but it's not required). If you don't have those forms, you can go to jail.

Are these gazillions of "illegals" getting any papers that would make them eligible to be gainfully employed in the U.S.? If so, what are those papers? If not, how does Biden expect them to survive? On WELFARE? Housing subsidies, food stamps (or whatever they are called these days), Medicaid? "Free" public education, paid for by the taxpayers?

Why is nobody asking those questions? Peter Doocey, where are you?
Naw, I just got to encounter some Mormon cultists during some ROTC training in 1983. And they were the most smile in your face, stab you in the back mother fuckers I ever met in my life.

That was before I found out all the crazy shit they believe. Planet Kolob, Magic Underwear, Blood Atonement, Baptizing dead people.
How does that impact you, dumbass?

You are just a fucking bigot!
I guess that makes it okay that he belongs to a racist, misogynistic cult started by pedophiles, then?

All irrelevant to the point. You guys were claiming that the cost of a Big Mac would go up to $10.00 if we paid people a living wage. That simply isn't true, because the labor cost of the product is a VERY SMALL slice of the expense.

You mean jobs Americans don't want to do? Hey, true Story, during Trump Plague we had rotating shifts where only one person came into the office to deal with problems and everyone else worked from home. Guess who came in every day do the daily sterilization? Yup, it wasn't white people. They were all staying at home collecting that unemployment Trump gave out with no sense of irony.

My friend was none of those things.

You keep missing the point that it will soon be $10.00 with the current wage. Four years ago, my high school students were making $12.00 an hour at McDonald's.

That may have been true for your racist ass, but at my company, every single person worked from home as our building's ceiling collapsed at the beginning of the COVID pandemic. Some of us did nothing and continued to get paid because we did not have the computer systems for everyone to work from home. It has been two years and no one has returned to the office except for training.
Having worked in HR for a time, I really don't understand how so many employers get away with hiring illegals. You MUST have on file an I-9 form that details the proof the job applicant presented to convince you that s/he is legally in the country. (Most employers retain photocopies of those documents with the I-9 Form, but it's not required). If you don't have those forms, you can go to jail.

Are these gazillions of "illegals" getting any papers that would make them eligible to be gainfully employed in the U.S.? If so, what are those papers? If not, how does Biden expect them to survive? On WELFARE? Housing subsidies, food stamps (or whatever they are called these days), Medicaid? "Free" public education, paid for by the taxpayers?

Why is nobody asking those questions? Peter Doocey, where are you?
OK, thank you for admitting, once again, you are a dumbass!

If Jesus Gonzalez comes into apply with a SS card saying his name is Moshe Cohen, and he has another ID in that name, while wearing a Christian cross on a chain around his neck, as an HR person, you are not allowed to question his documents. That is illegal to do, thanks to Democrats in Congress. It has been that way for decades. You must have sucked at HR.
you are not allowed to question his documents. That is illegal to do, thanks to Democrats in Congress. It has been that way for decades.

It is not even "illegals".

One of the things broken in California is that the massive numbers of homeless do the exact same thing. They will go to the county aid offices, and sign up for welfare, food stamps, and all the rest. Then go to a neighboring county and do it all over again under a different name. It was not unusual to see homeless with 3 and 4 "Food Stamp Cards", all under different names in different counties. They would let others use them for their purchases for 50% of the cost, and when one was out of money they just switch to another one.

Although I am still trying to figure out how asking for proof with a drivers license or state issued ID card is "racist".
It is not even "illegals".

One of the things broken in California is that the massive numbers of homeless do the exact same thing. They will go to the county aid offices, and sign up for welfare, food stamps, and all the rest. Then go to a neighboring county and do it all over again under a different name. It was not unusual to see homeless with 3 and 4 "Food Stamp Cards", all under different names in different counties. They would let others use them for their purchases for 50% of the cost, and when one was out of money they just switch to another one.

Although I am still trying to figure out how asking for proof with a drivers license or state issued ID card is "racist".
Because they are NOT Caucasian.
Liberal bleeding hearts are major contributors to laziness among American citizens who are conditioned to reject manual labor as beneath them

Then your fellow libs such as @rightwinger use the existance of government subsidized welfare bums as an excuse to demonize business owners for hiring illegals

Uh, we've been over this. Most people on welfare have menial jobs. The question is, why do you want to subsidize McDonalds.

How does that impact you, dumbass?

You are just a fucking bigot!

You mean other than their cult trying to gain political power? (I know you all like to forget Mitt Romney now that you all hate him.)

You keep missing the point that it will soon be $10.00 with the current wage. Four years ago, my high school students were making $12.00 an hour at McDonald's.

That was four years ago. Today those kids won't take those jobs because their parents don't want them getting the Rona.

That may have been true for your racist ass, but at my company, every single person worked from home as our building's ceiling collapsed at the beginning of the COVID pandemic. Some of us did nothing and continued to get paid because we did not have the computer systems for everyone to work from home. It has been two years and no one has returned to the office except for training.
Um, that had nothing to do with my point?

Point was, when they needed people to come in and sanitize offices, they had to tap undocumented workers.
The world Wars we conscripted armies.

Of course we did, there was no other option.

Oh, but I forget that you do not know history so apparently are not aware of this little fact. After January of 1942, you could not "enlist" in the military in the US, even if you wanted to.

The entire process went to conscription, as it was the only way to control the massive influx they had. The military can only process so many people per week, and the easiest way to resolve that was to simply stop all "enlistments", and accept new recruits by conscription only. You could still go down and "enlist", all that did was select which branch of service and maybe what job you wanted. But once that was done, you simply went home and waited for your number to be called.

There was simply no other way to handle the over 16 million that were called up otherwise.

Only a very few could actually "enlist" during the war. Generally pilots, medical personnel, and those with needed foreign languages (specifically Japanese). They actually could enlist and go immediately to training. Everybody else, you just sat at home until you were called up.
The world Wars we conscripted armies.

And world War I was completely unjust. The US loaned the Allies a shitload of money and didn't want them to lose.
Another lie. The War started in 1914. We didn’t enter till 1917. Germany was isolating Great Britain, sinking our ships 🚢
Uh, we've been over this. Most people on welfare have menial jobs. The question is, why do you want to subsidize McDonalds.
I’m not responsible for their lack of ambition

You make it easy for them to be lazy while mooching off taxpayers
Of course we did, there was no other option.

Oh, but I forget that you do not know history so apparently are not aware of this little fact. After January of 1942, you could not "enlist" in the military in the US, even if you wanted to.

The entire process went to conscription, as it was the only way to control the massive influx they had. The military can only process so many people per week, and the easiest way to resolve that was to simply stop all "enlistments", and accept new recruits by conscription only. You could still go down and "enlist", all that did was select which branch of service and maybe what job you wanted. But once that was done, you simply went home and waited for your number to be called.

There was simply no other way to handle the over 16 million that were called up otherwise.

Only a very few could actually "enlist" during the war. Generally pilots, medical personnel, and those with needed foreign languages (specifically Japanese). They actually could enlist and go immediately to training. Everybody else, you just sat at home until you were called up.

Actually, very few enlisted because after the initial "pissed off by Pearl Harbor" passed, you had to drag kids out of their homes, like they did with my dad.

Just like people stopped enlisting about a year after 9/11... and they were sending Guard units in for their third rotation.
Another lie. The War started in 1914. We didn’t enter till 1917. Germany was isolating Great Britain, sinking our ships

Exactly my point. The war was none of our business. Didn't effect us in the least.

Except our businesses were making a shitload of money selling weapons to the allies.

Then our rich got into a panic that they might lose all that money, especially when it looked like the Germans might win.
Actually, very few enlisted because after the initial "pissed off by Pearl Harbor" passed, you had to drag kids out of their homes, like they did with my dad.

Wow, complete and utter fail.

You could not "enlist" after that, period.

And I guess you are just like your dad, and would have to be dragged off because you refuse to give anything for your country, and only expect to be given things.