US Army’s Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge

US Army’s Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge

Soldier of the future, a progressive's dream:

Your prejudice against Mormons is stupid.

What happened, did Mommy run off with a Mormon and left you and Daddy alone?

Naw, I just got to encounter some Mormon cultists during some ROTC training in 1983. And they were the most smile in your face, stab you in the back mother fuckers I ever met in my life.

That was before I found out all the crazy shit they believe. Planet Kolob, Magic Underwear, Blood Atonement, Baptizing dead people.
Naw, I just got to encounter some Mormon cultists during some ROTC training in 1983. And they were the most smile in your face, stab you in the back mother fuckers I ever met in my life.

That was before I found out all the crazy shit they believe. Planet Kolob, Magic Underwear, Blood Atonement, Baptizing dead people.
My best friend in the Navy was a Mormon. You are a lying asshole, so why should be believe you?
Naw, I just got to encounter some Mormon cultists during some ROTC training in 1983. And they were the most smile in your face, stab you in the back mother fuckers I ever met in my life.

That was before I found out all the crazy shit they believe. Planet Kolob, Magic Underwear, Blood Atonement, Baptizing dead people.
And you idiot Moon Bats believe in nothing but making this country a Socialist shithole.
My best friend in the Navy was a Mormon. You are a lying asshole, so why should be believe you?

Good, maybe he'll baptize you after you are dead so you can get into the intermediate heaven..not the super cool heaven were you get to rule your own planet.

Best way to describe Mormonism. Scientology plus 100 years.

I gave you the cost from my local McDonald's app. You lied!

Uh, not even sure what your point was there... your local app doesn't add in the cost of a living wage.
Good, maybe he'll baptize you after you are dead so you can get into the intermediate heaven..not the super cool heaven were you get to rule your own planet.

Best way to describe Mormonism. Scientology plus 100 years.

Uh, not even sure what your point was there... your local app doesn't add in the cost of a living wage.
I don't give a shit about your opinion on Mormonism. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink!

My friend is now a very conservative state Senator from Alabama.

You obviously suck at math if you cannot realize the base amount of cost being different would cause the increase due to the living wage being applied to it. Your information is outdated by several years!

Actually, most of the working poor are exactly that. Working and poor.

But hey, here's the solution- replace the minimum wage with a living wage.
Fewer Americans earn a living wage because too many illegal aliens are taking the jobs at lower wages
The stupid Potatohead administration said they didn't want Patriotic White boys in the military, only queers, transsexuals, affirmative action Negroes and unqualified women.

So that is all they are getting.
The bad thing about that is that's what we're paying our government to protect us with.
We aren't fighting in Ukraine... the Ukrainians are. More power to them.

Uh, guy, most people on welfare have jobs now... 40% of people on food stamps have jobs, just jobs that don't pay that well (but slightly better than what illegals are getting.) Most of the rest are retired people or children.
And that's an acceptable situation in America to you, huh?
Straitjacket Strategy

In Vietnam, we Marines were used as bait to locate the enemy for airstrikes and artillery. It didn't work; the enemy would run away before the bombing could take place.

We had no problem with our lieutenants and captains. It was the Generals who came up with such a wasteful no-win strategy. They also saddled us with the pacifist politicians' suicidal Rules of Regulations. They rushed us through training so we were physically and militarily unfit to fight in a rugged jungle.

The sons of the ruling class deserted the fight against Communism, a capital offense. We should have brought the war home, but the fight had intentionally been taken out of us to prevent revenge.
That jibes with what my friend's dad told us when I was 13. He had shrapnel in the back of his leg.
Quite the contrary, America was at her best when the workforce was 33% unionized and the rich paid a high rate of taxes. The problem isn't that there's not enough wealth, it's that too much is concentrated at the top.

Point is, people make more they also buy more stuff.

Final point. Those fucking poor people... they refuse to fucking starve. If McDonald's doesn't pay enough, they ask for Section8 and Food Stamps, and they vote in Democrats who give it to them.

So why do you want to subsidize McDonald's cheap labor. I don't. I don't even like their crappy food.
You're a moron.
I don't give a shit about your opinion on Mormonism. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink!

My friend is now a very conservative state Senator from Alabama.

I guess that makes it okay that he belongs to a racist, misogynistic cult started by pedophiles, then?

You obviously suck at math if you cannot realize the base amount of cost being different would cause the increase due to the living wage being applied to it. Your information is outdated by several years!

All irrelevant to the point. You guys were claiming that the cost of a Big Mac would go up to $10.00 if we paid people a living wage. That simply isn't true, because the labor cost of the product is a VERY SMALL slice of the expense.

Fewer Americans earn a living wage because too many illegal aliens are taking the jobs at lower wages

You mean jobs Americans don't want to do? Hey, true Story, during Trump Plague we had rotating shifts where only one person came into the office to deal with problems and everyone else worked from home. Guess who came in every day do the daily sterilization? Yup, it wasn't white people. They were all staying at home collecting that unemployment Trump gave out with no sense of irony.
And that's an acceptable situation in America to you, huh?

No, an acceptable solution would be everyone makes a living wage.

So let's look at WHY we are at current state. Because minimum wage has not kept up with cost of living.

When I went to college in the bygone 1980's, I worked two minimum wage jobs in addition to my service in the National Guard. That was enough to help me work my way through college. Today, kids can't do that, so they don't even bother. A minimum wage job won't pay tuition to a state college.

So McDonalds ends up hiring very poor people. And those poor people can't pay the bills, so they apply for benefits like Medicaid, Section 8 and SNAP.

The funny thing is, you scratch your heads wondering why the working poor vote for the Democrats, when the Democrats do more for them than their employers do.
You spelled "History" wrong.
I didn't use the term.

No reason to capitalize "history". You never learned how to read or write? I suppose your social justice madrassah wasn't real strong on grammar.
I guess that makes it okay that he belongs to a racist, misogynistic cult started by pedophiles, then?

All irrelevant to the point. You guys were claiming that the cost of a Big Mac would go up to $10.00 if we paid people a living wage. That simply isn't true, because the labor cost of the product is a VERY SMALL slice of the expense.

You mean jobs Americans don't want to do? Hey, true Story, during Trump Plague we had rotating shifts where only one person came into the office to deal with problems and everyone else worked from home. Guess who came in every day do the daily sterilization? Yup, it wasn't white people. They were all staying at home collecting that unemployment Trump gave out with no sense of irony.
Liberal bleeding hearts are major contributors to laziness among American citizens who are conditioned to reject manual labor as beneath them

Then your fellow libs such as rightwinger use the existance of government subsidized welfare bums as an excuse to demonize business owners for hiring illegals

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