US Army’s Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge

There are millions of undocumented who are of military age both male and female.
They will more than fill any recruiting shortfall.

We offer them citizenship if they enlist for five years and give their families temporary visas while they serve
And if they came here illegally they are criminals.

Why do you want criminals in the service?
And if they came here illegally they are criminals.

Why do you want criminals in the service?
If they volunteer to serve our country, minor documentation transgressions can be forgiven

It is obvious you hate Hispanics more than you love our country
The stupid Potatohead administration said they didn't want Patriotic White boys in the military, only queers, transsexuals, affirmative action Negroes and unqualified women.

So that is all they are getting.

Or people of all races and genders are realizing that the politicians don't treat people in the service correctly.

20 years of the War on Terror, what do we have to show for it?

The problem is in peacetime, those slots are coveted because they are benefits beyond what an 18 year old could normally make.

In wartime, you could find yourself getting killed, without limbs, with PTSD, getting stop-lossed after your term has expired, getting rotated into Iraq of Afghanistan multiple times.
Used to be a common practice to make delinquent youths join the military in lieu of jail.
The problem here is that you guys are afraid if they earn citizenship, they will set off chain migration...
We already have chain migration the ILLEGAL kind
You cannot get into the Armed Forces unless you score above a certain number (it varies from Service to Service) on the AFQT (or equivalent). Long ago, the Army recognized that if someone has an IQ below 85, they cannot even be trained to be useful soldiers or sailors. Cassius Clay got drafted when they lowered the minimum score during VN, and look where that got him.

During Vietnam, there were many Canadians and Panamanians who served, many hoping to get U.S. citizenship out of it.

Within a year of full immersion into English, a reasonably bright foreigner (let's say, an illegal alien) could probably score high enough on the AFQT to enlist. And everyone would be better off for it.

Veterans make the best citizens. Look at the draft dodgers who took over American Academe. We are all fucked because of it.
And if they came here illegally they are criminals.
Why do you want criminals in the service?
Used to be a common practice to make delinquent youths join the military in lieu of jail.
The problem here is that you guys are afraid if they earn citizenship, they will set off chain migration...

That, actually, is the one way I would be in favor of allowing a path to citizenship, even for illegal aliens.

In a time that we are at war, if one of them wants to join our military, and is deployed into war, in the position of fighting, and risking his life on behalf of our country, I would be fully in favor of allowing that person an easy chance at full citizenship. Possibly a few other qualifications might be appropriate, but someone who will go into combat and fight for our country certainly deserves a much easier path to citizenship that anyone else.
It should be pointed out that Klinger was pretending to be transgender to get a psych discharge.
Once he committed himself to his job, he became a model soldier and got promoted to Sergeant.

He wasn't even pretending to be “transgender”. He didn't ever claim to be female, to be anything other than male.

It worked, then, as a plot device because in the time that M*A*S*H was made, everyone knew that a man who wanted to dress as a woman, even if he didn't actually believe he was a woman, had something seriously wrong with him. Klinger was depicted as behaving in a manner that he knew was crazy, in hope of convincing people he was crazy so he could get a Section Eight discharge.

Now, we live in a society where a man can claim that he is a woman, and too many people will actually give him some credence. We now accept as reasonable, a level of crazy beyond what Klinger was intended to depict.
We already have chain migration the ILLEGAL kind
Yes, we have an immigration policy that doesn't recognize the reality that when you have labor requirements on one side of a border and people needing work on the other, you are going to have illegal immigration. We could end illegal immigration by simply going hard after the people who hire them, but we don't. They're white people!!!

That, actually, is the one way I would be in favor of allowing a path to citizenship, even for illegal aliens.

In a time that we are at war, if one of them wants to join our military, and is deployed into war, in the position of fighting, and risking his life on behalf of our country, I would be fully in favor of allowing that person an easy chance at full citizenship. Possibly a few other qualifications might be appropriate, but someone who will go into combat and fight for our country certainly deserves a much easier path to citizenship that anyone else.

I think we should conscript Mormons, but them in an elite vanguard unit, and forget to supply them. Their magic underwear will protect them!!!

On a serious note... we already have a policy of using the poor and people of color to fight our wars, instead of the people who actually benefit from war. Maybe if the children of the rich and affluent were the ones doing the fighting, we wouldn't have wars dragging on for 20 years.

He wasn't even pretending to be “transgender”. He didn't ever claim to be female, to be anything other than male.

It worked, then, as a plot device because in the time that M*A*S*H was made, everyone knew that a man who wanted to dress as a woman, even if he didn't actually believe he was a woman, had something seriously wrong with him. Klinger was depicted as behaving in a manner that he knew was crazy, in hope of convincing people he was crazy so he could get a Section Eight discharge.

Now, we live in a society where a man can claim that he is a woman, and too many people will actually give him some credence. We now accept as reasonable, a level of crazy beyond what Klinger was intended to depict.

Actually, it was kind of the opposite. During wartime, a lot of people tried to get out of the military by claiming to be LGBTQ. But when the military needed the bodies, especially such as a time like Vietnam, where people were outright resisting the draft, the military turned a blind eye to it. It was entirely up to the Commander whether or not to discharge the service member. When we shifted to a peacetime military, and those position became "Free Scholarships", a lot of those gay dudes got drummed out of the service even if they had exemplary records.

US Army’s Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge

US Army’s Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge
The US Army has a major recruiting problem and can’t…
16 Sep 2022

US Army's Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge
The US Army has a major recruiting problem and can't find enough young people who meet the basic requirements to enlist, according to Army Times.
Lt. Gen. Maria Gervais, second in command for Army Training and Doctrine Command, sounded off Thursday about the troubling developments. She highlighted disqualification rates for potential recruits jumped from 30-40% (pre-Covid) to a whopping 70% this year due to obesity, low test scores, and/or drug use.
Gervais pointed out the service has experienced a "nosedive" in recruits since July 2021. She explained Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) scores were 10% lower during the virus pandemic in 2020-21. That figure has since increased to 13% for the most recent high school graduating class.
Besides failing to meet academic standards, obesity was another driver of higher disqualification rates. Also, increasing drug use among youngsters didn't help.
The challenges of today's youth put combat preparedness in question as liberal war hawks are determined to spark World War III in Ukraine and or in the Taiwan Strait.
At least the youth have one thing going for them: obsession with violent video games has desensitized an entire generation to all sorts of violence where war might not be a big shock.
Remember, the service's recruitment crisis has been an ongoing issue but has worsened in the last few years. We pointed out it's "another signal of declining support for the federal government and its institutions."
Maybe because the military has gotten too 'woke'? You know the saying: "go woke, go broke" -- this can also happen to empires...
The shrinking pool of eligible youth due to obesity, low test scores, or drug use should be a national security threat to US health and security.

Why should the Army worry about recruitment?
Or, is woke Emma with the two moms not nearly as powerful as we were led to believe?
Meanwhile for nearly two years the Delaware Demented Dolt got rid of thousands of highly experienced soldiers who were unvaxed.
The ASVAB is indexed to a 10th grade education level of knowledge. To get in the army a score of the 35th percentile or higher was required.
The two branches that demanded higher scores (>55) are the Air Force and the Marines.
No conservative in his right mind would join a Dementia led military. That would be stupid.
It’s not a military anymore, thanks to Biden. Milley and Austin. It’s now a liberal political entity that normal people reject and now patriotic families are dissuading their kids from joining, and military families are starting new legacies. Nice work Brandon.
All that is music to the ears of leftists who would like to defund snd disband the military along with the police
Yes, we have an immigration policy that doesn't recognize the reality that when you have labor requirements on one side of a border and people needing work on the other, you are going to have illegal immigration. We could end illegal immigration by simply going hard after the people who hire them, but we don't. They're white people!!!

I think we should conscript Mormons, but them in an elite vanguard unit, and forget to supply them. Their magic underwear will protect them!!!

On a serious note... we already have a policy of using the poor and people of color to fight our wars, instead of the people who actually benefit from war. Maybe if the children of the rich and affluent were the ones doing the fighting, we wouldn't have wars dragging on for 20 years.

Actually, it was kind of the opposite. During wartime, a lot of people tried to get out of the military by claiming to be LGBTQ. But when the military needed the bodies, especially such as a time like Vietnam, where people were outright resisting the draft, the military turned a blind eye to it. It was entirely up to the Commander whether or not to discharge the service member. When we shifted to a peacetime military, and those position became "Free Scholarships", a lot of those gay dudes got drummed out of the service even if they had exemplary records.
Better yet end welfare payments to able bodied citizens and they will do those jobs when they get hungry enough

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