US Army’s Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge

US Army’s Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge

US Army’s Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge
The US Army has a major recruiting problem and can’t…
16 Sep 2022

US Army's Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge
The US Army has a major recruiting problem and can't find enough young people who meet the basic requirements to enlist, according to Army Times.
Lt. Gen. Maria Gervais, second in command for Army Training and Doctrine Command, sounded off Thursday about the troubling developments. She highlighted disqualification rates for potential recruits jumped from 30-40% (pre-Covid) to a whopping 70% this year due to obesity, low test scores, and/or drug use.
Gervais pointed out the service has experienced a "nosedive" in recruits since July 2021. She explained Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) scores were 10% lower during the virus pandemic in 2020-21. That figure has since increased to 13% for the most recent high school graduating class.
Besides failing to meet academic standards, obesity was another driver of higher disqualification rates. Also, increasing drug use among youngsters didn't help.
The challenges of today's youth put combat preparedness in question as liberal war hawks are determined to spark World War III in Ukraine and or in the Taiwan Strait.
At least the youth have one thing going for them: obsession with violent video games has desensitized an entire generation to all sorts of violence where war might not be a big shock.
Remember, the service's recruitment crisis has been an ongoing issue but has worsened in the last few years. We pointed out it's "another signal of declining support for the federal government and its institutions."
Maybe because the military has gotten too 'woke'? You know the saying: "go woke, go broke" -- this can also happen to empires...
The shrinking pool of eligible youth due to obesity, low test scores, or drug use should be a national security threat to US health and security.

Why should the Army worry about recruitment?
Or, is woke Emma with the two moms not nearly as powerful as we were led to believe?
Meanwhile for nearly two years the Delaware Demented Dolt got rid of thousands of highly experienced soldiers who were unvaxed.
The ASVAB is indexed to a 10th grade education level of knowledge. To get in the army a score of the 35th percentile or higher was required.
The two branches that demanded higher scores (>55) are the Air Force and the Marines.
No conservative in his right mind would join a Dementia led military. That would be stupid.
It’s not a military anymore, thanks to Biden. Milley and Austin. It’s now a liberal political entity that normal people reject and now patriotic families are dissuading their kids from joining, and military families are starting new legacies. Nice work Brandon.
This is what happens when you fire Warriors and replace them with Wokers
Really? Because the last time we had something like that, was Vietnam, where enlisted men were fragging their officers and soldiers came back and joined VVAW.
Straitjacket Strategy

In Vietnam, we Marines were used as bait to locate the enemy for airstrikes and artillery. It didn't work; the enemy would run away before the bombing could take place.

We had no problem with our lieutenants and captains. It was the Generals who came up with such a wasteful no-win strategy. They also saddled us with the pacifist politicians' suicidal Rules of Regulations. They rushed us through training so we were physically and militarily unfit to fight in a rugged jungle.

The sons of the ruling class deserted the fight against Communism, a capital offense. We should have brought the war home, but the fight had intentionally been taken out of us to prevent revenge.
Why pay people anything? Being employed is a privilege, not a right, so those uppity proles should feel lucky to be allowed to make some capitalists rich, shouldn't they? on the wealthy
The Road to Perdition Is Patrician

I notice that you didn't mention the Capitalists' heirs. You don't have a complete picture until you condemn the evil of inheritance. And change "proles" to "plebeians" if you want to think deeply about what is going on here.

How about, "Doesn't Owner, Junior, deserve a brand-new Mercedes when he's 16? Daddy can't do that if he has to pay higher wages. Or,
"Daddy needs college-tuition money to be taken from your wages and more importantly, far more than a living wage in the form of allowances to give to his sons and daughters while they are in college, which makes them educated and superior to you."
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" I can hire half workers in this country to kill the other half."- Jay Gould

Your elites have far more efficient ways these days, far less expensive ones.
Liberals Are Unconscious Agents of the Right Wing They Were Born In

The Abolitionist plutocrats, such as Horace Greeley in Gangs of New York, also said that. More proof that race traitors are upper-class snobs.

Typically, Henry Ward Beecher, whose sister wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin, said, "Anyone [from the White working class] who can't live on bread and water doesn't deserve to live."
This is what happens when you fire Warriors and replace them with Wokers
Chickenhawk Nations Have a Short Life Span

That's only a side-effect from abolishing the draft, which has always led to the collapse of the society that does it. Lacking a draft has made the military hard up for taking in volunteers, so they'll take anybody. As they did to the Catholic priesthood, the Gayist mafia saw the shortage as an opportunity to infiltrate the military. Not to destroy it on purpose, but to have a HOMO AWAY FROM HOME.
That's often the ultra-leftist solution: "just give them stuff". Leftists fail to understand that their utopian / socialist notions have consequences. A higher minimum wage means employers have to raise prices to cover costs. It really is a shame that leftist "Gender Studies" grads aren't required to take some basic math and economic courses.

lol rubbish. You don't have the first clue about how wages work. they're the LAST thng that gets increased after inflation has raged, sometimes for decades, like minimum wage did, and labor costs are a tiny percentage of overhead, rarely more than 10% tops, so an increase in wages adds hardly squat to prices already inflated by other costs, like CEO salaries and stockholder dividends.

This sort of ignorant BS is how I know most of these right wingers have never run a business, and many of them haven't ever filled out a tax return, either; they just parrot crap they read at Freeper and Town Hall. They actually run around claiming Biden can tell oil companies what to do, which is just hilariously stupid.
Liberals Are Unconscious Agents of the Right Wing They Were Born In

The Abolitionist plutocrats, such as Horace Greeley in Gangs of New York, also said that. More proof that race traitors are upper-class snobs.

Typically, Henry Ward Beecher, whose sister wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin, said, "Anyone [from the White working class] who can't live on bread and water doesn't deserve to live."

He got it from Jay Gould, who actually did that, more than once, in his railroad wars with the other crooks, like Vanderbilt and Tom Scott.
This is where you are confused, Kids don't do those kinds of jobs anymore. Not after Covid anyway... when "Dying from a horrible disease Trump didn't contain" became a bigger deal to their parents than "Earning a little money to learn responsibility".

And you have gone so far off of the rails, anything else said is pointless.
lol rubbish. You don't have the first clue about how wages work. they're the LAST thng that gets increased after inflation has raged, sometimes for decades


Well, feel free to go see the impact in much of California and Oregon of their high minimum wages. There, the high rate of inflation is largely driven by the minimum wage.

But please, entertain us with your explanation how wages run decades behind inflation.

Well, feel free to go see the impact in much of California and Oregon of their high minimum wages. There, the high rate of inflation is largely driven by the minimum wage.

But please, entertain us with your explanation how wages run decades behind inflation.

lol yeah there was no inflation there until they raised wages, right dumbass? Please entertain us with your idiotic lack of basic history again. 'lol at 'largely driven by minimum wage'.
lol yeah there was no inflation there until they raised wages, right dumbass?

Then explain why inflation rates are so different in California than the South.

I did not say "no inflation", so first of all actually challenge me on what I actually said, not what you want me to say or mistakenly believed I said.

The only times there has been no inflation in our country, is when we had equally bad deflation. It is a natural state of things, and is taken into consideration in most things. But "runaway inflation" is rare, and that is what we are starting to run into now.

And trying to adjust wages to the current rate only guarantees more inflation.
lol rubbish. You don't have the first clue about how wages work. they're the LAST thng that gets increased after inflation has raged, sometimes for decades, like minimum wage did, and labor costs are a tiny percentage of overhead, rarely more than 10% tops, so an increase in wages adds hardly squat to prices already inflated by other costs, like CEO salaries and stockholder dividends.

This sort of ignorant BS is how I know most of these right wingers have never run a business, and many of them haven't ever filled out a tax return, either; they just parrot crap they read at Freeper and Town Hall. They actually run around claiming Biden can tell oil companies what to do, which is just hilariously stupid.
Really clueless. You have less than a rookie's knowledge of how business works. Inflation and labor costs have a direct affect on sales.

Per the,
Labor costs, as a percentage of gross sales, generally range from 20 to 35 percent. Service businesses may have a high employee percentage of more than 50%, but manufacturers usually maintain a figure less than 30%.

There's a reason why your gender studies degree leaves you at a disadvantage.
That's often the ultra-leftist solution: "just give them stuff". Leftists fail to understand that their utopian / socialist notions have consequences. A higher minimum wage means employers have to raise prices to cover costs. It really is a shame that leftist "Gender Studies" grads aren't required to take some basic math and economic courses.

Quite the contrary, America was at her best when the workforce was 33% unionized and the rich paid a high rate of taxes. The problem isn't that there's not enough wealth, it's that too much is concentrated at the top.

Point is, people make more they also buy more stuff.

Final point. Those fucking poor people... they refuse to fucking starve. If McDonald's doesn't pay enough, they ask for Section8 and Food Stamps, and they vote in Democrats who give it to them.

So why do you want to subsidize McDonald's cheap labor. I don't. I don't even like their crappy food.
And you have gone so far off of the rails, anything else said is pointless.

your concession is duly noted.

Hey, dude, I'm in the trenches... Do you know what I don't see on Resumes I write for new College grads that I saw three years ago? McDonalds, Wendy's and all the other minimum wage crap kids used to do to get a bit of extra money for HS and College.
When "schools" indoctrinate in Socialist Indoctrinatioin instead of educatioin you expect WHATELSE?

At least two generations already lost.

This is no longer a natioin; a mere serf to China.
Quite the contrary, America was at her best when the workforce was 33% unionized and the rich paid a high rate of taxes. The problem isn't that there's not enough wealth, it's that too much is concentrated at the top.

Point is, people make more they also buy more stuff.

Final point. Those fucking poor people... they refuse to fucking starve. If McDonald's doesn't pay enough, they ask for Section8 and Food Stamps, and they vote in Democrats who give it to them.

So why do you want to subsidize McDonald's cheap labor. I don't. I don't even like their crappy food.
On the other hand, the leftust / socialist model is to tax the middle class while increasing spending. That couldn't be more obvious than with the current tax and spend orgy of the congressional left.

Final point. The leftist policies of a guaranteed minimum income are intended to keep people poor forever and dependent on government handouts.

I have no wish to subsidize McDonald's cheap labor. Why do you want your fellow burger flippers making a minimum wage that will raise the cost fast food to levels that will kill fast food?
Hey, dude, I'm in the trenches... Do you know what I don't see on Resumes I write for new College grads that I saw three years ago? McDonalds, Wendy's and all the other minimum wage crap kids used to do to get a bit of extra money for HS and College.

You call that "in the trenches"?


The thing is, it was not all that long ago that one could attend college, and pay for it with a job like that. Now, college is so expensive that students put themselves into debt for a decade or more as it is no longer about education, it is about indoctrination and justifying the tuition that far exceeds the actual value of an education. And it is self-perpetuating, as huge parts of the Government are not invested in it also.

Oh, and have you noticed how few jobs are in fast food anymore? I have, a kitchen that a decade ago would have had 10 employees now operates with 4. And a decade before that there were 15 employees. Wages rose, and RIF set in. One of the biggest problems in our workforce now is lack of positions. And you seem proud of the fact that the college kids are not working their way through, but instead piling on enough debt that they could but a house with it.

And you write resumes? Wow, that is so important. You know, if those kids had actually been in the workforce when they were attending college, they would have more skills so they would not even need you. Good thing I guess that they do not work, as that would likely eliminate your job.
We have all those Mexicans streaming across our border.
Why don’t we offer them citizenship in return for enlistment?
That would in effect change the Marine Corps into the "Foreign Legion". Rather than destroying our belove Corps maybe we could create a "Foreign Legion".
Then explain why inflation rates are so different in California than the South.

I did not say "no inflation", so first of all actually challenge me on what I actually said, not what you want me to say or mistakenly believed I said.

The only times there has been no inflation in our country, is when we had equally bad deflation. It is a natural state of things, and is taken into consideration in most things. But "runaway inflation" is rare, and that is what we are starting to run into now.

And trying to adjust wages to the current rate only guarantees more inflation.

Taxes, cost of living, and many other reasons, most of which are obviously beyond your grasp. 'Runaway inflation' is just a lot of businesses band-waggoning on tgas prices; if enough companies jack up prices and just blame fuel costs then consumers are overwhelmed and pols can count on the clueless to believe whatever propaganda they spew. The latest bullshit excuse for some companies now is ' uh, we have too much stuff in our warehouses and the truck trailers are being used for storage n stuff, so we have to raise prices cuz of our gross over-supply!!!' You know, the kind of of stuff dimwit posers who pretend to know all about 'business n stuff' will believe. They want you to believe that a huge glut in goods causes inflation.

These are the same companies that have been claiming 'truck driver shortages' since the 1980's, never mind the govt, subsidizes schools cranking out millions of CDLs since then and still do. Want to guess how many CDLS have been issued per truck in the U.S. since the 1980's? But but there 's a 'driver shortage' n stuff'. lol pure bullshit, They run them off faster than the govt. can crank them out, and have for decades.
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