Update on the Teacher Attacked by a 17 Year Old "Child"

^^^ That woman who defended the boy to me is only digging her own hole. If that boy is the mental case that she says that he is, why is he amongst the rest of us when there are places that are better suited for people like him like a mental hospital for example?

God bless you and the lady victim always!!!

Yes, exactly.

In Harris County, we have two county run schools for students in Special Ed who cannot be controlled and cannot control themselves in regular school. it is highly regimented, and the staff is chosen for its size and willingness to apply force as needed and without emotion.

Before we send a student in special education who misbehaves to the Disciplinary Alternative School in the district, we must meet to determine if the disability caused the behavior. If it did, the student cannot be sent to DAEP.

Most often, it is found by the committee to not be a result of the behavior. Sometimes a parent balks, and praise allah, our District Director of Special Services tells the parent that it's the County school if the kid really can't help themselves.
Open carry for teachers.
FL's about to get permitless CCW. It's better that way, then people don't know who has a gun or not.

There used to be places for boys like that here. Special local schools and if they were too bad: Mariana.

Ofc, Chattahoochee was open back then, too. That's where Nikolas Cruz should have been.
FL's about to get permitless CCW. It's better that way, then people don't know who has a gun or not.
Under Florida Law, county school boards determine if teachers can have guns on campus. To my knowledge, none have approved teachers carrying on campus.
Under Florida Law, county school boards determine if teachers can have guns on campus. To my knowledge, none have approved teachers carrying on campus.
Of course if the teacher has a CCL, how would a school board know that the teacher was carrying legally? Most CCL people dont wave their guns around, saying "look at me i am armed and dangerous"...
Add Michigan State University to this sign...
Open carry for teachers.
On open carry, it wouldn't be 2 months until one was shot with their own gun and the kid was shooting it out with police on the streets with it or shooting another thug or innocent kid. I've seen lots of people armed that had no business being armed, especially not open carry.
On open carry, it wouldn't be 2 months until one was shot with their own gun and the kid was shooting it out with police on the streets with it or shooting another thug or innocent kid. I've seen lots of people armed that had no business being armed, especially not open carry.
Yeah, we've heard that mythical scare story every time that there's a debate about concealed carry...Then, suddenly, the CC jurisdictions become less crime ridden.

Go sell your liberoid snake oil somewhere else.
Yeah, we've heard that mythical scare story every time that there's a debate about concealed carry...Then, suddenly, the CC jurisdictions become less crime ridden.

Go sell your liberoid snake oil somewhere else.
I'm a concealed carrier myself. Hopefully, nobody sees it until it's too late. Goes with my military training. In the meeting engagement never show your strength and firepower until force to do so. That applies to companies, platoons, or individuals.
But, I guess you aren't from the trade.
I'm a concealed carrier myself. Hopefully, nobody sees it until it's too late. Goes with my military training. In the meeting engagement never show your strength and firepower until force to do so. That applies to companies, platoons, or individuals.
But, I guess you aren't from the trade.
You're deleting a lot here....Did I say that they should carry without training?
You're deleting a lot here....Did I say that they should carry without training?
You're deleting a lot here....Did I say that they should carry without training?
Just checked. Nothing deleted in this thread by me or anybody else. It's not even training, or at least not marksmanship training. Some people just aren't set up for single armed combat.
That kid needs to go to prison for at least 20 years. It's attempted murder, at his size.
He needs and deserve jail, but he won't get 20 years, though we certainly wouldn't miss him if he did.
On open carry, it wouldn't be 2 months until one was shot with their own gun and the kid was shooting it out with police on the streets with it or shooting another thug or innocent kid. I've seen lots of people armed that had no business being armed, especially not open carry.

I think that open carry is a bad idea for a number of reasons. Open carry in schools is a REALLY bad idea. Although I fully support letting qualified school employees to safely conceal-carry.
The punishment would likely be significant if they were found to be carrying without authorization on a school campus, unfortunately.
How can you punish someone who is legally carrying by a state licensing agency, authorized by that state? If queers who get married are authorized to cross state lines and have that certificate of marriage recognized in other states, then the CCL must be authorized also.

Equal protection Clause.
I think that open carry is a bad idea for a number of reasons. Open carry in schools is a REALLY bad idea. Although I fully support letting qualified school employees to safely conceal-carry.
It isnt open carry, but instead of having to be licensed legally to carry concealed, you can then carry concealed all the time.


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