Unsealing the Prophetic Book of Daniel


Edward Palamar
Sep 7, 2012
Since I was brought to the understanding concerning the 1,290 and 1,335 day periods of Daniel 12:11 & 12, respectively, I have marvelled how true the words of Daniel 12:9 are :

9 "And he said: 'Go, Daniel, because the words are shut up, and sealed until the appointed time'."

Unbeknownst to me at the time, the day I joined this site, September 7, 2012 A.D., was only 5 days away from when the counting of those 1,290 and 1,335 periods of days began.

But I was caught in the middle of a brewing war-to-be, the date of it's actual beginning being the same as the day when the count began, September 12, 2012 A.D.

The duress of those early days in September, 2012 A.D. hasn't really abated. In most ways, it has only gotten worse, but I have learned to cope.

When I finally got the sequence of events straight that led to ascertaining the accurate count, it was over 850 days, yet I had delivered its ascertainment orally to Justice Anthony A. Sarcione's Court in West Chester, PA, at some point of time in the first half of 2013 A.D., to which he remarked, "That's amazing."

And I, who saw Jesus Christ face to face, baptizing Him in the Jordan River, was unable to grasp the starting point of the count on the very day on which it had begun. But God had other plans, you see. He brought me before Justice Sarcione, and revealed to me that I was before the resurrected Pontius Pilate. This was not the first time God had shown me someone resurrected. The first time was with the conjoined twin attached to me since, roughly, the first two weeks of my mother's term of pregnancy with me back in the Autumn of 1955 A.D. That resurrected souls name is Judas Iscariot.

I see this as a confirmation and manifestation of the power of those very words given to Prophet Daniel over 2,500 years ago, specifically, "shut up and sealed".

Though this Age will come to a definite end according to the opening and unsealing of the Book of Daniel, God has already begun a New Age, as written in Daniel 12 :

1 "But at that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people: and a time shall come such as never was from the time that nations began even until that time. And at that time shall thy people be saved, every one that shall be found written in the book."
That the reckoning of the count be in accord with the Holy Ghost (Spirit) is the only criterion necessary, for the Holy Ghost (Spirit) gave us the prophecy, and it was foretold that the interpretation would likewise be given at the appointed time.

That the days would be indicative of the life of Christ would also be expected for it was Christ, and only Christ who said, "Watch, therfore ye and pray."

And He said that in regard to the question, "What shall be the signs?"

The Beginning of the Judgment proper (the 1,291st day) is March 25, 2016 A.D., not only Great and Holy Friday, but the Feast of the Annunciation as well.

The 1,335th day is Ascension Sunday.

In every previous attempt to interpret the counting there is only one common denominator : it was not the appointed time.

List of dates predicted for apocalyptic events - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This also holds true for every footnote and idle word concerning such attempts.

As a news event concerning literature, there is none more current as to the counting at the appointed time, whether one interpolates the Gregorian Calendar to that of another is optional.

Prophecy is a gift of the Holy Ghost (Spirit), as is interpretation.

It is not necessarily Gregorian, Hebrew, Mayan, et cetera.

You realize of course the Gregorian calendar (2012AD) and Hebrew calendar (5773) are completely different, so any significance you derive from Daniel (a Jewish text) has absolutely no significance if using the Gregorian calendar?

Sept 7th 2012 on the Hebrew calendar was 1 Elul 5773.

HEBREW JEWISH CALENDAR - YEAR 5773 --- FOR 2012 - 2013
I read a book entitled, "The Time of the End" by Francis M. Darter. This was the best treaties of the book of Daniel I have read. There are basically two interpretations as to when the 70 week prophecy begins. Darter holds that the decree to Ezra from Artaxerxes in 457 BC is the beginning. I tend to agree.
I read a book entitled, "The Time of the End" by Francis M. Darter. This was the best treaties of the book of Daniel I have read. There are basically two interpretations as to when the 70 week prophecy begins. Darter holds that the decree to Ezra from Artaxerxes in 457 BC is the beginning. I tend to agree.

So do I.

Here are the four different decrees analyzed :

For those who haven't studied prophecy, prophetic time has been found to be a day for a year:
Ezekiel 4:6
6 And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year.

Numbers 14:34
34 After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise.

So, when there is a time prophecy, you take the prophetic time, whether in years, months, weeks, etc. and convert it to days. Once converted to days, you then change the days to years. For example, 70 weeks = 490 days. This then becomes 490 years.

457 BC + 490 years = 33 AD or possibly 34 AD if you do not count the zero year.

The timing of this prophecy brings us up through the Life of Jesus Christ.

Here are the words of the prophecy:

Daniel 9:21-27
21 Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation.
22 And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding.
23 At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision.
24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
From Darter's book I learned the following:

It is interesting that the vision of 70 weeks is divided into 7 weeks, 62 weeks, and 1 week. In the first 7 weeks, or 49 years (7 weeks = 49 days and then changed to years), the walls an gates of the city of Jerusalem were eventually repaired by Nehemiah (Neh. 6:15) and brings us to 408 BC. The 62 weeks or 434 years later (62 weeks = 434 days and then changed to years) brings us to 26 AD or 27 AD if you don't count the zero year. This would be the beginning of the last 7 years of the Lord's life before being put to death. During the last week or 7 years of his life he confirmed the covenant with many: and in the midst of the week he caused the sacrifice and the oblation to cease. Jesus was 6 months younger than his cousin John the Baptist. Jesus was baptized and began his official priesthood work at the age of 30 or 6 months after John began his preaching at 30. According to Clarke's Bible Commentary, 30 years of age "was the age required by the law to which the priests must arrive before they could be installed in their office". James E. Talmage in "Jesus The Christ" adds: "To have taught in public at an earlier age would have been to arouse criticism and objection, which might have resulted in a serious handicap." So Jesus reasoned out His mission until he was 30 and then he taught as one having authority. Jesus' authoritative mission lasted 3 years leading up to his crucifixion. Thus John began his mission 3 1/2 years prior to Christ's crucifixion. This was exactly in the middle of the last week of the 70 week prophecy. Thus the offering of Mosaic sacrifices ceased 3 1/2 years prior to the crucifixion when John, who was the high priest under the Aaronic order of the priesthood, ceased doing offerings and went out into the wilderness and baptized in the river Jordan. He thus prepared the way of the Lord.

Luke 16:16
16 The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.

The people of the prince that shall come are the Romans. Who came and destroyed Jerusalem later in 70 AD.

Its astonishing that this prophecy is so accurate.
26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Its astonishing that this prophecy is so accurate.

It is, but there is a slight snafu in the classic interpretation you present. Perhaps you have questioned this, too, if you've ever read the translation that speaks of Christ being slain "in the half of the week". This must necessarily allow for the last half of the final week to be after Christ's Crucifixion.

As Christ taught that as soon as the Good Seed is sown, immediately after, the evil one comes to uproot it. The word "Antichrist" is no where found in the Old Testament. Yet there is this period of the last half of the last week which serves to acknowledge the Antichrist without mentioning him with such name.

When one first reads of "antichrist" in the New Testament it is in this context, "Now that you have heard that antichrist is coming, so have many antichrists arisen."

I haven't much confirmation on this except for the very words Jesus spoke at the Last Supper concerning the action of the Holy Spirit, but I hold that the convicting power of the Paraclete was at work immediately (even Christ uses that adverb in describing His Second Coming in Matthew 24:29) after someone began to reason the name "ante-Christ" (the use of the Greek ante) from the various prophecies in Daniel.

Hence, the Holy Spirit in prophecy then worked to interpret and convict what was given in knowledge, though it was founded in an oral report, like in Antioch when the first time the disciples were called "Christians" (and St. Ignatius defined "catholic"), and in Syria when the oral misnomer of "and the Son" began (only to come before a Vicar of Christ and be rejected).

Such have been the difficulties with the final two chapters of the Book of Daniel, too.

Since the day of the first Pentecost, the Holy Spirit coming in the Name of Jesus Christ is a fulfillment of Daniel 12:9, the words being closed and sealed until the appointed time. Prophetically speaking, the opening and unsealing will never cease, because of the prophecy that Christ's Kingdom is without end.

The prophecy says, "from the going forth of the word to rebuild the Temple until Christ the Prince".

This does not necessarily mean the day and/or year on which the decree was given, but must mean the day and year on which all of Israel knew of this. Factor in the Mormons who were allowed to be released at the start of the Babylonian Captivity and sail to America, it was later than 457 B.C. We would have to attribute the Native American Indians as being messengers of such information.

The 70 weeks of years prophecy is amazing in more than one way.

The very manner in which the going forth of the word ensued, is a foreshadowing of what Christ said about "this Gospel", that it must be preached to the entire world.

Just as Noah and the Flood foreshadows the Judgment by fire.
And as to this coming Judgment :

2 Peter 3:10 - "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat, both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. [v.11 : Therefore, since all things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, (12) looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? (13) Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells."]
12/21/2013 A.D. :

Recently, I happened upon a copy of Pilgrim's Progress, which is, in essence, the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St. John Bunyan, written in the style of an action/adventure novel. (The brief biography of John Bunyan which I read, relates that on more than one occasion he was taken prisoner, and was a mischievous sort of child, who during the 17th century was led to God in various stages [phases]).

The book's main character, Christian, receives a call, a vocation, from God, to leave his city of destruction and embark on a perilous journey to the Celestial City in order to enjoy the rewards of his God-King. Burdened with sin, Christian struggles to meet with one of many characters, Interpreter, who instructs him of several things and bids Christian, "God speed."

Then Christian tearfully comes to the Cross of Christ, and the burden of his sin is removed, falling off his back into a sepulcher. Christian is then also clothed in fine raiment and given a written roll, a bible, a testament, a resolution, a tract of inspirational writing that he should present at the gate of the Celestial City so that he could be welcomed by the God-King, even though more dangers awaited him on the way.

The Courageous movie (video), this 'Resolution ' program, as well as the mentoring and follow-up programs, inclusive to release from prison, all seemingly bear a mirroring of the story of Christian's journey in Pilgrim's Progress. It is my prayer with and for you that we, too, complete this journey, successfully, with room to spare.

It also has only been recently that I have had recourse to study some particulars about the perils of our journey as those of which Christ spoke in the Gospel of St. Matthew, chapter 24. This has included facing my accusers who, much like myself prior to prayer and research, were in need of a greater understanding of events yet to come. What began as continued robbery, a refusal/failure to do automobile inspection, by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, has ended in the knowledge that a nuclear holocaust awaits us in the near future.

In 2 Peter 3:10 there is mention of a "great noise". I have been led to understand that this ' great noise' will be caused as an after effect of nuclear war. It is only through the use of such incendiaries that a global kindling could occur, much like a flour mill explosion, produced by the dense concentrations of dust and debris in the atmosphere. This explosion will be preceded by an event that some Catholic mystics have called "the three days of darkness." The build-up of fallout will cause this. I have been given the grace to draw some parallels between Christ's coming and return, specifically, His sending the same messenger firstly, and the uniqueness of each experience.

What possible reminder could the earth engulfed in darkness possibly evoke? Was not Christ in the tomb, that sepulcher of sin, for three days? Has not a great spiritual darkness already come upon men, where common murder is seen as a God serving necessity, and sexual perversion is embraced as ethical? Take away God's grace, and we will all surely perish, but this is the Judgment, the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.

The Catholic mystics tell us that the only way to see physically during the three days of darkness shall be by being in possession (and use) of both blessed (beeswax) candles and blessed matches. This means that all manner of conventional electricity will fail. What scientists must remember is that the coming of the day of the Lord has unique experiences. The agnostic/atheist scientist who has gone so far as to assume electricity to be solely of man's creation, will find him/her self without an explanation.

But all scientists will agree that the arsenal of ICBMs (inter-continental ballistic missiles) could be strong enough to cause fallout greater than the largest known natural explosion, that of Krakatoa, the volcano-island that basically disappeared after erupting in the latter 1800's, and caused worldwide visible darkening for some five days.

When nations vie for the status of having the most deadly force as regards their weaponry, Satan is literally having a picnic. As long and damaging as what is called "World War Two" was, the era of peace to come, as promised by Our Lady of Fatima's prophecy (1917), has not yet been realized in terms of the resolution of the three days of darkness, where, again, to quote the 2nd letter of St. Peter, "we . . . look for the new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells."

With such unresolved conflict, it is easy that one find writing of resolution to be a difficult task. I have noted to the group that the Resolution Program wreaks of error in the subliminal and outright disobedience to Christ's command, : "Call no man your father." I have efforted to also show that God raises, even resurrects, the sign of the Son of Man (Matt. 24:30) - that He has used my body, soul, and strength in this process, which in the past was manifested to the world in St. Elijah and St. John the Baptist.

There is need for further resolution which only time and the grace of God can bring. Let us not hasten unnecessarily, as inclusive to this resolution is the eternity which Christ has promised : (cf. John 14:2) : "I go to prepare a place for you." Christ's preparing has included His sufferings and death upon the Cross, defeating death by His death. We are assured that our Creator has spoken with resolve on the night He was betrayed to continue to work on our behalf in His promise and sending of the Holy Spirit to strengthen and guide us.

The Epistle of James (4:13-14) states : "Come now, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit' ; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away."

Let our resolution then, be that of God's resolve - past, present, and future, to learn and love of His Word, as did Christian in Pilgrim's Progress. Christ has said of our times, "All these are beginnings of sorrows," likening His 2nd Coming to the birth of a child. Let us resolve to embrace that coming Child, for it is, indeed, Our Creator and Our God.
Here is seeing the same thing in terms of Pentecost :

Daniel 12:12 : "Blessed is he who waiteth and cometh unto 1,335 days."

The Judgment will begin on Great and Holy Friday, March 25, 2016 A.D. That the world will be embroiled in nuclear/atomic chastisement and God's people in need of "the shortening of days", it can be seen that the Three Days of Darkness will also occur during this Holy Week.

The First Resurrection Sunday of the Judgement is March 27, 2016 A.D.
Judgment Sundays of Easter follow :
of Divine Mercy on April 3, 2016 A.D.
3rd Easter Sunday on April 10, 2016 A.D.
4th on April 17, 2016 A.D.
5th on April 24, 2016 A.D.
6th on May 1, 2016 A.D.

That Christ should return on a Feast of Pentecost is indicative of the same Real Presence of the Son as found in The Very Eucharist He has imparted to us. That such a Feast is also of the Father, from Whom proceeds the Holy Spirit, such a Manifestation of the Blessed Trinity shall also include all those who shall have been drawn to Him, both the dead and the living.

The date for the First Pentecost Sunday of the Judgment can be ascertained from other prophecies.

Christ was hailed as King on Palm Sunday, and prophecy has it that His disciples would be hated by all, scoffing at all such allusions to Kingship. As to Christ coming with great power and glory then (Matt. 24:30), this aspect of Christ's life should be the reckoning of the 1,335th day, for He is our King, forever, now, and always. Then can be seen the power and glory proper beginning the week prior (7th Sunday of Easter) to that specific Sunday of Pentecost.

Concerning the world being turned into the hands of the antichrist there is the 16th century prophecy concerning the rule left to two (from the rule previous to having been by three). After 3 years and 7 months those two would go to war, leaving none. That formally is the beginning of the time of the antichrist wreaking havoc. That exact date is necessarily 1,335 days before the Sunday before that specific Sunday of Pentecost.

Knowing of the inability of the third to rule can give us a specific day when the time period of 3 years and 7 months ends. Due to complications sustained in an automobile accident on Monday, February 9, 2009 A.D., the third finally succumbed on Thursday, March 19, 2009 A.D. This is a window to calculate such a day that would begin the 3 years and 7 months. I had visited him on February 14, 2009 A.D., the Saturday after the collision. It was reported that he had spoken somewhat at length on the previous Thursday, February 12, 2009 A.D., but he was not right, speaking incoherently. This is the day of the beginning of the rule left to two for 3 years and 7 months. This would necessarily bring the end of those 3 years and 7 months to Tuesday, September 11, 2012 A.D.

Thus begins the 1,335 days on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 A.D. This also begins the 1,290 day period of the formal end of the daily sacrifice as found in Daniel 12:11. This abomination of desolation (no rule) continues until the 1,291st day, which is Great and Holy Friday, March 25, 2016 A.D., also the Feast of the Annunciation. This day marks the Judgment in Christ's return as Messiah (Great Messiah).

The 1,335th day is then Sunday, May 8, 2016 A.D, the specific Sunday of Pentecost being May 15, 2016 A.D. Both are Sundays of the Judgment.
Today, Wednesday, April 29, 2015 A.D., is the 960th day in the 1,290 and 1,335 day periods of Daniel 12:11 & 12, respectively.

The numbers are distributed quite nicely today.

960 down, 375 to go.
Delta, that's the least of this dissociative disorder poster who thinks he's John.
1) both Jesus and John (as well as some of the other figures) are compiled figures.
2) This means his description is of the river jordan
christ named Theudas who's apostles died martyrs.
3)John would have despised Jesus (Theudas) as did John's "Loyal" followers when The Christ had JOHN beheaded and stole his followers thus considered the false Prophet and thief of John who was seen in higher regards.-source Mandeans the surviving remnants of John.
Delta, that's the least of this dissociative disorder poster who thinks he's John.
1) both Jesus and John (as well as some of the other figures) are compiled figures.
2) This means his description is of the river jordan
christ named Theudas who's apostles died martyrs.
3)John would have despised Jesus (Theudas) as did John's "Loyal" followers when The Christ had JOHN beheaded and stole his followers thus considered the false Prophet and thief of John who was seen in higher regards.-source Mandeans the surviving remnants of John.
the Dan prophecy is one of the most abused by Christians as the weeks lead to the time of Onnios being cut off by Antiocus, not Jesus (who by the way can't be singularly dated, whole other discussion).
The time starts at "An annointed one" Cyrus does not
say the anointed one- kings are anointed.
More proof they try and stick him in everything every where. They should stick to seeing him in toast and stop trying to place him in scripture.

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