United Nations B/S

Not surprising that nut job rw's hate an organization whose only purpose is to promote peace.

Only thing worse than the UN is that horrible ACLU whose only purpose is to protect our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

The United Rations is using its power like a trade union "Bad for you, good for us; bad for you, good for us; bad for you, good for us...."

And exponential repetitions of the same.

One should never post after the bong. :lol:

Samantha Power, The Obama Administration's Anti-Israel Rising Star also married to Cass Sunstein...

Tucker Carlson: UN Ambassador Samantha Power has ‘a freshman seminar view of the world’

Jeff PoorMedia Reporter

On Fox News Channel’s “Special Report” on Thursday, the All-Star panel speculated on why newly confirmed U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power was a no-show at an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday about the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki and other State Department officials had been reluctant give any details on Power’s location. Tucker Carlson, editor-in-chief of The Daily Caller, called the stonewalling “silly,” but not without taking a shot at the new U.N. ambassador.

“ have to say, I’m sure wherever she is, Ambassador Power is just dying that she is not here. She has very much a freshman seminar view of the world — a quiver with a moral outrage all the time. ‘People are doing bad things, we have a moral obligation to intervene now, now, now!’ So, they’re silly. Just say where she is. It looks like she is on vacation. If she is, who cares? Everybody is in August. They should admit it.”


Carlson: UN Ambassador Power has ?a freshman seminar view? | The Daily Caller
Taking a vacation immediately after being appointed has its upside. Nothing that happens is your fault. You were on vacation.

According to the placeholder who did attend, we outsourced our UN position to Britian. All questions are directed to the UN.
United Nations’ War on Free Speech Continues

September 6, 2013 By Andrew Harrod


German federal authorities have responded to earlier criticism by the United Nations’ (UN) Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) of lax German hate speech measures with troubling proposals to restrict further freedom of expression. These developments in a case previously documented by my Legal Project (LP) colleague Sam Nunberg and me demonstrate once again the dangers for freedom that foreign organizations can present, especially in light of international campaigns against “Islamophobia.”

An April 4, 2013, CERD decision had condemned the German refusal to prosecute former German central bank board member Thilo Sarrazin for hate speech against Arabs and Turks. CERD deemed the discontinuance of Sarrazin’s criminal investigation a violation of German commitments under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.


Vázquez’s views from the Land of Liberty are far more reasoned than those Germans anxious to do the bidding of CERD’s members, most hailing from countries not noted for equality under the law. Stiffer hate speech laws would penalize many controversial political statements and involve the law in all manner of insults unrelated to public peace. It is to be hoped that Germany will ultimately heed Vázquez’s restraint, despite successive attempts to overcome rational German rejections of Sarrazin’s prosecution. Observers outside of Germany, meanwhile, should take Sarrazin’s tale to heart as an example of foreign institutions infringing domestic freedom.

United Nations? War on Free Speech Continues | FrontPage Magazine
UN to US: Get Zimmerman

September 10, 2013 By Mark Tapson

With nothing more important to do than make pompous pronouncements on an already resolved criminal case in Florida, a United Nations sub-group on racism called on the United States government late last week to finalize the ongoing review of the case involving the controversial shooting of black Trayvon Martin by the media-designated “white Hispanic” neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman.

The United Nations Working Group of Experts of People of African Descent (the UN needs to put together a Working Group of Experts on Creating Group Names That Make Better Acronyms) released a statement calling upon “the US Government to examine its laws that could have discriminatory impact on African Americans, and to ensure that such laws are in full compliance with the country’s international legal obligations and relevant standards,” said “human rights expert” Verene Shepherd, who currently heads the group of experts (the UN News article mentions quite often that they are experts, to reassure you that as experts they are surely qualified to lecture the least racist nation in the world about how racist we are).

This comes after a trial in which Zimmerman was found innocent of all charges, and after a separate FBI investigation found no racism in Zimmerman’s motivation. That wasn’t enough for the experts at UNWGEPAD, who must have their hands full keeping up with trials involving people of African descent in every country around the world. Nor was it enough for Attorney General Eric Holder, who is mulling over a federal civil action against Zimmerman, and who instituted a tip line for Americans who want to act as Holder’s informants and dig up some useful dirt on Zimmerman.


The “experts” at the United Nations Working Group of Experts of People of African Descent, like the UN itself, serve no real-world function. They occasionally travel somewhere on a fact-finding trip, then come back to their nice offices in Geneva or the UN and write official, bloodless reports and recommendations that are passed around in attractive folders to useless bureaucrats far removed from the brutal reality of the strong massacring the weak in distant corners of the earth. For some reason, savages committing genocide don’t bother to read those reports. The fact that UNWGEPAD took the time to lecture the United States on the urgency to finish its witch-hunt against the acquitted George Zimmerman speaks volumes about their misplaced priorities and ineffectual work.

UN to US: Get Zimmerman | FrontPage Magazine

Why gun owners fear the United Nations The NRA isn't happy about the U.S. signing an international arms control treaty

By Keith Wagstaff | 5:48pm


So what does that have to do with American gun owners?

Plenty, according to a statement released by Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action, shortly after the signing:

The Obama administration is once again demonstrating its contempt for our fundamental, individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms. These are blatant attacks on the constitutional rights and liberties of every law-abiding American. The NRA will continue to fight this assault on our fundamental freedom. [via Reuters]


A U.N. climate deal in 2011 was derided on Fox News as a way to force the United States to pay "reparations" to poor countries. Glenn Beck even wrote a novel, Agenda 21, about a dystopic future in which people live in "ubiquitous concrete living spaces" and have their babies taken away at birth after "the worldwide implementation of a U.N.-led program called Agenda 21."


Why gun owners fear the United Nations - The Week


Immunity or impunity? Lawsuit seeks to hold UN accountable for Haiti cholera epidemic

By George Russell /
Published October 11, 2013

Can the United Nations be held legally accountable for its actions in a U.S. court? That question is the crux of a lawsuit filed this week that wants to hold the world organization accountable for the deaths of thousands of Haitians in the 2010 outbreak of cholera that still smolders today.

“It’s going to be a pretty drawn-out process,” said Beatrice Lindstrom, an attorney for the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti (IIJDH), a Boston-based group that filed suit in Manhattan’s Federal District Court to demand that the UN pay compensation for its “reckless,” “negligent” and “misleading” behavior in Haiti’s cholera epidemic, which began in October 2010—ten months after a devastating earthquake-- and has sickened nearly 680,000 people, killed about 8,300, and continues to afflict the battered Caribbean nation.


Immunity or impunity? Lawsuit seeks to hold UN accountable for Haiti cholera epidemic | Fox News

UN Climate Chief says Dictatorships are Best at Fighting Global Warming

January 15, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield

So what we need is a dictatorship to save the planet? Say no more UN, we get the subtle hint you’re tossing our way. And we’re throwing out our system of elections and turning over rule to Emperor Gore and his penguin minions.

United Nations climate chief Christiana Figueres said that democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming. Communist China, she says, is the best model.


Figueres added that the deep partisan divide in the U.S. Congress is “very detrimental” to passing any sort of legislation to fight global warming. The Chinese Communist Party, on the other hand, can push key policies and reforms all on its own. The country’s national legislature largely enforces the decisions made by the party’s Central Committee and other executive offices.

Communism was responsible for the deaths of about 94 million people in China, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Afghanistan and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century. China alone was responsible for 65 million of those deaths under communist rule.

But you can’t make a Global Warming omelet without a little genocide and the best Warmunists are also Communists.

This is the same attitude that explains why the LA Times will no longer print letters questioning man-made Global Warming and why Green groups are encouraging other newspapers to censor climate dissent.

It worked for the Soviet Union. It’ll work for Warmunism too.

UN Climate Chief says Dictatorships are Best at Fighting Global Warming | FrontPage Magazine

Samantha Power, The Obama Administration's Anti-Israel Rising Star also married to Cass Sunstein...

Stop Giving Obama Radicals the Benefit of the Doubt

January 21, 2014 by J. Christian Adams

In the Spring of 2011, National Security Council staffer Samantha Power sent emails to top Pentagon officials. Her emails contained GPS coordinates in Libya. She demanded that the Pentagon launch immediate air strikes on top of these coordinates, no questions asked. Power, you see, had friends in NGOs on the ground in Libya looking to borrow American might for a moment or two.

Her emails were ignored at the Pentagon. But her cavalier and hasty email demand that American airmen be launched on a dangerous mission to benefit her friends might seem incompetent and reckless.

But like so much about the age of Obama, Republicans mistake leftist ideology for incompetence. In the five decades-old orthodoxy of the foreign affairs left, pilots in supersonic jets with laser guided missiles are most appropriately used in small ways, and to serve small causes. To radicals like Power, American might should be used for their political ends, and the old conventions on target selection, chains of command and strategic aims are obsolete.


Obama has profited by extremist actions and the radicalism of nominees being ignored throughout his administration. The extent of the radicalism places the GOP in unfamiliar territory. Many in leadership still behave and speak as if they are dealing with a president from the Democratic Party of the Kennedy era. This impotent response will complete the job for the radicals and ensure the fundamental transformation they seek. Radicals who are treated like moderates are free to implement policy without scrutiny or exposure.

A small percentage of Americans share the views of the radicals in the Obama administration. Failing to label radicals as radicals means this deep wellspring of American opposition to their policies will remain untapped. Failing to recognize a radical official as a radical means the administration official enjoys a measure of undeserved mercy. Assuming that President Obama is unaware of the radical backgrounds of his nominees or the radical policies of his agencies risks our national future. So stop giving the radicals the benefit of the doubt.

Stop Giving Obama Radicals the Benefit of the Doubt | FrontPage Magazine

The Right Fights Evil —- The Left Fights the ‘Redskins’

January 29, 2014 by Dennis Prager



In other words, if what bothers you most is evil — the deliberate infliction of cruelty on people by people — North Korea, Congo, China, Syria and radical Islam will bother you more than anything else on the world scene.

So, then, what was the subject of the meeting convened Friday by the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights?

The alleged racism of the name of the National Football League’s Washington team, the Redskins.

That’s right. All these horrific evils are happening as you read this, and the second-ranking official in charge of human rights at the United Nations had a meeting about the name Washington Redskins.

The U.N. is not alone in paying undue attention to the Redskins’ name.

This left-wing obsession with a non-evil exemplifies the left’s moral universe. That universe is preoccupied with lesser evils while nearly always ignoring the greatest evils. The left in the United States is nearly obsessed with it. President Barack Obama has spoken out against it. The Washington Post editorial board has demanded that the team drop the name. In the herd-like way that governs media, innumerable columnists and sports writers have written passionate columns against the name, and increasing numbers of sports writers have vowed to never again write or speak the name.

Preoccupation with real evil is the greatest difference between right and left. The right was preoccupied with fighting Communism while the left (not liberals such as JFK, but the left) was preoccupied with fighting anti-Communists.

The right today is preoccupied with fighting Islamism; the left is preoccupied with fighting “Islamophobia.”


“Think about the twisted logic and outright malice behind that: a state, based on freedom, democracy and the rule of law, that was founded so Jews can flourish as Jews, and seek shelter from the shadow of the worst racist experiment in history, that is condemned, and that condemnation is masked in the language of anti-racism. It is nothing short of sickening.”

Only a conservative leader would have the moral courage to say that. Because while the right fights evil, the left fights the Redskins.

The Right Fights Evil ?- The Left Fights the ?Redskins? | FrontPage Magazine
The United Nations Treaty is Unconstitutional


2)The United Nations is not a sovereign body, having no measurable territory of its own. It is housed on U.S. territory in New York in a building loaned by the Rockefellers. Under the U.S. Constitution, we cannot make a treaty with any nation or body that lacks sovereignty. The United States could not (and cannot) make a treaty with a body or country having no sovereignty. The U.S. can make an agreement with a country or body having no sovereignty, but can never enter into a treaty with a body lacking in sovereignty.

Source Link: Diplomacy By Deception by Dr. John Coleman

That is about as weak an argument as I have ever heard. The United Nations Assembly is made up of hundreds of sovereign nations, and all of the major nations of the world. It was designed as a democratic platform for the world's nations to express their positions on issues of major importance not only to the world, but to any nation that feels threatened or ignored in some way.

I trust the opinions of the UN over any one nation. No, I don't favor giving the UN sovereignty over the world. But if the General Assembly voted to do that, I'd probably agree.
UN Workers Fuel the Palestinian Rampage
Evidence emerges showing UN personnel calling for stabbing Jews.
October 20, 2015
Joseph Klein



UN senior officials are not only silent in the face of the daily Palestinians’ murderous rampage against innocent Israelis. They are offering pathetic rationalizations for the violence, which in actuality is fueled by hate spread by Palestinian social media and taught to Palestinian children in their schools and in the TV programs they watch.

“Palestinian leaders have established an incubator to raise children as terrorists,” Israeli UN Ambassador Danon said. During his remarks to reporters, he held up a picture providing children a graphic pictorial demonstration on how to stab a Jew. “We talk about a lot about incitement- here you see what Palestinian incitement looks like. This picture is what is being taught in middle schools,” he said.


UN Workers Fuel the Palestinian Rampage


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