Union violence started gun control silliness...and increased violence...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
an interesting look at the origin of gun control laws in the U.S., would it surprise anyone to find out that violent unions may have been the cause...

Reasons For Gun Controls In U.S. Extrano s Alley a gun blog

By the early 1900′s labor violence had progressed to the point that public safety was endangered. In particular, strikers caused a number of railroad accidents; both by causing derailments, and by disabling engine overpressure reliefs resulting in boiler explosions.

With fears of deadly violence rising, states began passing laws against carrying guns. Between 1905 and 1933 incidence of Americans carrying a defensive weapon sank from 18 to 20 percent to only two percent. And many of those were carried illegally.

The chart below graphically demonstrates the effect of those restrictive gun laws on homicide on one end; and the result of relaxing gun laws on the other. Click on it for a clearer view:

Notice no gun control for hired goons, cops and the National Guard. Which were sources of violence on union members...
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