Understanding whites

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When has there been a huge outrage when prejudices hits Polish Americans?
Other than some Polish heritage people here, and there.
It seems there's certainly no mob of Liberals to cry profusely about the prejudiced injustice against Poles.
(The same doesn't hold true for a special few minorities like Blacks, Jews, Hispanics etc.)

False equivalence. Polish are whites, as such they have participated in racism. Look at you for example.
It most certainly is a racist statement, decrying someone strictly based on the color of their skin IS racist. I didn't make up the definition that IS the definition.

You have proven nothing. Blacks go to jail at the same rate that they commit crimes, Period. Sentencing disparities have been disproven time and time again. In addition, you do realize that felonies are under prosecuted in the black community?

In the educational system? How so? How is it that some dirt poor kid can come here from China, and excel in the same inner city schools that black kids attend? Is it racism or is it that the chinese kid comes from a two parent household, whose parents and culture demand he work hard? That's as opposed to many black kids who are bullied and even physically assaulted for acting "too white" if they do the same. I've heard that from everyone from Neil Degrasse Tyson to Thomas Sowell to the son of one of my employees.

Hiring and employment? Again historically true, today nonsense. I'm in business and I and many of my compatriots are desperate to find good help and couldn't care less what the color of their skin is. I seldom hire black men. do you know why? They don't apply. The last time I hired was 6 months ago of 20 or so people that applied there were exactly 0 black men that applied. And this is in area that is at least half black. On top of that not working for an education isn't going to open many doors.

You don't get to make up what racism is. What I said was true, you whites here are making excuses for yourselves going back 500 years. You are the one making racist statement because you are making you comments based on false hoods. top of t hat you are referring to all blacks, I was referring to whites posting here. So you don't get to makeup what racism is because that is just exactly what you did. .I've run businesses. So here is your challenge:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.

Same goes for anti-Polish, anti-Italian, anti-Hillbilly, anti-Jewish, anti-German, and anti-French prejudices in the U.S

No, because we are talking about racism, not prejudice and all these people are white.

What's so different about one who thinks of Poles as dumb, Italians as mafia, or Germans as Nazis, as opposed to one who views Blacks as such?

Yeah, there's a major difference.
Anti-White prejudices is more tolerated in this society, it's more rampant in the media, and there's no sensitivity training to combat it.[/QUOTE

but you have also consistently failed to produce laws and policies designed to deny you of opportunities by non whites based upon those perceptions. And that's to be expected from a stormfront trooper.

There were no laws put into place in the post Civil War North to particularly hold back Blacks, or White Catholics, or Jews.

There was however Liberty to deny jobs, or housing to such groups

Which did in fact happen to all those groups.

But, now, laws have been set in place to support any group which is denied housing, or jobs.

Furthermore there's Affirmative Action to prop up minorities, but Polish men at least can't take advantage of that
You have proven nothing. Blacks go to jail at the same rate that they commit crimes, Period. Sentencing disparities have been disproven time and time again. In addition, you do realize that felonies are under prosecuted in the black community?

So are you saying that there is no such thing as racism with the criminal justice system ?

In the educational system? How so? How is it that some dirt poor kid can come here from China, and excel in the same inner city schools that black kids attend? Is it racism or is it that the chinese kid comes from a two parent household, whose parents and culture demand he work hard?
I've always noticed how the people who talk about how great Asians are doing are never Asians themselves.

I’ve also noticed how people like you, like to pit Asians and blacks as total opposite with whites in the middle as just right
  • Blacks men are cool – Asian men are nerdy.
  • Black women are loud - Asian women are submissive and quiet.
  • Blacks are lazy - Asians are hard working.
  • Blacks have a lower IQ than whites - Asians have a higher one.
  • Black women are mannish - Asian women are “ultra-feminine”.
You ignore that Cambodian Americans drop out of high school at a higher rate than blacks and black immigrants from Africa and the West Indies do better than Asian Americans.

You ignore the difference between different Asian American nationalities. Hmong, Cambodians, Vietnamese and other southeast Asian nationalities who tend to be poorer.

You ignore many of these groups have much higher poverty rates than both blacks and Latinos. But even many Chinese and Japanese Americans live in poverty.

You ignore that Asian Americans are the poorest group in NYC.

You ignore the Asian women working twelve hours a day in sweatshops both abroad to make clothes for people like you.

You ignore the Asian families whose members have to put in eighty hours a week just to keep their heads above water.

You ignore the Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi taxi drivers who endure crappy working conditions, customers who get pissy about their accents or “attitudes,” and beaten up.

More blacks may live in poverty compared to Asians as a whole, but this is often due to extremely strict immigration policy. There is a reason why America is only 5% Asian despite Asians accounting for the largest race on earth.

Not to mention the fact that there is no shortage of poor Asians in the slums of Manila, Calcutta and Hong Kong to undercut your argument about the supposed cultural or genetic superiority of Asians as a group.

The main advantage with this "Asians are doing great !! There must be something wrong with black people" thinking is that it allows whites to think that they and their society are not racist.

It's just white people taking a race that seems to have done well for itself (but not as well as they like to imagine) to excuse their own racism against blacks. It is not about Asians – or even about blacks when you get down to it. It is about white people trying to feel good about themselves.

We are talking about 2 different ethnicities with two different histories when dealing with the West, and America in particular. Two vastly different immigration policies, now and historically. And Asians area much smaller population in the U.S. and have a much higher percentage of recent immigrants.

So racism in America comes in part from the hang-ups white people have about people not being white.

So sure some of it will apply to anyone who not white.

That part applies to both blacks and Asians.

But part of the racism comes from the need to excuse the unfair advantages whites have in American society, something that grows out of their past. That part applies more to blacks than to Asians. That makes blacks a way bigger threat to white self-image.

Therefore whites need to think that there is something profoundly wrong with black people. Model minority Asians help to maintain that picture.

Another thing I've noticed is that white people always criticize the way blacks and Asians behave, even when the behaviors are seemingly opposites.
  • Black parents “don’t do enough” to raise their kids but Asian parents are “too strict”.
  • Black parents “don’t drive their kids” to do well in school but Asian parents “stifle their kids” by pushing them to do well.
  • Black kids “don’t study” hard enough, but Asian kids “study too much”.
  • Black kids play “too much sports” but Asian kids “don’t play enough” sports.
  • Blacks are “less successful” than whites so they should shut up and work harder but Asians are “more successful” than whites so they should shut up and stop complaining.
  • Blacks cause “schools to decline” but Asians make the “schools too hard”.
  • Blacks get into schools on “affirmative action” but Asians are “overrepresented” in schools.
If we stopped breathing, would they criticize that, too ?

There are several instances in my life where if an Asian did well in uni, white classmates would criticize them and say, “So Asian” as if “Asian” were a bad word and doing too well at uni was a bad thing.

White culture overvalues mediocrity.

So whites are rewarded for being “just right” on the academic spectrum of smart vs. stupid.

Somehow, blacks and Asians are at opposite extremes, but whites are left at a moderate, middle ground.
That's as opposed to many black kids who are bullied and even physically assaulted for acting "too white" if they do the same. I've heard that from everyone from Neil Degrasse Tyson to Thomas Sowell to the son of one of my employees.
So are you saying that black parents push their kids to fail at school because you believe that the majority of black parents and blacks kids want to fail at school ?

Hiring and employment? Again historically true, today nonsense. I'm in business and I and many of my compatriots are desperate to find good help and couldn't care less what the color of their skin is. I seldom hire black men. do you know why? They don't apply.last time I hired was 6 months ago of 20 or so people that applied there were exactly 0 black men that applied. And this is in area that is at least half black. On top of that not working for an education isn't going to open many doors.

Say if you had a job interview and your life was dependent on getting that job.

But I had a pills that would turn your skin black.

Would you take that pill ?

I mean. There are pills you can take that will turn your skin black

There is a drug called Psorlen.


It's the same drug that John Howard Griffin took in his 1959 book when he was wanted to experience life as a black man in southern USA.


You can buy the drug on Ebay

And you can take this drug, and be your black self, and you can get all these goodies and treats and doors opened that black people supposedly get. Right ?

I mean because according to you, it's just so dam horrible and oppressive to be a white male. Right ?

See, if you really believed that white males are the ones who get the shit end of the stick, then you'd take them pills, if your life depended on getting the job.

But you would not and there is not white male on the planet who would take that pill. Don't talk unless you're prepared to back your bullshit up.
So are you saying that there is no such thing as racism with the criminal justice system ?
I'm not saying that racism doesn't exist, I'm saying it is not this massive, overriding issue that happens every single moment of every single in every situation ever. My biggest problem with the whole issue is with the lefts knee jerk reaction to blame every single bad thing that has ever happened to a black person and every single bad thing a black person has ever done on white people. The black community has issues within its own ranks that have nothing to do with anyone else.

I’ve also noticed how people like you, like to pit Asians and blacks as total opposite with whites in the middle as just right

How am I "pitting' anyone against each other? I'm merely pointing to different cultural norms and the results that stem from those norms. In the US black single parent households run at around 70%, asians 17-18%, whites as high as 40%. there are consequences associated with these facts. Did you know that the poverty rate among 2 parent black households is around 7%? Single white mothers it's 22%. Even if you're black, if you point out these facts you are branded an uncle tom who has "internalised racism"

Black parents “don’t do enough” to raise.....

Where are you hearing this stuff? It's like you go out find every stereotype ever thought of and decide white people believe this crap. I'm sure you could go out and find a white person that believes one or all of that. I'm sure you could go out and find asian and black people that believe one or all of that crap. The suggestion that even a majority of white people believe that crap is nonsense.

Say if you had a job interview and your life was dependent on getting that job....

Would I change my skin color? Of course not. I'm comfortable in my own skin. If I did I would go apply with one of my friends companies who couldn't give a damn about skin color.

I mean because according to you, it's just so dam horrible and oppressive to be a white male....

By all means tell me where I've made any hint of such a thing.

This is pure garbage. All of it.
When has there been a huge outrage when prejudices hits Polish Americans?
Other than some Polish heritage people here, and there.
It seems there's certainly no mob of Liberals to cry profusely about the prejudiced injustice against Poles.
(The same doesn't hold true for a special few minorities like Blacks, Jews, Hispanics etc.)

False equivalence. Polish are whites, as such they have participated in racism. Look at you for example.

Your statement is in fact racist.

As if Blacks can't be racist, look at you for an example that shows us Black racism.
You don't get to make up what racism is. What I said was true, you whites here are making excuses for yourselves going back 500 years. You are the one making racist statement because you are making you comments based on false hoods. top of t hat you are referring to all blacks, I was referring to whites posting here. So you don't get to makeup what racism is because that is just exactly what you did. .I've run businesses. So here is your challenge:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.

Same goes for anti-Polish, anti-Italian, anti-Hillbilly, anti-Jewish, anti-German, and anti-French prejudices in the U.S

No, because we are talking about racism, not prejudice and all these people are white.

What's so different about one who thinks of Poles as dumb, Italians as mafia, or Germans as Nazis, as opposed to one who views Blacks as such?

Yeah, there's a major difference.
Anti-White prejudices is more tolerated in this society, it's more rampant in the media, and there's no sensitivity training to combat it.[/QUOTE

but you have also consistently failed to produce laws and policies designed to deny you of opportunities by non whites based upon those perceptions. And that's to be expected from a stormfront trooper.

There were no laws put into place in the post Civil War North to particularly hold back Blacks, or White Catholics, or Jews.

There was however Liberty to deny jobs, or housing to such groups

Which did in fact happen to all those groups.

But, now, laws have been set in place to support any group which is denied housing, or jobs.

Furthermore there's Affirmative Action to prop up minorities, but Polish men at least can't take advantage of that

Plessy b Ferguson to start with was a national decision that applied to the north and south and was decided after the civil war. Poles are white shut the fuck up.
Same goes for anti-Polish, anti-Italian, anti-Hillbilly, anti-Jewish, anti-German, and anti-French prejudices in the U.S

No, because we are talking about racism, not prejudice and all these people are white.

What's so different about one who thinks of Poles as dumb, Italians as mafia, or Germans as Nazis, as opposed to one who views Blacks as such?

Yeah, there's a major difference.
Anti-White prejudices is more tolerated in this society, it's more rampant in the media, and there's no sensitivity training to combat it.[/QUOTE

but you have also consistently failed to produce laws and policies designed to deny you of opportunities by non whites based upon those perceptions. And that's to be expected from a stormfront trooper.

There were no laws put into place in the post Civil War North to particularly hold back Blacks, or White Catholics, or Jews.

There was however Liberty to deny jobs, or housing to such groups

Which did in fact happen to all those groups.

But, now, laws have been set in place to support any group which is denied housing, or jobs.

Furthermore there's Affirmative Action to prop up minorities, but Polish men at least can't take advantage of that

Plessy b Ferguson to start with was a national decision that applied to the north and south and was decided after the civil war. Poles are white shut the fuck up.

This was upholding state rights to segregation.

Plessy v. Ferguson - Wikipedia

Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896) was a landmark constitutional law case of the US Supreme Court. It upheld state racial segregation laws for public facilities under the doctrine of "separate but equal".[1] The decision was handed down by a vote of 7 to 1 with the majority opinion written by Justice Henry Billings Brown and the dissent written by Justice John Marshall Harlan.
Same goes for anti-Polish, anti-Italian, anti-Hillbilly, anti-Jewish, anti-German, and anti-French prejudices in the U.S

No, because we are talking about racism, not prejudice and all these people are white.

What's so different about one who thinks of Poles as dumb, Italians as mafia, or Germans as Nazis, as opposed to one who views Blacks as such?

Yeah, there's a major difference.
Anti-White prejudices is more tolerated in this society, it's more rampant in the media, and there's no sensitivity training to combat it.[/QUOTE

but you have also consistently failed to produce laws and policies designed to deny you of opportunities by non whites based upon those perceptions. And that's to be expected from a stormfront trooper.

There were no laws put into place in the post Civil War North to particularly hold back Blacks, or White Catholics, or Jews.

There was however Liberty to deny jobs, or housing to such groups

Which did in fact happen to all those groups.

But, now, laws have been set in place to support any group which is denied housing, or jobs.

Furthermore there's Affirmative Action to prop up minorities, but Polish men at least can't take advantage of that
Poles are white shut the fuck up.

Is that why the Polish struggle is not promoted like the Black, Jewish, or Hispanic struggle?
Because we're White Catholics?
When has there been a huge outrage when prejudices hits Polish Americans?
Other than some Polish heritage people here, and there.
It seems there's certainly no mob of Liberals to cry profusely about the prejudiced injustice against Poles.
(The same doesn't hold true for a special few minorities like Blacks, Jews, Hispanics etc.)

False equivalence. Polish are whites, as such they have participated in racism. Look at you for example.

Your statement is in fact racist.

As if Blacks can't be racist, look at you for an example that shows us Black racism.

No my statement is not racist. I am not a black racist. You don't get to make up racism or what it entails.

Now when I post up age after page talking about low polish IQ and how polish are so much less intelligent than everyone else, then perhaps you can say that.
No, because we are talking about racism, not prejudice and all these people are white.

What's so different about one who thinks of Poles as dumb, Italians as mafia, or Germans as Nazis, as opposed to one who views Blacks as such?

Yeah, there's a major difference.
Anti-White prejudices is more tolerated in this society, it's more rampant in the media, and there's no sensitivity training to combat it.[/QUOTE

but you have also consistently failed to produce laws and policies designed to deny you of opportunities by non whites based upon those perceptions. And that's to be expected from a stormfront trooper.

There were no laws put into place in the post Civil War North to particularly hold back Blacks, or White Catholics, or Jews.

There was however Liberty to deny jobs, or housing to such groups

Which did in fact happen to all those groups.

But, now, laws have been set in place to support any group which is denied housing, or jobs.

Furthermore there's Affirmative Action to prop up minorities, but Polish men at least can't take advantage of that

Plessy b Ferguson to start with was a national decision that applied to the north and south and was decided after the civil war. Poles are white shut the fuck up.

This was upholding state rights to segregation.

Plessy v. Ferguson - Wikipedia

Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896) was a landmark constitutional law case of the US Supreme Court. It upheld state racial segregation laws for public facilities under the doctrine of "separate but equal".[1] The decision was handed down by a vote of 7 to 1 with the majority opinion written by Justice Henry Billings Brown and the dissent written by Justice John Marshall Harlan.

It was a national decision in post civil war America. And that segregation did hold blacks back.
When has there been a huge outrage when prejudices hits Polish Americans?
Other than some Polish heritage people here, and there.
It seems there's certainly no mob of Liberals to cry profusely about the prejudiced injustice against Poles.
(The same doesn't hold true for a special few minorities like Blacks, Jews, Hispanics etc.)

False equivalence. Polish are whites, as such they have participated in racism. Look at you for example.

Your statement is in fact racist.

As if Blacks can't be racist, look at you for an example that shows us Black racism.

No my statement is not racist. I am not a black racist. You don't get to make up racism or what it entails.

Now when I post up age after page talking about low polish IQ and how polish are so much less intelligent than everyone else, then perhaps you can say that.

You don't get to make up racism, or what it entails, either.

You certainly say racist things, always suggesting that Whites are morally inferior, or racist.
What's so different about one who thinks of Poles as dumb, Italians as mafia, or Germans as Nazis, as opposed to one who views Blacks as such?

Yeah, there's a major difference.
Anti-White prejudices is more tolerated in this society, it's more rampant in the media, and there's no sensitivity training to combat it.[/QUOTE

but you have also consistently failed to produce laws and policies designed to deny you of opportunities by non whites based upon those perceptions. And that's to be expected from a stormfront trooper.

There were no laws put into place in the post Civil War North to particularly hold back Blacks, or White Catholics, or Jews.

There was however Liberty to deny jobs, or housing to such groups

Which did in fact happen to all those groups.

But, now, laws have been set in place to support any group which is denied housing, or jobs.

Furthermore there's Affirmative Action to prop up minorities, but Polish men at least can't take advantage of that

Plessy b Ferguson to start with was a national decision that applied to the north and south and was decided after the civil war. Poles are white shut the fuck up.

This was upholding state rights to segregation.

Plessy v. Ferguson - Wikipedia

Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896) was a landmark constitutional law case of the US Supreme Court. It upheld state racial segregation laws for public facilities under the doctrine of "separate but equal".[1] The decision was handed down by a vote of 7 to 1 with the majority opinion written by Justice Henry Billings Brown and the dissent written by Justice John Marshall Harlan.

It was a national decision in post civil war America. And that segregation did hold blacks back.

It was a national decision, sure.
But, it didn't dictate, but rather allowed state rights of segregation.
When has there been a huge outrage when prejudices hits Polish Americans?
Other than some Polish heritage people here, and there.
It seems there's certainly no mob of Liberals to cry profusely about the prejudiced injustice against Poles.
(The same doesn't hold true for a special few minorities like Blacks, Jews, Hispanics etc.)

False equivalence. Polish are whites, as such they have participated in racism. Look at you for example.

Your statement is in fact racist.

As if Blacks can't be racist, look at you for an example that shows us Black racism.

No my statement is not racist. I am not a black racist. You don't get to make up racism or what it entails.

Now when I post up age after page talking about low polish IQ and how polish are so much less intelligent than everyone else, then perhaps you can say that.

You don't get to make up racism, or what it entails, either.

You certainly say racist things, always suggesting that Whites are morally inferior, or racist.

I've made no such statements suggesting any inferiority of whites. I have said that whites made laws and policies that were racist.

And they have.

I am not the one making up racism. You use the standard white racist ploy of calling someone black a racist for pointing out wrongs done by whites.

There were no laws put into place in the post Civil War North to particularly hold back Blacks, or White Catholics, or Jews.

There was however Liberty to deny jobs, or housing to such groups

Which did in fact happen to all those groups.

But, now, laws have been set in place to support any group which is denied housing, or jobs.

Furthermore there's Affirmative Action to prop up minorities, but Polish men at least can't take advantage of that

Plessy b Ferguson to start with was a national decision that applied to the north and south and was decided after the civil war. Poles are white shut the fuck up.

This was upholding state rights to segregation.

Plessy v. Ferguson - Wikipedia

Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896) was a landmark constitutional law case of the US Supreme Court. It upheld state racial segregation laws for public facilities under the doctrine of "separate but equal".[1] The decision was handed down by a vote of 7 to 1 with the majority opinion written by Justice Henry Billings Brown and the dissent written by Justice John Marshall Harlan.

It was a national decision in post civil war America. And that segregation did hold blacks back.

It was a national decision, sure.
But, it didn't dictate, but rather allowed state rights of segregation.

It was a post civil war decision that denied blacks of opportunity. Something you said didn't happen.
There were no laws put into place in the post Civil War North to particularly hold back Blacks, or White Catholics, or Jews.

There was however Liberty to deny jobs, or housing to such groups

Which did in fact happen to all those groups.

But, now, laws have been set in place to support any group which is denied housing, or jobs.

Furthermore there's Affirmative Action to prop up minorities, but Polish men at least can't take advantage of that

Plessy b Ferguson to start with was a national decision that applied to the north and south and was decided after the civil war. Poles are white shut the fuck up.

This was upholding state rights to segregation.

Plessy v. Ferguson - Wikipedia

Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896) was a landmark constitutional law case of the US Supreme Court. It upheld state racial segregation laws for public facilities under the doctrine of "separate but equal".[1] The decision was handed down by a vote of 7 to 1 with the majority opinion written by Justice Henry Billings Brown and the dissent written by Justice John Marshall Harlan.

It was a national decision in post civil war America. And that segregation did hold blacks back.

It was a national decision, sure.
But, it didn't dictate, but rather allowed state rights of segregation.

It was a post civil war decision that denied blacks of opportunity. Something you said didn't happen.

Did this support the North to withhold Segregation?
When has there been a huge outrage when prejudices hits Polish Americans?
Other than some Polish heritage people here, and there.
It seems there's certainly no mob of Liberals to cry profusely about the prejudiced injustice against Poles.
(The same doesn't hold true for a special few minorities like Blacks, Jews, Hispanics etc.)

False equivalence. Polish are whites, as such they have participated in racism. Look at you for example.

Your statement is in fact racist.

As if Blacks can't be racist, look at you for an example that shows us Black racism.

No my statement is not racist. I am not a black racist. You don't get to make up racism or what it entails.

Now when I post up age after page talking about low polish IQ and how polish are so much less intelligent than everyone else, then perhaps you can say that.

You don't get to make up racism, or what it entails, either.

You certainly say racist things, always suggesting that Whites are morally inferior, or racist.

I have said that whites made laws and policies that were racist.

So did African Americans in Liberia.

Did you know African Americans could vote in the U.S.A, before Indigenous Africans could vote in Liberia?

Until 1946 only African Americans of Liberia were allowed to vote.

But, I suppose you're just so innocent.
During the 1800s, the American Colonization Society enticed free Negroes to go to Africa. Slaves were freed on the condition they leave. These two groups that became the “Americo-Liberians” who ruled Liberia, carried with them the evils of racism and the limitations of slavery.

Racism inevitably reproduces itself in the minds of the oppressed in order to rise. In the “Imitation of Supremacy,” as victim becomes victimizer, the Americo-Liberians saw the natives the way whites saw them. Now that the Americo-Liberians were rulers, they mimicked white rule. They justified their exploitation of the natives on the basis of cultural inferiority just as whites used racism to justify slavery. In America, race trumped all other considerations. In Liberia, culture trumped race as the classification of inferiority.

In the “Imitation of Superiority,” [some? many?] Americo-Liberians mimicked and retained the culture of the antebellum South because they derived their cultural superiority from it. The vast majority of the Americo-Liberians were freed slaves, including slaves freed on the high seas. Because of the limitations of slavery, they were image rather than reality. What they evolved was a pseudo culture, a poor replication of what they didn’t really understand. As slaves they had had only a “taste” of Western culture.

Ironically, they replicated what they despised – oppression and discrimination based upon “inferiority.” Natives were disparaged and ridiculed as “country people.” The Americo-Liberians set up all the Jim Crow laws of the South in Liberia. There was social segregation in Monrovia, the capital city. Among other things, natives could not enter through the front door. They could not vote. They could not speak unless spoken to. There were sexual restrictions. No native man could marry or have a sexual relationship with an Americo-Liberian woman. Even when natives became educated, they were restricted from government positions. Only a token few were allowed to participate.

Global Impacts of White Racism: Americo-Liberians -
I suppose it's more convenient to blame Whitey, than blame Blackie for so often leaving behind fatherless homes in poverty.
White people blame blacks all the time for the fallout of white racism.

When was the last time you saw something on television that showed how racist most whites are? Never. White racism is presented as a case of a few bad apples, even though television itself is racist.

Yet blacks are frequently presented as being screwed up. Like it has absolutely nothing to do with the racism society is built on. As if people want to be out of work and want to be poor and want to get in trouble with the police.

So in just two words “blame whitey” does three things that whites often do in an argument about race:

1. Say that blacks are racist too.

2. Say that blacks are mostly to blame for their troubles.

3. Present stereotypes about blacks as fact and insight.

Or, more generally, it is a case of blame shifting that accuses blacks of shifting the blame.
It really is unbelievable how some blacks the racist kind, never see their racism but always see it coming from white people. A black kid reportedly was told he was racist by another in school so he went home and told his dad who said there's no such thing as black racism .... only white people are racist...LOL.

I mean you can be in denial all you like but the truth is racism comes in ALL colors. If you stereotype a certain race and associate their skin color with detrimental remarks basically lumping them all together, then you are a RACIST.
Eisenstein said that there is no such thing as a pure race, we are all intermingled somehow. We are all children of Africa, no matter the color of our flesh. Race and how it is perceived, is like a placebo.
It really is unbelievable how some blacks the racist kind, never see their racism but always see it coming from white people. A black kid reportedly was told he was racist by another in school so he went home and told his dad who said there's no such thing as black racism .... only white people are racist...LOL.

I mean you can be in denial all you like but the truth is racism comes in ALL colors. If you stereotype a certain race and associate their skin color with detrimental remarks basically lumping them all together, then you are a RACIST.
When some1 says "black people can be racist"

What they are really talking about is "name calling"

That's it.

Black people can't be racist

A black person in an authority position can discriminate against a white person but this rarely happens because

A) Such persons are rare relative to whites in authority.

B) In virtually all cases, there are authorities above those black people who are white, and who can slap that black person down and wouldn't stand for such actions.

C) Even in cases where a black person was on top a power structure (as with President Obama), he was not free to do anything to oppress white people (even if he wanted to) given his need to attract white support in order to win election or pass any of his policy agenda.

There are no institutional structures in the U.S or in Europe in which black people exercise final authority : not in the school systems, labour market, justice system, housing markets, financial markets, or media.

So the ability of black folks to oppress white people does not exist.

Questions ?

What about in majority non white countries where they have power. They could practice racism to whites ?”

This ignores that white supremacy is a global thing.

So racism to whites even in places like Japan, India, Nigeria and Ghana is limited by the reality of global economics and the desire for good relations with the West

But let’s say a black person wanted to commit a violent act towards whites and said he did so because he hated whites, surely that is racism

Not really.

Because that’s ACT 1

I could slap a Tiger in the face….but that would be ACT 1

ACT 2 would mean the tiger ripping my face of. So the thought of ACT 2 deters me from doing ACT 1

Black people are well aware of the harsher penalties that come with doing any shit to a white person. So the racism of violence is not really racism at all. After all, to exercise this racism, one has to break the law and subject themselves to legal sanction.

What use is racial violence to whites when you’re going to spend the rest of your days rotting in Shawshank ?

Racism is more potent when it can be used without having to break the law. So discrimination in lending, though illegal is not going to result in the perp going to jail; so too with employment discrimination or racial profiling.

this guy

He hates white people and thinks whites babies should be killed.

Yet what kind of power does he have ? None. He’s in a position to kill no one and if he were to try he would go to jail. Forever. That’s not racism.

Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives.

And there are no black folks who can do any of that wholesale to whites, but there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly.

Just as we can't imagine a black man writing a book the white equivalent of The Bell Curve claiming white people are stupid being published, being reviewed respectfully by mainstream media, or becoming a best-seller.

So when people talk about white people experiencing racism, what they are talking about is name-calling.

That’s it.

And even that’s limited because white people have created a system where they live as far away from black people as possible and they don’t deal with black people at work, because the system has shut that down too.

And white people have a system that protects them in case they get called too many names and if that black person dares get physical then white people have the system of white supremacy that will protect them and give them the benefit of the doubt.

Even if a black person threatens to call physical harm to white person. White people have the system of white supremacy to protect them. Even if a white person thinks the black person is threatening them then white people have the system of white supremacy to protect them.

Michael Dunn in Florida thought he saw Jordan Davis with a gun. He shot him, killed him and they could not convict this guy a murderer.

Even if that black person does not exist, the system of white supremacy will believe the white person. The Susan Smith case in the USA. This woman killed her kids and did the the old "A black man did it" they were rounding blk men up for weeks.
White people do this all the time.

There is no such thing as systematic black racism
I'm not saying that racism doesn't exist
OK. This is the main point. So racism should not exist. Right ? And what is your definition of racism ? Because often when black and white people talk about racism. They are not talking about the same thing.
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