Under cover video of Deep state. It is long veiw.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
This is a long under cover of a Deep State operation into the DOJ it is long but it does show how deep it has gotten. The mpg is to large to post on this site. or you can go tohttps://projectveritas.com
If this does not get you mad nothing will remember it is just the tip of a iceberg.

Project Veritas has released the second installment in an undercover video series unmasking the deep state. This video features a Department of Justice paralegal Allison Hrabar reportedly using government owned software and computers to push a socialist agenda. Also featured is Jessica Schubel, the former Chief of Staff for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services during the last Obama administration.

Both Schubel and Hraber make admissions revealing that federal employees are using their positions in the government to resist or slow the Trump administration’s policies, some likely breaking laws in the process.

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