UN says Israel, not Iran, North Korea or Syria worst violator of human rights


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
What country deserves more condemnation for violating human rights than any other nation on earth? According to the U.N.’s top human rights body, that would be Israel.

Last week, Israel was the U.N.’s number one women’s rights violator. This week it is the U.N.’s all-round human rights villain.

The U.N. Human Rights Council wrapped up its latest session in Geneva on Friday, March 27 by adopting four resolutions condemning Israel. That’s four times more than any of the other 192 UN member states.

There were four resolutions on Israel. And one on North Korea -- a country that is home to government policies of torture, starvation, enslavement, rape, disappearances, and murder – to name just some of its crimes against humanity.

Four resolutions on Israel. And one on Syria. Where the death toll of four years of war is 100,000 civilians, ten million people are displaced, and barrel bombs containing chemical agents like chlorine gas are back in action.

Four resolutions on Israel. And one on Iran. Where there is no rule of law, no free elections, no freedom of speech, corruption is endemic, protestors are jailed and tortured, religious minorities are persecuted, and pedophilia is state-run. At last count, in 2012 Iranian courts ordered more than 30,000 girls ages 14 and under to be “married.”

And what did that one resolution on Iran say? Co-sponsored by the United States, it was labelled a “short procedural text,” consisting of just three operative paragraphs that contained not a single condemnation of Iran.

The Israel resolutions, on the other hand, were full of “demands,” “condemns,” “expresses grave concern,” and “deplores” – along with orders to “cease immediately” a long list of alleged human rights violations.

Ninety percent of states – inhabited by 6.6 billion people – got no mention at all. Countries like China, Qatar, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. For the UN, there was not one human rights violation worthy of mention by any of these human rights horror shows.

Why not? For starters, China, Qatar, Russia and Saudi Arabia are all members of the UN Human Rights Council. Actually protecting human rights is not a condition of being elected to the Council, and thereby transforming into a UN authority on what counts as a human rights violation.

As a result, what counts fast becomes unrecognizable. Subverting human rights principles for all turns out to be the other side of the coin from subverting human rights for Jews.

Thus at this session, “death to America” Iran sponsored a Council resolution called “Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights.” It was adopted by consensus – with U.S. blessing.

The Cubans successfully engineered a Council resolution on protecting “cultural rights” – minus free expression.

The Palestinians – whose unity government includes the terrorist group Hamas – co-sponsored the resolution “effects of terrorism on the enjoyment of human rights.”

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation – representing states where converting to Christianity is subject to the death penalty – sponsored a resolution called “combating intolerance of persons based on religion or belief.”

Playing at caring about human rights is the U.N. game. And no state does it better than Iran.

Iran’s human rights record happened to come up at the March session in the context of what the Council calls a “universal periodic review” (UPR). Touted as its leading human rights innovation, the same process is applied to every state every four years.

That means Iran and Syria get treated the same way as, say, the United States and Canada. At the end of the UPR, a report is summarily adopted containing a bunch of recommendations that the former cast of characters summarily dismiss.

It was suggested to Iran, for instance, that it stop peddling little girls as sex slaves for old men. The recommendation received this reply: “in light of Islamic teachings, a person that has reached the age of maturity and is of sound mind has the possibility of marrying.”

The Council created a human rights investigator on Iran, but Iran has never let him into the country. Recommendations made to Iran during the UPR that it cooperate, were simply ignored.
UN says Israel not Iran North Korea or Syria worst violator of human rights Fox News


You all know the American left winger agrees with everything the UN stated right? Yes, especially the left wing Jewish American.

Shame on all of you.
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The UN needs to be dismantled.....it is the polite face of dictators and criminals....
It is actually well past the time to evict the United Nations from American soil.

Let these bastards set up shop in Lagos, Mogadishu or Shanghai.
There is nothing wrong with a stage where all foreign governments can come together. I don't think the UN needs to go away. It is just sad to see that it has come to be such a joke. When countries are given voice on things like violations of human rights when they are the largest violators of them something has gone seriously wrong.
Israel is rolling downhill into fascist tyranny and all you guys can do is jump on for the ride and attack anyone who points it out. Of course it is militaristic right wing conservative tyranny directed at Muslims so it's just fine and dandy.
Israel is rolling downhill into fascist tyranny and all you guys can do is jump on for the ride and attack anyone who points it out. Of course it is militaristic right wing conservative tyranny directed at Muslims so it's just fine and dandy.

Did anyone doubt that this little piggy would jump on the "I hate Israel" bandwagon?
Israel is rolling downhill into fascist tyranny and all you guys can do is jump on for the ride and attack anyone who points it out. Of course it is militaristic right wing conservative tyranny directed at Muslims so it's just fine and dandy.

Did anyone doubt that this little piggy would jump on the "I hate Israel" bandwagon?
It is good and proper to point out human rights abuses wherever they occur, even when it's Israel.
Israel is rolling downhill into fascist tyranny and all you guys can do is jump on for the ride and attack anyone who points it out. Of course it is militaristic right wing conservative tyranny directed at Muslims so it's just fine and dandy.
All libtards and the UN are WRONG!!!!! Israel is in the right, the UN is a commie satan loving entity with idiots like clinton and you supporting it.
Israel is rolling downhill into fascist tyranny and all you guys can do is jump on for the ride and attack anyone who points it out. Of course it is militaristic right wing conservative tyranny directed at Muslims so it's just fine and dandy.
All libtards and the UN are WRONG!!!!! Israel is in the right, the UN is a commie satan loving entity with idiots like clinton and you supporting it.
Just because their distant ancestors are in the bible does not make them special. When judged by their actions alone Israel is rarely right. If they want to be treated like a western nation then they should live by the civilized standards common to western nations not the fascistic tyranny common to their neighbors. If they want to be special they need to act better than they have been.
Israel is rolling downhill into fascist tyranny and all you guys can do is jump on for the ride and attack anyone who points it out. Of course it is militaristic right wing conservative tyranny directed at Muslims so it's just fine and dandy.
All libtards and the UN are WRONG!!!!! Israel is in the right, the UN is a commie satan loving entity with idiots like clinton and you supporting it.
Just because their distant ancestors are in the bible does not make them special. When judged by their actions alone Israel is rarely right. If they want to be treated like a western nation then they should live by the civilized standards common to western nations not the fascistic tyranny common to their neighbors. If they want to be special they need to act better than they have been.
When judged by their actions they are always right, except to socialist libtards who are delusional.
Israel is rolling downhill into fascist tyranny and all you guys can do is jump on for the ride and attack anyone who points it out. Of course it is militaristic right wing conservative tyranny directed at Muslims so it's just fine and dandy.

Did anyone doubt that this little piggy would jump on the "I hate Israel" bandwagon?
It is good and proper to point out human rights abuses wherever they occur, even when it's Israel.

Yes I get it,when was the last time you condemned the Palestinians?
Israel is rolling downhill into fascist tyranny and all you guys can do is jump on for the ride and attack anyone who points it out. Of course it is militaristic right wing conservative tyranny directed at Muslims so it's just fine and dandy.
All libtards and the UN are WRONG!!!!! Israel is in the right, the UN is a commie satan loving entity with idiots like clinton and you supporting it.
Just because their distant ancestors are in the bible does not make them special. When judged by their actions alone Israel is rarely right. If they want to be treated like a western nation then they should live by the civilized standards common to western nations not the fascistic tyranny common to their neighbors. If they want to be special they need to act better than they have been.

I hope I get an opportunity some day to piss on your grave.
Israel is rolling downhill into fascist tyranny and all you guys can do is jump on for the ride and attack anyone who points it out. Of course it is militaristic right wing conservative tyranny directed at Muslims so it's just fine and dandy.

Did anyone doubt that this little piggy would jump on the "I hate Israel" bandwagon?
It is good and proper to point out human rights abuses wherever they occur, even when it's Israel.

Yes I get it,when was the last time you condemned the Palestinians?

I am always very clear on the use of force, it is hardly ever justified, the Palastinian terrorists and the Israeli hardliners are both equally guilty of fighting a blood feud in the midst of a population that only wants to live their lives in peace. Fuck both of them for their itchy trigger fingers.
Israel is rolling downhill into fascist tyranny and all you guys can do is jump on for the ride and attack anyone who points it out. Of course it is militaristic right wing conservative tyranny directed at Muslims so it's just fine and dandy.
All libtards and the UN are WRONG!!!!! Israel is in the right, the UN is a commie satan loving entity with idiots like clinton and you supporting it.
Just because their distant ancestors are in the bible does not make them special. When judged by their actions alone Israel is rarely right. If they want to be treated like a western nation then they should live by the civilized standards common to western nations not the fascistic tyranny common to their neighbors. If they want to be special they need to act better than they have been.

I hope I get an opportunity some day to piss on your grave.
Take a fucking Midol and go take a nap, that PMS is making you crazy,
Israel is rolling downhill into fascist tyranny and all you guys can do is jump on for the ride and attack anyone who points it out. Of course it is militaristic right wing conservative tyranny directed at Muslims so it's just fine and dandy.
All libtards and the UN are WRONG!!!!! Israel is in the right, the UN is a commie satan loving entity with idiots like clinton and you supporting it.
Just because their distant ancestors are in the bible does not make them special. When judged by their actions alone Israel is rarely right. If they want to be treated like a western nation then they should live by the civilized standards common to western nations not the fascistic tyranny common to their neighbors. If they want to be special they need to act better than they have been.

I hope I get an opportunity some day to piss on your grave.
Take a fucking Midol and go take a nap, that PMS is making you crazy,

You are not worth a pouch of piss let alone an ounce of respect you fucking hypocriyical arrogant brainwashed ignorant anti-Semite pig.

Fuck you.
What country deserves more condemnation for violating human rights than any other nation on earth? According to the U.N.’s top human rights body, that would be Israel.

Last week, Israel was the U.N.’s number one women’s rights violator. This week it is the U.N.’s all-round human rights villain.

The U.N. Human Rights Council wrapped up its latest session in Geneva on Friday, March 27 by adopting four resolutions condemning Israel. That’s four times more than any of the other 192 UN member states.

There were four resolutions on Israel. And one on North Korea -- a country that is home to government policies of torture, starvation, enslavement, rape, disappearances, and murder – to name just some of its crimes against humanity.

Four resolutions on Israel. And one on Syria. Where the death toll of four years of war is 100,000 civilians, ten million people are displaced, and barrel bombs containing chemical agents like chlorine gas are back in action.

Four resolutions on Israel. And one on Iran. Where there is no rule of law, no free elections, no freedom of speech, corruption is endemic, protestors are jailed and tortured, religious minorities are persecuted, and pedophilia is state-run. At last count, in 2012 Iranian courts ordered more than 30,000 girls ages 14 and under to be “married.”

And what did that one resolution on Iran say? Co-sponsored by the United States, it was labelled a “short procedural text,” consisting of just three operative paragraphs that contained not a single condemnation of Iran.

The Israel resolutions, on the other hand, were full of “demands,” “condemns,” “expresses grave concern,” and “deplores” – along with orders to “cease immediately” a long list of alleged human rights violations.

Ninety percent of states – inhabited by 6.6 billion people – got no mention at all. Countries like China, Qatar, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. For the UN, there was not one human rights violation worthy of mention by any of these human rights horror shows.

Why not? For starters, China, Qatar, Russia and Saudi Arabia are all members of the UN Human Rights Council. Actually protecting human rights is not a condition of being elected to the Council, and thereby transforming into a UN authority on what counts as a human rights violation.

As a result, what counts fast becomes unrecognizable. Subverting human rights principles for all turns out to be the other side of the coin from subverting human rights for Jews.

Thus at this session, “death to America” Iran sponsored a Council resolution called “Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights.” It was adopted by consensus – with U.S. blessing.

The Cubans successfully engineered a Council resolution on protecting “cultural rights” – minus free expression.

The Palestinians – whose unity government includes the terrorist group Hamas – co-sponsored the resolution “effects of terrorism on the enjoyment of human rights.”

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation – representing states where converting to Christianity is subject to the death penalty – sponsored a resolution called “combating intolerance of persons based on religion or belief.”

Playing at caring about human rights is the U.N. game. And no state does it better than Iran.

Iran’s human rights record happened to come up at the March session in the context of what the Council calls a “universal periodic review” (UPR). Touted as its leading human rights innovation, the same process is applied to every state every four years.

That means Iran and Syria get treated the same way as, say, the United States and Canada. At the end of the UPR, a report is summarily adopted containing a bunch of recommendations that the former cast of characters summarily dismiss.

It was suggested to Iran, for instance, that it stop peddling little girls as sex slaves for old men. The recommendation received this reply: “in light of Islamic teachings, a person that has reached the age of maturity and is of sound mind has the possibility of marrying.”

The Council created a human rights investigator on Iran, but Iran has never let him into the country. Recommendations made to Iran during the UPR that it cooperate, were simply ignored.
UN says Israel not Iran North Korea or Syria worst violator of human rights Fox News


You all know the American left winger agrees with everything the UN stated right? Yes, especially the left wing Jewish American.

Shame on all of you.

As a staunch supporter of Obama I am compelled to say that there is no connection between the sudden condemnation of Israel and its attempt to usurp obamas authority. I am his difficult servant forever
Israel is rolling downhill into fascist tyranny and all you guys can do is jump on for the ride and attack anyone who points it out. Of course it is militaristic right wing conservative tyranny directed at Muslims so it's just fine and dandy.
All libtards and the UN are WRONG!!!!! Israel is in the right, the UN is a commie satan loving entity with idiots like clinton and you supporting it.
Just because their distant ancestors are in the bible does not make them special. When judged by their actions alone Israel is rarely right. If they want to be treated like a western nation then they should live by the civilized standards common to western nations not the fascistic tyranny common to their neighbors. If they want to be special they need to act better than they have been.

I hope I get an opportunity some day to piss on your grave.
Take a fucking Midol and go take a nap, that PMS is making you crazy,

You are not worth a pouch of piss let alone an ounce of respect you fucking hypocriyical arrogant brainwashed ignorant anti-Semite pig.

Fuck you.
I do not hate Jews, I do have a problem with conservative assholes who treat people like garbage and use religion to excuse atrocity. See, that works for both sides of the conflict.

Also, before I forget, fuck you too you hateful sub-human knuckle-dragging troglodyte.
All libtards and the UN are WRONG!!!!! Israel is in the right, the UN is a commie satan loving entity with idiots like clinton and you supporting it.
Just because their distant ancestors are in the bible does not make them special. When judged by their actions alone Israel is rarely right. If they want to be treated like a western nation then they should live by the civilized standards common to western nations not the fascistic tyranny common to their neighbors. If they want to be special they need to act better than they have been.

I hope I get an opportunity some day to piss on your grave.
Take a fucking Midol and go take a nap, that PMS is making you crazy,

You are not worth a pouch of piss let alone an ounce of respect you fucking hypocriyical arrogant brainwashed ignorant anti-Semite pig.

Fuck you.
I do not hate Jews, I do have a problem with conservative assholes who treat people like garbage and use religion to excuse atrocity. See, that works for both sides of the conflict.

Also, before I forget, fuck you too you hateful sub-human knuckle-dragging troglodyte.

Whatever you stupid brain dead anti-Semite ignorant hypocrite.

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