UN Admits: Palestinians used UN schools to launch rockets and store weapons

Israel is responsible first and foremost for the security of its people.

I agree, but that doesn't justify war crimes. Such crimes are, by their nature, not worth the military gain from engaging in them. They represent a gross neglect of human rights and a clear violation of international laws that Israel is a party to and has agreed to abide by. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. That's why we have created a common consensus concerning the rules of war and delineated what is and isn't acceptable. Israel has simply routinely engaged in military acts that are well within the realm of that which has been deemed unacceptable, barbaric, and inhumane.
So Israel is supposed to not fight back, not defend itself, while Hamas commits all these war crimes unmolested?
Not at all. Israel is merely expected not to engage in war crimes and indiscriminate violence of its own.
How do you defeat an enemy who hides within civilians and refuses to fight you like a man without harming those civilians he is hiding within? It can't be done. Your answer makes it easier for such people to win battles. Those who are willing to do what must be done survive, those who don't die. Watch The Walking Dead Online Streaming Stream TV Free

The harming of civilians isn't in and of itself a war crime. The indiscriminate targeting of civilians and the failure of individual strikes to meet the proportionality requirements is. I also prefer not to get my morals from a fictional TV show.

The IDF does not target civilians but rather legit military targets made so by Hamas's use of them for military purposes.
Fanger is pretty stupid; they attack Israel for arresting arabs without evidence, then turn around and claim that the ICC has charged Israel with War Crimes - yet this dimwit shows no evidence. Not the brightest group of pro-arab posters in this forum.

As if a bright group of pro-Arab posters exists. :lmao:
I support Palestine because I stand for Justice...
Yeah just like all the other anti-Semitic twits. :lmao:

...You support israel because your jewish

Millions of non-Jews are Zionists. How does a flaming idiot like you know who is and who isn't Jewish? You don't even know the diff between "your" and "you're."

Was there a conviction? No there was not. There was no trial, and no conviction, so it is just hot air - remember that chimp.
Goozo is an expert in releasing propaganda in the form of hot air from his rear Mecca.
I support Palestine because I stand for Justice, You support israel because your jewish

You're a Goozo who hates Jews. That's why you support Palestinian terrorist savages.
And here comes bigmouth the ignoramus.

You mean all those proven instances of Palestinian animals using schools, hospitals, ambulances, apartment buildings, mosques etc. for terroristic / military purposes that were posted in this thread flew right over your head?
Whereas, with the size of yours, it is impossible to fly over.
Hamas, barbaric Islamic animals no different than ISIS, the polar opposite of justice.
I support Palestine because I stand for Justice, You support israel because your jewish

You don't support Palestine. You just hate Israel and Jews. We have not forgotten your disgusting comments regarding the Holocaust. You are simply another dime a dozen Islamo Nazi.
I support Palestine because I stand for Justice...
Yeah just like all the other anti-Semitic twits. :lmao:

...You support israel because your jewish

Millions of non-Jews are Zionists. How does a flaming idiot like you know who is and who isn't Jewish? You don't even know the diff between "your" and "you're."

He's made the 'your' mistake like 1000 times. So I can tell you it was not simply a typo. :lol:
Come on Dildo, you were bragging about how got a gold plated tweezer and matching magnifier with your name on it for your birthday. Are you getting Alzheimer's?

Now let's get back on topic, which is the depravity of the Palestinians in using schools and hospitals for military purposes.
Come on Dildo, you were bragging about how got a gold plated tweezer and matching magnifier with your name on it for your birthday. Are you getting Alzheimer's?
I'm sorry, did you say something?

Now let's get back on topic, which is the depravity of the Palestinians in using schools and hospitals for military purposes.
Which is something you've never proven.

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