UN Admits: Palestinians used UN schools to launch rockets and store weapons


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
The depravity of Palestinians knows no limits. Even schools aren't off limits.

UN Admits: UN Schools and Facilities Used by Hamas Terrorists
UN admits Israel was right - Hamas attacked Israelis from UN facilities. Oops.

Published: April 27th, 2015

Map of Gaza City rocket launcher sites in school yard. July 22, 2014

A United Nations Board of Inquiry (BoI) into the use and attack on UN facilities during Operation Protective Edge in Gaza, has been completed. The report itself is supposed to remain secret, but the cover letters attached to the report have been released.

The Board of Inquiry is a separate entity from Schabas’s Commission of Inquiry. Israel refused to cooperate with the Schabas inquiry, which was openly biased against Israel. Israel fully cooperated with the UN Board of Inquiry.

The UN inquiry found that “Israeli actions” killed 44 Arabs and injured 227 more who were inside UN premises. Israel investigated that incident.

But what was more important was that the report finally confirmed Israel’s claims that UN facilities were repeatedly being used by Hamas and other terrorists to store weapons and attack Israel.

In one school, 20 rockets were discovered.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon writes in his cover letter of his dismay in discovering that 3 UN schools were used to store weapons, and more seriously, two of the UN schools were used to launch attacks at Israel and Israeli troops.
The depravity of Palestinians knows no limits. Even schools aren't off limits.

UN Admits: UN Schools and Facilities Used by Hamas Terrorists
UN admits Israel was right - Hamas attacked Israelis from UN facilities. Oops.

Published: April 27th, 2015

Map of Gaza City rocket launcher sites in school yard. July 22, 2014

A United Nations Board of Inquiry (BoI) into the use and attack on UN facilities during Operation Protective Edge in Gaza, has been completed. The report itself is supposed to remain secret, but the cover letters attached to the report have been released.

The Board of Inquiry is a separate entity from Schabas’s Commission of Inquiry. Israel refused to cooperate with the Schabas inquiry, which was openly biased against Israel. Israel fully cooperated with the UN Board of Inquiry.

The UN inquiry found that “Israeli actions” killed 44 Arabs and injured 227 more who were inside UN premises. Israel investigated that incident.

But what was more important was that the report finally confirmed Israel’s claims that UN facilities were repeatedly being used by Hamas and other terrorists to store weapons and attack Israel.

In one school, 20 rockets were discovered.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon writes in his cover letter of his dismay in discovering that 3 UN schools were used to store weapons, and more seriously, two of the UN schools were used to launch attacks at Israel and Israeli troops.

Ah they don't have a military base like Israel do they?
As usual, Ruddy relays what is published by Jewish propaganda outlets and leaves off the link to make it appear that it is neutral report. However, he fails to remove the internal links that show that he is just relaying Zionist propaganda from "The Jewish Press.Com" a well known Zionist propaganda generator.

The Jewish Press - Breaking News Opinions Analysis and More on Israel and the Jewish World

Ruddy would scream bloody murder if someone used material from Electronic Intifada. Sheesh.
As usual, Ruddy relays what is published by Jewish propaganda outlets and leaves off the link to make it appear that it is neutral report. However, he fails to remove the internal links that show that he is just relaying Zionist propaganda from "The Jewish Press.Com" a well known Zionist propaganda generator.

The Jewish Press - Breaking News Opinions Analysis and More on Israel and the Jewish World

Ruddy wouled scream bloody murder if someone used material from Electronic Intifada. Sheesh.

Not really numbskull, the UN has already admitted to this several times.

UNRWA condemns placement of rockets for a second time in one of its schools UNRWA

UN admits its schools in Gaza were used to store Hamas rockets - World Tribune World Tribune
UN admits Palestinians fired rockets from UNRWA schools

The UN finally investigated the Palestinian storing of rockets in UNRWA schools and their use of the schools to launch rockets against Israel, all of which constitute grave violations of the Geneva Conventions and international humanitarian law.

Key findings gleaned from the UN report:

  • Hamas and/or Islamic Jihad stored rockets in UNRWA schools. The board found, in the case of the UNRWA Jabalia Elementary “C” and Ayyobiya Boys School, referring to the discovery of weapons there on 22 July 2014, that “it was highly likely that a Palestinian armed group might have used the premises to hide weapons.”
  • Hamas and/or Islamic Jihad stored rockets in schools that were in active use by children. During the war, former PLO lawyer Diana Buttu famously said on Al Jazeera that “the rockets that were found in the schools in UNRWA were schools that are not being used by anybody—school is out, I’ll have you know.” However, in the UNRWA Gaza Beach Elementary Co-educational “B” School, on 16 July 2014, the UN Board of Inquiry notes that the school gate was unlocked during the period leading up to the incident “in order to allow children access to the schoolyard.” School was out, but UNRWA was inviting the children back in to play.
  • Hamas and/or Islamic Jihad fired rockets from UNRWA schools. In the Jabalia school listed above, the board found that “it was highly likely that an unidentified Palestinian armed group could have used the school premises to launch attacks on or around 14 July.” Similarly, concerning weaponry stored at the UNRWA Nuseirat Preparatory Co- educational “B” School, the UN inquiry found that “the premises could have been used for an unknown period of time by members of a Palestinian armed group” — and that “it was likely that such a group may have fired the mortar from within the premises of the school.”
Extracts follow below.


Extracts from the UN report on rockets stored in and fired from UNRWA facilities

Incident (h): Presence of weaponry at the UNRWA Gaza Beach Elementary Co- educational “B” School on 16 July 2014

49. Gaza Beach Elementary Co-educational “B” School is located in the heart of the Beach refugee camp, in the midst of a densely populated area of Gaza city. Four other UNRWA schools and an UNRWA health centre are located on the opposite side of the street. The school buildings are enclosed by a wall and there is one main gate. On two of its four sides, the schoolyard is surrounded by houses, which are built on the school’s boundary wall. These houses have windows opening on to the schoolyard on their lower floors; and one house connects with the schoolyard through a gate. Also next to the school, adjacent to the house with the connecting gate, is a private building, whose main gate is located next to the school’s gate. This house was bombed during Operation Protective Edge, prior to the incident.

50. Due to the summer vacation, the school was not in use at the time of Operation Protective Edge, nor was it used as a designated emergency shelter.

51. The Board was informed that two UNRWA school attendants were looking arier the school prior to and on the day of the incident. One worked the morning shift and the other, the afternoon. Five guards hired as part of UNRWA’s Job Creation Programme (JCP) were also assigned to the school, one worldng the morning shift and the other four sharing the night shift in pairs of two. In addition, the school principal inspected all the classrooms on some days.

52. The Board was informed that one of the school attendants had testified that he had performed his normal duties prior to and on the day of the incident. The other had testified that, for safety reasons, he was told to stay away fi’om the school and to relocate to the health centre across the street and watch the school from there. Prior to and on the day of the incident, the JCP guards were also not at the school, but at the health centre, in accordance with the same instruction. The Board was informed that an UNRWA official had issued this instruction for fear that the building next door to the school would be shelled again.

53. The Board was informed that the school gate was unlocked during the period leading up to the incident in order to allow children access to the schoolyard. It was also informed that there were two sets of keys to the classrooms, one for the morning shift and the other for the afternoon. One set of keys was kept in the school principal’s office. It was unclear where the other set was kept.

54. A team of Operations Support Officers (OSO) had inspected the school on 2 June as part of a regular inspection programme for all UNRWA facilities, designed to prevent breaches of their “neutrality”. No weapons or signs of militant activity had been reported by the team during that inspection. No further inspections had been conducted by OSO teams after that date due to the declaration by UNRWA’s Gaza Field Office of a state of emergency on 8 July. The OSO teams had then ceased to operate and their members been assigned to other, emergency-related functions.

55. On 16 July 2015, a 120 MM mortar tube, a mortar bipod and twenty 120 MM mortar-round containers, with ammunition, were discovered under a blanket in the corner of a locked classroom. The weapom’y was photographed.

56. UNRWA senior management notified the local authorities in Gaza and asked that the weapons be removed. The United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) contacted the Special Protection Unit (SPU) of the local police and also asked that the weapons be removed, apparently through the local police’s explosive ordnance detachment. The SPU asked that the United Nations guarantee that the IDF would not strike while the weapons were being removed and that a United Nations vehicle be used to remove the weapons. DSS refused.

57. The Board was informed that UNRWA had received testimony that two individuals identifying themselves as policemen had come to the school, alleged that they knew who was responsible for the cache of weapons and left a telephone number. Upon being contacted, one of these individuals stated that the weapons would be removed fi’om the school in the early morning. The Board was further informed that, early in the morning of 17 July, the door to the classroom in question was found locked, with no signs of forced entry or exit, and that it was noted that the weapons had been removed.

58. On 17 July, UNRWA informed Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the finding of the weapons and their subsequent disappearance. In the afternoon of 17 July, UNRWA issued a press release stating that a cache of approximately 20 rockets (sic) had been found hidden in a vacant school. Under a misapprehension that the explosive ordnance detachment of the local police had removed the weapom’y, the press release stated that UNRWA had informed the relevant parties and had successfully taken all necessary measures for the removal of the objects in order to preserve the safety and security of the school.

59. The Board found that, in the light of the situation in the vicinity, the security measures at the school were weak prior to and on the day of the incident, partly due to the fact that the personnel charged with the school’s security were subject to life-threatening circumstances. It also found that an unidentified Palestinian armed group had used the school premises to hide the weaponry.

Incident (i): Presence of weaponry at the UNRWA Jabalia Elementary “C” and Ayyobiya Boys School on 22 July 2014

60. The Jabalia Elementary “C” and Ayyobiya Boys School is one in a row of five schools situated in an urban area to the east of the Jabalia refugee camp. Behind the school is a large open area with small-scale agricultural land. The Board was informed that this area was known for its use as a firing site for armed groups and that it had been targeted by the IDF in past conflicts.
What was more important was that the report finally confirmed Israel’s claims that UN facilities were repeatedly being used by Hamas and other terrorists to store weapons and attack Israel.

Ban Ki Moon writes,

“On the discovery by the United Nations of weaponry on United Nations premises, I am dismayed that Palestinian militant groups would put United Nations schools at risk by using them to hide their arms. The three schools at which weaponry was found were empty at the time and were not being used as shelters. However, the fact that they were used by those involved in the fighting to store their weaponry and, in two cases, probably to fire from is unacceptable.”

Israel’s spokesman at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Israel received a copy of the report.

The spokeman said in response,

“The executive summary of the report clearly documents the exploitation by terrorist organizations of UN facilities in the Gaza Strip. Israel is committed to working jointly with the UN in order to improve the security of UN facilities in the Gaza Strip, with special emphasis on preventing such exploitation by terrorists. Moreover, Israel is prepared to extend its assistance to UNRWA, with the aim of preventing the recurrence of circumstances under which UN facilities are used to carry out terrorist activity, in blatant violation of international law, and in a manner that gravely endangers civilians, including UN staff.”

In response to the section on deaths caused by “Israeli actions”, Emmanuel Nachshon wrote,

“All of the incidents attributed by the report to Israel have already been subject to thorough examinations, and criminal investigations have been launched where relevant. This serves as further evidence of Israel’s serious approach to this issue, its capacity and desire to carry out independent investigations and its commitment to the rule of law. Israel makes every effort to avoid harm to sensitive sites, in the face of terrorist groups who are committed not only to targeting Israeli civilians but also to using Palestinian civilians and UN facilities as shields for their terrorist activities.”

When we pointed out that the acronym “UNRWA” stood for UN Rocket Warehouse Agency, we weren’t kidding.

The Zionist propaganda machine is generating propaganda at a record rate. The Jewish Press.com is in turbo mode and Ruddy spreading the propaganda just as fast as his little fingers can type, posting all the propaganda The Jewish Press.com is generating in its "damage control" mode. It is hilarious watching this charade and how Ruddy doesn't supply the links to the propaganda.
How about this?

"UN Reports Confirms Israeli Ethnic Genocide in Gaza

Gaza, Apr 28 (Prensa Latina) The announcement of the trials of three Israeli soldiers accused of looting was received here with skepticism and was linked to the publication of a UN report blaming Tel Aviv of attacking schools.

An Israeli military source said that the Prosecutor's Office accused two soldiers of stealing the equivalent of 620 dollars from a house in the village of Shejaya, and a third soldier was accused of instigating them.

The crime was committed during Israel's military aggression against that the Gaza Strip last summer, during which 2,200 civilians were killed, 11,000 were wounded or crippled and more than 110,000 people lost their homes.

In 55 days of heavy bombings on the Gaza Strip, which Israel has blockaded for eight years, the UN Security Council approved a resolution that was criticized due to its ambiguity to place both aggressors and victims in the same site.

The report accuses Israel of seven attacks on a UN-sponsored school and denies that the educational center had been used as a headquarters by members of Palestinian movements, as Israeli authorities claimed at the time.

The members of the investigative commission analyzed the daily bombings on civil facilities, and UN officials denounced the situation at the time, but their accusations were unheard.

It is a very serious matter that they have denied protection to those who were looking for it at shelters established by the UN. We will not spare efforts so that those incidents do not happen again, said Ban Ki-moon.

The report can be used as evidence in the accusations of war crimes against Israel that the Palestinian government plans to file at the International Penal Court.

Modificado el ( martes, 28 de abril de 2015 )

Prensa Latina News Agency - UN Reports Confirms Israeli Ethnic Genocide in Gaza
The Zionist propaganda machine is generating propaganda at a record rate. The Jewish Press.com is in turbo mode and Ruddy spreading the propaganda just as fast as his little fingers can type, posting all the propaganda The Jewish Press.com is generating in its "damage control" mode. It is hilarious watching this charade and how Rudindy doesn't supply the links to the propaganda.

As usual, Monti cannot handle the truth. This is from a U.N report you idiot.

BTW, yesterday I caught you using a pro Jewish source. You're a fuckin hypocrite. Why don't you go whine and spread your lies somewhere else.
How about this?

"UN Reports Confirms Israeli Ethnic Genocide in Gaza

Gaza, Apr 28 (Prensa Latina) The announcement of the trials of three Israeli soldiers accused of looting was received here with skepticism and was linked to the publication of a UN report blaming Tel Aviv of attacking schools.

An Israeli military source said that the Prosecutor's Office accused two soldiers of stealing the equivalent of 620 dollars from a house in the village of Shejaya, and a third soldier was accused of instigating them.

The crime was committed during Israel's military aggression against that the Gaza Strip last summer, during which 2,200 civilians were killed, 11,000 were wounded or crippled and more than 110,000 people lost their homes.

In 55 days of heavy bombings on the Gaza Strip, which Israel has blockaded for eight years, the UN Security Council approved a resolution that was criticized due to its ambiguity to place both aggressors and victims in the same site.

The report accuses Israel of seven attacks on a UN-sponsored school and denies that the educational center had been used as a headquarters by members of Palestinian movements, as Israeli authorities claimed at the time.

The members of the investigative commission analyzed the daily bombings on civil facilities, and UN officials denounced the situation at the time, but their accusations were unheard.

It is a very serious matter that they have denied protection to those who were looking for it at shelters established by the UN. We will not spare efforts so that those incidents do not happen again, said Ban Ki-moon.

The report can be used as evidence in the accusations of war crimes against Israel that the Palestinian government plans to file at the International Penal Court.

Modificado el ( martes, 28 de abril de 2015 )

Prensa Latina News Agency - UN Reports Confirms Israeli Ethnic Genocide in Gaza
Nice deflection. ou couldn't even comment on the UN report from the OP. Monti and his propaganda agenda hate the truth so much.
The Zionist propaganda machine is generating propaganda at a record rate. The Jewish Press.com is in turbo mode and Ruddy spreading the propaganda just as fast as his little fingers can type, posting all the propaganda The Jewish Press.com is generating in its "damage control" mode. It is hilarious watching this charade and how Rudindy doesn't supply the links to the propaganda.

As usual, Monti cannot handle the truth. This is from a U.N report you idiot.

BTW, yesterday I caught you using a pro Jewish source. You're a fuckin hypocrite. Why don't you go whine and spread your lies somewhere else.

The Zionist propaganda machine is generating propaganda at a record rate. The Jewish Press.com is in turbo mode and Ruddy spreading the propaganda just as fast as his little fingers can type, posting all the propaganda The Jewish Press.com is generating in its "damage control" mode. It is hilarious watching this charade and how Rudindy doesn't supply the links to the propaganda.

As usual, Monti cannot handle the truth. This is from a U.N report you idiot.

BTW, yesterday I caught you using a pro Jewish source. You're a fuckin hypocrite. Why don't you go whine and spread your lies somewhere else.

No, it is from The Jewish Press.com. It is the Zionist propaganda machine in damage control mode. Ruddy, just pasted the UN emblem on the post LOL. You just don't get it, do you Toast. All you have ever been fed is propaganda on the issue. And you are buying Ruddy's feeble attempts at generating propaganda.

I am not allowed to use pro-Jewish sites?
Last edited:
The Zionist propaganda machine is generating propaganda at a record rate. The Jewish Press.com is in turbo mode and Ruddy spreading the propaganda just as fast as his little fingers can type, posting all the propaganda The Jewish Press.com is generating in its "damage control" mode. It is hilarious watching this charade and how Rudindy doesn't supply the links to the propaganda.

As usual, Monti cannot handle the truth. This is from a U.N report you idiot.

BTW, yesterday I caught you using a pro Jewish source. You're a fuckin hypocrite. Why don't you go whine and spread your lies somewhere else.

The Zionist propaganda machine is generating propaganda at a record rate. The Jewish Press.com is in turbo mode and Ruddy spreading the propaganda just as fast as his little fingers can type, posting all the propaganda The Jewish Press.com is generating in its "damage control" mode. It is hilarious watching this charade and how Rudindy doesn't supply the links to the propaganda.

As usual, Monti cannot handle the truth. This is from a U.N report you idiot.

BTW, yesterday I caught you using a pro Jewish source. You're a fuckin hypocrite. Why don't you go whine and spread your lies somewhere else.

No, it is from The Jewish Press.com. It is the Zionist propaganda machine in damage control mode. Ruddy, just pasted the UN emblem on the post LOL. You just don't get it, do you Toast. All you have ever been fed is propaganda on the issue. And you are buying Ruddy's feeble attempts at generating propaganda.

I am not allowed to use pro-Jewish sites?

Show me some proof of this propaganda from this site Monti. For once in your life, back up your claim about propaganda.

"All you have ever been fed is propaganda on the issue"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Coming from the propaganda king, that's hilarious !

So let me guess this straight, when a pro Israeli poster using a pro Jewish site, you spew your usual "ahhhh it's propaganda'. But when you use one, it's no problem.
You're a liar, a hypocrite and a professional propaganda. But worse of all, you cannot handle the truth. Go back to bed.
The Jewish Virtual Library has to adhere to certain norms. It is a propaganda organ just as the Palestinian Virtual Library would be, only a little less strident than something like CAMERA, or the The Jewish Press which are hard core propaganda machines.

I only use pro-Israel sites to make sure that I don't introduce pro-Palestinian partisanship in support of the facts that I post. I will not use pro-Israel sites in the future. It seems even pro-Israel sites are too pro-Palestinian for you. Go figure. By the way, your friend Ruddy attaching UN emblems to The Jewish V Press.Com is perfectly ok with you while my using the Jewish Virtual Library is not. Are you so brainwashed you can't see how absurd that is?
The depravity of Palestinians knows no limits. Even schools aren't off limits.

UN Admits: UN Schools and Facilities Used by Hamas Terrorists
UN admits Israel was right - Hamas attacked Israelis from UN facilities. Oops.

Published: April 27th, 2015

Map of Gaza City rocket launcher sites in school yard. July 22, 2014

A United Nations Board of Inquiry (BoI) into the use and attack on UN facilities during Operation Protective Edge in Gaza, has been completed. The report itself is supposed to remain secret, but the cover letters attached to the report have been released.

The Board of Inquiry is a separate entity from Schabas’s Commission of Inquiry. Israel refused to cooperate with the Schabas inquiry, which was openly biased against Israel. Israel fully cooperated with the UN Board of Inquiry.

The UN inquiry found that “Israeli actions” killed 44 Arabs and injured 227 more who were inside UN premises. Israel investigated that incident.

But what was more important was that the report finally confirmed Israel’s claims that UN facilities were repeatedly being used by Hamas and other terrorists to store weapons and attack Israel.

In one school, 20 rockets were discovered.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon writes in his cover letter of his dismay in discovering that 3 UN schools were used to store weapons, and more seriously, two of the UN schools were used to launch attacks at Israel and Israeli troops.

Ah they don't have a military base like Israel do they?

Of course they do, they double as UNWRA schools, Hospitals and mosques as the many reports say.
The Zionist propaganda machine is generating propaganda at a record rate. The Jewish Press.com is in turbo mode and Ruddy spreading the propaganda just as fast as his little fingers can type, posting all the propaganda The Jewish Press.com is generating in its "damage control" mode. It is hilarious watching this charade and how Ruddy doesn't supply the links to the propaganda.

So you are saying that the UN reports are Zionist propaganda now in your attempts at demonising the Jews.

The depravity of Palestinians knows no limits. Even schools aren't off limits.

UN Admits: UN Schools and Facilities Used by Hamas Terrorists
UN admits Israel was right - Hamas attacked Israelis from UN facilities. Oops.

Published: April 27th, 2015

Map of Gaza City rocket launcher sites in school yard. July 22, 2014

A United Nations Board of Inquiry (BoI) into the use and attack on UN facilities during Operation Protective Edge in Gaza, has been completed. The report itself is supposed to remain secret, but the cover letters attached to the report have been released.

The Board of Inquiry is a separate entity from Schabas’s Commission of Inquiry. Israel refused to cooperate with the Schabas inquiry, which was openly biased against Israel. Israel fully cooperated with the UN Board of Inquiry.

The UN inquiry found that “Israeli actions” killed 44 Arabs and injured 227 more who were inside UN premises. Israel investigated that incident.

But what was more important was that the report finally confirmed Israel’s claims that UN facilities were repeatedly being used by Hamas and other terrorists to store weapons and attack Israel.

In one school, 20 rockets were discovered.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon writes in his cover letter of his dismay in discovering that 3 UN schools were used to store weapons, and more seriously, two of the UN schools were used to launch attacks at Israel and Israeli troops.

UN asked Israel to bring to their attention when Israel has information of building or personnel of hamas collaboration or misuse of facilities before taking action
How about this?

"UN Reports Confirms Israeli Ethnic Genocide in Gaza

Gaza, Apr 28 (Prensa Latina) The announcement of the trials of three Israeli soldiers accused of looting was received here with skepticism and was linked to the publication of a UN report blaming Tel Aviv of attacking schools.

An Israeli military source said that the Prosecutor's Office accused two soldiers of stealing the equivalent of 620 dollars from a house in the village of Shejaya, and a third soldier was accused of instigating them.

The crime was committed during Israel's military aggression against that the Gaza Strip last summer, during which 2,200 civilians were killed, 11,000 were wounded or crippled and more than 110,000 people lost their homes.

In 55 days of heavy bombings on the Gaza Strip, which Israel has blockaded for eight years, the UN Security Council approved a resolution that was criticized due to its ambiguity to place both aggressors and victims in the same site.

The report accuses Israel of seven attacks on a UN-sponsored school and denies that the educational center had been used as a headquarters by members of Palestinian movements, as Israeli authorities claimed at the time.

The members of the investigative commission analyzed the daily bombings on civil facilities, and UN officials denounced the situation at the time, but their accusations were unheard.

It is a very serious matter that they have denied protection to those who were looking for it at shelters established by the UN. We will not spare efforts so that those incidents do not happen again, said Ban Ki-moon.

The report can be used as evidence in the accusations of war crimes against Israel that the Palestinian government plans to file at the International Penal Court.

Modificado el ( martes, 28 de abril de 2015 )

Prensa Latina News Agency - UN Reports Confirms Israeli Ethnic Genocide in Gaza

AND ! have they been arrested and charged with a crime, unlike the arab muslims who are given a wad of money and elevated to sainthood.
How about this?

"UN Reports Confirms Israeli Ethnic Genocide in Gaza

Gaza, Apr 28 (Prensa Latina) The announcement of the trials of three Israeli soldiers accused of looting was received here with skepticism and was linked to the publication of a UN report blaming Tel Aviv of attacking schools.

An Israeli military source said that the Prosecutor's Office accused two soldiers of stealing the equivalent of 620 dollars from a house in the village of Shejaya, and a third soldier was accused of instigating them.

The crime was committed during Israel's military aggression against that the Gaza Strip last summer, during which 2,200 civilians were killed, 11,000 were wounded or crippled and more than 110,000 people lost their homes.

In 55 days of heavy bombings on the Gaza Strip, which Israel has blockaded for eight years, the UN Security Council approved a resolution that was criticized due to its ambiguity to place both aggressors and victims in the same site.

The report accuses Israel of seven attacks on a UN-sponsored school and denies that the educational center had been used as a headquarters by members of Palestinian movements, as Israeli authorities claimed at the time.

The members of the investigative commission analyzed the daily bombings on civil facilities, and UN officials denounced the situation at the time, but their accusations were unheard.

It is a very serious matter that they have denied protection to those who were looking for it at shelters established by the UN. We will not spare efforts so that those incidents do not happen again, said Ban Ki-moon.

The report can be used as evidence in the accusations of war crimes against Israel that the Palestinian government plans to file at the International Penal Court.

Modificado el ( martes, 28 de abril de 2015 )

Prensa Latina News Agency - UN Reports Confirms Israeli Ethnic Genocide in Gaza

Hasbara! squawk! hasbara! Squawk!

What the fuck is a prenglish or Prensa Latina website?

I showed you direct quotes from the UN and its representatives, admiting to the depravity of the Palestinians, you TROLL.

What kind of people use UN funded schools as weapons depots and rocket launching sites? Palestinian animals.
UN admits Palestinians fired rockets from UNRWA schools

The UN finally investigated the Palestinian storing of rockets in UNRWA schools and their use of the schools to launch rockets against Israel, all of which constitute grave violations of the Geneva Conventions and international humanitarian law.

Key findings gleaned from the UN report:

  • Hamas and/or Islamic Jihad stored rockets in UNRWA schools. The board found, in the case of the UNRWA Jabalia Elementary “C” and Ayyobiya Boys School, referring to the discovery of weapons there on 22 July 2014, that “it was highly likely that a Palestinian armed group might have used the premises to hide weapons.”
  • Hamas and/or Islamic Jihad stored rockets in schools that were in active use by children. During the war, former PLO lawyer Diana Buttu famously said on Al Jazeera that “the rockets that were found in the schools in UNRWA were schools that are not being used by anybody—school is out, I’ll have you know.” However, in the UNRWA Gaza Beach Elementary Co-educational “B” School, on 16 July 2014, the UN Board of Inquiry notes that the school gate was unlocked during the period leading up to the incident “in order to allow children access to the schoolyard.” School was out, but UNRWA was inviting the children back in to play.
  • Hamas and/or Islamic Jihad fired rockets from UNRWA schools. In the Jabalia school listed above, the board found that “it was highly likely that an unidentified Palestinian armed group could have used the school premises to launch attacks on or around 14 July.” Similarly, concerning weaponry stored at the UNRWA Nuseirat Preparatory Co- educational “B” School, the UN inquiry found that “the premises could have been used for an unknown period of time by members of a Palestinian armed group” — and that “it was likely that such a group may have fired the mortar from within the premises of the school.”
Extracts follow below.


Extracts from the UN report on rockets stored in and fired from UNRWA facilities

Incident (h): Presence of weaponry at the UNRWA Gaza Beach Elementary Co- educational “B” School on 16 July 2014

49. Gaza Beach Elementary Co-educational “B” School is located in the heart of the Beach refugee camp, in the midst of a densely populated area of Gaza city. Four other UNRWA schools and an UNRWA health centre are located on the opposite side of the street. The school buildings are enclosed by a wall and there is one main gate. On two of its four sides, the schoolyard is surrounded by houses, which are built on the school’s boundary wall. These houses have windows opening on to the schoolyard on their lower floors; and one house connects with the schoolyard through a gate. Also next to the school, adjacent to the house with the connecting gate, is a private building, whose main gate is located next to the school’s gate. This house was bombed during Operation Protective Edge, prior to the incident.

50. Due to the summer vacation, the school was not in use at the time of Operation Protective Edge, nor was it used as a designated emergency shelter.

51. The Board was informed that two UNRWA school attendants were looking arier the school prior to and on the day of the incident. One worked the morning shift and the other, the afternoon. Five guards hired as part of UNRWA’s Job Creation Programme (JCP) were also assigned to the school, one worldng the morning shift and the other four sharing the night shift in pairs of two. In addition, the school principal inspected all the classrooms on some days.

52. The Board was informed that one of the school attendants had testified that he had performed his normal duties prior to and on the day of the incident. The other had testified that, for safety reasons, he was told to stay away fi’om the school and to relocate to the health centre across the street and watch the school from there. Prior to and on the day of the incident, the JCP guards were also not at the school, but at the health centre, in accordance with the same instruction. The Board was informed that an UNRWA official had issued this instruction for fear that the building next door to the school would be shelled again.

53. The Board was informed that the school gate was unlocked during the period leading up to the incident in order to allow children access to the schoolyard. It was also informed that there were two sets of keys to the classrooms, one for the morning shift and the other for the afternoon. One set of keys was kept in the school principal’s office. It was unclear where the other set was kept.

54. A team of Operations Support Officers (OSO) had inspected the school on 2 June as part of a regular inspection programme for all UNRWA facilities, designed to prevent breaches of their “neutrality”. No weapons or signs of militant activity had been reported by the team during that inspection. No further inspections had been conducted by OSO teams after that date due to the declaration by UNRWA’s Gaza Field Office of a state of emergency on 8 July. The OSO teams had then ceased to operate and their members been assigned to other, emergency-related functions.

55. On 16 July 2015, a 120 MM mortar tube, a mortar bipod and twenty 120 MM mortar-round containers, with ammunition, were discovered under a blanket in the corner of a locked classroom. The weapom’y was photographed.

56. UNRWA senior management notified the local authorities in Gaza and asked that the weapons be removed. The United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) contacted the Special Protection Unit (SPU) of the local police and also asked that the weapons be removed, apparently through the local police’s explosive ordnance detachment. The SPU asked that the United Nations guarantee that the IDF would not strike while the weapons were being removed and that a United Nations vehicle be used to remove the weapons. DSS refused.

57. The Board was informed that UNRWA had received testimony that two individuals identifying themselves as policemen had come to the school, alleged that they knew who was responsible for the cache of weapons and left a telephone number. Upon being contacted, one of these individuals stated that the weapons would be removed fi’om the school in the early morning. The Board was further informed that, early in the morning of 17 July, the door to the classroom in question was found locked, with no signs of forced entry or exit, and that it was noted that the weapons had been removed.

58. On 17 July, UNRWA informed Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the finding of the weapons and their subsequent disappearance. In the afternoon of 17 July, UNRWA issued a press release stating that a cache of approximately 20 rockets (sic) had been found hidden in a vacant school. Under a misapprehension that the explosive ordnance detachment of the local police had removed the weapom’y, the press release stated that UNRWA had informed the relevant parties and had successfully taken all necessary measures for the removal of the objects in order to preserve the safety and security of the school.

59. The Board found that, in the light of the situation in the vicinity, the security measures at the school were weak prior to and on the day of the incident, partly due to the fact that the personnel charged with the school’s security were subject to life-threatening circumstances. It also found that an unidentified Palestinian armed group had used the school premises to hide the weaponry.

Incident (i): Presence of weaponry at the UNRWA Jabalia Elementary “C” and Ayyobiya Boys School on 22 July 2014

60. The Jabalia Elementary “C” and Ayyobiya Boys School is one in a row of five schools situated in an urban area to the east of the Jabalia refugee camp. Behind the school is a large open area with small-scale agricultural land. The Board was informed that this area was known for its use as a firing site for armed groups and that it had been targeted by the IDF in past conflicts.

They've been doing this for decades Roudy.
The Zionist propaganda machine is generating propaganda at a record rate. The Jewish Press.com is in turbo mode and Ruddy spreading the propaganda just as fast as his little fingers can type, posting all the propaganda The Jewish Press.com is generating in its "damage control" mode. It is hilarious watching this charade and how Rudindy doesn't supply the links to the propaganda.

As usual, Monti cannot handle the truth. This is from a U.N report you idiot.

BTW, yesterday I caught you using a pro Jewish source. You're a fuckin hypocrite. Why don't you go whine and spread your lies somewhere else.

Oh he uses leftist Jewish and Israeli sites all the time. Another epic fail by Monte.

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