UK's Sunak on Gender: 'A Man Is a Man and a Woman Is a Woman'

Votar Roja

Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2023

UK's Sunak on Gender: 'A Man Is a Man and a Woman Is a Woman'​

QUOTE: "A man is a man and a woman is a woman, that's just common sense." UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says "we shouldn't get bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be," to loud cheers and applause at the Conservative Party Conference.

OP COMMENT: Well, it took a foreigner to finally pull the collective British head out of the collective British arse, Well done sir. You are welcome to be a politician in America.


UK's Sunak on Gender: 'A Man Is a Man and a Woman Is a Woman'​

QUOTE: "A man is a man and a woman is a woman, that's just common sense." UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says "we shouldn't get bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be," to loud cheers and applause at the Conservative Party Conference.

OP COMMENT: Well, it took a foreigner to finally pull the collective British head out of the collective British arse, Well done sir. You are welcome to be a politician in America.

I'm not bothered that you think of yourself as a man.
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He should.embrace gender fluidity

Why? That is junk science and garbage. Nobody should embrace lies.

What is wrong with being a man, woman or potato if that is how we feel any particular morning?

Because it destroys society.
Hello McFly, anyone home upstairs?

You need to watch this:

Has anyone ever said to you:: Why do you care how LGBTQ live their lives? It doesn't effect you personally does it? People who say that are idiots and morons. They have no clue about the building blocks of society and civilization
Why? That is junk science and garbage. Nobody should embrace lies.

Because it destroys society.
Hello McFly, anyone home upstairs?

You need to watch this:

Has anyone ever said to you:: Why do you care how LGBTQ live their lives? It doesn't effect you personally does it? People who say that are idiots and morons. They have no clue about the building blocks of society and civilization

Remember Mr. Potaro Head? That toy needs to be banned.
Gender Fluidity is Nonsense

Gender fluidity is an idea insinuating that gender is merely a social construct and as such it is possible to be any gender or none (i.e non-binary) regardless of biology or physical appearance simply “if you feel that way.”

This ideology is flawed. Some people who identify as gender fluid and transgender even argue there’s a biological basis to their identity but research shows contrary.

For example, a study into monkeys showed explicit gender behaviour as male or female without any gendered socialisation.

Sex differences in rhesus monkey toy preferences parallel those of children (Sex differences in rhesus monkey toy preferences parallel those of children)

“Male monkeys, like boys, showed consistent and strong preferences for wheeled toys, while female monkeys, like girls, showed greater variability in preferences. Thus, the magnitude of preference for wheeled over plush toys differed significantly between males and females. The similarities to human findings demonstrate that such preferences can develop without explicit gendered socialization. We offer the hypothesis that toy preferences reflect hormonally influenced behavioral and cognitive biases which are sculpted by social processes into the sex differences seen in monkeys and humans.”

This research also showed that female monkeys when exposed to male hormones begun acting more masculine and started to enjoy the same rough and tumble play that male monkeys did.

Another study showed the same. Wallen K. Hormonal influences on sexually differentiated behavior in nonhuman primates. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2005;26:7–26.

This shows a biological basis for different behaviour between genders and contrary to the gender fluid and transgender assertion that “gender and behaviour roles only exist due to upbringing and society” it shows these roles naturally exist even in other species. It’s not because of society that males can be more aggressive and masculine, it’s just biology.

There was no “gender fluid” behaviour observed here in these studies even in a species that grows up in a “society” without gender being taught to them. We observe this in plenty of other animal species too as well as other human cultures which all evolved independently of one another. If gender was merely a “social construct” there would have been entire civilizations and cultures without a recognisation of what it means to be male or female as a gender and yet even cultures which recognise a third sex (normally intersex) still recognised the binary nature of gender as male or female. Non-coincidentally, all cultures evolved with a specific understanding and concept of gender. These new genders from gender fluid people never existed in any historical culture (and in most places of the world, still don't).

For those of us with common sense, we didn’t need a study of monkeys to show us this anyway.

Besides these points, the gender fluid ideology fails from a another standpoint. A gender fluid person argues that can be whatever gender they want (or even none) just because of how they feel. How is that different from a white man identifying as black because he feels that way? Gender fluid people call transracialism a delusion but how are they different when they too reject their biological self based solely on their feelings?

There has been no proven biological basis shown for gender fluidity or even being transgender.

As the following research points out, gender dysphoria has been shown to be a condition possibly influenced by environmental factors, parenting, culture, etc in other words upbringing, lifestyle and experience.

Transsexualism: A Different Viewpoint to Brain Changes (Transsexualism: A Different Viewpoint to Brain Changes)

“Moreover, regarding environmental factors, parenting and family variables, such as very closeness to the mother, father absence, parental wish for a boy or daughter and psychopathology in the parents, have been suggested to contribute to the GD as major factors. Also, wrong self-knowledge is an another potential contributing factor to the GD, which means the wrong recognition of the natal sex by the subject independent from parenting due to improper experiences in life and misunderstanding of these experiences.”

Even if there were a biological basis, how does that solve the problems gender fluid and the transgender ideology present? There have already been issues of transgender women competing in female sports and winning due to their natural biological advantage as biological males with increased testosterone responsible for increased muscle mass which instantly puts any gender fluid person or transgender in a natural advantage over genetic women.

How can something unfair be allowed just to satisfy the desires of a small minority? Because the truth remains, even if there is a proper basis for being gender fluid and/or transgender, such people biologically remain the sex they were born as regardless of any surgery they may have to look like the gender they identify with.
That's the pathetic, sad state of affairs we find ourselves in today in the West. It's no longer self-evident to some people that a man isn't a woman and a woman isn't a man. It should go without saying, that a man can't become an actual woman, just because he identifies himself as one. A human being can't become a dog, just because that human identifies as one. Both the human and the dog are mammals, and they share certain traits, but nonetheless, a human isn't a dog and a dog isn't human. As far as sex, and gender, men are men and women are women.
Good to see some Americans catching on to what should be self evident facts .

Of course you are in a terrible mess now, but if you put in some good hard effort there is no telling what you might finally achieve one day .

Say , No , to Bananas. Think Orange .
Good to see some Americans catching on to what should be self evident facts .

Of course you are in a terrible mess now, but if you put in some good hard effort there is no telling what you might finally achieve one day .

Say , No , to Bananas. Think Orange .

We went to the moon. Every other country who went to the moon raise your hand?

We saved the world from Hitler and his Axis of Evil. WE did that.

We may have a piece of shit party in charge right now but we are still the greatest nation to ever exist in the history of mankind.
We went to the moon. Every other country who went to the moon raise your hand?

We saved the world from Hitler and his Axis of Evil. WE did that.

We may have a piece of shit party in charge right now but we are still the greatest nation to ever exist in the history of mankind.
The Soviets had an extremely important role in WW2, fighting the Nazis. It wasn't just America that beat Hitler. America as an empire has also committed horrible crimes as well, so your country's worship isn't helpful. You're not really contributing to the public good or advancing humanity by worshiping a country. A true patriot's allegiance isn't to a country but to a set of principles and the public good (what's good for humanity).

UK's Sunak on Gender: 'A Man Is a Man and a Woman Is a Woman'​

QUOTE: "A man is a man and a woman is a woman, that's just common sense." UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says "we shouldn't get bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be," to loud cheers and applause at the Conservative Party Conference.

OP COMMENT: Well, it took a foreigner to finally pull the collective British head out of the collective British arse, Well done sir. You are welcome to be a politician in America.

Election 2024, would Biden say the same thing? Would Trump say the same thing? There's your choices right there. The left used to be all about facts and science but I guess they gave up on that thought. They are fact deniers.
The Soviets had an extremely important role in WW2, fighting the Nazis. It wasn't just America that beat Hitler , , , , ,

Actually, it was. The Soviets had an army. Thats it.

We supplied all the arms, all the equipment, supplies, a two-ocean Navy, AND our Armies too.

WE won that war. That Soviets would have crumbled if not for us.

Now,. lets get back on the topic please.
There is nothing wrong with being a man or woman........ or potato.

The problem arises when a woman claims to be a man and vice versa.

Or when they teach your kids to be a potato

UK's Sunak on Gender: 'A Man Is a Man and a Woman Is a Woman'​

QUOTE: "A man is a man and a woman is a woman, that's just common sense." UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says "we shouldn't get bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be," to loud cheers and applause at the Conservative Party Conference.

OP COMMENT: Well, it took a foreigner to finally pull the collective British head out of the collective British arse, Well done sir. You are welcome to be a politician in America.

Common sense may be making a come back.

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