Ukraine whistleblower investigation; get some popcorn.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The United states has been damaged very badly by an embedded Deep State of unelected bureaucrats bent on selling out the American people to an approaching world government. After the election of a community organizer, Barack Obama, born in Kenya, with no verifiable proof of citizenship and virtually no one who recalled attending any of the schools he excelled in as constitutional scholar, Americans suffered through eight years of a contrived leader who wasn’t even qualified to operate the elevators in the white House.

Obama’s phony credentials and polished ineptitude were all that was necessary to begin the process of making all Americans dependent on government by destroying private health insurance and forcing private citizens into a scheme of socialized medicine. It was just a first step to lower the living standards of the US to levels of the rest of the world already hopelessly trapped in the swamp of global central planning.

The damage done to the US was profound, but it was planned and progressing on schedule until a billionaire businessman stepped in and exposed the plan. The people wanted their country back and they voted that way.

Trump’s success at alerting the people hit the Deep State like a surprise attack and it quickly mobilized even before his election while Hillary Clinton was destroying subpoenaed evidence to cover the wrongdoing of the state. The Deep State was already so far into the process of fundamentally altering America at the expense of average citizens that it was too late to hide. It immediately corrupted the FBI and the DOJ and used them as a posse to go after the upstart candidate.

Trust in government is at an all time low and while Republicans are no prize, Democrats are largely responsible for political malfeasance that is shattering the faith of the people in our election procedures and our way of life.

After failing at endless obstructive investigations that doomed party is still digging in its heels because it knows failure means the jig will be up and many of them will go down. Even with most of the media in their pockets they are going to fail again as they did with the ridiculously forlorn Mueller Report. They are diving right off the deep end Kamikaze style with this Ukraine thing because like war criminals they know they’ll be given no quarter if they lose.

Get some popcorn and watch.
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Indeed the Democrats and many Republicans are more of a threat to American taxpaying citizens than anything.
The United states has been damaged very badly by an embedded Deep State of unelected bureaucrats bent on selling out the American people to an approaching world government. After the election of a community organizer, Barack Obama, born in Kenya, with no verifiable proof of citizenship and virtually no one who recalled attending any of the schools he excelled in as constitutional scholar, Americans suffered through eight years of a contrived leader who wasn’t even qualified to operate the elevators in the white House.

Obama’s phony credentials and polished ineptitude were all that was necessary to begin the process of making all Americans dependent on government by destroying private health insurance and forcing private citizens into a scheme of socialized medicine. It was just a first step to lower the living standards of the US to levels of the rest of the world already hopelessly trapped in the swamp of global central planning.

The damage done to the US was profound, but it was planned and progressing on schedule until a billionaire businessman stepped in and exposed the plan. The people wanted their country back and they voted that way.

Trump’s success at alerting the people hit the Deep State like a surprise attack and it quickly mobilized even before his election while Hillary Clinton was destroying subpoenaed evidence to cover the wrongdoing of the state. The Deep State was already so far into the process of fundamentally altering America at the expense of average citizens that it was too late to hide. It immediately corrupted the FBI and the DOJ and used them as a posse to go after the upstart candidate.

Trust in government is at an all time low and while Republicans are no prize, Democrats are largely responsible for political malfeasance that is shattering the faith of the people in our election procedures and our way of life.

After failing at endless obstructive investigations that doomed party is still digging in its heels because it knows failure means the jig will be up and many of them will go down. Even with most of the media in their pockets they are going to fail again as they did with the ridiculously forlorn Mueller Report. They are diving right off the deep end Kamikaze style with this Ukraine thing because like war criminals they know they’ll be given no quarter if they lose.

Get some popcorn and watch.
Great post. It's going to be fun to watch them try to squirm out of the idiotic corners they seem hell bent to put themselves into. They're already looking pretty stupid and we haven't even got warmed up yet.
This is going down the memory hole already. By late next week, you won't hear a word about it.

dimocrap FILTH will simply move on to the next lie.
just read the whistleblower report, folks! this is a big fucking deal, my friends!
Trust in government is at an all time low and while Republicans are no prize, Democrats are largely responsible for political malfeasance that is shattering the faith of the people in our election procedures and our way of life..
Disagree....Most republicans are complicit in their cowardly deception, capitulation, and silence.
Good Grief! NY Times reveals whistleblower is CIA and readers are furious.

There are hundreds of more responses like this from unhappy progressives. But it’s not just social media where people are reacting strongly to the decision to publish this information. The Times is being dragged on its own site by commenters. Here’s a sample:

  • “I am stunned the paper would choose to do this. You just gave anyone who might choose to come forward to report a serious governmental wrongdoing ample reason to triple guess that choice.”
  • “No, NYT – don’t go there. Do not identify or help identify the WB”
  • “You, New York Times, have given enough detail for any amateur sleuth to find him. Would it hurt to wait a few weeks before releasing information that may imperil this American hero?”
  • “It is irresponsible of you to so specifically identify the whistleblower. I am disappointed in your editorial decision.”
  • “I understand the need to wanting to know more and complete information. But good grief, a person’s life could be on the line.”
  • “Why are you trying to out this patriot, instead of investigating the crimes of the president? Unbelievable.”
  • “Your actions are irresponsible.”
  • “What in the world are you thinking?”
  • “Great article. All that’s missing is where his kids go to school.”
  • “Reading this story makes me regret having cancelled my subscription. I’d like to be able to cancel it again.”
And on and on it goes. I’d say the comments are 80 percent against the Times’ decision to publish in varying degrees, with most of the remainder of comments not taking a position either way. Only a handful of people appear to be standing up for the decision to publish.

NYT Maximum Editor Dean Baquet does everything he can to appease his leftist readers, all the way to altering headlines to rewriting America’s founding itself – and he still can’t keep the mob from attacking.

Or as Robert A. George of the crosstown rival Daily News tweets, “Over the last month, the NYT has done a remarkable job in uniting right and left to question its judgment in news, opinion and social media decisions.“
Surely Trump will instruct Barr to indict Comey, McCabe, Mueller and others for their treason. i will munch on my popcorn as the evening news discusses their indictments and trials.
Surely Trump will instruct Barr to indict Comey, McCabe, Mueller and others for their treason. i will munch on my popcorn as the evening news discusses their indictments and trials.

This is what you need to do till that happens...

Surely Trump will instruct Barr to indict Comey, McCabe, Mueller and others for their treason. i will munch on my popcorn as the evening news discusses their indictments and trials.
You know that's interesting, Barr is very patient and measured. I don't think he will bring an indictment if he doesn't have a case likely to result in conviction.

As for Trump, he knows it has all been a blizzard of lies, and he wants vindication.

As for me, I want our elected officers to regain control of our Federal Government. These appointees do not appear to be under the authority of our elected officials, therefore they are not under the authority of We The People.

We live in interesting times!

The Fastest, Most Premature Impeachment in American History.

At the time of Pelosi’s announcement, the text of the phone call had not yet been released, but the president had announced that he would release the transcript on Wednesday. Rather than waiting for that release, Pelosi went for the jugular, declaring that “the actions of the Trump presidency revealed the dishonorable fact of the president’s betrayal of his oath of office, betrayal of our national security, and betrayal of our election.”

Yet when the transcript was released, it proved far less damaging than Pelosi suggested it would be. The call between Trump and Zelensky was friendly, and Zelensky first brought up Giuliani, leading toward the conversation about Joe Biden. Crucially, there was no quid pro quo explicitly mentioned or hinted at during the entire call.

Yes, but Orange Man Bad.

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