Ukraine preview: IV Reich: What happens once citizens were disarmed


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Reminder of Last Prophet's words from Nov 2014:
Nazis no longer need 30% support to terrorize and exterminate the rest, as Hitler 1933.
As Ukraine 2014 shows, now 3% will already do the job.
And that number ncludes those who do it not because of ideology but of money, like thousands of paid football hooligans converted to nazi militias.

USA and EU: Neo-Gestapo practicing mass arrests with IRS debtors, before the REAL DEAL starts - Why you never heard a word about it
Answer: For the same reason that you never heard a word in illuminati media about Neo Gestapo practicing mass arrests in the Ukraine of anyone accused of speaking russian, not to mention of anyone accused of not being nazi enough: total cotrol of the media.

Only difference between USA/EU and Ukraine
in the Ukraime there's no longer a difference to the III Reich:
- not only the "subhumans" (started with Jews in the III Reich, started with russian speakers in the Ukraine) ...
- but ALSO anyone can be beaten in public, anyhwere from pedestrian streets to highways.

Ukrainian nazis in action
14 Apr 2014 - "election": Lynching presidential candidate Oleg Tsarev for not being nazi enough:

Illuminati media calls the Einsatzgruppen an "angry mob":
The 44-year-old Tsarev, whose presidential bid has only the tiniest support, waited two hours at the TV studios before stepping out into the crowd where, despite some protection from his bodyguards, he was engulfed by a mob who threw eggs at him and then beat him.
He was hustled into a waiting ambulance but members of Right Sector seized him and drove him first to the headquarters of the state security service and then to the prosecutor’s office.
Standing bare to the waist and with a black eye and scratches to his face, Tsarev told journalists: “I did not ask for Russian troops to be sent in. I am categorically against this.”
Ukraine pro-Russia presidential candidate Oleg Tsarev beaten by angry mob

In the city: Arresting anyone accused of being not enough nazi.

In the highway: stopping anyone for any reason to be arrested or simply beaten.
Cutthroates from Aidar battallion beat up a pregnant woman in the middle of the highway to kiev
Iiluminati forced youtube to hide the video after 2 days, because it had one million views.
see in youtube video rvXXHtheXBQ

Armed "Student Nationalist Police" breaks into a lecture at Sumy University, supposedly looking for "Moscals" [Russian speakers] but in fact for anyone deemed not nazi enough.
The test is as simple as this: students forced to sing the Ukrainian national anthem.
Neo Gestapo: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Nation! Ukraine!
Students: Above all!
Neo Gestapo: Ukraine!
Students: Above all!
Neo Gestapo: Are there any Moskals among you? Sing the anthem! What are you laughing about? Are you a Russian patriot? Don't be shy! Sing it!
see in youtube video hb2WYk7nKwY

Added Jan 2015: Teenagers fleeing nazi controlled Ukraine to escape conscription, as it becomes legal for Neo-Gestapo to shoot refuseniks on the spot.
On the other hand:
19yo NAF girl shows how to shoot

Ukraine 2014: official resurrection of Hitler: nazi tactics beyond air bombing civilians.
Main qualitative differences between the Rwanda and the Ukraine genocide, 20 years later:
IV Reich, lead by Adolf Hitler's great nephew: Ukraine 2014: milestone in official resurrection of Hitler: nazi tactics beyond air bombing civilians

Citizens Disarmed Agenda: What happens once citizens were disarmed: Ukraine vs USA
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That's how the current president and parliament have elected in Ukraine after the coup: Kiev junta got rid of all the competitors, representatives of Russian-speaking East with official Washington blessing.

Take a look at the recent pictures below: they were not taken in Syria, they were taken in Ukraine.


Instructors from the ranks of the Azov battalion’s volunteer fighters provide the young students with a diverse training program, which includes PE, hand-to-hand combat, survivalskills, knot-tying and more.

Children in the camp wear identical T-shirts bearing the Azov battalion insignia – “Wolfsangel” or wolf hook, which was used during WWII by two of Nazi Germany’s SS divisions, the Azovets camp’s page revealed.

In July, the House of Representatives of the US Congress unanimously adopted amendments to a proposal for the 2016 American defense budget that outlawed the allocation of funds for training and arming Ukraine’s Azov battalion.
Neo-Nazi summer camp: Ukrainian kids taught to shoot AKs by Azov battalion members (PHOTOS)
Dec 18, 2016 - almost all of East Aleppo "liberated" by the IV Reich, again with the neo-Gestapo "reportedly" led by by Iran's General Qasem Soleimani, carrying out mass executions in broad daylight.
Reminder of Last Prophet's words from April 2015:

Ukrainian batallions, from Azov to Aidar, wearing nazi symbols in the manhunt for ethnic russians and dissidents, since Mar 2014:
Neither the first nor the only neo-Gestapo branch now carrying out a genocide
As illustrated by Iraq, where the IV Reich's butchers, "reportedly" led by Iran's General Qasem Soleimani, carry out mass executions in "liberated" Tikrit.

Shia militias in Iraq and Syria closer to nazi Batallions in the Ukraine than to the UN peacekeeper missions in Central Africa
The keyword is not geography or in other words not as far apart but rather MAJORITY.
More precisely: the number representing it:
- 55% had voted against the agents installed in Kiev after the staged coup alias Maidan revolution
- around 80% christians in South Sudan and the Central African Republic.

Neo-Gestapo: UN peackeepers v shia militias, christian v sunni genocide
Illuminati, who first stepped on stage 1190 as the fake crusaders of the Ordo Teutonicus, now use on the ground
- "UN peacekeepers", from South Sudan to Central African Republic, to carry out the genocide of christians in countries where they are the large MAJORITY.
- shia militias, from Lebanon's Hezbollah to Afghanistan's Hazaras drafted on refugee camps in Iran, to carry out the genocide of sunnis in countries where they are the large MAJORITY.

Second Battle of Tikrit
Photo with caption:
The leader of the Iranian Quds force, Gen. Qasem Soleimani reportedly took up a prominent role in both the planning & execution of the offensive to liberate Tikrit from ISIL
Second Battle of Tikrit - Wikipedia

IV Reich: the first international Neo-Gestapo forces were already on stage 1994, supervising but not yet directly carrying out the Rwanda genocide:
IV Reich, led by Adolf Hitler's great nephew: UN peacekeepers, last antichrist's killer robots: Fulfilled 1999 prophecy: undeniable proof webarchive

Mosul, Iraq: Milestone for "news" deception in end times:
Feb 2016: the second largest city in Iraq is served for now almost two years as controlled by the "ISIS caliphate" while in reality it's controlled by iraqi patriots.
Same as what happened in Tikrit and Ramadi, announced as liberated by the Iraqi army after totally reduced to the rubble of a ghost city by US air force and iranian militias.
Illuminati Milestones: Extreme media deception: sunni majority cities in Iraq: Fallujah, Tikrit, Mosul, Ramadi fallen to ISIS

Jul 2004: Ukraine preview: What happens once citizens were disarmed and additionally now almost all accepted the Mark of the Beast
Citizens Disarmed Agenda: What happens once citizens were disarmed: Ukraine vs USA

All in Blog
IV Reich, led by Adolf Hitler's great nephew: UN peackeepers shia militias, Neo-Gestapo christian v sunni genocide

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