UK and Money Laundering


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
(CNN) -- The Bank of England knowingly helped to sell looted Nazi gold from occupied Czechoslovakia months before the outbreak of World War II, according to experts.
On Tuesday the Bank of England's archives -- published digitally for the first time -- reveal that £5.6 million of gold was transferred just days after the Nazi siege of Czechslovakia in 1939, which was one of the catalysts that sparked the war.

While the transfers themselves were known at the time, the archives unmask private letters and telephone conversations where the Bank of England avoided questions over its Czech gold holdings from the Treasury.

The bank sanctioned the transfer of gold -- worth an estimated £736.4 million ($1.1 billion) today, according to the Financial Times -- between two accounts held by the National Bank of Czechoslovakia and the German central bank, known then as the Reichsbank.

Albrecht Ritschl, professor of economic history at the London School of Economics, told CNN that the Bank of England "in cold blood, and pretending not to know what these accounts were and where the gold was coming from, agreed to the transfer."

Ritschl said: "From the Czech point of view this was very clearly a breach of trust."

The Bank of England declined to comment when contacted by CNN.


Bank of England helped sell Nazi gold in 'cold blood' -
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That gold should go to Israel. IMMEDIATELY.

Your article says that Nazi seizure of Chech was ONE OF the catalysts that sparked the war. I disagree. IT WAS" THE "CATALYST THAT SPARKED IT AND TIPPED THE SCALES FOREVER.

A huge mistake. HUGE. Had they not allowed Hitler to do that the War could have been stopped. That according to historians.
^ 1.1 billion dollars was a lot of money back then. I am sure it funded Nazi war machine big time. That gold should go to Israel. Also, UK should return all the stuff they looted from India.
Daddy's girl...
Uzbek leader’s pop star daughter faces French cash probe
Sun, Aug 04, 2013 - French authorities are investigating a money laundering case that targets Gulnara Karimova, the Uzbek leader’s daughter, among others, a judicial source said on Friday.
The glamorous eldest daughter of Uzbek President Islam Karimov, who has ruled the country with an iron fist since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Karimova was educated at Harvard and is closely watched as a possible successor to her 75-year-old father. The source, who wished to remain anonymous, said a French probe was opened in February into “money laundering by an organized gang” and “corruption of a foreign official,” in a case allegedly involving Karimova. The case centers around real-estate, including a villa in the south of France, the source close to the case said.

Karimova has become the public face of her ex-Soviet country that borders Afghanistan, and until recently served as its permanent representative in the UN in Geneva. The 41-year-old has denied any ambitions to replace her father. However, earlier this year, she posted critical tweets of Uzbek Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Azimov — considered to be one of the most influential officials serving under Karimov — prompting speculation of a struggle between the two would-be successors. Karimova also runs her own jewelry and clothing lines, heads a number of charity projects and is also known as a pop star under the name of GooGoosha.


She has released a pop duet with French actor Gerard Depardieu, who has also agreed to star in a historic serial penned by Karimova. However, since last year, her name has been mentioned in a massive money laundering probe against Swedish-Finnish telecoms giant TeliaSonera. Swiss public broadcaster RTS has said it received information indicating that a probe into the matter by the Swiss public prosecutor’s office implicates Karimova directly, although she has yet to be notified officially of any charges.

Four people close to her are meanwhile already officially under investigation and Bern has to date frozen about 800 million Swiss francs (US$845 million) in assets in connection with the case, RTS reported. Karimova has lashed out several times at Western media reports criticising her as a money-grabbing tyrant or as the wannabe pop star daughter of a dictator, accusing them of using her for “target practice.”

Uzbek leader?s pop star daughter faces French cash probe - Taipei Times
That gold should go to Israel. IMMEDIATELY.

Your article says that Nazi seizure of Chech was ONE OF the catalysts that sparked the war. I disagree. IT WAS" THE "CATALYST THAT SPARKED IT AND TIPPED THE SCALES FOREVER.

A huge mistake. HUGE. Had they not allowed Hitler to do that the War could have been stopped. That according to historians.


Why not back to the Czechs?

It was theirs to begin with, was it not?

As to the German takeover of the Sudetenland?

Why did England and France abandon CZ's claim to that land and thereby make that land virtually defenseless?
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UK has a proud tradition of illicit trades sanctioned by its government starting from opium trade to where we are today: all UK banks pretty much accept deposits from drug dealers, perhaps only banking system in the world to do that.
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