UH-OH: Witness saw Trayvon stradlling Zman, assaulting him "MMA style"

Zimmerman testifies that Martin approached him from behind and to the left as he was walking back along the side walk to his truck. Martin didn't try to get away! He came back to confront Zimmerman. If he HADN'T...Zimmerman would have kept right on going back to where his SUV was parked.

So how exactly is it Zimmerman's fault that a physical confrontation takes place? When Martin approaches Zimmerman's SUV after their initial exchange takes place...what does Zimmerman do? He rolls up the window because he's intimidated by Martin. Does that sound like someone who's looking to shoot someone?

The truth is...George Zimmerman was a concerned citizen who was frustrated by a series of robberies in his neighborhood. Did he get out of his SUV and follow Martin? Yes, he did and that shows courage...not criminal intent. The fault here lies with Trayvon Martin who decided not to go to his father's girl friend's townhouse at the end of the block but instead to backtrack and confront someone who he felt was "dissing" him. It's Trayvon Martin that escalates the situation from questions to fisticuffs. It's Trayvon Martin that knocks George Martin down and gives him a rather sound beating while Zimmerman calls out for help that never comes.
Where did you get that crappy version from, Zimmerman??? If he was "intimidated" after the "initial encounter" then why did he leave his SUV to follow Martin? What a bunch of CRAP!

If you don't like that "version" then feel free to poke holes in it. Why did Zimmerman get out of his SUV? He got out of his SUV to follow Martin because Martin left the road way and went down a sidewalk out of view and where Zimmerman couldn't drive his truck. He really doesn't have much choice. I assume it was his intention to keep an eye on what Martin was doing until the police showed up. I'm also assuming that he would have much rather done that from inside the safety and comfort of his truck on a crappy night like that. But he didn't. He got out of his truck and followed Martin around the corner of the building, telling the police dispatcher that he thought the man was heading for the back gate. Then when he can't find Martin he arranges a place to meet the police that are coming AND IS WALKING BACK TO HIS SUV WHEN MARTIN APPARENTLY ACCOSTS HIM.

He didn't have to get out of his truck to follow him, he should have met the police at the gate and gave them directions to the area where he last saw Martin and let them do their jobs. The last part is Zimmerman's account that can't be proven yet. What was Martin's alleged "suspicious behavior", walking down the street?
Yes he had the right but he also knew that in doing so he would confront people that were not there for afriendly visit. In other words, he knew these guys were looking for a fight and him being armed was going to give them one.

Not a double standard, just two very different events.

In Zimmerman's case it was his duty as a neighborhood watch to watch for suspicious activity and he had no way of knowing what Trayvon's intent was.

In White's case he left the safe confines of his house to confront an unruly mob.

A little common sense can go a long way.

Would you exit your house to confront a mob of pissed off idiots or would you call 911 and wait?

Would you watch a suspicious person in your neighborhood after already having several burglaries in the area?

Yeah, a little common sense can go a long way, try using it. Zimmerman who was armed left the safe confines of his SUV to follow Martin, that's NOT part of his duties, in fact he's not even supposed to carry one when he's doing his "duties" as a neighborhood watch person. I've posted the rules from his manual already.

I have already stated that i think that Zimmerman and White should have waited as long as possible and let the police do their jobs, same with Horn.

What is "suspicious" about someone walking down the street? I see "suspicious" looking people walking down the street all of the time, if I followed every one of them, I would be out of gas. If someone is looking into vehicles, going up to houses and looking through their windows, that's another story. Did that happen in the Zimmerman case???

Zimmerman wasn't doing neighborhood watch that night...he was going to the store. He has a legal right to carry a weapon to protect himself.
As for Zimmerman waiting to let the police do their jobs? Is there any proof WHATSOEVER that George Zimmerman initiated any physical contact with Trayvon Martin? Is there any damage to Trayvon Martin's body other than the gunshot wound that would point to George Zimmerman attacking him? Martin has a cut on his knuckles consistent with punching someone or something. Does Zimmerman have any damage to HIS knuckles? NO. He does however have a broken nose, numerous scrapes and contusions on his face and numerous contusions on the back of his head that would be consistent with someone getting beaten rather badly in a fight.

Trayvon Martin isn't just walking down a street...he's walking down a street INSIDE A GATED COMMUNITY.
The entire premise of a gated community is that it protects you from outside threat. The general public does not have the same right to walk around inside a gated community as it does on city streets.

If he wasn't doing Neighborhood watch that night, why do some of your cohorts say this :"In Zimmerman's case it was his duty as a neighborhood watch to watch for suspicious activity and he had no way of knowing what Trayvon's intent was.", it seems like some folks want to use it when it fits their argument at the time.

Is there any proof that he didn't? One can argue that chasing after someone and following them IS initiating a confrontation. So what if there's no physical damage to Martin's body other than a gunshot wound, I've seen plenty of assholes who started fights get a beat down.

Show me the bylaws in that gated community where it states that someone walking down the street is subject to be followed ,stopped, and harassed. Martin had every right to be in that community, he had every right to walk unmolested and not followed and chased by some asshole (zimmerman).
I notice that some of you people tend to avoid the telephone account from Martin's girlfriend. I wonder why.
I don't care who was on top; who was taking the beating. That poor kid would still be alive today if Zimmerman had stayed in his vehicle and waited for the police, like they told him to do. Whatever happened and whether Zimmerman is found guilty or not, he is to blame for the death of Trayvon Martin.
Can't argue with that reasoning. But the Law doesn't always follow common-sense reasoning.

Whatever happened, Zimmerman is to blame? That isn't common sense reasoning, Mike...that's prejudging someone without knowing the facts. If Trayvon Martin assaulted George Zimmerman...and by all accounts he did...then he himself is also culpable in his own shooting. Someone asking you questions is NOT grounds for assault and battery.
I'm not saying either Zimmerman or Martin was right or wrong because I have no idea what happened when the two came into close contact. That remains to be determined (if possible). I simply agree with Josef's comment that the incident would not have happened if Zimmerman had not taken the unnecessarily aggressive step of exiting his vehicle and approaching Martin.

By doing so, Zimmerman deliberately placed himself in a position wherein something violent could happen. And it did. There is nothing judgmental about that elementary observation.
Zimmerman had every right to exit his vehicle. Who are you or anyone else to say what he "should" have done.


This was a potentially confrontational situation, a fact which cannot be ignored.

It's not a matter of rights but rather of judgment. While you have "every right" to approach someone whom you have cause to believe represents a potential threat, if he assaults you the fact remains you knowingly and willfully facilitated it by approaching him.
White had EVERY RIGHT to exit his house and tell the people who were threatening his son to get off of his property, they didn't comply, that's trespassing. Who are you to say that he shouldn't have exited his house and waited for the police? You have an OBVIOUS double standard.

There would have been no death if Zimmerman would have stayed in his truck and waited for the police.

Yes he had the right but he also knew that in doing so he would confront people that were not there for afriendly visit. In other words, he knew these guys were looking for a fight and him being armed was going to give them one.

Not a double standard, just two very different events.

In Zimmerman's case it was his duty as a neighborhood watch to watch for suspicious activity and he had no way of knowing what Trayvon's intent was.

In White's case he left the safe confines of his house to confront an unruly mob.

A little common sense can go a long way.

Would you exit your house to confront a mob of pissed off idiots or would you call 911 and wait?

Would you watch a suspicious person in your neighborhood after already having several burglaries in the area?

Yeah, a little common sense can go a long way, try using it. Zimmerman who was armed left the safe confines of his SUV to follow Martin, that's NOT part of his duties, in fact he's not even supposed to carry one when he's doing his "duties" as a neighborhood watch person. I've posted the rules from his manual already.

I have already stated that i think that Zimmerman and White should have waited as long as possible and let the police do their jobs, same with Horn.

What is "suspicious" about someone walking down the street? I see "suspicious" looking people walking down the street all of the time, if I followed every one of them, I would be out of gas. If someone is looking into vehicles, going up to houses and looking through their windows, that's another story. Did that happen in the Zimmerman case???

Not a part of his duties? What duties? The guy was a concerned citizen first a neighborhood WATCH second. Being either one would give just cause to observe a suspicious person in the neigherhood.

An unfamiliar (sp) person wearing a hood in warm weather in a neighborhood that has had a rash of burglaries would be suspicious to most law abiding citizens.
Can't argue with that reasoning. But the Law doesn't always follow common-sense reasoning.

Whatever happened, Zimmerman is to blame? That isn't common sense reasoning, Mike...that's prejudging someone without knowing the facts. If Trayvon Martin assaulted George Zimmerman...and by all accounts he did...then he himself is also culpable in his own shooting. Someone asking you questions is NOT grounds for assault and battery.
I'm not saying either Zimmerman or Martin was right or wrong because I have no idea what happened when the two came into close contact. That remains to be determined (if possible). I simply agree with Josef's comment that the incident would not have happened if Zimmerman had not taken the unnecessarily aggressive step of exiting his vehicle and approaching Martin.

By doing so, Zimmerman deliberately placed himself in a position wherein something violent could happen. And it did. There is nothing judgmental about that elementary observation.

Exiting a vehicle is an aggressive step?

That's a stretch!
Zimmerman had every right to exit his vehicle. Who are you or anyone else to say what he "should" have done.


This was a potentially confrontational situation, a fact which cannot be ignored.

It's not a matter of rights but rather of judgment. While you have "every right" to approach someone whom you have cause to believe represents a potential threat, if he assaults you the fact remains you knowingly and willfully facilitated it by approaching him.

Yes it can and should be ignored. Exiting your vehicle is not an agressive move. If Zimmerman's intent was to watch Trayvon and he had to leave his vehicle to do so then that's exactly what he should have done.
Yes it can and should be ignored. Exiting your vehicle is not an agressive move. If Zimmerman's intent was to watch Trayvon and he had to leave his vehicle to do so then that's exactly what he should have done.

However, for someone who is a shithead, racist liberal, grasping at straws to defend an Afro thug by accusing the relatively white guy of provoking the thug. "OMG!!!!!!!!! ZIMMERMAN GOT OUT OF HIS CAR!!!!!!! THAT MAKES IT SELF DEFENSE WHEN TRAYVON TRIED TO BEAT HIM TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!"
Where did you get that crappy version from, Zimmerman??? If he was "intimidated" after the "initial encounter" then why did he leave his SUV to follow Martin? What a bunch of CRAP!

If you don't like that "version" then feel free to poke holes in it. Why did Zimmerman get out of his SUV? He got out of his SUV to follow Martin because Martin left the road way and went down a sidewalk out of view and where Zimmerman couldn't drive his truck. He really doesn't have much choice. I assume it was his intention to keep an eye on what Martin was doing until the police showed up. I'm also assuming that he would have much rather done that from inside the safety and comfort of his truck on a crappy night like that. But he didn't. He got out of his truck and followed Martin around the corner of the building, telling the police dispatcher that he thought the man was heading for the back gate. Then when he can't find Martin he arranges a place to meet the police that are coming AND IS WALKING BACK TO HIS SUV WHEN MARTIN APPARENTLY ACCOSTS HIM.

He didn't have to get out of his truck to follow him, he should have met the police at the gate and gave them directions to the area where he last saw Martin and let them do their jobs. The last part is Zimmerman's account that can't be proven yet. What was Martin's alleged "suspicious behavior", walking down the street?

He's part of Neighborhood "Watch"...not Neighborhood Not Watch. Zimmerman is obviously frustrated by the inability of the police to catch the criminals who have been breaking into homes within the gated community...evidenced by his comments about them always getting away. He gets out of his truck in an attempt to try and keep Martin in sight until the police show up. When Zimmerman loses Martin and goes the wrong way...going to the back gate while Martin turns to the right and goes down the sidewalk...he's making plans on the phone to meet the police back at the mailboxes, at the other end of the complex. That's when he says Martin approaches him from the left rear AS HE'S WALKING BACK TO HIS SUV! Zimmerman isn't initiating the confrontation at this point...Martin is. Instead of continuing down the sidewalk to where he's staying and EASILY avoiding George Zimmerman...Trayvon Martin apparently decides to go BACK and brace the other man. I say that because it's the only way that Zimmerman and Martin can come together in close enough proximity for a fight to take place. If Martin continues onto the Green townhouse then he's safely at that townhouse by the time Zimmerman finishes his phone conversation with the police at the back gate and starts back. The ONLY way Martin's there to fight with Zimmerman is if HE backtracks to confront the man who had been questioning him.

As for Martin's "suspicious behavior"? He's a stranger walking around INSIDE a gated community. George Zimmerman sees him...doesn't recognize him...and proceeds to try and find out what Martin is doing there. The fact that he's a stranger who Zimmerman doesn't recognize is ample grounds to find him suspicious. My only problem with what Zimmerman did that night was that he apparently failed to tell Trayvon Martin that he was a part of the Neighborhood Watch...which combined with Martin's failure to tell Zimmerman that he was there visiting his father's girlfriend escalated an easily resolvable situation into a violent conflict several minutes later.
Yeah, a little common sense can go a long way, try using it. Zimmerman who was armed left the safe confines of his SUV to follow Martin, that's NOT part of his duties, in fact he's not even supposed to carry one when he's doing his "duties" as a neighborhood watch person. I've posted the rules from his manual already.

I have already stated that i think that Zimmerman and White should have waited as long as possible and let the police do their jobs, same with Horn.

What is "suspicious" about someone walking down the street? I see "suspicious" looking people walking down the street all of the time, if I followed every one of them, I would be out of gas. If someone is looking into vehicles, going up to houses and looking through their windows, that's another story. Did that happen in the Zimmerman case???

Zimmerman wasn't doing neighborhood watch that night...he was going to the store. He has a legal right to carry a weapon to protect himself.
As for Zimmerman waiting to let the police do their jobs? Is there any proof WHATSOEVER that George Zimmerman initiated any physical contact with Trayvon Martin? Is there any damage to Trayvon Martin's body other than the gunshot wound that would point to George Zimmerman attacking him? Martin has a cut on his knuckles consistent with punching someone or something. Does Zimmerman have any damage to HIS knuckles? NO. He does however have a broken nose, numerous scrapes and contusions on his face and numerous contusions on the back of his head that would be consistent with someone getting beaten rather badly in a fight.

Trayvon Martin isn't just walking down a street...he's walking down a street INSIDE A GATED COMMUNITY.
The entire premise of a gated community is that it protects you from outside threat. The general public does not have the same right to walk around inside a gated community as it does on city streets.

If he wasn't doing Neighborhood watch that night, why do some of your cohorts say this :"In Zimmerman's case it was his duty as a neighborhood watch to watch for suspicious activity and he had no way of knowing what Trayvon's intent was.", it seems like some folks want to use it when it fits their argument at the time.

Is there any proof that he didn't? One can argue that chasing after someone and following them IS initiating a confrontation. So what if there's no physical damage to Martin's body other than a gunshot wound, I've seen plenty of assholes who started fights get a beat down.

Show me the bylaws in that gated community where it states that someone walking down the street is subject to be followed ,stopped, and harassed. Martin had every right to be in that community, he had every right to walk unmolested and not followed and chased by some asshole (zimmerman).
I notice that some of you people tend to avoid the telephone account from Martin's girlfriend. I wonder why.

Zimmerman was not on Neighborhood Watch that night. I believe he was on his way to or returning from a trip to Target when he sees Trayvon Martin walking inside of the gated community. George Zimmerman is the Captain of the local Neighborhood Watch and there is a stranger walking past him following a series of recent robberies of homes in that complex. It's perfectly logical for him to stop and question Martin. Frankly I would be surprised if he DIDN'T.

There is a sign on the gate of the complex stating that is private property and that there IS a Neighborhood Watch operating within those gates. Trayvon Martin walked past that sign as he enters the complex. He SHOULD be aware that someone is apt to question his being there since he is a stranger staying with someone else who actually lives in the area. Yet when Zimmerman stops and asks who he is, Martin doesn't tell him that he's staying with Brandy Green...he cops an attitude and approaches Zimmerman's SUV window in a manner that prompts Zimmerman to roll up the window.

As for the girlfriend's phone conversation? In what way have I avoided it? What is it that you think that conversation proves? It's more evidence frankly that Trayvon Martin had ample opportunity to get away from George Zimmerman but decided to confront him instead. When you put the different phone calls made by Zimmerman and her on a timeline it becomes apparent that if Martin really WERE trying to evade Zimmerman as so many have tried to maintain...that he could have easily done so.
Zimmerman had every right to exit his vehicle. Who are you or anyone else to say what he "should" have done.


This was a potentially confrontational situation, a fact which cannot be ignored.

It's not a matter of rights but rather of judgment. While you have "every right" to approach someone whom you have cause to believe represents a potential threat, if he assaults you the fact remains you knowingly and willfully facilitated it by approaching him.

At what point did Zimmerman "approach" Martin? Did he get out of his SUV and try to follow Martin? Yes he did. As his comments to the police dispatcher illustrate, Zimmerman is frustrated by the inability of the local police to catch the people who are breaking into homes in his community. They always get away, he tells the dispatcher. So Zimmerman exits the vehicle and attempts to keep Martin in sight. Here's where your scenario of Zimmerman "approaching" Martin falls apart however. Martin goes around the corner from where Zimmerman is watching from his SUV and goes RIGHT...down the sidewalk towards Brandy Green's townhouse. When Martin follows...he thinks that Martin has gone straight...to the back gate of the complex. Zimmerman actually walks past where Martin has turned ...goes to the back gate and doesn't find the man he was trying to follow. At that point he's still on the phone with police making plans to meet them back at the mailboxes at the other side of the complex as he starts back towards where his SUV is parked. This is the point where according to Zimmerman's testimony...Martin approaches him from the left and behind to confront him about being followed. So how is it that a confrontation has been initiated by Zimmerman? If Martin simply continues on down the sidewalk to Brandy Green's townhouse he never is even near to George Zimmerman for a confrontation to take place. The only way that can happen is if Trayvon Martin goes back to initiate a confrontation.
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Zimmerman had every right to exit his vehicle. Who are you or anyone else to say what he "should" have done.


This was a potentially confrontational situation, a fact which cannot be ignored.

It's not a matter of rights but rather of judgment. While you have "every right" to approach someone whom you have cause to believe represents a potential threat, if he assaults you the fact remains you knowingly and willfully facilitated it by approaching him.

Yes it can and should be ignored. Exiting your vehicle is not an agressive move. If Zimmerman's intent was to watch Trayvon and he had to leave his vehicle to do so then that's exactly what he should have done.
You're almost right. Exiting one's vehicle, under normal circumstances, is not an aggressive move. But this circumstance involves the action of following someone, especially after dark, which certainly is aggressive by any civilized standard.

So regardless of who was right or wrong in this case, the fact remains if Zimmerman had not gotten out of his truck the incident would not have happened. And I would wager heavily that Zimmerman right now is wishing to God he hadn't got out of his truck.
Zimmerman had every right to exit his vehicle. Who are you or anyone else to say what he "should" have done.


This was a potentially confrontational situation, a fact which cannot be ignored.

It's not a matter of rights but rather of judgment. While you have "every right" to approach someone whom you have cause to believe represents a potential threat, if he assaults you the fact remains you knowingly and willfully facilitated it by approaching him.

At what point did Zimmerman "approach" Martin? Did he get out of his SUV and try to follow Martin? Yes he did. As his comments to the police dispatcher illustrate, Zimmerman is frustrated by the inability of the local police to catch the people who are breaking into homes in his community. They always get away, he tells the dispatcher. So Zimmerman exits the vehicle and attempts to keep Martin in sight. Here's where your scenario of Zimmerman "approaching" Martin falls apart however. Martin goes around the corner from where Zimmerman is watching from his SUV and goes RIGHT...down the sidewalk towards Brandy Green's townhouse. When Martin follows...he thinks that Martin has gone straight...to the back gate of the complex. Zimmerman actually walks past where Martin has turned ...goes to the back gate and doesn't find the man he was trying to follow. At that point he's still on the phone with police making plans to meet them back at the mailboxes at the other side of the complex as he starts back towards where his SUV is parked. This is the point where according to Zimmerman's testimony...Martin approaches him from the left and behind to confront him about being followed. So how is it that a confrontation has been initiated by Zimmerman? If Martin simply continues on down the sidewalk to Brandy Green's townhouse he never is even near to George Zimmerman for a confrontation to take place. The only way that can happen is if Trayvon Martin goes back to initiate a confrontation.
How do you know all these details? Who told you all that? And why are you ignoring the inescapably obvious fact that if Zimmerman had not gotten out of his truck and followed Martin the incident would not have happened?

The simple fact is Zimmerman believed having a gun in his waistband made him a cop and he was acting out a fantasy which has landed his ass in hot water. If he hadn't gotten out of his truck none of this would have happened.

Lesson learned for other cop wanna-bes.
This was a potentially confrontational situation, a fact which cannot be ignored.

It's not a matter of rights but rather of judgment. While you have "every right" to approach someone whom you have cause to believe represents a potential threat, if he assaults you the fact remains you knowingly and willfully facilitated it by approaching him.

Yes it can and should be ignored. Exiting your vehicle is not an agressive move. If Zimmerman's intent was to watch Trayvon and he had to leave his vehicle to do so then that's exactly what he should have done.
You're almost right. Exiting one's vehicle, under normal circumstances, is not an aggressive move. But this circumstance involves the action of following someone, especially after dark, which certainly is aggressive by any civilized standard.

So regardless of who was right or wrong in this case, the fact remains if Zimmerman had not gotten out of his truck the incident would not have happened. And I would wager heavily that Zimmerman right now is wishing to God he hadn't got out of his truck.

Are you really as stupid as you portray yourself to be?

Read what Oldstyle has been writing and stop acting like a fool.

I would wager Trayvon is wishing he'd just went home instead of confronting Zimmerman.
Are you really as stupid as you portray yourself to be?

Read what Oldstyle has been writing and stop acting like a fool.

I would wager Trayvon is wishing he'd just went home instead of confronting Zimmerman.
There are three separate categories of observer in this issue.

1) Dumb redneck who sees it as White man kills ****** and that's okay.

2) Black race pimp who sees it as a lynching regardless of any circumstances.

3) Objective thinker who is concerned with moral standards of right and wrong.

You obviously inhabit category #1 and trying to reason with you is a waste of time. So you can take your personal insults with you to my Ignore list and show them to the other Confederate nitwits there. I have no tolerance for them.
Are you really as stupid as you portray yourself to be?

Read what Oldstyle has been writing and stop acting like a fool.

I would wager Trayvon is wishing he'd just went home instead of confronting Zimmerman.
There are three separate categories of observer in this issue.

1) Dumb redneck who sees it as White man kills ****** and that's okay.

2) Black race pimp who sees it as a lynching regardless of any circumstances.

3) Objective thinker who is concerned with moral standards of right and wrong.

You obviously inhabit category #1 and trying to reason with you is a waste of time. So you can take your personal insults with you to my Ignore list and show them to the other Confederate nitwits there. I have no tolerance for them.

Your concession is duly noted.
1) Dumb redneck who sees it as White man kills ****** and that's okay.

2) Black race pimp who sees it as a lynching regardless of any circumstances.

3) Objective thinker who is concerned with moral standards of right and wrong.

You must be #2, because any objective thinker knows Trayvon deserved to be shot.

BTW, shitbrain, why do you use a racial slur to refer to prejudiced whites, but not to refer to prejudiced Afros?
1) Dumb redneck who sees it as White man kills ****** and that's okay.

2) Black race pimp who sees it as a lynching regardless of any circumstances.

3) Objective thinker who is concerned with moral standards of right and wrong.

You must be #2, because any objective thinker knows Trayvon deserved to be shot.

BTW, shitbrain, why do you use a racial slur to refer to prejudiced whites, but not to refer to prejudiced Afros?
At what point did Zimmerman "approach" Martin? Did he get out of his SUV and try to follow Martin? Yes he did. As his comments to the police dispatcher illustrate, Zimmerman is frustrated by the inability of the local police to catch the people who are breaking into homes in his community. They always get away, he tells the dispatcher. So Zimmerman exits the vehicle and attempts to keep Martin in sight. Here's where your scenario of Zimmerman "approaching" Martin falls apart however. Martin goes around the corner from where Zimmerman is watching from his SUV and goes RIGHT...down the sidewalk towards Brandy Green's townhouse. When Martin follows...he thinks that Martin has gone straight...to the back gate of the complex. Zimmerman actually walks past where Martin has turned ...goes to the back gate and doesn't find the man he was trying to follow. At that point he's still on the phone with police making plans to meet them back at the mailboxes at the other side of the complex as he starts back towards where his SUV is parked. This is the point where according to Zimmerman's testimony...Martin approaches him from the left and behind to confront him about being followed. So how is it that a confrontation has been initiated by Zimmerman? If Martin simply continues on down the sidewalk to Brandy Green's townhouse he never is even near to George Zimmerman for a confrontation to take place. The only way that can happen is if Trayvon Martin goes back to initiate a confrontation.
In that scenario you are ignoring the critically important cautionary advisement by the 911 Dispatcher after Zimmerman told him he was following the suspicious individual. The Dispatcher advised him, "We don't need you to do that!" And now we know why. Don't we?

Zimmerman obviously is not the man he thought he was and the bottom line is he should have stayed in his truck! It keeps getting back to that.