UAH Global Temperature Update for March 2021: -0.01 deg. C


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Several months ago I stated that it is going cool down BECAUSE of then coming La-Nina phase, well it has been cooling some now this latest UAH chart shows something not seen in 8 years!

UAH Global Temperature Update for March 2021: -0.01 deg. C
April 2nd, 2021 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.


Right on time, the maximum impact from the current La Nina is finally being felt on global tropospheric temperatures. The global average oceanic tropospheric temperature anomaly is -0.07 deg. C, the lowest since November 2013. The tropical (20N-20S) departure from average (-0.29 deg. C) is the coolest since June of 2012. Australia is the coolest (-0.79 deg. C) since August 2014.


Several months ago I stated that it is going cool down BECAUSE of then coming La-Nina phase, well it has been cooling some now this latest UAH chart shows something not seen in 8 years!

UAH Global Temperature Update for March 2021: -0.01 deg. C
April 2nd, 2021 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.


Right on time, the maximum impact from the current La Nina is finally being felt on global tropospheric temperatures. The global average oceanic tropospheric temperature anomaly is -0.07 deg. C, the lowest since November 2013. The tropical (20N-20S) departure from average (-0.29 deg. C) is the coolest since June of 2012. Australia is the coolest (-0.79 deg. C) since August 2014.

View attachment 475419


But, but, but we're all gonna die!!!!
...because Manmade Global Warming Change!

You fools! Weather is not climate and information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom, wisdom is not truth, truth is not beauty, beauty is not love, love is not music. Music is the best.

AGW Chart

Warmer = Global Warming
Cooler = Climate Change
Concensus = what Cults do in lieu of real science
The pendulum continues to swing.

Back and forth.

This has been happening for only the last 5 billion years.

One data point (whose dubious source I will ignore for the moment) in the face of 150 years of consistently increasing temperatures is NOT a pendulum's swing. Here's an exercise, Examine the lower inflection points in the graph Tommy presented. Over the full length of the graph, what do those value do? They rise, just like the peak temps and just like the averages.
The pendulum continues to swing.

Back and forth.

This has been happening for only the last 5 billion years.

One data point (whose dubious source I will ignore for the moment) in the face of 150 years of consistently increasing temperatures is NOT a pendulum's swing. Here's an exercise, Examine the lower inflection points in the graph Tommy presented. Over the full length of the graph, what do those value do? They rise, just like the peak temps and just like the averages.

It is currently cooling BECAUSE of the ongoing LA NINA phase, which you ignore because you are so invested in the bogeyman baseless propaganda that easily scares you, which is what normally happens to children.
The pendulum continues to swing.

Back and forth.

This has been happening for only the last 5 billion years.

One data point (whose dubious source I will ignore for the moment) in the face of 150 years of consistently increasing temperatures is NOT a pendulum's swing. Here's an exercise, Examine the lower inflection points in the graph Tommy presented. Over the full length of the graph, what do those value do? They rise, just like the peak temps and just like the averages.

Does this mean you will stop pushing the hottest day, month or year on record bullshit?

But you will never stop because you are a narrow minded hypocrite!
Several months ago I stated that it is going cool down BECAUSE of then coming La-Nina phase, well it has been cooling some now this latest UAH chart shows something not seen in 8 years!

UAH Global Temperature Update for March 2021: -0.01 deg. C
April 2nd, 2021 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.


Right on time, the maximum impact from the current La Nina is finally being felt on global tropospheric temperatures. The global average oceanic tropospheric temperature anomaly is -0.07 deg. C, the lowest since November 2013. The tropical (20N-20S) departure from average (-0.29 deg. C) is the coolest since June of 2012. Australia is the coolest (-0.79 deg. C) since August 2014.

View attachment 475419

The same Roy Boi Spencer who got caught fudging the numbers. He has no credibility.
It is interesting that the deniers always accuse NOAA and others of cooking the numbers without proof, when their prime source is the only one PROVEN to have cooked the data!
It is currently cooling BECAUSE of the ongoing LA NINA phase, which you ignore

No we don't. You're just babbling. We all know La Nina it has an effect. Just as we know the next El Nino will see the temperature record shattered.

Now, do you undersand that La Ninas are a temporary condition? Do you understand the concept of a cycle on a steadily increasing baseline?

because you are so invested in the bogeyman baseless propaganda that easily scares you, which is what normally happens to children.

Says the side screaming about secret socialist conspiracies.

Does this mean you will stop pushing the hottest day, month or year on record bullshit?

So you're telling us that the hottest year on record is no big deal each time it happens, but a -0.01C fluctuation is the most important thing ever. Do even listen to yourself?
Mamooth writes:

"No we don't. You're just babbling. We all know La Nina it has an effect. Just as we know the next El Nino will see the temperature record shattered.

Now, do you undersand that La Ninas are a temporary condition? Do you understand the concept of a cycle on a steadily increasing baseline?"


Ha ha, I have posted this many times and YOU have seeing it before, OBVIOUSLY you can't remember shit, I have known La-Nina are periodic, just as El-Nino are periodic have known this for many years already. I have posted about before as well right here in the forum.

Cold & Warm Episodes by Season




Thank you for admitting that EL-NINO's causes short term warming trends. :laugh:

Then Mamooth gets dumber as he writes:

"Says the side screaming about secret socialist conspiracies."

Never mentioned any "secret socialist" groups because it is already well known, it is people like YOU and the media that pushes the scaremongering bullshit into the public.

Mamooth writes this stuff:

"So you're telling us that the hottest year on record is no big deal each time it happens, but a -0.01C fluctuation is the most important thing ever. Do even listen to yourself?"

Ha ha, you can't read a chart apparently since -0.01C isn't a fluctuation, is it anomaly temperature for the 1991-2020 baseline. :auiqs.jpg:

You have a talent for being wrong or confused over and over.

It has currently been cooling for 5 years and 10 months.


It has currently been cooling for 5 years and 10 months.

Your first chart shows a continuing warming trend from 1985, contradicting your second chart from the same source UAH only after it was dishonestly massaged by WUWT.
It has currently been cooling for 5 years and 10 months.

Your first chart shows a continuing warming trend from 1985, contradicting your second chart from the same source UAH only after it was dishonestly massaged by WUWT.


No they are calculated differently, this is why I post LINKS so YOU would know this, but you never will look in the links which is why you are showing your lazy ignorance again.
Ha ha, I have posted this many times and YOU have seeing it before, OBVIOUSLY you can't remember shit, I have known La-Nina are periodic,

Then why do you keep implying that El Nino cooling means massive cooling is just around the corner? That was why you pushed this thread, after all.

(This is where you pretend to be offended because that supposedly wasn't what you really meant. Of course, you'll never say what you actually mean, forcing everyone to guess. Then you'll say the guess is wrong, but you still won't say what you mean.)

Ha ha, you can't read a chart apparently since -0.01C isn't a fluctuation, is it anomaly temperature for the 1991-2020 baseline. :auiqs.jpg:

Ah, you got me there. I had no idea UAH data sucked that badly. I had assumed it still had some remote connection to reality.

The surface data sets are showing a big jump up from February to March, continuing into the first week of April. It's back up to pre-La Nina temperatures. So much for your theory.

So, why trust the surface data sets over UAH? Because if you want to know temperature AT THE SURFACE, you should measure temperature AT THE SURFACE with these amazing devices called "thermometers". What you shouldn't do is use a satellite to measure microwave emissions from the mid-troposphere, and then use that at the basis for a model, which is what UAH does.

It's a sign of psuedoscience to throw away good direct data and substitute in bad indirect data. Throwing away the accurate direct surface data for fuzzy satellite data is doing that.
Mamooth once again generates a false narrative, I merely pointed to the facts, NEVER said it portended to a "massive" future cooling.

"Then why do you keep implying that El Nino cooling means massive cooling is just around the corner? That was why you pushed this thread, after all.

(This is where you pretend to be offended because that supposedly wasn't what you really meant. Of course, you'll never say what you actually mean, forcing everyone to guess. Then you'll say the guess is wrong, but you still won't say what you mean.)"


I made post one because It supported what I stated back in NOVEMBER 17, 2020 Post that the then developing La Nina would start a new deeper cooling, as I stated in post one, then the posted evidence supported me:

Several months ago I stated that it is going cool down BECAUSE of then coming La-Nina phase, well it has been cooling some now this latest UAH chart shows something not seen in 8 years!

UAH Global Temperature Update for March 2021: -0.01 deg. C
April 2nd, 2021 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D."


I have been proven correct by hard data, there is nothing you can do about it.

Never said there is "means massive cooling is just around the corner" coming, that is YOUR LIE!


Then you post this bullshit:

"Ah, you got me there. I had no idea UAH data sucked that badly. I had assumed it still had some remote connection to reality.

The surface data sets are showing a big jump up from February to March, continuing into the first week of April. It's back up to pre-La Nina temperatures. So much for your theory.

So, why trust the surface data sets over UAH? Because if you want to know temperature AT THE SURFACE, you should measure temperature AT THE SURFACE with these amazing devices called "thermometers". What you shouldn't do is use a satellite to measure microwave emissions from the mid-troposphere, and then use that at the basis for a model, which is what UAH does.

It's a sign of psuedoscience to throw away good direct data and substitute in bad indirect data. Throwing away the accurate direct surface data for fuzzy satellite data is doing that."

Year Month Global temperature

2020 11 0.40
2020 12 0.15
2021 01 0.12
2021 02 0.20
2021 03 -0.01

Post 31 in the November 2020 thread.

Post 45

Nothing was thrown away that is your usual lie when you can't generate a rational argument. You get a huge beating at another forum so much because they expose your continual lying you hardly ever post evidence or make a credible argument, which is why you rarely post there. You are known as the king of lies in two forums out there.

It is clear you live in the land of lies and babble since you seem unaware that Old Rocks and Crick seems satisficed with UAH charts as they have used them in support in the past.

As usual you end up with another beating here because you a disguising person.
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