U.S. Supreme Court Trump Ruling Today at 10 AM....Live feeds up.....Update: Reversed 9-0

Wasting what precious time? I looked those up between the time I was loading a hundred rounds of 180 grain 30-06, doing the dishes, getting a load of laundry started, cleaning three cat boxes, and figuring out what I was gonna make my wife for supper.

Do you think I sit in front of this idiot screen all day? :laughing0301:

Sounds like your husband is a lucky guy!
It is the epitome of destructive feelings watching liberals try to float that this decision is not a setback and that they will find other ways to disqualify him from running,

The chance of Trump having a second term is near zero. All this decision did is convince millions of Americans that this SCOTUS has no credibility.

That is what is really upsetting.
Your idea of "winning" is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris??? :21::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao:
That's how me and 81M others voted. Take your 74M to the back of the bus.

The ruling doesn't say that Congress would have to pass legislation on an individual basis. Congress can pass legislation to define a process, such as through the courts.

Problem is right now that SCOTUS used that for an off ramp as there is no legislation at all on the matter.

Bullshit. Congress passed 18 U. S. C. §2383.. for the 14,785th time, your hero Comrade Smith did not charge Trump with insurrection, nor did Biden's DOJ include an insurrection charge out of the over 3,000 charges they made in connection with the riot.
They said, and I paraphrase "until Congress does something, the ball isn't in the states wheelhouse".

Now liberals will want to expand the Court by 11. How will they deal with the traitors? Clearly Sotomayor, Kagan, and Katanji cannot be trusted.
Apparently the rumors of MAGA support growing among Hispanics, Jews, and blacks are true.
That's how me and 81M others voted. Take your 74M to the back of the bus.


And it took a global pandemic and a whole year of riots to convince "81 million" idiots that a decrepit, old, influence-peddling white man with dementia and pedophillic impulses was the one they believed would lead them into recovery.

Boy, you idiots got taken for a ride, din'tcha?
And it took a global pandemic and a whole year of riots to convince "81 million" idiots that a decrepit, old, influence-peddling white man with dementia and pedophillic impulses was the one they believed would lead them into recovery.

Boy, you idiots got taken for a ride, din'tcha?
Its ok J. You'll get your chance to vote in the fall if you are really an American. Half of the conservatives on this site are Russian troll farm posters so its hard to tell.
Are the courts mentioned in all the other amendments that SCOTUS has ruled on?

Does every clause in the entire Constitution require a specific statement saying that the courts must enforce it?

If so, every decision that has ever been made by the courts relative to the Constitution is invalid.

The Constitution is the Law of the Land, and SCOTUS has been enforcing it since its inception - without it ever specifically stating that the courts must be the body that enforces it.

SCOTUS decision was nothing but lame BULLSHIT!!!
As I said, if you are correct, the ruling means that - per the highest court in the land - Donald Trump is no insurrectionist.

That’s good news, isn’t it? He’s the next president and he’s exonerated of the resurrection accusation.

One down, hundreds of fake charges to go and we can start clean in January 2025.

We can unite!
As I said, if you are correct, the ruling means that - per the highest court in the land - Donald Trump is no insurrectionist.

That’s good news, isn’t it? He’s the next president and he’s exonerated of the resurrection accusation.

One down, hundreds of fake charges to go and we can start clean in January 2025.

We can unite!
There is nothing in the SCOTUS decision that indicates that Trump is not an insurrectionist.

You really haven't been paying attention....
Resounding defeat shunted off to a minor category. Does that soften the blow for you feelers?
As I said, if you are correct, the ruling means that - per the highest court in the land - Donald Trump is no insurrectionist.

That’s good news, isn’t it? He’s the next president and he’s exonerated of the resurrection accusation.

One down, hundreds of fake charges to go and we can start clean in January 2025.

We can unite!
We are going to clean up and discard all this feelings and free shit, wishes are reality crap
No. Sec. 5 gives congress the power to enforce, but it does not give congress the sole power to enforce.

Sec. 3 anticipates that some other entity (the courts) may enforce Sec. 3 and it gives Congress the power to reverse the court's decision.
The Supreme Court just ruled UNANIMOUSLY that you are full of shit.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
In 2024 expect Congress to take some pretty severe action to change the status of SCOTUS. They've proven themselves to be incapable and unwilling to do the jobs that they were appointed.

This isn't the old days when the majority of the people had little idea of what SCOTUS did, and everyone thought that SCOTUS was above question. Not anymore!
Cry more.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
It is the epitome of destructive feelings watching liberals try to float that this decision is not a setback and that they will find other ways to disqualify him from running,
Haha, it really bothers you cultists that you don't get to have a parade, because everyone saw this coming.

Yay! Your insurrectonist hero isn't barred from the ballot!

That's quite a low bar you have set for yourselves.
Its ok J. You'll get your chance to vote in the fall if you are really an American. Half of the conservatives on this site are Russian troll farm posters so its hard to tell.

2016 called, bro. It said it wants their their paranoid Russophobic delusions back, if you ever recover from them.

:laughing0301: :lmao::auiqs.jpg::21:

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