U.S. Plunges To 46th In World Press Freedom Index... Below Romania


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Submitted by Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

One of my most popular posts of 2013 highlighted the decline of America’s once large and enviable middle class. It was titled: How Does America’s Middle Class Rank Globally? #27, and it helped to dispel many myths Americans (particularly the mainstream propaganda media) continue to tell to themselves.

As you might expect, the economic decline of a nation into rule by a handful of corrupt oligarchs will have many other negative repercussions. One of these is a loss of civil rights and freedoms that many of us have taken for granted. Reporters Without Borders puts out their Press Freedom Index every year, and the 2014 ranking came out today. It was not a good showing for the USSA. Specifically, the U.S. registered one of the steepest falls of all nations, down 13 slots to the #46 position. As the screen shot shows, just above Haiti and just below Romania.

Read the rest here: U.S. Plunges To 46th In World Press Freedom Index... Below Romania | Zero Hedge
One of my most popular posts of 2013 highlighted the decline of America’s once large and enviable middle class. It was titled: How Does America’s Middle Class Rank Globally? #27, and it helped to dispel many myths Americans (particularly the mainstream propaganda media) continue to tell to themselves.

Dude that post changed my life forever. Thank goodness for your infinite wisdom and generosity in sharing you're flawless opinion
Not too surprising. We've been in decline for several decades now, but most dramatically within the past 5 years, when the MSM finally decided to come out of the closet and openly suck Obama's dick. I think the trend will eventually be reversed but only after a long and difficult struggle to win back our freedom after so many have sold out to the nanny state and the promise to be taken care of from cradle to grave.
Not too surprising. We've been in decline for several decades now, but most dramatically within the past 5 years, when the MSM finally decided to come out of the closet and openly suck Obama's dick. I think the trend will eventually be reversed but only after a long and difficult struggle to win back our freedom after so many have sold out to the nanny state and the promise to be taken care of from cradle to grave.

And I thought the Clinton News Network was bad carrying the company line for Slick WIllie

Submitted by Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

One of my most popular posts of 2013 highlighted the decline of America’s once large and enviable middle class. It was titled: How Does America’s Middle Class Rank Globally? #27, and it helped to dispel many myths Americans (particularly the mainstream propaganda media) continue to tell to themselves.

As you might expect, the economic decline of a nation into rule by a handful of corrupt oligarchs will have many other negative repercussions. One of these is a loss of civil rights and freedoms that many of us have taken for granted. Reporters Without Borders puts out their Press Freedom Index every year, and the 2014 ranking came out today. It was not a good showing for the USSA. Specifically, the U.S. registered one of the steepest falls of all nations, down 13 slots to the #46 position. As the screen shot shows, just above Haiti and just below Romania.

Read the rest here: U.S. Plunges To 46th In World Press Freedom Index... Below Romania | Zero Hedge

But libtards are OK with that as long as it's THEIR dictator in the White House.
The United States was singled out for its pursuit of intelligence leaker Edward Snowden, the conviction of WikiLeaks informer Bradley Manning and the secret seizure of phone records from the Associated Press.

The above was taken from the Yahoo article.

Here is the questionnaire. 2013 World Press Freedom Index

Here is the methodology. http://rsf.org/index2014/data/2014_wpfi_methodology.pdf

But, here is what I find most interesting: The Board of the US Chapter and the media corps they work for. Board - US chapter - Reporters Without Borders

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