U.S. Offers $10 Million For Pakistani Militant Chief


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Hafiz Saeed Bounty: U.S. Offers $10 Million For Pakistani Militant Chief


ISLAMABAD — The United States has offered a $10 million bounty for a Pakistani militant leader who allegedly orchestrated the 2008 Mumbai attacks and has been directing an anti-American political movement in recent months.

The move could complicate U.S.-Pakistan relations at a tense time. Pakistan's parliament is debating a revised framework for ties with the U.S. following American airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in November.

The reward is for "information leading to the arrest and conviction" of Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, who founded the militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba with alleged Pakistani support in the 1980s to pressure archenemy India over the disputed territory of Kashmir. The U.S. also offered up to $2 million for Lashkar-e-Taiba's deputy leader, Hafiz Abdul Rahman Makki, who is Saeed's brother-in-law.

Pakistan banned the group in 2002 under U.S. pressure, but it operates with relative freedom under the name of its social welfare wing Jamaat-ud-Dawwa – even doing charity work using government money.

The U.S. has designated both groups as foreign terrorist organizations. Intelligence officials and terrorism experts say Lashkar-e-Taiba has expanded 1/4 focus beyond India in recent years and has plotted attacks in Europe and Australia. Some have called it "the next al-Qaida" and fear it could set its sights on the U.S.

Saeed operates openly in Pakistan from his base in the eastern city of Lahore and travels widely, giving public speeches and appearing on TV talk shows. He has been one of the leading figures of the Difa-e-Pakistan, or Defense of Pakistan Council, which has held a series of large demonstrations in recent months against the U.S. and India.

Hafiz Saeed Bounty: U.S. Offers $10 Million For Pakistani Militant Chief
The bounty on bin laden was higher and those pricks protected him right in front of their eyes. They live in the 7th century, money is not important
Offering money does nothing. It's like offering clam shells. Now if they were wise, our dearh leaders would offer a few goats.
Offer a goat as a reward for his location and he'll be getting jiggy with those 72 whores as fast as you can say allahu akbar :blowup:
My favorite muslim fable

Ahmed and Farhad were neighbors in a very poor village. Farhad was wealthy beyond Ahmed's wildest dreams for Farhad had two goats. Ahmed had only one goat.
One day Ahmed was tending to his one goat when he found a bottle among the brush. As he wiped the grime off the bottle a geni appeared and said "I will grant you ONE wish in return for setting me free."
Ahmad thought about it. "I am very poor, I have only one goat. I don't know what one thing would relieve my poverty."
The geni said 'I can give you an entire herd of goats and make you the richest man in the village".
Ahmad thought about it. "I am not so stupid. If I had a herd of goats I will have to work to tend them all. It would take up all my time and I would have no time to drink with the other men of the village."
The geni then offered "I can make you as rich as a Caliph and the whole village will be beholden to you."
Ahmad thought about it. "I am not so stupid. If I were as rich as a Caliph I would have to employ guards to protect me and women to cook and clean my large home. My workers would expect payment and bedevil me with demands. I would have to keep books of accounts. I am too old for that kind of work.
The geni was getting impatient. "I have offered you a vast herd of goats. Riches beyond your dreams. Both have been rejected because you are unwilling to put forth the effort to maintain either herd or riches. If you do not make your ONE wish, I will leave you to your poverty and one goat.
Ahmad smiled. "I know what my one wish will be. I want you to kill Farhad's goats."
My favorite muslim fable

Ahmed and Farhad were neighbors in a very poor village. Farhad was wealthy beyond Ahmed's wildest dreams for Farhad had two goats. Ahmed had only one goat.
One day Ahmed was tending to his one goat when he found a bottle among the brush. As he wiped the grime off the bottle a geni appeared and said "I will grant you ONE wish in return for setting me free."
Ahmad thought about it. "I am very poor, I have only one goat. I don't know what one thing would relieve my poverty."
The geni said 'I can give you an entire herd of goats and make you the richest man in the village".
Ahmad thought about it. "I am not so stupid. If I had a herd of goats I will have to work to tend them all. It would take up all my time and I would have no time to drink with the other men of the village."
The geni then offered "I can make you as rich as a Caliph and the whole village will be beholden to you."
Ahmad thought about it. "I am not so stupid. If I were as rich as a Caliph I would have to employ guards to protect me and women to cook and clean my large home. My workers would expect payment and bedevil me with demands. I would have to keep books of accounts. I am too old for that kind of work.
The geni was getting impatient. "I have offered you a vast herd of goats. Riches beyond your dreams. Both have been rejected because you are unwilling to put forth the effort to maintain either herd or riches. If you do not make your ONE wish, I will leave you to your poverty and one goat.
Ahmad smiled. "I know what my one wish will be. I want you to kill Farhad's goats."

Oh damn. :eek:

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