U.S. intelligence chiefs directly contradict President Trump on Iran and North Korea in a new assess

Another fake intel report
All of the heads of the American Intel agencies testified before congress
* They testified that North Korea is still a Nuclear threat contradicting Trump
* They testified that Russia continues to try and interfere with the US political process contradicting Trump
* They testified that ISIS has not been defeated and have thousands of operatives worldwide contradicting Trump

When are intel chiefs and the news agencies going to quit lying and start supporting the alternative truth of Donald Trump

1. NK and Trump are talking about denuclearization, there has been no treaty, Trump did not say NK was not a nuclear threat.
2. Trump said that "Putin denied that Russia is interfering in US elections". That's different than a denial.
3. CNN showed that ISIS is down from an area the size of KY to a square mile. WTF??
4. The intel heads did agree with Trump that China is the most dangerous threat
You make Baghdad Bob look like a truth teller. You are one of the minions Trump bragged about. "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters"
You are a disgusting minion
Another fake intel report
All of the heads of the American Intel agencies testified before congress
* They testified that North Korea is still a Nuclear threat contradicting Trump
* They testified that Russia continues to try and interfere with the US political process contradicting Trump
* They testified that ISIS has not been defeated and have thousands of operatives worldwide contradicting Trump

When are intel chiefs and the news agencies going to quit lying and start supporting the alternative truth of Donald Trump
They're all neocon Bush stooges, who are itching into entangle Murica in more idiotic foreign wars.

I thought you lolberals hated the Bushes and their foolish foreign wars.
Get help
Another fake intel report
All of the heads of the American Intel agencies testified before congress
* They testified that North Korea is still a Nuclear threat contradicting Trump
* They testified that Russia continues to try and interfere with the US political process contradicting Trump
* They testified that ISIS has not been defeated and have thousands of operatives worldwide contradicting Trump

When are intel chiefs and the news agencies going to quit lying and start supporting the alternative truth of Donald Trump

1. NK and Trump are talking about denuclearization, there has been no treaty, Trump did not say NK was not a nuclear threat.
2. Trump said that "Putin denied that Russia is interfering in US elections". That's different than a denial.
3. CNN showed that ISIS is down from an area the size of KY to a square mile. WTF??
4. The intel heads did agree with Trump that China is the most dangerous threat
You make Baghdad Bob look like a truth teller. You are one of the minions Trump bragged about. "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters"
You are a disgusting minion
The topic isn't Trump, Gomer.
Another fake intel report
All of the heads of the American Intel agencies testified before congress
* They testified that North Korea is still a Nuclear threat contradicting Trump
* They testified that Russia continues to try and interfere with the US political process contradicting Trump
* They testified that ISIS has not been defeated and have thousands of operatives worldwide contradicting Trump

When are intel chiefs and the news agencies going to quit lying and start supporting the alternative truth of Donald Trump
They're all neocon Bush stooges, who are itching into entangle Murica in more idiotic foreign wars.

I thought you lolberals hated the Bushes and their foolish foreign wars.
Get help
I'm not the fool who suddenly believes the warmongers when it triggers his confirmation bias.
What the hell is the point?!!!! Are you a complete fricking idiot. Donald Trump's assertions are contradicted by our intel agencies led by his own appointees.
The intel agencies are brimming with the same creeps who swore up and down that Saddam was up to his eyeballs in WMDs....How'd that one turn out, Corky?
These are Trump appointees personally vetted and picked by him.
Dick Cheney corrupted the intel on Iraq. Do not blame that on the intel community.
Another fake intel report
All of the heads of the American Intel agencies testified before congress
* They testified that North Korea is still a Nuclear threat contradicting Trump
* They testified that Russia continues to try and interfere with the US political process contradicting Trump
* They testified that ISIS has not been defeated and have thousands of operatives worldwide contradicting Trump

When are intel chiefs and the news agencies going to quit lying and start supporting the alternative truth of Donald Trump
They're all neocon Bush stooges, who are itching into entangle Murica in more idiotic foreign wars.

I thought you lolberals hated the Bushes and their foolish foreign wars.
Get help
I'm not the fool who suddenly believes the warmongers when it triggers his confirmation bias.
You are whacked oddball. I think you know it.
These are Trump appointees personally vetted and picked by him.
Dick Cheney corrupted the intel on Iraq. Do not blame that on the intel community.
Cheeto has a shit ton of appointees who are unreliable swamp things, fool....A bunch of recycled neocon Bushbots....But NOW they're suddenly credible?

Must suck to be so blinded by hate.
The head of the NSA, the CIA and the FBI met with Senators today to talk about the security threats facing the country.

Basically, all of these Trump appointees told the Senate that Donald Trump doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. They said that Russia, China and North Korea are the greatest threats to the security of the USA today, and that the White House is doing nothing to counter these threats.

Their testimony directly contradicted the President on a number of issues:

1. Russian Election meddling: The Russians again meddled in the mid-terms and are starting to gear up for an all out assault on the 2020 elections. President Trump hasn't committed money or resources to the problem and continues to deny Russian involvement.

2. China and Russia are now cooperating more than at any time since the 1950's, especially in the area of cyber attacks.

3. Where the US has withdrawn from the world stage, China and Russia have moved in quickly to expand their influence.

4. They made no mention of a crisis or security threat on the Southern Border.

5. President Trump has had numerous private meetings with Vladimir Putin with only Russian translators present, so Americans have no records of these meetings but the Russians do.

6. North Korea continues to work toward building a long range nuclear missle and has no intention of disarming.

Everything they said was at odds with Donald Trump.

U.S. intel heads list North Korea, not border, as threat to U.S.
2. Trump said that "Putin denied that Russia is interfering in US elections". That's different than a denial.

"I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today,"

"As I said today and many times before, "I have GREAT confidence in MY intelligence people." However, I also recognize that in order to build a brighter future, we cannot exclusively focus on the past -- as the world's two largest nuclear powers, we must get along!" Trump tweeted

Seems he doesn't care if Russia is meddling in US election as long as its to his benefit as he believes we must get along

The summit in Argentina where he threatens to cancel his planned sit-down with Russian President Vladimir Putin over Russia’s seizure of three Ukrainian naval ships.

TRUMP: My people came to me... they said they think it's Russia. I have President Putin; he just said it's not Russia. I will say this: I don't see any reason why it would be.

then he try to change it to "The sentence should have been: 'I don't see any reason why I wouldn't' or 'why it wouldn't be Russia'. Sort of a double negative."

Sounding all tough yet we see the video of him signaling to Putin at the summit

When it comes to Russia Trump is like the air dancer

Just flipping back and forth all over the place

He said he did ask Putin and ask Putin what he is up to in Ukraine, and Putin basically said (None of your business) He has his position. I have my own.
These are the same Intel chiefs / agencies that broke laws and collaborated in an attempted coup against the current President of the United States.

These are the same Intel chiefs and agencies that knew Russia was interfering and running counter-Intel ops against the US back in 2014, who briefed Obama it was happening, and sat back while Barry did nothing for 2 years.

These are the same Intel Chiefs and agencies that lied to the American people and sided with criminal Democrats in attempting to affect the outcome of the 2016 election, who helped the FBI, NIA, DOJ, & CIA illegally acquire warrants to spy on Trump & his team.

F* them.
1. Obama knew what the Russians were doing in 2014 and let it continue for 2 years while giving them uranium, Crimea, & TS data off of Hillary's illegal server in exchange for Putin's permission to commit the International War Crime of invading Syria, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner's 2nd illegal war to help terrorists.

2. Democrats were exposed in the mid-term elections for running counter-intelligence operations that consisted of creating false signs trying to make it look like the GOP candidates were being backed by the Russians.

3. Obama helped our enemies, to include China, Russia, and Iran. Evidence proves Hillary took over $100 million from the Russians and paid them for their help in trying to win in 2016. Diane Feinstein was exposed as having facilitated Chinese espionage for DECADES, harboring a spy in her midst. Barry violated the Constitution by bypassing Congress to forge an illegal Treaty with Iran and paid them for US hostages. Obama was so busy aiding terrorists for 8 years he ignored NK acquiring missile technology that allows them to now strike US targets with their nukes.

4. Numerous Presidents before Trump, to include Obama, called our southern border a crisis.

5. Bill Clinton gave speeches for the KGB Bank for $500k a pop, tried to meet with Russian nuclear agency officials, Anand when he failed to do that he met with Putin during the Uranium One scandal.

6. NK has nukes due to the ignorance and aide of past Presidents, to include the Bushes and Clinton - who gave them nuclear reactors. Barry, again, allowed them to get missile technology needed to strike us on his watch. Trump has been more successful dealing with them than all of them put together.

These same Intel agencies are the same ones evidence proves collaborated on the exposed conspiracy and coup against the current President.

Stop the fake news Trump-hating BS
KGB thugs, and Communist dictators are the type of friends that suit Trumps moral fiber, and help him feel secure. Any national emergency centered on immigration is between his bigoted ears.
1. Obama knew what the Russians were doing in 2014 and let it continue for 2 years while giving them uranium, Crimea, & TS data off of Hillary's illegal server in exchange for Putin's permission to commit the International War Crime of invading Syria, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner's 2nd illegal war to help terrorists.

2. Democrats were exposed in the mid-term elections for running counter-intelligence operations that consisted of creating false signs trying to make it look like the GOP candidates were being backed by the Russians.

3. Obama helped our enemies, to include China, Russia, and Iran. Evidence proves Hillary took over $100 million from the Russians and paid them for their help in trying to win in 2016. Diane Feinstein was exposed as having facilitated Chinese espionage for DECADES, harboring a spy in her midst. Barry violated the Constitution by bypassing Congress to forge an illegal Treaty with Iran and paid them for US hostages. Obama was so busy aiding terrorists for 8 years he ignored NK acquiring missile technology that allows them to now strike US targets with their nukes.

4. Numerous Presidents before Trump, to include Obama, called our southern border a crisis.

5. Bill Clinton gave speeches for the KGB Bank for $500k a pop, tried to meet with Russian nuclear agency officials, Anand when he failed to do that he met with Putin during the Uranium One scandal.

6. NK has nukes due to the ignorance and aide of past Presidents, to include the Bushes and Clinton - who gave them nuclear reactors. Barry, again, allowed them to get missile technology needed to strike us on his watch. Trump has been more successful dealing with them than all of them put together.

These same Intel agencies are the same ones evidence proves collaborated on the exposed conspiracy and coup against the current President.

Stop the fake news Trump-hating BS

does that look like Obama to you ...


1. Obama knew what the Russians were doing in 2014 and let it continue for 2 years while giving them uranium, Crimea, & TS data off of Hillary's illegal server in exchange for Putin's permission to commit the International War Crime of invading Syria, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner's 2nd illegal war to help terrorists.

2. Democrats were exposed in the mid-term elections for running counter-intelligence operations that consisted of creating false signs trying to make it look like the GOP candidates were being backed by the Russians.

3. Obama helped our enemies, to include China, Russia, and Iran. Evidence proves Hillary took over $100 million from the Russians and paid them for their help in trying to win in 2016. Diane Feinstein was exposed as having facilitated Chinese espionage for DECADES, harboring a spy in her midst. Barry violated the Constitution by bypassing Congress to forge an illegal Treaty with Iran and paid them for US hostages. Obama was so busy aiding terrorists for 8 years he ignored NK acquiring missile technology that allows them to now strike US targets with their nukes.

4. Numerous Presidents before Trump, to include Obama, called our southern border a crisis.

5. Bill Clinton gave speeches for the KGB Bank for $500k a pop, tried to meet with Russian nuclear agency officials, Anand when he failed to do that he met with Putin during the Uranium One scandal.

6. NK has nukes due to the ignorance and aide of past Presidents, to include the Bushes and Clinton - who gave them nuclear reactors. Barry, again, allowed them to get missile technology needed to strike us on his watch. Trump has been more successful dealing with them than all of them put together.

These same Intel agencies are the same ones evidence proves collaborated on the exposed conspiracy and coup against the current President.

Stop the fake news Trump-hating BS

does that look like Obama to you ...


Now show the photos of Obama bowing so far over to these same guys that it looks like he's giving them a blow job.

Fail, snowflake.
1. Obama knew what the Russians were doing in 2014 and let it continue for 2 years while giving them uranium, Crimea, & TS data off of Hillary's illegal server in exchange for Putin's permission to commit the International War Crime of invading Syria, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner's 2nd illegal war to help terrorists.

2. Democrats were exposed in the mid-term elections for running counter-intelligence operations that consisted of creating false signs trying to make it look like the GOP candidates were being backed by the Russians.

3. Obama helped our enemies, to include China, Russia, and Iran. Evidence proves Hillary took over $100 million from the Russians and paid them for their help in trying to win in 2016. Diane Feinstein was exposed as having facilitated Chinese espionage for DECADES, harboring a spy in her midst. Barry violated the Constitution by bypassing Congress to forge an illegal Treaty with Iran and paid them for US hostages. Obama was so busy aiding terrorists for 8 years he ignored NK acquiring missile technology that allows them to now strike US targets with their nukes.

4. Numerous Presidents before Trump, to include Obama, called our southern border a crisis.

5. Bill Clinton gave speeches for the KGB Bank for $500k a pop, tried to meet with Russian nuclear agency officials, Anand when he failed to do that he met with Putin during the Uranium One scandal.

6. NK has nukes due to the ignorance and aide of past Presidents, to include the Bushes and Clinton - who gave them nuclear reactors. Barry, again, allowed them to get missile technology needed to strike us on his watch. Trump has been more successful dealing with them than all of them put together.

These same Intel agencies are the same ones evidence proves collaborated on the exposed conspiracy and coup against the current President.

Stop the fake news Trump-hating BS
Dude, you've fallen for fake news again.
1. Obama knew what the Russians were doing in 2014 and let it continue for 2 years while giving them uranium, Crimea, & TS data off of Hillary's illegal server in exchange for Putin's permission to commit the International War Crime of invading Syria, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner's 2nd illegal war to help terrorists.

2. Democrats were exposed in the mid-term elections for running counter-intelligence operations that consisted of creating false signs trying to make it look like the GOP candidates were being backed by the Russians.

3. Obama helped our enemies, to include China, Russia, and Iran. Evidence proves Hillary took over $100 million from the Russians and paid them for their help in trying to win in 2016. Diane Feinstein was exposed as having facilitated Chinese espionage for DECADES, harboring a spy in her midst. Barry violated the Constitution by bypassing Congress to forge an illegal Treaty with Iran and paid them for US hostages. Obama was so busy aiding terrorists for 8 years he ignored NK acquiring missile technology that allows them to now strike US targets with their nukes.

4. Numerous Presidents before Trump, to include Obama, called our southern border a crisis.

5. Bill Clinton gave speeches for the KGB Bank for $500k a pop, tried to meet with Russian nuclear agency officials, Anand when he failed to do that he met with Putin during the Uranium One scandal.

6. NK has nukes due to the ignorance and aide of past Presidents, to include the Bushes and Clinton - who gave them nuclear reactors. Barry, again, allowed them to get missile technology needed to strike us on his watch. Trump has been more successful dealing with them than all of them put together.

These same Intel agencies are the same ones evidence proves collaborated on the exposed conspiracy and coup against the current President.

Stop the fake news Trump-hating BS

does that look like Obama to you ...


Now show the photos of Obama bowing so far over to these same guys that it looks like he's giving them a blow job.

Fail, snowflake.

who is the President ? Remind me again.

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