Tyrannical Democrats continue to build Alliances with Draconian Islam

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.

If one-legged Arapahoes came out against America, the Dimms would be right on it promising mo' money for their Rez!
But for now, they have to take a backseat to Blacks and slavery reparations.
Ain't Democrat Identity Politics a fun game to play?
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |

Democrats are the embodiment of true evil, and evil is attracted to evil
Saudi pilot called US 'nation of evil' before shooting spree at Florida airbase, reports say

Just like Talib, Omar, Cortez and every Democrat we know.

BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.

If one-legged Arapahoes came out against America, the Dimms would be right on it promising mo' money for their Rez!
But for now, they have to take a backseat to Blacks and slavery reparations.
Ain't Democrat Identity Politics a fun game to play?
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.
We were taught in church to oppose the devil. This is why we hate the GOP and all it stands for! Rebuke them. Cast the serpents in the lake. You don't like us Democrats and we can't stand you RePUBlitard's. Roll the dice!
Trump just agreed to a prisoner swap with Iran. He noted that perhaps it was a first step to the two countries getting along.

I suppose some of you would have preferred to see him dropping bombs.
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.
We were taught in church to oppose the devil. This is why we hate the GOP and all it stands for! Rebuke them. Cast the serpents in the lake. You don't like us Democrats and we can't stand you RePUBlitard's. Roll the dice!
So that's why you suck up to terrorist mass murderers?
Saudi pilot called US 'nation of evil' before shooting spree at Florida airbase, reports say

BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.

If one-legged Arapahoes came out against America, the Dimms would be right on it promising mo' money for their Rez!
But for now, they have to take a backseat to Blacks and slavery reparations.
Ain't Democrat Identity Politics a fun game to play?
It is a "nation" of evil devils. You love guns and dare people over your body to take them away. Why do devils need weapons? Answer: to do evil things. There is nothing good about weapons. It is a control item for the Anglos of this country.
It is against God to murder 60 Million babies like you have done, advocate and promote homosexuality, teach children that homosexuality and pedophilia are normal sexual lifestyles, corrupt their minds with lies contrary to God’s law and nature, and take God’s name in vain and be a pathological liar.

None of these people can ever enter in to The Kingdom of Heaven.
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.
We were taught in church to oppose the devil. This is why we hate the GOP and all it stands for! Rebuke them. Cast the serpents in the lake. You don't like us Democrats and we can't stand you RePUBlitard's. Roll the dice!
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BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |

Democrats are the embodiment of true evil, and evil is attracted to evil
Coming out of the mouth of a "gun" lover. You should talk about evil people.
It is against God to murder 60 Million babies like you have done, advocate and promote homosexuality, teach children that homosexuality and pedophilia are normal sexual lifestyles, corrupt their minds with lies contrary to God’s law and nature, and take God’s name in vane and be a pathological liar.

None of these people can ever enter in to The Kingdom of Heaven.
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.
We were taught in church to oppose the devil. This is why we hate the GOP and all it stands for! Rebuke them. Cast the serpents in the lake. You don't like us Democrats and we can't stand you RePUBlitard's. Roll the dice!

Trump Should Stop Taking God's Name in Vain, Say His Supporters
Saudi pilot called US 'nation of evil' before shooting spree at Florida airbase, reports say

BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.

If one-legged Arapahoes came out against America, the Dimms would be right on it promising mo' money for their Rez!
But for now, they have to take a backseat to Blacks and slavery reparations.
Ain't Democrat Identity Politics a fun game to play?
It is a "nation" of evil devils. You love guns and dare people over your body to take them away. Why do devils need weapons? Answer: to do evil things. There is nothing good about weapons. It is a control item for the Anglos of this country.

We are well aware that both Islam and The DemNazis want us disarmed so they can slaughter us or round us up and burn us in their ovens.

God commands us to defend the weak from Evil. Criminals and Terrorists are Evil and armed so it is our duty to arm ourselves.

In fact, when Jesus was resurrected after His crucifixion prior to His ascension in to Heaven He told The Disciples to buy a sword because He was no longer going to be with them on Earth.

Luke 22:36

He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”
Taking God’s name in vain means to declare yourself a Christian like Nancy Pelosi does and live Contrary to God’s law, advocate for killing babies, lying, homosexuality, pedophilia, and having your heart full of Rebellion, Sedition, Hatred and Treason.

It is against God to murder 60 Million babies like you have done, advocate and promote homosexuality, teach children that homosexuality and pedophilia are normal sexual lifestyles, corrupt their minds with lies contrary to God’s law and nature, and take God’s name in vane and be a pathological liar.

None of these people can ever enter in to The Kingdom of Heaven.
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.
We were taught in church to oppose the devil. This is why we hate the GOP and all it stands for! Rebuke them. Cast the serpents in the lake. You don't like us Democrats and we can't stand you RePUBlitard's. Roll the dice!

Trump Should Stop Taking God's Name in Vain, Say His Supporters
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Taking God’s name in vein means to declare yourself a Christian like Nancy Pelosi does and live Contrary to God’s law, advocate for killing babies, lying, and having your heart full of Rebellion, Sedition, Hatred and Treason.

It is against God to murder 60 Million babies like you have done, advocate and promote homosexuality, teach children that homosexuality and pedophilia are normal sexual lifestyles, corrupt their minds with lies contrary to God’s law and nature, and take God’s name in vane and be a pathological liar.

None of these people can ever enter in to The Kingdom of Heaven.
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |
Dims love anyone who hates America.
We were taught in church to oppose the devil. This is why we hate the GOP and all it stands for! Rebuke them. Cast the serpents in the lake. You don't like us Democrats and we can't stand you RePUBlitard's. Roll the dice!

Trump Should Stop Taking God's Name in Vain, Say His Supporters

Contrary to God's law? Like the ones concerning adultery?
BTW, I am going to throw this out there that The Democrat Party is controlled by a coalition of Anti-Semites & Muslims.

The Squad is both. Clinton & Obama both were vehement Anti-Semites with Obama being the more vocal of the two.

This is just one reason they opposed Trump restricting refugees coming from Islamic Nations, and are opposed to The President’s support of Israel.

The impeachment besides being about 2020, is also about Islam, Israel, Climate Change, Immigration & Globalism.

I had predicted this about 4 years ago that Draconian Islam & The Socialist Tyrannical Democrat Party would become allies and work together to undermine our Republic, and that appears to be the case more and more each day.
Omar ignites new anti-Semitism controversy with comments on AIPAC |

Democrats are the embodiment of true evil, and evil is attracted to evil
Coming out of the mouth of a "gun" lover. You should talk about evil people.
People who have guns are not evil. People who want to take your guns are evil.
God forgives past sins if a man turns from his evil ways. But Blaspheming God and constantly taking his name in vain, while doing Evil like Nancy Pelosi does saying she is praying for The President while she plots to oust him and Pence and declare herself Emperor, God will not forgive.

Rebellion, Sedition & Treason are mortal sins and so is wrongly accusing the President of crimes he did not commit.

Taking God’s name in vein means to declare yourself a Christian like Nancy Pelosi does and live Contrary to God’s law, advocate for killing babies, lying, and having your heart full of Rebellion, Sedition, Hatred and Treason.

It is against God to murder 60 Million babies like you have done, advocate and promote homosexuality, teach children that homosexuality and pedophilia are normal sexual lifestyles, corrupt their minds with lies contrary to God’s law and nature, and take God’s name in vane and be a pathological liar.

None of these people can ever enter in to The Kingdom of Heaven.
Dims love anyone who hates America.
We were taught in church to oppose the devil. This is why we hate the GOP and all it stands for! Rebuke them. Cast the serpents in the lake. You don't like us Democrats and we can't stand you RePUBlitard's. Roll the dice!

Trump Should Stop Taking God's Name in Vain, Say His Supporters

Contrary to God's law? Like the ones concerning adultery?
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