Pelosi Forced To Dodge Questions About Ilhan Omar's Smear of Jewish Democrats in Congress


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Speaker Pelosi dodges reporter's question about Rep. Ilhan Omar's smear of Jews in Congress

Speaker Pelosi dodges reporter's question about Rep. Ilhan Omar's smear of Jews in Congress


While the internal civil war rages in the House, Pelosi proves she can no longer control the House or keep Democrats in Line.

Pelosi refuses to answer question about Ilhan Omar's latest inflammatory statements this week​

-- Omar stood by her comparison of the U.S. and Israel to terror groups Hamas and the Taliban​

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., refused to answer a question about "Squad" member Rep. Ilhan Omar’s, D-Minn., most recent inflammatory statements about Israel and her Jewish Democratic colleagues.

During her weekly press conference Thursday, a reporter asked Pelosi a question regarding Omar’s comments this week during an interview, in which Omar stood by her comparison of the U.S. and Israel to internationally recognized terror groups Hamas and the Taliban, and blamed her Jewish colleagues for forcing her to walk back the comments.

Pelosi interrupted the reporter during and waved off the question, saying, "let’s stay with this" and that she would "answer that afterward."

"I think it's really important for these [House] members to realize that they haven't been partners in justice," the Minnesota Democrat continued. "They haven't been engaging in seeking justice around the world, and I think I will continue to do that. It is important for me as someone who knows what it feels like to experience injustice in ways that many of my colleagues don't."

"I don't," Omar replied to CNN host Jake Tapper’s question of if she regretted her comments Tuesday."

Pelosi refused to comment about Omar's continuous stream of Anti-Semitic, anti-American, and Democrat Party-damaging comments and her own lack of ability to control House Democrats /the squad.

..a lot of POCs that are blatantly racist/ I said, POCs are the racist--not the whites
Speaker Pelosi dodges reporter's question about Rep. Ilhan Omar's smear of Jews in Congress's question about Rep. Ilhan Omar's smear of Jews in Congress

Speaker Pelosi dodges reporter's question about Rep. Ilhan Omar's smear of Jews in Congress


While the internal civil war rages in the House, Pelosi proves she can no longer control the House or keep Democrats in Line.

Pelosi refuses to answer question about Ilhan Omar's latest inflammatory statements this week​

-- Omar stood by her comparison of the U.S. and Israel to terror groups Hamas and the Taliban​

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., refused to answer a question about "Squad" member Rep. Ilhan Omar’s, D-Minn., most recent inflammatory statements about Israel and her Jewish Democratic colleagues.

During her weekly press conference Thursday, a reporter asked Pelosi a question regarding Omar’s comments this week during an interview, in which Omar stood by her comparison of the U.S. and Israel to internationally recognized terror groups Hamas and the Taliban, and blamed her Jewish colleagues for forcing her to walk back the comments.

Pelosi interrupted the reporter during and waved off the question, saying, "let’s stay with this" and that she would "answer that afterward."

"I think it's really important for these [House] members to realize that they haven't been partners in justice," the Minnesota Democrat continued. "They haven't been engaging in seeking justice around the world, and I think I will continue to do that. It is important for me as someone who knows what it feels like to experience injustice in ways that many of my colleagues don't."

"I don't," Omar replied to CNN host Jake Tapper’s question of if she regretted her comments Tuesday."

Pelosi refused to comment about Omar's continuous stream of Anti-Semitic, anti-American, and Democrat Party-damaging comments and her own lack of ability to control House Democrats /the squad.

The fact is that she is a Muslim who doesn't like Jews, much like many on this site. Being a legislator, she should keep her large oral cavity shut and just do the country's business.
She's been spouting that BS ever since she landed in Congress. She should have been booted out long ago. Hell they accused Trump of racism with no proof. Here they have plenty of proof.
She's been spouting that BS ever since she landed in Congress. She should have been booted out long ago. Hell they accused Trump of racism with no proof. Here they have plenty of proof.
I agree, but there is proof of Trump's racism also.
Watching them tap dance around this hooker is a joy. All the while they conjour up ways to harm Trump and the American public while ignoring her, like the murderer, is a spectacle to behold
Speaker Pelosi dodges reporter's question about Rep. Ilhan Omar's smear of Jews in Congress's question about Rep. Ilhan Omar's smear of Jews in Congress's question about Rep. Ilhan Omar's smear of Jews in Congress's question about Rep. Ilhan Omar's smear of Jews in Congress

Speaker Pelosi dodges reporter's question about Rep. Ilhan Omar's smear of Jews in Congress


While the internal civil war rages in the House, Pelosi proves she can no longer control the House or keep Democrats in Line.

Pelosi refuses to answer question about Ilhan Omar's latest inflammatory statements this week​

-- Omar stood by her comparison of the U.S. and Israel to terror groups Hamas and the Taliban​

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., refused to answer a question about "Squad" member Rep. Ilhan Omar’s, D-Minn., most recent inflammatory statements about Israel and her Jewish Democratic colleagues.

During her weekly press conference Thursday, a reporter asked Pelosi a question regarding Omar’s comments this week during an interview, in which Omar stood by her comparison of the U.S. and Israel to internationally recognized terror groups Hamas and the Taliban, and blamed her Jewish colleagues for forcing her to walk back the comments.

Pelosi interrupted the reporter during and waved off the question, saying, "let’s stay with this" and that she would "answer that afterward."

"I think it's really important for these [House] members to realize that they haven't been partners in justice," the Minnesota Democrat continued. "They haven't been engaging in seeking justice around the world, and I think I will continue to do that. It is important for me as someone who knows what it feels like to experience injustice in ways that many of my colleagues don't."

"I don't," Omar replied to CNN host Jake Tapper’s question of if she regretted her comments Tuesday."

Pelosi refused to comment about Omar's continuous stream of Anti-Semitic, anti-American, and Democrat Party-damaging comments and her own lack of ability to control House Democrats /the squad.

The fact is that she is a Muslim who doesn't like Jews, much like many on this site. Being a legislator, she should keep her large oral cavity shut and just do the country's business.
Where is there an upside down flower pot on her head?
Watching them tap dance around this hooker is a joy. All the while they conjour up ways to harm Trump and the American public while ignoring her, like the murderer, is a spectacle to behold
Trump has conjured up ways to harm himself. They just expose him.
Israel is responsible for a huge amount of global terror, and almost all of the so called Islamic terror against the us, specifically

The marines in Lebanon 1983, a false flag hate hoax designed to incite a US war with hezbollah. Fortunately, America at the time had Caspar weinberger, not Rumsfeld, as DOD chief.
Pan am 103 - search for gadaffi Jewish
ISIS - search for Simon Elliot Baghdadi
The fact is that she is a Muslim who doesn't like Jews, much like many on this site. Being a legislator, she should keep her large oral cavity shut and just do the country's business.

The business of this country should include removing all use troops and imperialism from the Mideast, including Israel.
When Truman single handedly created the UN and Israel, that was wrong, and cost the US trillions.
We need to end all of that.
The business of this country should include removing all use troops and imperialism from the Mideast, including Israel.
When Truman single handedly created the UN and Israel, that was wrong, and cost the US trillions.
We need to end all of that.
If we removed all troops, we would be left with a plethora of Anti-American Muslim states with nothing to stop them from terror and murder of innocent people. Israel and other Middle Eastern states where our troops are stationed is the Cork in the bottle.
I can’t believe all the big money Jews writing checks to Democrats are so accepting of Omar’s intolerance. Unbelievable.
If we removed all troops, we would be left with a plethora of Anti-American Muslim states with nothing to stop them from terror and murder of innocent people. Israel and other Middle Eastern states where our troops are stationed is the Cork in the bottle.

That makes no sense.
Moslem Arabs have NEVER been aggressive or attacked anyone.
Moslems are xenophobic slightly even, so isolate themselves if at all possible.
The insane phobia that westerners have about Moslems came from the Mongol invasion of 1200, the Moghul invasions from 1400 to 1500, and the Turkish invasions after 1500.
These invasion were not Arab and not really Moslem, but only coopting the Moslem religion after they had massacred the Arab Moslem leadership.

There is no terrorism from the Mideast.
There is actually only reasonable attempts at retribution for illegal massacres of civilians by the US and western forces.
The start of terrorism in the Mideast was when the European Zionists started massacring Arab villages in Palestine, and the European Zionists blew up the King David Hotel to end the British protection of these native Arab villages.
Desert Storm was entirely illegal terrorism, massacring tens of thousands of innocent civilians on the Highway of Death.
The invasion of Iraq was entirely illegal terrorism starting with Shock and Awe targeting civilian food, water, sanitation, and electrical power.

Your theory is the same old Domino Theory propaganda, totally ignoring the fact it is the US that is the entire problem.
Speaker Pelosi dodges reporter's question about Rep. Ilhan Omar's smear of Jews in Congress's question about Rep. Ilhan Omar's smear of Jews in Congress

Speaker Pelosi dodges reporter's question about Rep. Ilhan Omar's smear of Jews in Congress


While the internal civil war rages in the House, Pelosi proves she can no longer control the House or keep Democrats in Line.

Pelosi refuses to answer question about Ilhan Omar's latest inflammatory statements this week​

-- Omar stood by her comparison of the U.S. and Israel to terror groups Hamas and the Taliban​

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., refused to answer a question about "Squad" member Rep. Ilhan Omar’s, D-Minn., most recent inflammatory statements about Israel and her Jewish Democratic colleagues.

During her weekly press conference Thursday, a reporter asked Pelosi a question regarding Omar’s comments this week during an interview, in which Omar stood by her comparison of the U.S. and Israel to internationally recognized terror groups Hamas and the Taliban, and blamed her Jewish colleagues for forcing her to walk back the comments.

Pelosi interrupted the reporter during and waved off the question, saying, "let’s stay with this" and that she would "answer that afterward."

"I think it's really important for these [House] members to realize that they haven't been partners in justice," the Minnesota Democrat continued. "They haven't been engaging in seeking justice around the world, and I think I will continue to do that. It is important for me as someone who knows what it feels like to experience injustice in ways that many of my colleagues don't."

"I don't," Omar replied to CNN host Jake Tapper’s question of if she regretted her comments Tuesday."

Pelosi refused to comment about Omar's continuous stream of Anti-Semitic, anti-American, and Democrat Party-damaging comments and her own lack of ability to control House Democrats /the squad.

She’s a huge TDS and all Piglousy wants to do is harass his memory and his supporters.
I can’t believe all the big money Jews writing checks to Democrats are so accepting of Omar’s intolerance. Unbelievable.

Most Jews are aware Israel is a fake power play that is against all that Judaism is supposed to stand for,
Most will not say so in public, but most Jews hate the Russian Ashkenazi who have taken over Israel, like Netanyahu and his atheist gang.
She’s a huge TDS and all Piglousy wants to do is harass his memory and his supporters.

I am far left, but actually did not mind most of what Trump did.
The only 2 things he did that I did not like was stacking the SCOTUS, and that totally immoral and illegal move of the US embassy to Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is not and never can be part of any Israel, if there should be any Israel at all.
Most Jews are aware Israel is a fake power play that is against all that Judaism is supposed to stand for,
Most will not say so in public, but most Jews hate the Russian Ashkenazi who have taken over Israel, like Netanyahu and his atheist gang.
So show US how tolerant Omar is of Jewish people universally regardless of outlook and views on Israel.
The left refused to call her out, but they call out a rapper for saying he was going to fire his agents in color language.

Fuck the left. Bunch of lying hypocrites all day, every day.

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