Bernie Sanders Says Internet Service Should be a Human Right


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
There's no denying the power and usefulness of the internet. Is it vital and abundant to the point that we should see it as a human right?

Bernie Sanders Says Internet Service Should be a Human Right

Sanders wants to break up large media and telecommunications giants, force companies to make internet services more accessible to people with disabilities, and regulate broadband prices to ensure affordability. He says he will treat internet service as a human right.
One of the most common complaints I hear is people complaining about is the service they get from their internet providers.

Be it cable or cell. From poor service to snotty employees. Human right? Whatever you want to call it, reform is needed.
Since the internet is little more than a giant billboard for ads and a delivery vehicle for paid services it should at least be easily affordable to anyone who wants it.
There's no denying the power and usefulness of the internet. Is it vital and abundant to the point that we should see it as a human right?

Bernie Sanders Says Internet Service Should be a Human Right

Sanders wants to break up large media and telecommunications giants, force companies to make internet services more accessible to people with disabilities, and regulate broadband prices to ensure affordability. He says he will treat internet service as a human right.

I am not sure if we can say. . . "human right?"

. . . but sure, elderly and the disabled should probably be helped out, if they want.

But. . . he is so wealthy and out of touch, he probably is unaware, the program ALREADY exists! :71:

They rolled it into the Lifeline program.

I am not sure you can have both though. I think you either have to choose a free smartphone (Obamaphone) OR internet and landline. Not sure though.

Lifeline Program for Low-Income Consumers
Since the internet is little more than a giant billboard for ads and a delivery vehicle for paid services it should at least be easily affordable to anyone who wants it.

It is already.
There's no denying the power and usefulness of the internet. Is it vital and abundant to the point that we should see it as a human right?

Bernie Sanders Says Internet Service Should be a Human Right

Sanders wants to break up large media and telecommunications giants, force companies to make internet services more accessible to people with disabilities, and regulate broadband prices to ensure affordability. He says he will treat internet service as a human right.

Is he going to provide the devices for accessing the internet as well?
Cue government regulations limiting bandwidth because of climate change. There is nothing these government retards don't want to control freak on.

Actually, if you study the technocracy, and what they plan to do with agenda 2030, they want to get as many folks using the SmartGrid, and get 5G roll out as soon as they can get the private sector to invest. DARPA, the CIA and the spooks killed MySpace on purpose to replace it with their boys at Facebook for a reason. They will never break up Google's monopoly.

It makes tracking and control of everyone, everything, and every last bit of society easier.


There's no denying the power and usefulness of the internet. Is it vital and abundant to the point that we should see it as a human right?

Bernie Sanders Says Internet Service Should be a Human Right

Sanders wants to break up large media and telecommunications giants, force companies to make internet services more accessible to people with disabilities, and regulate broadband prices to ensure affordability. He says he will treat internet service as a human right.

Is he going to provide the devices for accessing the internet as well?
When you are giving people money, do you have hold their hands, take them to the store, and shop for them also?

There's no denying the power and usefulness of the internet. Is it vital and abundant to the point that we should see it as a human right?

Bernie Sanders Says Internet Service Should be a Human Right

Sanders wants to break up large media and telecommunications giants, force companies to make internet services more accessible to people with disabilities, and regulate broadband prices to ensure affordability. He says he will treat internet service as a human right.

Is he going to provide the devices for accessing the internet as well?
When you are giving people money, do you have hold their hands, take them to the store, and shop for them also?


I do not give people money.
There's no denying the power and usefulness of the internet. Is it vital and abundant to the point that we should see it as a human right?

Bernie Sanders Says Internet Service Should be a Human Right

Sanders wants to break up large media and telecommunications giants, force companies to make internet services more accessible to people with disabilities, and regulate broadband prices to ensure affordability. He says he will treat internet service as a human right.

Is he going to provide the devices for accessing the internet as well?
When you are giving people money, do you have hold their hands, take them to the store, and shop for them also?


I know......let's ask the bankers.
Since the internet is little more than a giant billboard for ads and a delivery vehicle for paid services it should at least be easily affordable to anyone who wants it.

It is already.
You misunderstand, with all the quality content either covered with ads or behind a paywall it should be practically free. Back in the old days when the internet was a hotbed of free information, quality porn and easy piracy I felt that I got something for my money.
Is that old fool running on an enhancement of the Obama phone? Is he throwing in unlimited data too? I think Bernie should offer to pay for some of it, by not taking a salary. And the sad part, is that some morons are believing him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Is that old fool running on an enhancement of the Obama phone? Is he throwing in unlimited data too? I think Bernie should offer to pay for some of it, by not taking a salary. And the sad part, is that some morons are believing him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Or maybe he could get Mexico to pay for it?
There's no denying the power and usefulness of the internet. Is it vital and abundant to the point that we should see it as a human right?

Bernie Sanders Says Internet Service Should be a Human Right

Sanders wants to break up large media and telecommunications giants, force companies to make internet services more accessible to people with disabilities, and regulate broadband prices to ensure affordability. He says he will treat internet service as a human right.

They call him Crazy Bernie for a reason. Not only does he look like an old nut, he actually is one.
Since the internet is little more than a giant billboard for ads and a delivery vehicle for paid services it should at least be easily affordable to anyone who wants it.

It is already.
You misunderstand, with all the quality content either covered with ads or behind a paywall it should be practically free. Back in the old days when the internet was a hotbed of free information, quality porn and easy piracy I felt that I got something for my money.

I guess I don't understand what you are saying?

Stop getting the internet if you don't think it is a good deal then.

What are you bitching about? :dunno:

For poor people that are means tested, yes, they get free internet. For folks that can afford it, pay.

What do you want, are free lunch?
Is that old fool running on an enhancement of the Obama phone? Is he throwing in unlimited data too? I think Bernie should offer to pay for some of it, by not taking a salary. And the sad part, is that some morons are believing him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Or maybe he could get Mexico to pay for it?

Better chance than anyone paying for the green new deal. Maybe a tax increase can support all the bums that don’t work?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There's no denying the power and usefulness of the internet. Is it vital and abundant to the point that we should see it as a human right?

Bernie Sanders Says Internet Service Should be a Human Right

Sanders wants to break up large media and telecommunications giants, force companies to make internet services more accessible to people with disabilities, and regulate broadband prices to ensure affordability. He says he will treat internet service as a human right.

I am not sure if we can say. . . "human right?"

. . . but sure, elderly and the disabled should probably be helped out, if they want.

But. . . he is so wealthy and out of touch, he probably is unaware, the program ALREADY exists! :71:

They rolled it into the Lifeline program.

I am not sure you can have both though. I think you either have to choose a free smartphone (Obamaphone) OR internet and landline. Not sure though.

Lifeline Program for Low-Income Consumers

Is that old fool running on an enhancement of the Obama phone? Is he throwing in unlimited data too? I think Bernie should offer to pay for some of it, by not taking a salary. And the sad part, is that some morons are believing him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Apparently neither of youse guys read the article. "Free" ain't what he was talking about.

See next post.
Since the internet is little more than a giant billboard for ads and a delivery vehicle for paid services it should at least be easily affordable to anyone who wants it.

It is already.
You misunderstand, with all the quality content either covered with ads or behind a paywall it should be practically free. Back in the old days when the internet was a hotbed of free information, quality porn and easy piracy I felt that I got something for my money.

I'm actually paying a cable company to NOT watch TV. That's ludicrous. And I want a YUGE refund.
Not a ‘human right’ but Sanders has a reasonable point.

For example, the days of job seekers completing a paper application and having a face-to-face interview are long gone; everything is done online.

And relegating low-income job seekers to access the internet at libraries and employment offices isn’t feasible.

It’s perfectly appropriate to consider policies that will ensure all Americans have internet access.

Of course, Sanders is wrong about ‘breaking up’ large media and telecommunications giants, government regulation and involvement isn’t the answer and won’t address the problem of low-income Americans having internet access.

What’s needed is consensus and compromise absent partisanism and political ideology – which is why no solution will be forthcoming.

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