Two Stupid Guys Too Stupid Again! Paul Calls Mitt "Inarticulate!"

The point still stands, Mr. Ryan, that Mitt Romney will be a dangerously inarticulate president if elected.
Anyone heard the Republican base during the Primaries Road-Show! "Let Them Die!" is the even moe inarticulate way in which Republican Conservatives Discuss "victims."

So Bush-Cheney came into office, tried two redistributive tax-cuts, and failed. Too many needing the redistribution(?) owed nothing! There you had, "Two Stupid Guys: It Commences!!" Two basis-free wars were started in pre-industrial-revolution age nations. Boots on the ground were more or less left to fend for themselves. High-tech military weapons-makers got the mega-bucks.

Redistribution did not happen: "Two Stupid Guys, The Continuing Saga!" That instead was happening. Lower and Middle income note holders could not pay the mortgages. The rich houses all came tumbling on down.

It was still the Reagan-Bogus-Bucks-Trajectory" in motion. $700.0 bil suddenly materialized to bail-out "victims:" Of "The Two Stupid Guys Run Amok!"

No such funding was contemplated for the Social Security Trust Fund, which was being raided! With all that money having been created from taxation--certain no one on Social Security could be called "victims." There were profligate mortgage bankers to call "victims" instead!

Market-Friendly economics creates spending for goods and services. Banks and the previously unemployed are now functioning again! That has happened, due to redistributive rescue of the so many--even the mega-bucks-rich--victims of the Republican Stupid Guys!

Even the "Two Stupid Guys, Way Too Stupid" may have mangaged to focus attention on the Social Security Trust Fund as another of the "victims" that should be discussed, now needing relief from Republican inattention to actual and working, redistributive policies! Massachusetts Senator, Daniel P. Moynihan, was able to expose the "Reagan Trajectory" raids on the Social Security Money. "Money for widows and orphans was being taken to pay for B-1 bombers, instead!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even GOP former Senator Dole able to make more compelling. . . .sales presentations!)

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