Father of murdered teen urges Gov. Brown to veto bill ordering illegal immigrants rel


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
A California father whose son was murdered execution-style in 2008 by an illegal immigrant gangster has launched a campaign to persuade Gov. Jerry Brown to veto a bill that would have police release illegal immigrants into the streets even when the feds want them detained.

The controversial bill, which passed the legislature in August, would compel local law enforcement in most cases to ignore requests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement to hold illegal immigrants if they could otherwise be released.

Advocates say it's a way for police to build "trust" with local communities -- the name of the bill is the TRUST Act. But opponents warn the policy could have dangerous consequences.

Read more: Father of murdered teen urges Gov. Brown to veto bill ordering illegal immigrants released | Fox News

democrats support illegal aliens,, way to go democraps.
Until we raise the legal immigrant labor supply quotas to meet the immigrant labor demand, we will continue to have a myriad of problems, this being but one of them.

Until we raise the legal immigrant labor supply quotas to meet the immigrant labor demand, we will continue to have a myriad of problems, this being but one of them.


one of many, but it irks me we tell ameiricans dont break the law, than we tell the illegals go ahead, break hte law or multiple laws if you will.
Until we raise the legal immigrant labor supply quotas to meet the immigrant labor demand, we will continue to have a myriad of problems, this being but one of them.


one of many, but it irks me we tell ameiricans dont break the law, than we tell the illegals go ahead, break hte law or multiple laws if you will.

what irks me is the way washington picks and chooses which laws it will break.
had this been bush lords would have mercy upon the devil himself because the libs would be smearing blood in the streets.
The murder of Jamile Shaw was perhaps the greatest miscarriage of justice, misuse of justice and rape of our judicial system that I ever saw, and personally witnessed. It wasn't only that Pedro Espinosa was released 24 hours prior to Jamile's death, it was the way his family was treated in trying to achieve justice. It was what this utterly corrupt and pro illegal system did to his father and his mother while she was fighting in Iraq.
Thanks for the link WillowTree.

I read that Pelosi among other D lawmakers were begging Brown to sign this bill. I've often wondered if the Pelosis of the planet had their lives destroyed by an illegal immigrant with a criminal past who rapes/beats/murders or all of the aforementioned a family member would they feel the same way about illegal immigrants?
Makes you wonder what else they would do to win votes.

He killed a US citizen w/o a trial and was cheered for it.
They are letting criminals with Federal warrants go.
Support the people that murdered 3000 of their own

It never ends, there simply is no bottom.
and you notice that liberals are scarce as hens teeth in these threads?

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