Two dozen Dems blast Biden over his support for Hamas,


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Sad there are only two dozen dems in the world willing to stand against terrorist
Biden is pandering to the anti-Israel groups in the United States for the upcoming election, while simultaneously destroying relations with Israel and implicitly supporting hamas. Biden wants strict accountability measures on how aid is being used by Israel, while not applying the same standards with Ukraine.

What a total, foreign policy disaster and pattern we continue to see with the gimp of a man many call president.
Even his own party is turning in him. We need a President who opposes terrorism, not funds it.

Except nowhere in the article does it say that Biden supports Hamas.
Just when I think you can't be a bigger prove me wrong.

Standard denial....incoming...
Except nowhere in the article does it say that Biden supports Hamas.
Just when I think you can't be a bigger prove me wrong.

Standard denial....incoming...
Cutting off arms to Israel and telling them they won’t get them if they go after Hamas is supporting Hamas, you colossal moron.
Cutting off arms to Israel and telling them they won’t get them if they go after Hamas is supporting Hamas, you colossal moron.
No it isn't you feeble minded retard. It's doing should have done years ago. Slap the Israeli government upside the head.......however, this isn't a flat out cutting off. It's just a delay.

Supporting Hamas would be denying Israel these weapons and shipping them to Qatar....who would then turn around and ship them to Hamas..
Remind me again who last pulled something like this???? :)
No it isn't you feeble minded retard. It's doing should have done years ago. Slap the Israeli government upside the head.......however, this isn't a flat out cutting off. It's just a delay.

Supporting Hamas would be denying Israel these weapons and shipping them to Qatar....who would then turn around and ship them to Hamas..
Remind me again who last pulled something like this???? :)
Support of Hamas would be giving billions to Iran to arm Hamas, which Tater has done. Just another way Hamas Joe supports Hamas.

You just stepped on another rake, Stupid, Your ignorance is astounding,
Support of Hamas would be giving billions to Iran to arm Hamas, which Tater has done. Just another way Hamas Joe supports Hamas.

You just stepped on another rake, Stupid, Your ignorance is astounding,
Again, the standard issue denial comeback.

Where in your linked article does it state that Joe Biden said he supports Hamas?

You truly are a feeb. :)
Again, the standard issue denial comeback.

Where in your linked article does it state that Joe Biden said he supports Hamas?

You truly are a feeb. :)
Your complete lack of critical thinking skills is on full display, Simp.
critical thinking would be knowing Israel will not keep the world's eyes and ears from Gaza forever.

it would also be realizing Israel does not take prisoners, at least for long

as well as the probability of hostages being rather dismal

Even his own party is turning in him. We need a President who opposes terrorism, not funds it.

Here's a clue, Nostra DumbAss: In a democracy, party members, voters and the press, are ALL allowed to criticize the leader of the political parties. In fact, it' the JOB of the free press to criticize the President - REGARDLESS OF WHICH PARTY HE/SHE REPRESENTS.

Unlike Donald Trump who goes batshit crazy and attacks anyone who DARES to critize him, Biden isn't banishing anyone, and he actually listens to his party members and the voters, before taking action.

Such criticism isn't the the party "turning on" the President. It's giving him the feedback he needs to make decisions on behalf of the people.

You need a President who fights against war and violence in the world, not one who says that Russia - or any other country seeking to invade its neighbours, can "do what they want". That's what Chamberlain said about Hitler. Let him have Austria. He won't go any further. Putin is already talking about invading Poland.

Criticism of government policy is what we're SUPPOSED to do in a democracy.

^^^ Democrat meme
Cutting off arms to Israel and telling them they won’t get them if they go after Hamas is supporting Hamas, you colossal moron.

You’re lying again. Biden didn’t say that they wouldn’t get the weapons if they go after Hamas. That’s a bald faced lie.

Biden told the Israelis that he would not give them bombs to murder Palestinian civilians.

When every one of your attacks against Biden’s policies is based on your deliberate lies and misrepresentations, it’s proof positive you have nothing.
You’re lying again. Biden didn’t say that they wouldn’t get the weapons if they go after Hamas. That’s a bald faced lie.

Biden told the Israelis that he would not give them bombs to murder Palestinian civilians.

When every one of your attacks against Biden’s policies is based on your deliberate lies and misrepresentations, it’s proof positive you have nothing.
Once again you demonstrate you don't read links and post from complete ignorance.

Seriously, STFU about America and go fix your shithole KKKountry.
Remember this next time Republicans say they are for peace.

They aren’t. They’re war mongers.

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