Two blue states cut medicaid ????

Listening is tap dancing all over the place. She said this, she didn't say that, boo hoo.

You made the affirmation, honey, you got to prove it. If you won't, then you lied.
She does not even know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. The trick question fooled her into showing her ignorance.

Get out of your imaginary world Jake.

You ready for a go in the BullRing ?
Why? You look like a dumb butt here, so you won't do any better there?

Honey, you can't handle it. Tell your paymaster that you are going to give you blog money back out of shame.
Admit you don't know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid.
Fakey ?

Fakey ?

Fakey ?

You there ?

Bullring ?

Yes or No ?
Why? You look like a dumb butt here, so you won't do any better there?

Honey, you can't handle it. Tell your paymaster that you are going to give you blog money back out of shame.

Yes or No Fakey......

You make these assertions....we'll let others judge.

Yes or No ?

Quite simple.
I have showed my stuff here, kicked your ass here, and will continue to do so.

The champion like me does not have to answer the challenger loser you in the bull ring.

You have already been knocked out several times by me without touching me.

It is what it is.

Admit you did not know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid.



Where are you?
I have showed my stuff here, kicked your ass here, and will continue to do so.

The champion like me does not have to answer the challenger loser you in the bull ring.

You have already been knocked out several times by me without touching me.

It is what it is.

Admit you did not know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid.



Where are you?

Hey Jake, you brain damaged moron......

It is quite clear from your responses that you are a gutless wonder and won't face me in a place where you'll have to listen to others tell you that the real world sees you as the loser you are.

Won't meet me in the Bullring where you'll be required to back up your stupid assed assertions and you'll be called out as the asshole that you are.
Listening? Where are you? Ran away again. Like always.

Right here Jake.

Why would I challenge you to the bullring and run away.

Why do you run away and not accept my challenge.

You butthurt cretin.

Medicaid, Medicare, VA, Group, Individual, Indigent/Private Pay.

That's six (6) different healthcare payment systems. Count 'em, six.



Right...and Jake uses everyone for his damaged brain.

Notice he ran from a challenge in the bullring.
According to the link, Ill focused on removing persons ineligible for Medicaid from Medicaid. Not a bad idea, but it's not cutting medical. According to the link, Penn whacked at all "welfare" programs, but they're laying off teachers too, and nobody seems to know exactly what the state's doing.

But, overall, I thought it insane to enroll more people in Medicaid rather than provide voucher support for private insurance .... which doesn't cover as much as Medicaid.
According to the link, Ill focused on removing persons ineligible for Medicaid from Medicaid. Not a bad idea, but it's not cutting medical. According to the link, Penn whacked at all "welfare" programs, but they're laying off teachers too, and nobody seems to know exactly what the state's doing.

But, overall, I thought it insane to enroll more people in Medicaid rather than provide voucher support for private insurance .... which doesn't cover as much as Medicaid.

Good thought.

I just found it interesting that Blue states were finally getting after some of the "fat".

Wonder where JakeTheFake went ???? :cool:
According to the link, Ill focused on removing persons ineligible for Medicaid from Medicaid. Not a bad idea, but it's not cutting medical. According to the link, Penn whacked at all "welfare" programs, but they're laying off teachers too, and nobody seems to know exactly what the state's doing.

But, overall, I thought it insane to enroll more people in Medicaid rather than provide voucher support for private insurance .... which doesn't cover as much as Medicaid.

Good thought.

I just found it interesting that Blue states were finally getting after some of the "fat".

Wonder where JakeTheFake went ???? :cool:
Traditionally, Medicaid was what morphed out of aid to "aged blind and disabled." The biggest cost driver for states has always been old people in nursing homes. State's ameliorated costs by "taking" the old folks' homes once the last remaining resident was gone. The second biggest cost was the folks who are chronically ill. Such as paralyzed folks or folks with kidney disease requiring dialysis and transplant. No private insurer will touch these folks with a ten foot pole.

The third group is just the poor people. It's the least costly, but this is where parents with kids with strep use ER's as primary care facilities. It's "free" so they don't care about the actual cost.

Actually, the GOP has supported Schips which put healthy working poor kids on the rolls, and that has been effective in keeping kids more healthy, and less costly, that in the past. And, overall, it's not that big a cost driver. And, hey, who hates kids?

But, taking a person who has a job, but isn't getting HC benefits, and putting them on essentially the public dole has civil implications. Moreover, my kid actually had less stuff covered 100% than a kid whose parent was a deadbeat, and then with Schips, a parent who hadn't put in the years of training I put in. I don't hate the kid, but I resent paying for him to have better care than my kid.

I don't object to doing like Arkansas is doing, and taking the obamacare dollars to make vouchers to letting uninsured workers buy insurance.

Still, rural poor states (Red) spend nearly all their tax money on Medicaid and Educ. When Medicaid expands, either taxes to up, or educ gets cut. It's not a mystery why these states aren't jumping the broom for Obamacare.

I don't have a problem with Jake. But that's between you and him. I respect and enjoy your posts.
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Oh, you came back?

I finished you off, once again.

You did not know that the programs were not being cut, only removing those who should not be on them.

You did not know the difference between the programs.

Once again, you failed in your own OP, ran away when challenged, and now since you have had material sent by your paymasters, you are willing to debate?

You should have thought of that before you posted such a stupid OP.

You are as worthless as EconChick.
She ran away, right smartly, little dust puffs rising from her little cloven hooves.
Oh, you came back?

I finished you off, once again.

You did not know that the programs were not being cut, only removing those who should not be on them.

You did not know the difference between the programs.

Once again, you failed in your own OP, ran away when challenged, and now since you have had material sent by your paymasters, you are willing to debate?

You should have thought of that before you posted such a stupid OP.

You are as worthless as EconChick.

You keep making stuff up Jakey.

I've been here all along.

You are nothing more than chickenshit.

You don't even have the tiny balls to say you'll meet me in the bull ring where judges can determine who has done better. I am confident enough to enter. But you make all these meaningless claims and walk away thinking, in your imaginary world where someone actually likes you, that you've somehow bested someone.

What is so sad is that everyone knows you are a worthless liar.

Just come out and say it won't meet me in the bull ring. Just admit you are gutless coward and an ignorant bastard who really lives in an institution where no one comes to see you.

Admit it and you'll be on the road to recovery from moronitis.

Or are you willing to take me on in front of others.

She ran away, right smartly, little dust puffs rising from her little cloven hooves.

Did your imaginary gay lover teach you to write like an asswipe ?

I checked in over at the bullring and noticed you ran from Yurt.

What's the matter, pisswad ? Afraid you'll be outed for the low I.Q. poster everyone already knows you are ?
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