Two Black Teens Burn Mentally-Ill White Man Alive And Kill Him – The Media Ignores Another Hate Crime


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Two Black Teens Burn Mentally-Ill White Man Alive And Kill Him – The Media Ignores Another Hate Crime​

26 Jun 2021 ~~ By George Rowe
A disturbing story emerged back in March but crucial information about the story is still ignored by the MSM.
Two teens in Rochester, New York set a 53-year-old mentally ill man on fire, ultimately killing him.
The Rochester teenagers who were accused of setting the 53-year-old man on fire are now facing murder charges after the victim died from his injuries.
The boys — ages 14 and 16 — were initially arrested and charged with arson and assault on after allegedly pouring a flammable liquid on Steven Amenhauser and lighting him on fire in his home.
Those charges have now been upgraded after police said Amenhauser died.
In a rare instance, authorities have released the names of the juveniles allegedly behind the murder of 53-year-old Steven Amenhause that occurred on March 12th.
On March 12th, police say that 16-year-old Zayvion Perry and 14-year-old Adriel Riley Jr. had doused Amenhause with a flammable accelerant as he was sitting in a chair inside of his Lyell Avenue apartment and set him on fire.
Interestingly, unlike many past stories written in The New York Times and USA Today, the races of the involved parties were not mentioned. In 2021, that’s rare.
It turns out, the two teens are black and the now-deceased mentally ill man was white. I will ask a simple question: what if the roles were reversed? If two white teens randomly set a mentally ill black man on fire, killing him — it would unequivocally be deemed an act of racism.

Just look at the crime stats to see that White and Asian victims of Black violence far outnumber the other way around..
Unfortuantely our politicians, law enforcement authorities and Quisling Media work overtime to cover Black on White hate crimes while propagandizing the deaths of blacks while they perpetrate crimes and are killed by police in the process.
We saw this before when four Black men and a Black woman. tortured and ritualistically racially murdered Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom in Tennessee. Indeed Eric Boyd, Letalvis Cobbins, Lemaricus Davidson, George Thomas and Vanessa Lynn Coleman) were convicted of the heinous racist murders
This latest racial hate crime of a 53 year old man is just the continuation of racially motivated murders.
It’s absolutely imperative to call out ANTI WHITE hate crimes

Two Black Teens Burn Mentally-Ill White Man Alive And Kill Him – The Media Ignores Another Hate Crime​

26 Jun 2021 ~~ By George Rowe
A disturbing story emerged back in March but crucial information about the story is still ignored by the MSM.
Two teens in Rochester, New York set a 53-year-old mentally ill man on fire, ultimately killing him.
The Rochester teenagers who were accused of setting the 53-year-old man on fire are now facing murder charges after the victim died from his injuries.
The boys — ages 14 and 16 — were initially arrested and charged with arson and assault on after allegedly pouring a flammable liquid on Steven Amenhauser and lighting him on fire in his home.
Those charges have now been upgraded after police said Amenhauser died.
In a rare instance, authorities have released the names of the juveniles allegedly behind the murder of 53-year-old Steven Amenhause that occurred on March 12th.
On March 12th, police say that 16-year-old Zayvion Perry and 14-year-old Adriel Riley Jr. had doused Amenhause with a flammable accelerant as he was sitting in a chair inside of his Lyell Avenue apartment and set him on fire.
Interestingly, unlike many past stories written in The New York Times and USA Today, the races of the involved parties were not mentioned. In 2021, that’s rare.
It turns out, the two teens are black and the now-deceased mentally ill man was white. I will ask a simple question: what if the roles were reversed? If two white teens randomly set a mentally ill black man on fire, killing him — it would unequivocally be deemed an act of racism.

Just look at the crime stats to see that White and Asian victims of Black violence far outnumber the other way around..
Unfortuantely our politicians, law enforcement authorities and Quisling Media work overtime to cover Black on White hate crimes while propagandizing the deaths of blacks while they perpetrate crimes and are killed by police in the process.
We saw this before when four Black men and a Black woman. tortured and ritualistically racially murdered Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom in Tennessee. Indeed Eric Boyd, Letalvis Cobbins, Lemaricus Davidson, George Thomas and Vanessa Lynn Coleman) were convicted of the heinous racist murders
This latest racial hate crime of a 53 year old man is just the continuation of racially motivated murders.
It’s absolutely imperative to call out ANTI WHITE hate crimes
What gave you the idea this was racially motivated?
What makes you think it wasn't a hate crime?

Why are you asking me to prove a negative? It's up to people to prove it IS a hate crime.

I'd have to look back at it, but off the top of my head - simply because one race commits a crime on a person of another race, it isn't automatically a hate crime. The bar for hate crimes is actually pretty high (and should be) - most accusations of "hate crime" end up not being charged as a hate crime. If the races were reversed - based on the info in the article - it still wouldn't be a hate crime. There has to be some evidence that the victim was picked because of his ethnicity/race/religion etc and attacked because of it. Was there?

Regardless of race though, disabled and mentally ill people are far more often victims of crime than other people. I don't know if the legal designation of hate crime includes disability.

The fact that the offenders are only 14 and 16 and would do this is pretty horrific and doesn't bode well for their future. None of it has to do with race.
If two white teens randomly had set a mentally ill black man on fire, killing him — would it be deemed a "Racist Hate Crime"?

In the court of public opinion maybe, but it would have to meet certain legal standards to be classified as a hate crime - very few actually are...and the court of public opinion is notoriously uninformed at times.

I actually already answered that question in the post above.
How many black people have they burned and killed?
That has nothing to do with whether or not it is a hate crime.

In another article, one of the teens was implicated in robbing a deaf person earlier. It sounds like they prey on disabled/vulnerable people.
The term “hate crime” generally conjures up images of cross burnings and lynchings, swastikas on Jewish synagogues, and horrific murders of gays and lesbians. In 1968, the U.S. Congress defined a hate crime, under federal law, as a crime in which the defendant intentionally selects a victim, or in the case of a property crime, the property that is the object of the crime, because of their race, color or national origin (Title 18 U.S.C Section 245). The law mandated that the government must prove both that the crime occurred because of a victim’s membership in a designated group and because the victim was engaged in certain specified federally-protected activities — such as serving on a jury, voting, or attending public school. [1]

Hate crimes are commonly called bias-motivated crimes, referring to the prejudice or partiality of the perpetrator against the victim’s real or perceived grouping or circumstance. Most hate crimes are committed not by organized hate groups, but by individual citizens who harbor a strong resentment against a certain group of people.
That has nothing to do with whether or not it is a hate crime.

In another article, one of the teens was implicated in robbing a deaf person earlier. It sounds like they prey on disabled/vulnerable people.

They hate whites and pick on disabled people too. Is that not possible? Of course it is.

Funny, when they screwed with the stupid George Floyd statue, they tried (and may have succeeded) in making it a hate crime.
I suppose hate crime is only for a certain race.
If two white teens randomly had set a mentally ill black man on fire, killing him — would it be deemed a "Racist Hate Crime"?

You know it would. In a heart beat. Even if they were kicking the crap out of him for selling the white guys little sister drugs.
In the court of public opinion maybe, but it would have to meet certain legal standards to be classified as a hate crime - very few actually are...and the court of public opinion is notoriously uninformed at times.

I actually already answered that question in the post above.

"Why are not blacks who are brutally attacking whites in depraved, predatory, and animalistic atrocities called “knockout games” being charged with hate crimes? If “violent crimes that occur ‘because of’ the victim’s ‘actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, disability, or sexual orientation,’” are defined as hate crimes, why are not these black hoodlums being charged with hate crimes? Give me a scenario in which blacks attack, rape, brutalize, and/or murder whites that it is not based on hate. What clearer evidence is needed?"

In America today, Justice is only blind if the perpetrator is Black, and the victims are White. If hate-crime provisions were about Law and Justice we wouldn’t be having this discussion. But hate-crime laws are not about "Law and Justice". They are about adding additional punishment to the crimes of Whites against so-called protected classes.
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