Twitter bans ads from "Russia" Today and Sputnik over election interference


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Finally the Free world, starts to do something against Kremlin thugs (mafia) . Will the Trump follow the Twitter lead?



Twitter bans ads from "Russia" Today and Sputnik over election ...
News, sport and opinion from the Guardian's US edition | The Guardian › Technology › Twitter

- Company announced decision following US intelligence community's conclusion that RT and Sputnik attempted to interfere with the US ...
BTW, Twitter has been paid over 2 million dollars by RT and Sputnik for their commercials, which Twitter refuses to return. What a shame. So, OP it's Twitter owners who seems to be thugs. And you keep spreading your biased "news" about Russia, Ukrainian troll.
Yeah bad Kremlin thugs using Twitter. We overthrow governments, use terrorists to depose leaders we don't like and finance coups. But those horrible Ruskies use fucking Twitter.


Yeah bad Kremlin thugs using Twitter. We overthrow governments, use terrorists to depose leaders we don't like and finance coups. But those horrible Ruskies use fucking Twitter.


Putin said last week:
About the situation around our information resources, such as Russia Today and Sputnik. Their capacity cannot compare with what our colleagues have in the US, in Europe; they simply cannot compare. We do not have so-called global media, mass media with global reach. This is the monopoly of the Anglo-Saxon world, primarily the United States.

Regarding interference or non-interference: everyone knows, the whole world knows what the British or American media do. They directly and constantly influence internal political processes in almost all countries. How else are we to interpret what the media do, especially those outlets that work in, say, the political segment of the media?

I see what Russia Today broadcasts. Its team includes journalists from various countries: Americans, and British, I believe, and Germans, too. They do excellent work. Really talented people. I sometimes marvel at the courage and talent they possess to lay everything out so clearly, precisely and fearlessly – my hat is off to them. Apparently, this is the key to Russia Today and Sputnik’s success, but it is also what they are hated for; anyway, it has nothing to do with democracy.
Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club
With all the #fakenews coming out of Russia, it's no surprise.
agreed, i have a question, what kind of idiots believe in such primitive Stalinist propaganda ?

Crucified Boy (news episode) - Wikipedia

Crucifixion - StopFake

The woman said she had witnessed the public execution of a 3-year-old boy, who was crucified in the crowded main square of Slovyansk in eastern Ukraine.

I was watching Channel 1 Russia and heard that story. In a week or two Channel 1 Russia asked its audience to "excuse them for delivering the news from unverified source". And it was only one time when they delivered a doubtful information.

Meanwhile both Western and Ukrainian Media keeps feeding its audience with fakes 24/7 for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This is just one of thousands examples:
Diligent media fact-checkers fail to notice Ukrainian president’s fake tweet
Yeah bad Kremlin thugs using Twitter. We overthrow governments, use terrorists to depose leaders we don't like and finance coups. But those horrible Ruskies use fucking Twitter.


no , this is what you guys do, comment?
"Hudson Institute's Kleptocracy Initiative hosts a discussion of the threats posed by kleptocracy to states bordering the "Rossian Federation."
With all the #fakenews coming out of Russia, it's no surprise.
agreed, i have a question, what kind of idiots believe in such primitive Stalinist propaganda ?

Crucified Boy (news episode) - Wikipedia

Crucifixion - StopFake

The woman said she had witnessed the public execution of a 3-year-old boy, who was crucified in the crowded main square of Slovyansk in eastern Ukraine.

I was watching Channel 1 Russia and heard that story. In a week or two Channel 1 Russia asked its audience to "excuse them for delivering the news from unverified source". And it was only one time when they delivered a doubtful information.

Meanwhile both Western and Ukrainan Media keeps feeding its audience with fakes 24/7 for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

oh really, whats about this story? what the Botox ´s propagandacondoms said this time?
"EN - Cannibalism in Odessa house unions."

could it be lower ? LOL, such losers

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