Turkey could conquer Europe in three days: Newspaper


Nov 14, 2012

The Yeni Söz claimed this already in August but now has found "evidence" for their claim in a statement of Hungarian PM Bojko Borissow: "Turkey is Europe´s largest neighbor, a huge country, and has the largest army of Europe, that is well trained and equipped."

That´s not exactly evidence but we cannot verify HuffPo´s claim anyway. The more interesting question is:
What´s behind Yeni Söz`s claim?

Fact is: Turkey has a large military, the most powerful behind Russia in the region. Weak EU armies cannot defeat Turkey.

But there is another point the newspaper highlights in the graph shown above: Would you fight for your country?
Do you see the red dot in the middle? The graph shows: Down to zero percent of boy loving German fatsos would fight for their country.

Another point, whether mentioned by Yeni Söz or not, is that in Europe there are many Turks. Support for Erdogan´s constitutional reform was larger in Germany than in Turkey. If Turkey calls millions of Turks in Germany, Albania and elsewhere to the arms, which of the ramshackle European "armies" could stop them?

Three days may be overplayed but in case of war, the EU is out of business sooner or later.

"Die Türkei kann Europa in 3 Tagen einnehmen": Zeitung behauptet, Beweis für irre Eroberungstheorie zu haben
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I don't know about Europe, but I expect turkey will kick my ass tomorrow, and have me asleep on the couch with the top button on my pants undone before the afternoon is over.
NEVER underestimate the Germans. Or the Japanese, for that matter.

And of ourse, there is that NATO thing. Everyone in the world knows Trump would be thrilled to nuke a Muslim country, in the name of saving European white people.

Turkey wouldn't have the balls to test him. And rightly so.
NEVER underestimate the Germans. Or the Japanese, for that matter.

And of ourse, there is that NATO thing. Everyone in the world knows Trump would be thrilled to nuke a Muslim country, in the name of saving European white people.

Turkey wouldn't have the balls to test him. And rightly so.

Indeed. Fat Lil' Kim has sure quieted down lately.
NEVER underestimate the Germans. Or the Japanese, for that matter.

And of ourse, there is that NATO thing. Everyone in the world knows Trump would be thrilled to nuke a Muslim country, in the name of saving European white people.

Turkey wouldn't have the balls to test him. And rightly so.
There are very few who identify as Germans. However, there will be no war for now. The takeover is already taking place with support from the Germans. One day, there are so many Turks that the ownership will simply vest into Turkish. If there would be any resistance then, it would be crushed in the mentioned three days.

The Yeni Söz claimed this already in August but now has found "evidence" for their claim in a statement of Hungarian PM Bojko Borissow: "Turkey is Europe´s largest neighbor, a huge country, and has the largest army of Europe, that is well trained and equipped."

That´s not exactly evidence but we cannot verify HuffPo´s claim anyway. The more interesting question is:
What´s behind Yeni Söz`s claim?

Fact is: Turkey has a large military, the most powerful behind Russia in the region. Weak EU armies cannot defeat Turkey.

But there is another point the newspaper highlights in the graph shown above: Would you fight for your country?
Do you see the red dot in the middle? The graph shows: Down to zero percent of boy loving German fatsos would fight for their country.

Another point, whether mentioned by Yeni Söz or not, is that in Europe there are many Turks. Support for Erdogan´s constitutional reform was larger in Germany than in Turkey. If Turkey calls millions of Turks in Germany, Albania and elsewhere to the arms, which of the ramshackle European "armies" could stop them?

Three days may be overplayed but in case of war, the EU is out of business sooner or later.

"Die Türkei kann Europa in 3 Tagen einnehmen": Zeitung behauptet, Beweis für irre Eroberungstheorie zu haben
hi Assad´s troll, i have a picture , the Muslim Turks take over Paris, Berlin and London






and London



The Yeni Söz claimed this already in August but now has found "evidence" for their claim in a statement of Hungarian PM Bojko Borissow: "Turkey is Europe´s largest neighbor, a huge country, and has the largest army of Europe, that is well trained and equipped."

That´s not exactly evidence but we cannot verify HuffPo´s claim anyway. The more interesting question is:
What´s behind Yeni Söz`s claim?

Fact is: Turkey has a large military, the most powerful behind Russia in the region. Weak EU armies cannot defeat Turkey.

But there is another point the newspaper highlights in the graph shown above: Would you fight for your country?
Do you see the red dot in the middle? The graph shows: Down to zero percent of boy loving German fatsos would fight for their country.

Another point, whether mentioned by Yeni Söz or not, is that in Europe there are many Turks. Support for Erdogan´s constitutional reform was larger in Germany than in Turkey. If Turkey calls millions of Turks in Germany, Albania and elsewhere to the arms, which of the ramshackle European "armies" could stop them?

Three days may be overplayed but in case of war, the EU is out of business sooner or later.

"Die Türkei kann Europa in 3 Tagen einnehmen": Zeitung behauptet, Beweis für irre Eroberungstheorie zu haben
hi Assad´s troll, i have a picture , the Muslim Turks take over Paris, Berlin and London






and London


It is what you little Nato troll represent.

The Yeni Söz claimed this already in August but now has found "evidence" for their claim in a statement of Hungarian PM Bojko Borissow: "Turkey is Europe´s largest neighbor, a huge country, and has the largest army of Europe, that is well trained and equipped."

That´s not exactly evidence but we cannot verify HuffPo´s claim anyway. The more interesting question is:
What´s behind Yeni Söz`s claim?

Fact is: Turkey has a large military, the most powerful behind Russia in the region. Weak EU armies cannot defeat Turkey.

But there is another point the newspaper highlights in the graph shown above: Would you fight for your country?
Do you see the red dot in the middle? The graph shows: Down to zero percent of boy loving German fatsos would fight for their country.

Another point, whether mentioned by Yeni Söz or not, is that in Europe there are many Turks. Support for Erdogan´s constitutional reform was larger in Germany than in Turkey. If Turkey calls millions of Turks in Germany, Albania and elsewhere to the arms, which of the ramshackle European "armies" could stop them?

Three days may be overplayed but in case of war, the EU is out of business sooner or later.

"Die Türkei kann Europa in 3 Tagen einnehmen": Zeitung behauptet, Beweis für irre Eroberungstheorie zu haben
Sounds like an excellent precursor to Greeks taking Constantinople and the Aegean, a new Kurdistan and a Great Armenia. The Turks could keep a rump state around Ankara. It would be lovely
You are both trolls.
I am not, Jakey. Lilwin is a spamtroll you spams the board with his threads and others´ threads with his endless picture and propaganda shit posts.
Bleipriester is an Assad troll that spams the boards.
Jakey is an ISIS troll that demands Assad´s assassination.
I am an American who knows the Assads and Bleipriesters are no better than ISIS or the fascists.

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