Tulsi Gabbard is insane


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
I was watching an interview with her that just ended. She's a loon. Hillary Clinton should not have given this nut air. She was talking about a Hillary Clinton foreign policy. When was that? Clinton has never been president. She blamed Clinton for Libya, but the U.S. did not present the proposal to use force in Libya to the UN. A person running for president should have some knowledge about UN resolutions. All in all, she just doesn't make sense.
I was watching an interview with her that just ended. She's a loon. Hillary Clinton should not have given this nut air. She was talking about a Hillary Clinton foreign policy. When was that? Clinton has never been president. She blamed Clinton for Libya, but the U.S. did not present the proposal to use force in Libya to the UN. A person running for president should have some knowledge about UN resolutions. All in all, she just doesn't make sense.

All in all, she just doesn't make sense.

This is how we feel about you and all of your posts.
I was watching an interview with her that just ended. She's a loon. Hillary Clinton should not have given this nut air. She was talking about a Hillary Clinton foreign policy. When was that? Clinton has never been president. She blamed Clinton for Libya, but the U.S. did not present the proposal to use force in Libya to the UN. A person running for president should have some knowledge about UN resolutions. All in all, she just doesn't make sense.

you just hate her because shes white and thinks you should do for yourself and not handouts,,,

and UN resolutions mean nothing in this country and any who think otherwise are racist traitors,,,
I was watching an interview with her that just ended. She's a loon. Hillary Clinton should not have given this nut air. She was talking about a Hillary Clinton foreign policy. When was that? Clinton has never been president. She blamed Clinton for Libya, but the U.S. did not present the proposal to use force in Libya to the UN. A person running for president should have some knowledge about UN resolutions. All in all, she just doesn't make sense.
She defends Assad and tracks pretty close to Trump. Is she a plant in the dems who can run a second column campaign and do a Jill Stein by siphoning off a few dems who'd buy an isolationist for policy?
Hillary's foreign policy = She'll do whatever the highest bidder $$$$$$ wants....

Face it, those who supported Hillary want endless war in the Middle East to help Israel.

Tulsi, as an American who served, doesn't think US troops should be sold out for donations to the Clinton Foundation.

I'd trust her over closeted dyke Hillary any day...

I was watching an interview with her that just ended. She's a loon. Hillary Clinton should not have given this nut air. She was talking about a Hillary Clinton foreign policy. When was that? Clinton has never been president. She blamed Clinton for Libya, but the U.S. did not present the proposal to use force in Libya to the UN. A person running for president should have some knowledge about UN resolutions. All in all, she just doesn't make sense.
She has some glaring flaws, but she did call out Hillary and other dirty Democrats-I wonder if Schiff will try to keep her quiet too.
In a fight between Schiff and Tulsi, I'd bet on Tulsi smacking him around butt good....
She's a democrat, what do you expect?
If Tulsi Gabbard grew up and ditched her communist brainwashing and became a Republican, she'd be a star. Tulsi is just attacking the machine she supports. Being a Democrat is a good indication she is pretty stupid.
I was watching an interview with her that just ended. She's a loon. Hillary Clinton should not have given this nut air. She was talking about a Hillary Clinton foreign policy. When was that? Clinton has never been president. She blamed Clinton for Libya, but the U.S. did not present the proposal to use force in Libya to the UN. A person running for president should have some knowledge about UN resolutions. All in all, she just doesn't make sense.

If she's a Democrat it goes without saying because they're all insane but she may be less insane than most. Probably less than you.
She's a democrat, what do you expect?

I doubt she'll be a democrat much longer.....she's seen the ROT inside the party and only the vested-interests are putting up with that much longer. She can't run as a GOPer in Hawaii....she should relocate to Arizona...we'd be happy to have her.
She's a democrat, what do you expect?

I doubt she'll be a democrat much longer.....she's seen the ROT inside the party and only the vested-interests are putting up with that much longer. She can't run as a GOPer in Hawaii....she should relocate to Arizona...we'd be happy to have her.
Until she drops the DNC, she is just another one of them. ROT and all...
I was watching an interview with her that just ended. She's a loon. Hillary Clinton should not have given this nut air. She was talking about a Hillary Clinton foreign policy. When was that? Clinton has never been president. She blamed Clinton for Libya, but the U.S. did not present the proposal to use force in Libya to the UN. A person running for president should have some knowledge about UN resolutions. All in all, she just doesn't make sense.

Hillary says that Russian spies generally don't make any sense.


And you don't call Hillary a loon?

Face it, you support a party of moonbats.
I was watching an interview with her that just ended. She's a loon. Hillary Clinton should not have given this nut air. She was talking about a Hillary Clinton foreign policy. When was that? Clinton has never been president. She blamed Clinton for Libya, but the U.S. did not present the proposal to use force in Libya to the UN. A person running for president should have some knowledge about UN resolutions. All in all, she just doesn't make sense.
She defends Assad and tracks pretty close to Trump. Is she a plant in the dems who can run a second column campaign and do a Jill Stein by siphoning off a few dems who'd buy an isolationist for policy?
Hillary says she’s another Russian agent. You don’t believe her?
Neither do I.

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