Tucker on fire over Trump wiretap: we live in a country deeply corrupt institutions


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
It's hard to imagine Tuckles "on fire". He personifies the word "nebbish". The kid that nobody ever wanted around yet insisted on following everybody around because he had no life.
Tucker ON FIRE Over Trump Wiretap: ‘We Live In A Country With Deeply Corrupt Institutions’ [VIDEO]

Tucker Carlson unloaded on U.S. intelligence and the mainstream media Tuesday on Fox News, alleging that American institutions are “deeply corrupt.”


Tucker always hammers out good ones, and calls the dumbasses out on the floor with great come backs.

Just what is the difference between the Obama's Feds wiretapping Manafort at the Trump Tower and Nixon's approval of the break-in at the Watergate? One was just an opponent in an election, the other was an actual President's residence!
Tucker ON FIRE Over Trump Wiretap: ‘We Live In A Country With Deeply Corrupt Institutions’ [VIDEO]

Tucker Carlson unloaded on U.S. intelligence and the mainstream media Tuesday on Fox News, alleging that American institutions are “deeply corrupt.”


Tucker always hammers out good ones, and calls the dumbasses out on the floor with great come backs.

Just what is the difference between the Obama's Feds wiretapping Manafort at the Trump Tower and Nixon's approval of the break-in at the Watergate? One was just an opponent in an election, the other was an actual President's residence!

The difference is Nixon had a relentless press dedicating every minute of the day pursuing the Watergate case. Today we have a relentless press dedicated to Impeaching Donald Trump and providing cover for all of the criminal activity involving Obama, the DNC, the IRS, the FBI, Wasserman Schultz, Hillary and the rest of the Democratic cess pool.
Tucker ON FIRE Over Trump Wiretap: ‘We Live In A Country With Deeply Corrupt Institutions’ [VIDEO]

Tucker Carlson unloaded on U.S. intelligence and the mainstream media Tuesday on Fox News, alleging that American institutions are “deeply corrupt.”


Tucker always hammers out good ones, and calls the dumbasses out on the floor with great come backs.

Just what is the difference between the Obama's Feds wiretapping Manafort at the Trump Tower and Nixon's approval of the break-in at the Watergate? One was just an opponent in an election, the other was an actual President's residence!

Lying and cheating has become so prevalent that we have become numb to it.. It is our new norm.
Washington's motto used to be, "It doesn't have to be true, it just has to be believable". Now it doesn't even need to be believable, it just has to be hard to prove. For instance, "A video made them do it.."
And since there are no repercussions for our lying media, fake news has become rampant. It would behoove us to consider all of them corrupt, and just assume what comes out of their mouths is a lie. They all deserve the reception Pelosi got yesterday..
You know you are not going to get any help on these issues from the Democrats, who have turned into Bolsheviks.

What is so scary---to our great country---is that the Republicans have turned into such Pussies.

They are scared to death of the New York Media; afraid to say anything that will attract its attention and scorn.

I have two Republican Senators and one Republican Representative. Haven't heard a peep out of them in years. They are just laying low, begging for money for their next re-election campaign, so they can fend off anyone who tries to run against them in a primary.

We know the Democratic Party is the enemy to everything that has made America the greatest society in the history of the Human Experiment. But, damn---the people who are supposed to be on America's side aren't worth a shit either.

Tucker ON FIRE Over Trump Wiretap: ‘We Live In A Country With Deeply Corrupt Institutions’ [VIDEO]

Tucker Carlson unloaded on U.S. intelligence and the mainstream media Tuesday on Fox News, alleging that American institutions are “deeply corrupt.”


Tucker always hammers out good ones, and calls the dumbasses out on the floor with great come backs.

Just what is the difference between the Obama's Feds wiretapping Manafort at the Trump Tower and Nixon's approval of the break-in at the Watergate? One was just an opponent in an election, the other was an actual President's residence!

Obama is black and Nixon was a racist, that's what.
It's hard to imagine Tuckles "on fire". He personifies the word "nebbish". The kid that nobody ever wanted around yet insisted on following everybody around because he had no life.
certainly not a fan of tucker. he likes to find the biggest idiots he can and talk to them as if they are a valid representation of "the other side".

far too common among "journalism" these days.
It's hard to imagine Tuckles "on fire". He personifies the word "nebbish". The kid that nobody ever wanted around yet insisted on following everybody around because he had no life.
certainly not a fan of tucker. he likes to find the biggest idiots he can and talk to them as if they are a valid representation of "the other side".

far too common among "journalism" these days.
I believe he looks for the greatest challenge and more often than not he refutes them.
Rachel Madcow used to be a regular sparring partner on his show back when Carlson was at MSNBC but there's no way she would dare challenge him now.
The fact that the FBI snuck into Manaforts home in the middle of the night, picking the front door lock, to shock and terrorize the Manafort family speaks volumes.
The fact is that Manafort is under a criminal investigation. The wiretapping had nothing to do with Trump. Tucker Carlson and Fox News is corrupt to the core. They will do anything and even lie to protect Trump. The fact is that Trump is not vindicated. The wiretap was on Manafort and started before he became Trump's campaign manager. The target was not Trump but Manafort. Makes you wonder why someone like Trump who claims he will drain the swamp hired a swamp creature like Manafort in the first place, That should be the question.
The fact is that Manafort is under a criminal investigation. SO THAT JUSTIFIES WIRETAPPING HIM WITH NO EVIDENCE YET TO BASE A SUBPOENA ON! The wiretapping had nothing to do with Trump. THAT WE KNOW OF YET. IT WAS JUST IN THE PRESIDENT'S BUILDING. Tucker Carlson and Fox News is corrupt to the core AS FAR AS I WANT TO KNOW, WITHOUT A SHRED OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT. They will do anything and even lie to protect Trump, EXCEPT DO ANYTHING TO PROTECT HIM AND LIE ABOUT HIM ALL DAY LONG! The fact is that Trump is not vindicated, SO GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE. The wiretap was on Manafort and started before he became Trump's campaign manager, EXCEPT IT OCCURRED IN THE TRUMP TOWER WHICH WAS TRUMP'S HOME, AND CONTINUED AFTER TRUMP WAS ELECTED POTUS AND MANFORT WAS LONG GONE. The target was not Trump but Manafort. THE TARGET WAS ALWAYS TRUMP. Makes you wonder why someone like Trump who claims he will drain the swamp hired a swamp creature like Manafort in the first place, That should be the question. THE QUESTION IS HOW DOES SOMEONE NEVER YET CONVICTED OF ANYTHING BECOME A SWAMP CREATURE, YET PEOPLE LIKE OBAMA, HILLARY, LOIS LERNER, AND LORETTA LYNCH WHO HAVE BEEN FOUND GUILTY OF HUNDREDS OF CRIMES PASS UNDER YOUR RADAR???!!!

The fact is that Manafort is under a criminal investigation. SO THAT JUSTIFIES WIRETAPPING HIM WITH NO EVIDENCE YET TO BASE A SUBPOENA ON! The wiretapping had nothing to do with Trump. THAT WE KNOW OF YET. IT WAS JUST IN THE PRESIDENT'S BUILDING. Tucker Carlson and Fox News is corrupt to the core AS FAR AS I WANT TO KNOW, WITHOUT A SHRED OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT. They will do anything and even lie to protect Trump, EXCEPT DO ANYTHING TO PROTECT HIM AND LIE ABOUT HIM ALL DAY LONG! The fact is that Trump is not vindicated, SO GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE. The wiretap was on Manafort and started before he became Trump's campaign manager, EXCEPT IT OCCURRED IN THE TRUMP TOWER WHICH WAS TRUMP'S HOME, AND CONTINUED AFTER TRUMP WAS ELECTED POTUS AND MANFORT WAS LONG GONE. The target was not Trump but Manafort. THE TARGET WAS ALWAYS TRUMP. Makes you wonder why someone like Trump who claims he will drain the swamp hired a swamp creature like Manafort in the first place, That should be the question. THE QUESTION IS HOW DOES SOMEONE NEVER YET CONVICTED OF ANYTHING BECOME A SWAMP CREATURE, YET PEOPLE LIKE OBAMA, HILLARY, LOIS LERNER, AND LORETTA LYNCH WHO HAVE BEEN FOUND GUILTY OF HUNDREDS OF CRIMES PASS UNDER YOUR RADAR???!!!


I suppose you know that there is no evidence. The fact is that he was wiretapped before he even became Trump's campaign manager. The fact is that you Trumpsters want to lie and defame this country if necessary to do that. The fact that it occurred after he left shows it had nothing to do with Trump. What court of law has found Obama, Lerner and Lynch guilty of anything? Name 1 law they have been found guilty of. The fact is that Manafort was forced to register as a foreign agent.
The fact is that Manafort is under a criminal investigation. The wiretapping had nothing to do with Trump. Tucker Carlson and Fox News is corrupt to the core. They will do anything and even lie to protect Trump. The fact is that Trump is not vindicated. The wiretap was on Manafort and started before he became Trump's campaign manager. The target was not Trump but Manafort. Makes you wonder why someone like Trump who claims he will drain the swamp hired a swamp creature like Manafort in the first place, That should be the question.

This happened last month, -0- to do wth Obama, 100% Trump administration.
The fact is that Manafort is under a criminal investigation. SO THAT JUSTIFIES WIRETAPPING HIM WITH NO EVIDENCE YET TO BASE A SUBPOENA ON! The wiretapping had nothing to do with Trump. THAT WE KNOW OF YET. IT WAS JUST IN THE PRESIDENT'S BUILDING. Tucker Carlson and Fox News is corrupt to the core AS FAR AS I WANT TO KNOW, WITHOUT A SHRED OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT. They will do anything and even lie to protect Trump, EXCEPT DO ANYTHING TO PROTECT HIM AND LIE ABOUT HIM ALL DAY LONG! The fact is that Trump is not vindicated, SO GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE. The wiretap was on Manafort and started before he became Trump's campaign manager, EXCEPT IT OCCURRED IN THE TRUMP TOWER WHICH WAS TRUMP'S HOME, AND CONTINUED AFTER TRUMP WAS ELECTED POTUS AND MANFORT WAS LONG GONE. The target was not Trump but Manafort. THE TARGET WAS ALWAYS TRUMP. Makes you wonder why someone like Trump who claims he will drain the swamp hired a swamp creature like Manafort in the first place, That should be the question. THE QUESTION IS HOW DOES SOMEONE NEVER YET CONVICTED OF ANYTHING BECOME A SWAMP CREATURE, YET PEOPLE LIKE OBAMA, HILLARY, LOIS LERNER, AND LORETTA LYNCH WHO HAVE BEEN FOUND GUILTY OF HUNDREDS OF CRIMES PASS UNDER YOUR RADAR???!!!


I suppose you know that there is no evidence. The fact is that he was wiretapped before he even became Trump's campaign manager. The fact is that you Trumpsters want to lie and defame this country if necessary to do that. The fact that it occurred after he left shows it had nothing to do with Trump. What court of law has found Obama, Lerner and Lynch guilty of anything? Name 1 law they have been found guilty of. The fact is that Manafort was forced to register as a foreign agent.

Hey BooBoo, How can you have any "facts" if there is no evidence? Answer me that one. So the wiretap followed him around? Must have really kept the judge busy! So why haven't they found anything on him in all that time, not enough wiretaps yet? Maybe they talked in Braille? What if he talks by cellphone, how do they wiretap that? Bug the cell tower? "Us" Trumpsters want to do what? If it was still occurring after Manafort left means they were tapping WHO in the Trump Tower? And where have you been the past 30 years not to know of the countless crimes Obama, Hillary and the others committed? Sleeping? What are you, BeeBee the Somnambulist? Just because the charges are dropped or never even raised does not mean no crime has been committed!!! Just last year the FBI listed a DOZEN felonies that Hillary committed! Crimes that people go to jail for years for. Guess you snoozed through that one as well with your liberal brain filter. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Tucker ON FIRE Over Trump Wiretap: ‘We Live In A Country With Deeply Corrupt Institutions’ [VIDEO]

Tucker Carlson unloaded on U.S. intelligence and the mainstream media Tuesday on Fox News, alleging that American institutions are “deeply corrupt.”


Tucker always hammers out good ones, and calls the dumbasses out on the floor with great come backs.

Just what is the difference between the Obama's Feds wiretapping Manafort at the Trump Tower and Nixon's approval of the break-in at the Watergate? One was just an opponent in an election, the other was an actual President's residence!

Well lets see:
The Watergate breakin was an illegal break in by thieves to gather information on a political opponent who Nixon was running against.

The two wire taps of Manafort were both legally requested by government agencies, and legally authorized by a court- of a private individual.

No actual President's residence was wiretapped in either case.
The fact is that Manafort is under a criminal investigation. SO THAT JUSTIFIES WIRETAPPING HIM WITH NO EVIDENCE YET TO BASE A SUBPOENA ON! The wiretapping had nothing to do with Trump. THAT WE KNOW OF YET. IT WAS JUST IN THE PRESIDENT'S BUILDING. Tucker Carlson and Fox News is corrupt to the core AS FAR AS I WANT TO KNOW, WITHOUT A SHRED OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT. They will do anything and even lie to protect Trump, EXCEPT DO ANYTHING TO PROTECT HIM AND LIE ABOUT HIM ALL DAY LONG! The fact is that Trump is not vindicated, SO GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE. The wiretap was on Manafort and started before he became Trump's campaign manager, EXCEPT IT OCCURRED IN THE TRUMP TOWER WHICH WAS TRUMP'S HOME, AND CONTINUED AFTER TRUMP WAS ELECTED POTUS AND MANFORT WAS LONG GONE. The target was not Trump but Manafort. THE TARGET WAS ALWAYS TRUMP. Makes you wonder why someone like Trump who claims he will drain the swamp hired a swamp creature like Manafort in the first place, That should be the question. THE QUESTION IS HOW DOES SOMEONE NEVER YET CONVICTED OF ANYTHING BECOME A SWAMP CREATURE, YET PEOPLE LIKE OBAMA, HILLARY, LOIS LERNER, AND LORETTA LYNCH WHO HAVE BEEN FOUND GUILTY OF HUNDREDS OF CRIMES PASS UNDER YOUR RADAR???!!!


I suppose you know that there is no evidence. The fact is that he was wiretapped before he even became Trump's campaign manager. The fact is that you Trumpsters want to lie and defame this country if necessary to do that. The fact that it occurred after he left shows it had nothing to do with Trump. What court of law has found Obama, Lerner and Lynch guilty of anything? Name 1 law they have been found guilty of. The fact is that Manafort was forced to register as a foreign agent.

Hey BooBoo, How can you have any "facts" if there is no evidence? .

We know for a fact that the wire tap requests were made through the FISA court.

We will know for a fact that the FBI has conducted a court authorized search warrant of Manifort's home.

We will know more facts if and when Manifort is indicted- as apparently he has been informed he wil be.
The fact is that Manafort is under a criminal investigation. SO THAT JUSTIFIES WIRETAPPING HIM WITH NO EVIDENCE YET TO BASE A SUBPOENA ON! The wiretapping had nothing to do with Trump. THAT WE KNOW OF YET. IT WAS JUST IN THE PRESIDENT'S BUILDING. Tucker Carlson and Fox News is corrupt to the core AS FAR AS I WANT TO KNOW, WITHOUT A SHRED OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT. They will do anything and even lie to protect Trump, EXCEPT DO ANYTHING TO PROTECT HIM AND LIE ABOUT HIM ALL DAY LONG! The fact is that Trump is not vindicated, SO GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE. The wiretap was on Manafort and started before he became Trump's campaign manager, EXCEPT IT OCCURRED IN THE TRUMP TOWER WHICH WAS TRUMP'S HOME, AND CONTINUED AFTER TRUMP WAS ELECTED POTUS AND MANFORT WAS LONG GONE. The target was not Trump but Manafort. THE TARGET WAS ALWAYS TRUMP. Makes you wonder why someone like Trump who claims he will drain the swamp hired a swamp creature like Manafort in the first place, That should be the question. THE QUESTION IS HOW DOES SOMEONE NEVER YET CONVICTED OF ANYTHING BECOME A SWAMP CREATURE, YET PEOPLE LIKE OBAMA, HILLARY, LOIS LERNER, AND LORETTA LYNCH WHO HAVE BEEN FOUND GUILTY OF HUNDREDS OF CRIMES PASS UNDER YOUR RADAR???!!!


I suppose you know that there is no evidence. The fact is that he was wiretapped before he even became Trump's campaign manager. The fact is that you Trumpsters want to lie and defame this country if necessary to do that. The fact that it occurred after he left shows it had nothing to do with Trump. What court of law has found Obama, Lerner and Lynch guilty of anything? Name 1 law they have been found guilty of. The fact is that Manafort was forced to register as a foreign agent.

So was Mike Flynn, Leon Podesta and the entire Podestra Group.
Again, the raid on his house took place in July of THIS year:

FBI agents reportedly photographed Paul Manafort's expensive suits during its July raid at his house in Virginia
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We know for a fact that the wire tap requests were made through the FISA court.

We will know for a fact that the FBI has conducted a court authorized search warrant of Manifort's home.

We will know more facts if and when Manifort is indicted- as apparently he has been informed he wil be.

I suppose you know that there is no evidence.

You guys ought to get together and decide what your story is! How can you have all these wire taps, how can you have a legit search warrant without even knocking on a guy's door, how can he be informed of a pending indictment, without actually being indicted, without there even being any evidence?

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