Tucker Carlson: US Out of Iraq for Good!

Trump like Obama said he was going to get us out of the wars.........he's done nothing to get us there.

We're not at war. We will not go to war with Iran.

Avoid the point if you wish.

Avoid? We will see. His intentions are to move us out of the ME.

Obama said the same thing.

Yes, he did.
You dislike and distrust Ears, but love and trust Dumb Donnie.

How the fuck is this possible?
This is a very tough question.
Do you keep troops there to keep a lid on things, or pull out and probably allow WW3 to start?
Why didn't WW3 start before we invaded Iraq??

I don't imagine your question will get answered. It's pretty common for someone to make a statement but when questioned on that statement to either not reply or reply with name calling.

Did Iran have nukes before we invaded Iraq? Did Iraq have nukes before we invaded Iraq?
Tell me you guys like the idea of all the ME countries having nukes.
If you don't like that idea, how do you propose to stop it?

If we can have nukes we have no business telling anyone else they can not. I believe having nukes is a good deterrent to keep our psychotic war mongers at bay so I am good with it.

So noted. Please tell me that you are also okay with terrorists having access to nukes.
Since Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism, I can imagine that many of their subsidiary terror groups will also have nukes. That okay too?

We have armed far more terrorists than Iran. People defending their own countries are not terrorists either.
This is a very tough question.
Do you keep troops there to keep a lid on things, or pull out and probably allow WW3 to start?
Why didn't WW3 start before we invaded Iraq??

I don't imagine your question will get answered. It's pretty common for someone to make a statement but when questioned on that statement to either not reply or reply with name calling.

Did Iran have nukes before we invaded Iraq? Did Iraq have nukes before we invaded Iraq?
Tell me you guys like the idea of all the ME countries having nukes.
If you don't like that idea, how do you propose to stop it?

If we can have nukes we have no business telling anyone else they can not. I believe having nukes is a good deterrent to keep our psychotic war mongers at bay so I am good with it.

So noted. Please tell me that you are also okay with terrorists having access to nukes.
Since Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism, I can imagine that many of their subsidiary terror groups will also have nukes. That okay too?
What’s the big deal about terrorists and nukes? The biggest terrorist state in the world has the largest arsenal of nukes.
Compared to what O and W did in just 4 years? No, it was those two buffoons that laid that steaming pile of dung at trump's door.

Trump like Obama said he was going to get us out of the wars.........he's done nothing to get us there.

We're not at war. We will not go to war with Iran.

Avoid the point if you wish.

Avoid? We will see. His intentions are to move us out of the ME.
He has a funny way of showing it. No?
We're not at war. We will not go to war with Iran.

Avoid the point if you wish.

Avoid? We will see. His intentions are to move us out of the ME.

Obama said the same thing.

Yes, he did.
You dislike and distrust Ears, but love and trust Dumb Donnie.

How the fuck is this possible?

No, O and W. I don't fully trust anyone who occupies the WH. Currently, orange man hasn't escalated us into more adventures.
the Iraqi government just gave Trump a way out. He needs to take advantage of it and ignore the neocon advisers and pull our troops out now. Iraq does not want us there and does not appreciate us, The only bombing that we should do now, is to anything we built in that country.
Trump like Obama said he was going to get us out of the wars.........he's done nothing to get us there.

We're not at war. We will not go to war with Iran.

Avoid the point if you wish.

Avoid? We will see. His intentions are to move us out of the ME.
He has a funny way of showing it. No?
Avoid the point if you wish.

Avoid? We will see. His intentions are to move us out of the ME.

Obama said the same thing.

Yes, he did.
You dislike and distrust Ears, but love and trust Dumb Donnie.

How the fuck is this possible?

No, O and W. I don't fully trust anyone who occupies the WH. Currently, orange man hasn't escalated us into more adventures.

It wasn't for a lack of trying.
Trump like Obama said he was going to get us out of the wars.........he's done nothing to get us there.

We're not at war. We will not go to war with Iran.

Avoid the point if you wish.

Avoid? We will see. His intentions are to move us out of the ME.
He has a funny way of showing it. No?
Avoid the point if you wish.

Avoid? We will see. His intentions are to move us out of the ME.

Obama said the same thing.

Yes, he did.
You dislike and distrust Ears, but love and trust Dumb Donnie.

How the fuck is this possible?

No, O and W. I don't fully trust anyone who occupies the WH. Currently, orange man hasn't escalated us into more adventures.
WTF. We were nearly entangled in a huge war due to Don’s crazed antics but thanks to those fanatics in Iran, we don’t have war. Orange man did his best to escalate. Wake up!
the Iraqi government just gave Trump a way out. He need to take advantage of it and ignore the neocon advisers and pull our troops out now. Iraq does not want us there and does not appreciate us, the only bombing that we should d, is to anything we built in that country.

If Trump did that I would give him full credit. He can't. If he does that the Republican war mongers vote for impeachment.
O droned thousands of innocents civilians. O and W were exponentially worse.
Is that some kind of absurd way of justifying Trump’s murdering? O and W are terrible assholes. You want Dumb Donnie to emulate them?
Who did Trump Murder? Since the fake god Ollie Assburn did not protect El Salami, then I guess El Salami is in Hell, right? Same with your dead daddy Al Baghdadi, and Obama Bin Laden.
What would be good is all of Europe abandon the Empire. Maybe Canada, Japan, Australia, and Mexico too. Maybe this would get our neocon infected government and brain dead people (like you) to wake the fuck up. Trump just might make this happen.
Answer this: Why couldn't the fake god Ollie Assburn kill any Americans with the Obama Bombs they bought with Obama Bucks after El Salami was sliced up?

Why did the fake god Ollie Assburn allow Iran to shoot down a plane full of it's own people, killing 82 Iranian Citizens?

Why did the fake god Ollie Assburn allow 32 people to be trampled to death at forced appearance for the shredded carcass of El Salami?

Why did the fake god Ollie Assburn allow 1,500 people to die in Iran simply because they were pleased that a mass murderer like El Salami was terminated?

So we take out one terrorist to avenge the death of One American, and Iran then takes out an additional 1,614 of it's own people in retaliation, and these 20 some missiles with 2,000 lb Warheads do not kill a single person?

I am kinda liking this false god Ollie Assburn.
The world now knows for certain that the most powerful person in the world is an UNSTABLE PSYCHOPATH, yet you love and adore him.

If The Islamic World and Ollie Assburn had any real power, and were pleasing to the fake god Ollie Assburn, then wouldn't Iran be a more prosperous Nation like America? Why does Ollie Assburn have his people living in dust, in the desert in poverty, stricken with famine, their women treated like cattle, and their people cursed with plagues of locusts, and tortured by war?
Funny...even the crazy Mullahs recognize Trump is crazier.
We're not at war. We will not go to war with Iran.

Avoid the point if you wish.

Avoid? We will see. His intentions are to move us out of the ME.
He has a funny way of showing it. No?
Avoid? We will see. His intentions are to move us out of the ME.

Obama said the same thing.

Yes, he did.
You dislike and distrust Ears, but love and trust Dumb Donnie.

How the fuck is this possible?

No, O and W. I don't fully trust anyone who occupies the WH. Currently, orange man hasn't escalated us into more adventures.

It wasn't for a lack of trying.

Trump has done more.....so far to move our presence out of the ME. I don't know about lack of trying.
We're not at war. We will not go to war with Iran.

Avoid the point if you wish.

Avoid? We will see. His intentions are to move us out of the ME.
He has a funny way of showing it. No?
Avoid? We will see. His intentions are to move us out of the ME.

Obama said the same thing.

Yes, he did.
You dislike and distrust Ears, but love and trust Dumb Donnie.

How the fuck is this possible?

No, O and W. I don't fully trust anyone who occupies the WH. Currently, orange man hasn't escalated us into more adventures.
WTF. We were nearly entangled in a huge war due to Don’s crazed antics but thanks to those fanatics in Iran, we don’t have war. Orange man did his best to escalate. Wake up!
I hardly call Ayatollah Assahollah launching 20 Obama Bomb Duds paid for with Obama Bucks, that could not kill a single person, a war.
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Why didn't WW3 start before we invaded Iraq??

I don't imagine your question will get answered. It's pretty common for someone to make a statement but when questioned on that statement to either not reply or reply with name calling.

Did Iran have nukes before we invaded Iraq? Did Iraq have nukes before we invaded Iraq?
Tell me you guys like the idea of all the ME countries having nukes.
If you don't like that idea, how do you propose to stop it?

If we can have nukes we have no business telling anyone else they can not. I believe having nukes is a good deterrent to keep our psychotic war mongers at bay so I am good with it.

So noted. Please tell me that you are also okay with terrorists having access to nukes.
Since Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism, I can imagine that many of their subsidiary terror groups will also have nukes. That okay too?

We have armed far more terrorists than Iran. People defending their own countries are not terrorists either.

Please answer the Y/N question before bloviating and setting up straw-men.

1. Are you okay with terrorist groups having nuclear weapons, Y/N?
2. We do not arm terrorists who kill innocents and behead people do we?
3. Al-Qaeda and ISIS are not defending their own countries are they?

You going to answer #1 or run away and hide?
the Iraqi government just gave Trump a way out. He needs to take advantage of it and ignore the neocon advisers and pull our troops out now. Iraq does not want us there and does not appreciate us, The only bombing that we should do now, is to anything we built in that country.
That’s most vindictive. Are you related to Donnie?
Avoid the point if you wish.

Avoid? We will see. His intentions are to move us out of the ME.
He has a funny way of showing it. No?
Obama said the same thing.

Yes, he did.
You dislike and distrust Ears, but love and trust Dumb Donnie.

How the fuck is this possible?

No, O and W. I don't fully trust anyone who occupies the WH. Currently, orange man hasn't escalated us into more adventures.

It wasn't for a lack of trying.

Trump has done more.....so far to move our presence out of the ME. I don't know about lack of trying.

He's done nothing.
Funny...even the crazy Mullahs recognize Trump is crazier.

Those mullahs think the mahdi is gonna come save them. That's crazy.
Oh, The Mahdi is coming. But it is The Anti-Christ, and their Jesus is coming, but he's the False Christ coming as The False Prophet.

But since The Father of Lies, Ollie Assburn, is their Fake god, he lied to them, and The True God has given them "Great Delusion so that they will believe the lie" and this condemns them all to the fate that awaits all those that worship The Anti-Christ and follow The False Prophet straight in to Hell, on that day of The 2nd Coming of The Resurrected Christ.
Why didn't WW3 start before we invaded Iraq??

I don't imagine your question will get answered. It's pretty common for someone to make a statement but when questioned on that statement to either not reply or reply with name calling.

Did Iran have nukes before we invaded Iraq? Did Iraq have nukes before we invaded Iraq?
Tell me you guys like the idea of all the ME countries having nukes.
If you don't like that idea, how do you propose to stop it?

If we can have nukes we have no business telling anyone else they can not. I believe having nukes is a good deterrent to keep our psychotic war mongers at bay so I am good with it.

So noted. Please tell me that you are also okay with terrorists having access to nukes.
Since Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism, I can imagine that many of their subsidiary terror groups will also have nukes. That okay too?
What’s the big deal about terrorists and nukes? The biggest terrorist state in the world has the largest arsenal of nukes.

Why do you make stupid statements without any rationale' explaining them?

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