Tucker Carlson Reveals the Median Age of Death from Covid is OLDER than Average Life Expectancy


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
And I can't seem to get covid...

Tucker Carlson Reveals the Median Age of Death from Covid is OLDER than Average Life Expectancy​


By killing off the oldest, it reduced the USAs life expectancy, overall.
The median age of deaths from covid are higher than the media life expectancy. The pandemic was a hoax.
The pandemic was not a hoax, but our reaction to the pandemic could have been better. Quarantines should have been targeted to people in the high risk groups not everyone.
And I can't seem to get covid...

Tucker Carlson Reveals the Median Age of Death from Covid is OLDER than Average Life Expectancy​

Yep. And what is going to slaughter Democrats in the mid-terms is the suburban Democrat moms who are ON FIRE that their kids missed a YEAR of in person school so that 85+ year olds gained another maybe month of life.

All life is precious and I understand that. But never before have we asked the young and healthy to sacrifice so much for the old and infirm. And never, ever should we do so again.
And I can't seem to get covid...

Tucker Carlson Reveals the Median Age of Death from Covid is OLDER than Average Life Expectancy​

Tucker "no reasonable person would believe me" Carlson?

Sure, let's go with that.
colfax_m Why destroy the economy and put the US trillions in debt over a virus (like covid or flu) that simply kills off those already dying.

My grandmother btw is almost 102 and had the virus------it did almost nothing to her. My husband is much younger but has diabetes and had a viral heart attack, had covid as well and it almost killed him. I think my grandmother will outlive my husband. And in the grand scheme of things----the virus's choice of victims won't change the average life expectancy more than OBAMACARE did which actually lowered the average life expectancy by several months.

If you want people to live longer---get rid of socialized medicine instead.
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And I can't seem to get covid...

Tucker Carlson Reveals the Median Age of Death from Covid is OLDER than Average Life Expectancy​

Tucker "no reasonable person would believe me" Carlson?

Sure, let's go with that.
When lefties cannot attack the content, they attack the source. Like clockwork.
And I can't seem to get covid...

Tucker Carlson Reveals the Median Age of Death from Covid is OLDER than Average Life Expectancy​

Tucker "no reasonable person would believe me" Carlson?

Sure, let's go with that.

If you watched the show you would understand what that means.
And I can't seem to get covid...

Tucker Carlson Reveals the Median Age of Death from Covid is OLDER than Average Life Expectancy​

Tucker "no reasonable person would believe me" Carlson?

Sure, let's go with that.
When lefties cannot attack the content, they attack the source. Like clockwork.
The source is a known liar. There is no content to attack.

Get over it.
colfax_m Why destroy the economy and put the US trillions in debt over a virus (like covid or flu) that simply kills off those already dying.

My grandmother btw is almost 102 and had the virus------it did almost nothing to her. My husband is much younger but has diabetes and had a viral heart attack, had covid as well and it almost killed him. I think my grandmother will outlive my husband. And in the grand scheme of things----the virus's choice of victims won't change the average life expectancy more than OBAMACARE did which actually lowered the average life expectancy by several months.

If you want people to live longer---get rid of socialized medicine instead.
Exactly. In the old days we wouldn't hurt society just to protect old people. They'd have the dignity to just walk out into the ocean and spare us the trouble of having to care for their well being.

You guys are ridiculous.
I was talking to a local mortician last week, and I asked him about the pandemic and how much he profited over the event and how glad he was that the big rush was over.

Contrary to liberal thought, we didn't have the rash of deaths they reported. My undertaking friend said 2020 was just average.

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