Tucker Carlson makes pathetic and desperate attempt to walk back his private confession that he hates Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Tucker Carlson said Trump called him about the insults: "I said this to Trump when he called me, you know, all wounded about those texts."

Tucker's explanation: "That was a moment in time where I was absolutely infuriated."

it's Tucker's universe. we're just all living in it!

Sure Tucker. And all the other shit at other times that showed up in those texts and emails.
Tucker Carlson said Trump called him about the insults: "I said this to Trump when he called me, you know, all wounded about those texts."

Tucker's explanation: "That was a moment in time where I was absolutely infuriated."

it's Tucker's universe. we're just all living in it!

Ho hum. Like none of us ever said something irrational in the heat of a moment or during a period of some outrage.

Personally, I don’t give a boot about Tucker.
Ho hum. Like none of us ever said something irrational in the heat of a moment or during a period of some outrage.

Personally, I don’t give a boot about Tucker.
Tucker's private attacks on Trump were not "heat of the moment". He attacked Trump SEVERAL times in his conversations over a period of days, if not weeks.

It is simply astonishing anyone is STILL buying the bullshit he sells. Don't be such a big sucker.

Among other things, Tucker called Trump a "demonic force". He never expected that to come out, and now he is desperately paddling to get back into the demon club. Once you sell your soul to the devil, there are no refunds, so he has no choice but to ride the ride all the way to hell.
Tucker Carlson said Trump called him about the insults: "I said this to Trump when he called me, you know, all wounded about those texts."

Tucker's explanation: "That was a moment in time where I was absolutely infuriated."

it's Tucker's universe. we're just all living in it!

Media Matters?!?...roflmfao

Ho hum. Like none of us ever said something irrational in the heat of a moment or during a period of some outrage.

Personally, I don’t give a boot about Tucker.
I wouldn’t call Tuckers statement irrational at all. I’d call it a moment of honesty when he thought he wasn’t on record.
Ho hum. Like none of us ever said something irrational in the heat of a moment or during a period of some outrage.

Personally, I don’t give a boot about Tucker.
It always amazes me how the cancel culture goes after ANYBODY who says something un-PC or unpopular with this or that group. I often disagree with Tucker but do often tune in at least for some of his monologue because he also does some damn fine journalism.

Is he the best at research? No. In the media, I award that crown to Mark Levine. But Tucker usually gets it at least mostly right whether or not I agree with his conclusions drawn from it.

But you are absolutely right BackAgain. I would bet an expensive steak dinner that not one single person at USMB (or anywhere else) has not said or texted or emailed something they wish they had not said or had to apologize for, especially when angry or frightened or frustrated or under stress. I would guess not a single one of us has never expressed an opinion or used a word or two that wouldn't look good in the newspaper or reported in the evening news.

And when the media blows it all out of proportion, which they usually do, it can take on a life of its own. People have lost jobs, positions, opportunities over some silly statement or expressed opinion or because of some photo that wasn't nearly as outrageous as the media makes it.

I remember when then VP Cheney, in a moment of pique, uttered the "F" bomb. The media, social media, message boards etc. immediately made a federal case out of it. I NEVER use that word but I sure felt 'big effing deal' at how ludicrous the over reaction was.

My gosh, this country has enough real problems than to waste so much time, footage, newsprint, band width over somebody's impulsive remark, especially when taken out of its full context.
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Tucker's private attacks on Trump were not "heat of the moment". He attacked Trump SEVERAL times in his conversations over a period of days, if not weeks.
As I noted. Heat of the moment or a period. Your quibble is misplaced.
It is simply astonishing anyone is STILL buying the bullshit he sells. Don't be such a big sucker.
I remain indifferent to Tucker. That said, he often says very insightful things.
Among other things, Tucker called Trump a "demonic force". He never expected that to come out, and now he is desperately paddling to get back into the demon club. Once you sell your soul to the devil, there are no refunds, so he has no choice but to ride the ride all the way to hell.
Ok. I still don’t care. Hell, I support Trump but I also recognize many of his personal foibles and failings. So what? I don’t vote for any candidate based on their personal likelihood of Canonization. I vote for the candidates I believe are most likely to help guide the Republic in the right direction.

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