Tucker Carlson, Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump all falsely and disgracefully accused of being agents of Vladimir Putin.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Where are all of the liberals on this thing. Seriously….. where is the guy with the Indiana Jones avatar. What kind of people are my fellow liberals of the US message board? They claim to be liberal…do they thank the Soviet people for liberating the concentration camps and making sure that every jew of the world didn’t go to the ovens. Or I guess they don’t even care about that at all?

That’s right I’m a true liberal and I stand by the allies of World War II. And I always speak my mind even if some of the conservative disagree with ……because I have my own mind I’m not controlled by BLM , I’m not controlled by neoconservatives.


Will you to stand up for the beautiful people of Russia because they stood with us in World War II. Or are you anti-Russian racists?

Do you to like To study history. Or do you believe in only studying the present time. ? Do you know what World War II was ….this is an honest question I’ve never seen you folks talk about the stuff. So I’m interested in your opinion and I respect you both.

All of the millionaire con artists on MSNBC and CNN they are not the country, they do not represent the will of the American people when they attempt to insult Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump who are supported by millions of Americans..z we the people the American people we are the country. The neoconservatives like Lindsey Graham and all of these neo conservatives in the military the very few of them they don’t even represent the will of the American military…. they just keep on wanting to send our money to Ukraine and now President Zelenskyy of Ukraine expects American sons to die on the battlefield ….

The Ukrainian government which by the way is not even supported by the great majority of the Ukrainian people….. Is once again prosecuting Christians

“ OK Ukraine is a democracy“

No not even close they silence political opposition, they punish Christians for no good reason at all based on made up propaganda.

Ukraine is the most corrupt government in all of Eastern Europe. Remember that they had their government illegally overthrown in 2014. During the so-called maiden.

According to the Pentagon Ukraine is running very low on ammunition. Lieutenant Douglas Macgregor one of the greatest American military officers of our history …has said Russia has a right to Ukraine and that it is a matter of time before Ukraine loses his thing.

Ron DeSantis the governor of Florida says the Ukraine Russia war is not a top five American interest it is not a national security concern. Of course it’s not…. it’s insane to think it is and it’s also American centric to think that way it’s really selfish and deplorable to think like that. Oh yeah I get it “ we can invade other countries but if another country does it oh they’re evil” what a load of shit.

Tucker Carlson has the greatest ratings in the news. Nobody cares about MSNBC, no one cares about CNN about what those con artists have to say. Maybe they should go to Ukraine and fight if they care so much.
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Same playbook that Chimpola Bush used in 2002....And the leftist warmonger dirtballs don't care that they've turned into the chickehawk neocon scum that they proclaimed to detest a mere two decades ago.

“ russia’s invasion is so brutal so just see what they’re doing to the Ukrainian people”

Oh yeah talk to the families of the 1 million dead Arabs from the 2003 American invasion of Iraq.

Some people understand geo politics … the world is a violent place. people like Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi Chuck Schumer for all of their support of Ukraine they look like some of the worst people in the world the biggest con artists the biggest hypocrites are they don’t give a shit about Americas invasions of other countries they don’t know how to talk about these issues. They’re not responsible they don’t believe in a global world if they did they would get out of the Russia Ukraine war …because Russia did not get involved in our war in Iraq among many other reasons.
Same playbook that Chimpola Bush used in 2002....And the leftist warmonger dirtballs don't care that they've turned into the chickehawk neocon scum that they proclaimed to detest a mere two decades ago.

Thank you brother. Do you remember this really interesting music video from Jurassic 5 back in the days of George W. Bush and the Iraq war. It was a very clever well put together song and music video and it criticize the war in Iraq. It criticized the idea of hyping up Americans to get them to go
fight Iraq

This song resonates so well today. With so many black men and white men in this country starving on the streets, they can’t keep up with the inflation they’ve lost their job. All sorts of domestic issues facing Americans today.

So where is Cardi B, where is Jay Z where is Rihanna on this one? Why aren’t they making songs and music videos critical of the neoconservatives the warmongers wanting us to send young men to this war in Ukraine where many of them would have their legs blown off, or killed.


Where are you on this brother?
Thank you brother. Do you remember this really interesting music video from Jurassic 5 back in the days of George W. Bush and the Iraq war. It was a very clever well put together song and music video and it criticize the war in Iraq. It criticized the idea of hyping up Americans to get them to go
fight Iraq

This song resonates so well today. With so many black men and white men in this country starving on the streets, they can’t keep up with the inflation they’ve lost their job. All sorts of domestic issues facing Americans today.

So where is Cardi B, where is Jay Z where is Rihanna on this one? Why aren’t they making songs and music videos critical of the neoconservatives the warmongers wanting us to send young men to this war in Ukraine where many of them would have their legs blown off, or killed.


Where are you on this brother?

I want to know where Code Pinko is hiding.
Where are all of the liberals on this thing. Seriously….. where is the guy with the Indiana Jones avatar. What kind of people are my fellow liberals of the US message board? They claim to be liberal…do they thank the Soviet people for liberating the concentration camps and making sure that every jew of the world didn’t go to the ovens. Or I guess they don’t even care about that at all?

That’s right I’m a true liberal and I stand by the allies of World War II. And I always speak my mind even if some of the conservative disagree with ……because I have my own mind I’m not controlled by BLM , I’m not controlled by neoconservatives.


Will you to stand up for the beautiful people of Russia because they stood with us in World War II. Or are you anti-Russian racists?

Do you to like To study history. Or do you believe in only studying the present time. ? Do you know what World War II was ….this is an honest question I’ve never seen you folks talk about the stuff. So I’m interested in your opinion and I respect you both.

All of the millionaire con artists on MSNBC and CNN they are not the country, they do not represent the will of the American people when they attempt to insult Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump who are supported by millions of Americans..z we the people the American people we are the country. The neoconservatives like Lindsey Graham and all of these neo conservatives in the military the very few of them they don’t even represent the will of the American military…. they just keep on wanting to send our money to Ukraine and now President Zelenskyy of Ukraine expects American sons to die on the battlefield ….

The Ukrainian government which by the way is not even supported by the great majority of the Ukrainian people….. Is once again prosecuting Christians

“ OK Ukraine is a democracy“

No not even close they silence political opposition, they punish Christians for no good reason at all based on made up propaganda.

Ukraine is the most corrupt government in all of Eastern Europe. Remember that they had their government illegally overthrown in 2014. During the so-called maiden.

According to the Pentagon Ukraine is running very low on ammunition. Lieutenant Douglas Macgregor one of the greatest American military officers of our history …has said Russia has a right to Ukraine and that it is a matter of time before Ukraine loses his thing.

Ron DeSantis the governor of Florida says the Ukraine Russia war is not a top five American interest it is not a national security concern. Of course it’s not…. it’s insane to think it is and it’s also American centric to think that way it’s really selfish and deplorable to think like that. Oh yeah I get it “ we can invade other countries but if another country does it oh they’re evil” what a load of shit.

Tucker Carlson has the greatest ratings in the news. Nobody cares about MSNBC, no one cares about CNN about what those con artists have to say. Maybe they should go to Ukraine and fight if they care so much.

Wake up
Your friends are brainwashed CultFucks.
They gravitate toward Fascists not actual liberals.
Wake up
Your friends are brainwashed CultFucks.
They gravitate toward Fascists not actual liberals.
So you can’t actually respond to the many points listed you just go off with propaganda talking points “fascist” you sound like a fascist

Provide your opinion on the fact that Thr United States military is the largest military in the world with the greatest military budget by far even larger than China a country with three times our population if not more.

Provide your opinion on the 2003 American invasion of Iraq which reportedly cost the lives of upwards of 1 million Arabs and 3200 Americans not to mention the Americans And Iraqis that had there legs blown off who are now in wheelchairs for the rest of their natural lives because of this thing.

Provide your opinion on the Russian people….. are you racist against Russians?

Provide your opinion on the fact that Thr United States military is the largest military in the world with the greatest military budget by far even larger than China a country with three times our population if not more.

Provide your opinion on the 2003 American invasion of Iraq which reportedly cost the lives of upwards of 1 million Arabs and 3200 Americans not to mention the Americans And Iraqis that had there legs blown off who are now in wheelchairs for the rest of their natural lives because of this thing.

Provide your opinion on the Russian people….. are you racist against Russians?

No, no busy work for you.
Will you to stand up for the beautiful people of Russia because they stood with us in World War II. Or are you anti-Russian racists?

Do you to like To study history.
Was it the Beautiful people of the USSR who made a deal with the devil to split Poland between them and Nazi Germany?

You can stand with those who raped and killed German women and girls in pure retribution if you'd like.

I'll stand with Russians who want to live under a system of Liberal Democracy, and not under land grabbing, murderous authoritarians and/or dictators.
Wake up
Your friends are brainwashed CultFucks.
They gravitate toward Fascists not actual liberals.
wait are you a Biden supporter or a Trump supporter I’m confused at your responses in this thread.

You say the above but then in another post you said if somebody’s not a Democrat they’re viewed as a Putin supporter

Hey brother this is the issue of our times what is your opinion. I always answer your concerns and this is it there’s so much money being poured into Ukraine by the American government by neoconservatives by Democrats to kill Russians. What do you think about that.
Ukraine is the most corrupt government in all of Eastern Europe.
Nope. Liar.

You really are Putin's useful idot.

No one matches the corruption of Russia, useful idiot.

Transparency International stated in 2022, "Corruption is endemic in Russia" and assigned it the lowest score of any European country in their Corruption Perceptions Index for 2021. It has, under the regime of Vladimir Putin, been variously characterized as a kleptocracy, an oligarchy, and a plutocracy; owing to its crony capitalism economic system.


Navalny, suspected of being poisoned Thursday during a flight to Moscow from Siberia, is expected to be transported Saturday to a hospital in Germany, a move which Russian doctors originally denied, claiming his condition was “too unstable,” but reversed after a German medical team arrived at the hospital and were permitted to examine Navalny.

Pyotr Verzilov, a Russian opposition activist, said he went through the same symptoms in 2018, including being put on a ventilator and eventually being flown to a German hospital for treatment, according to the New York Times.

Anna Politkovskaya, an investigative journalist and fierce critic of the Russian government, became seriously ill after a suspected poisoning in 2004 during a domestic Russian flight, and was gunned down two years later.

The same week Politkovskaya was poisoned, Roman Tsepov, who was a bodyguard for President Vladimir Putin in the 1990s before he came to power, became violently ill and died a few days after having a cup of tea at a local Russian security service office—his autopsy revealed radioactive material in his body.

Aleksandr V. Litvinenko, a rogue Russian intelligence officer, died after drinking tea laced with a lethal radioactive isotope, polonium 210, just a month after Politkovskaya’s murder—a 2016 British investigation concluded his death could have been approved by Putin himself.

Opposition leader Vladimir Kara-Murza was poisoned in 2015, one month after calling for the U.S. to impose harsher sanctions on Russia during a series of public meetings on Capitol Hill—Kara-Murza said he was poisoned again in 2017 as he toured Russia showcasing a documentary about murdered Putin critic Boris Nemtsov.

Former Russian spy Sergei Skripal in 2018 and his daughter were poisoned by two Russian intelligence operatives with a toxic nerve agent applied to their door handle in Salisbury, England—they recovered but the attack led the U.K. and its allies to expel 150 Russian diplomats and impose crushing sanctions on the Kremlin.
Putin's troops are mass murdering civilians. Men, women, and children.

Putin's troops are raping kids while you fucktard useful idiots are getting your panties in a wad over trannies.
“Why do I care what is going on in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia?! And I’m serious. Why do I care? Why shouldn’t I root for Russia? Which I am.” - Tucker Carlson

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