TSA Treatment for all

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I think that the White House, the Senate , the House of Representatives and all Washington government employees should get the full TSA treatment every time they go into any Federal Buildings.... for their own protection...

Yes... all women, all children, all men.... even if their obviously no risk...
PROFILE to screen high probability terrorists and leave the rest of us alone. Someone famous said that "he who defends everything defends nothing".

A national ID system to ID high risk people would do more than the touchy feely bullshit or the X-ray bullshit.
I think that the White House, the Senate , the House of Representatives and all Washington government employees should get the full TSA treatment every time they go into any Federal Buildings.... for their own protection...

Yes... all women, all children, all men.... even if their obviously no risk...

Would you really want to grope Nancy Pelosi? :eek:
but, well,

it was the National ID system that CAUSED the touchy-feely system,


Just because the NAMES are the SAME,

does NOT mean that those folks are coming from the same place;

they AREN'T.

The FUKTARDS are impersonating US, for realz.


if YOU let a 3 year old, ON the No Fly list,

board an airplane that was targeted by terrorists,

that UNDERSTAND that 3 year olds can't exactly SPEAK THE FUCK UP about what they're carrying,

then what?

How do YOU explain that?

Jobs aren't just falling off of trees, right now,

and so di oh...
With this equipment in place you'd have to be nuts to take a job that requires frequent flying.

Oh I know we need to screen out potential terrorists, but giving people cancer doesn't seem like a sensible solution.
Two of my brothers spend half the year traveling.

They are going to have to let frequent flyers have some kind of exemption like the pilots. I suspect that many companies will be designing Skype-like meetings and whatnot once their executives and employees get fed up.

I'm curious whether pregnant women will be affected. What if you don't know you are pregnant?
ARE there some sort of links to how X-Rays



Above and beyond just LIVING, that is.

(You're going to have to cover at SHITload of time,

and ALL of the factors that could have contributed to the cancer.

I'm doing this as a 39 year smoker of cigs, with NO signs of cancer,

so make it GOOD, eh?)
I think that the White House, the Senate , the House of Representatives and all Washington government employees should get the full TSA treatment every time they go into any Federal Buildings.... for their own protection...

Yes... all women, all children, all men.... even if their obviously no risk...

Would you really want to grope Nancy Pelosi? :eek:

Nope...or Boxer
Only the little people should suffer such public humiliations. That seems to be the Democratic attitude at this point. I'm pretty sure if all Congress Members and the President were forced to offer up their children and wives for these public maulings,Airport Security would be changed immediately. Bet on that.
Only the little people should suffer such public humiliations. That seems to be the Democratic attitude at this point. I'm pretty sure if all Congress Members and the President were forced to offer up their children and wives for these public maulings,Airport Security would be changed immediately. Bet on that.

Yup.. that's the essence of the OP
If Obama's kids were publicly mauled and humiliated,you can bet Airport Security would change over night. That's the truth. Nuff said.
As the nation readies for one of the busiest traveling holidays, Steven Horwitz, a professor of economics at St. Lawrence University, told The Hill that the probable spike in road travel, caused by adverse feelings towards the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) new screening procedures, could also lead to more car-related deaths.

“Driving is much more dangerous than flying, as you are far more likely to be killed in an automobile accident mile-for-mile than you are in an airplane,” said Horwitz. “The result will be that the new TSA procedures will kill more Americans on the highway.”

Analyst: TSA methods 'will kill more Americans on highway' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

A conspiracy theorist might suggest that putting the airlines out of business, bailing them out, and eventually nationalizing them might be the ultimate goal. Hmmmm. First Obamacare; then ObamaAir? :eusa_think:
I think that the White House, the Senate , the House of Representatives and all Washington government employees should get the full TSA treatment every time they go into any Federal Buildings.... for their own protection...

Yes... all women, all children, all men.... even if their obviously no risk...

Palin's dogs say they were groped..............

Not always Jillian. I'm sure a lot of investigative journalism and law enforcement starts with a conspiracy theory.

I don't for a minute believe that destroying the airlines is a goal; but it certainly could become an unintended consequence.
In a moment of honesty, TSA Chief Pistole admitted today that Israel has effective security techniques but that we can’t use those techniques here in the US because “we don’t profile.”
From the transcript:
CROWLEY: What’s over the line? What’s over the line?
All those things were fine. You saw a woman whose breasts were being felt. You saw a man whose — you know, had another man’s hand in his crotch. What’s over the line?
PISTOLE: I think that’s for the — the public to help inform that discussion. Clearly, if we are to detect terrorists, who have again proven innovative and creative in their design and implementation of bombs that are going to blow up airplanes and kill people, then we have to do something that prevents that. So it really comes down to the question…
CROWLEY: But the public didn’t have any choice in this. And there is outcry, and they don’t really know — I know that you’ve driven everybody to the TSA website and said, look here. But because you don’t want to reveal to terrorists what’s going to be checked, there’s no way for anybody to look at that website and know where they’re going to be touched and where it’s not allowed to be touched. And so what you seem to be saying is, you can be touched anywhere…
…PISTOLE: Well, I think the Israeli model, which a number of people have talked about, uses intelligence in a different way, profiling. And then if in terms of a pat-down, if they suspect you of something, you receive a very thorough pat-down there.
That is top-notch security. The question is, do we profile here in the U.S.? No, we don’t. So how then do we use intelligence that informs the decisions and judgments. And given what we saw from last night in terms of this new Web publication that describes in detail how the cargo bombs were done, how the design concealed, and how they are using technology to disguise and defeat the screening mechanisms we have in place, look, it’s a difficult question, Candy.
That’s right.
TSA Chief Pistole admitted that the Israel security procedures are “top-notch” but the US won’t use these techniques because America does not profile.

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