Truths for people under 45


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
There will be no Social security when and if you retire.
There will be no public pensions when and if you retire.
Anyone promising something more than 2 years down the line is either lying through their teeth or completely naive about the state of reality.
This government spending will have to be reckoned with and soon.
I have already planned my life to not need SSI.... it is after all "insurance" in case you cant support yourself is'nt it?

I think anyone who does'nt need it, shouldnt recieve it.... but then again, how do you decide who does'nt need it :eusa_eh:


I just know I had'nt planned on it ever being there for me anyways.... they are lying to us, and stealing it right under our collective noses.

It needs to be reformed IMO... we should've been doing that rather than creating that disaster called Obama-care.
I guess Im glad the Dems didnt try to fix it, b/c they'd of just mucked it up even worse than it already is.
The Demographic Ponzi Scheme is coming undone.

In 1945, there were approximately 42 taxpayers per beneficiary.

Today we're around 3; and within a couple of decades, the ratio will drop to 2.

The only way to solve the problem is to move to a Chilean type of system of privatized accounts with the safety net for only the truly needy. Anyone who is not retired today, even older than 45, should not count on SS.
How about this...
When your parents talk about the deficit what they are saying is that the wealth of the past was mortgaged on the earnings of the future... and you children are our future.

Sounds a bit like taxation without representation doesn't it?
There will be no Social security when and if you retire.
There will be no public pensions when and if you retire.
Anyone promising something more than 2 years down the line is either lying through their teeth or completely naive about the state of reality.
This government spending will have to be reckoned with and soon.

You'll be telling me the world will have run-out of excuses aswell if Obama keeps squandering his reserves of bullshit on unrequited hope.

There's roughly 310,000,000 people living in the United States but there's only a limited amount of parachutes on-board.

How did I do, America? Let me know if you want more.
Just a side note about Social Security specifically... I have a friend in her 80s who lives off of Social Security which she paid into her whole life in good faith... they claim there has not been any inflation since 2004, which is how they measure any increased income for her... so it's not just those of us under 45 who are screwed by this scheme... it's everyone from top to bottom at this point.
There will be no Social security when and if you retire.

There will be no public pensions when and if you retire.

Anyone promising something more than 2 years down the line is either lying through their teeth or completely naive about the state of reality.





I have absolutely zero expectations I'll ever see my FICA money again. That shit is GONE.
There will be no Social security when and if you retire.
There will be no public pensions when and if you retire.
Anyone promising something more than 2 years down the line is either lying through their teeth or completely naive about the state of reality.
This government spending will have to be reckoned with and soon.
And yet you just made such a promise. :lol:

btw, I'm pretty sure Republicans have been making your claim since the time of FDR.
In the time of FDR, there were 45 taxpayers paying SS taxes per ever beneficiary.

We're down to 3 to 1 now.

The Ponzi Scheme is crashing.
SS was in fine shape until that moron LBJ opened the lockbox.

Once the Clowns in Congress had access to all that money, well. No one needs to tell you what happened to it all.

To bad LBJ can't drop dead more than once.
There will be no Social security when and if you retire.
There will be no public pensions when and if you retire.
Anyone promising something more than 2 years down the line is either lying through their teeth or completely naive about the state of reality.
This government spending will have to be reckoned with and soon.

Did you just support cutting the payroll tax?
Right as rain - something has to give.

My pipe-dream is that Congress will never "borrow" any more funds from the Social Security trust to fund other budget deficits and pet projects. They will also repay WITH INTEREST to the Social Security trust every dime they have borrowed year after year after year and make a public apology to the American people for having done so.

Now, what's that stuff that's put in a pipe and smoked to give you a good high ..... and where do you get those pipes?
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Right as rain - something has to give.

My pipe-dream is that Congress will never "borrow" any more funds from the Social Security trust to fund other budget deficits and pet projects. They will also repay WITH INTEREST to the Social Security trust every dime they have borrowed year after year after year and make a public apology to the American people for having done so.

Now, what's that stuff that's put in a pipe and smoked to give you a good high ..... and where do you get those pipes?

Aren't you the one who tried to claim there's no millionnaires in the Democratic party?
The Demographic Ponzi Scheme is coming undone.

In 1945, there were approximately 42 taxpayers per beneficiary.

Today we're around 3; and within a couple of decades, the ratio will drop to 2.

The only way to solve the problem is to move to a Chilean type of system of privatized accounts with the safety net for only the truly needy. Anyone who is not retired today, even older than 45, should not count on SS.

Social Security is currently solvent until about 2037 so it is bullshit to say that 45 year olds won't get SS.

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