Truth Social kicked out of Google Play store

Bwahahaha. Probably embarrassed by the filth posted by the MAGATs. I’d guess Apple isn’t far behind.

  • Donald Trump’s Truth Social is not available on the Google Play store.
  • The restriction means that 44% of smartphone users in the U.S. cannot download the app.
  • Google says that the app violates the Play store’s standards for content moderation, according to Axios.
Another thing to add to the pile of shit that you dems have been doing. After November the time for punishment will be at hand. The GOP led Congress is going to buttfuck these censoring companies.
Another thing to add to the pile of shit that you dems have been doing. After November the time for punishment will be at hand. The GOP led Congress is going to buttfuck these censoring companies.
You should check out what’s happening in Alaska…

You should check out what’s happening in Alaska…

Stay on topic or i will report you.
The logo of the Democratic party doesn't have a swastika...

It does now - you're fucking Nazis after all.

but somehow you do at your disposal. It probably matches the one on your chest, eh Adolph?

Why would I put the symbol of your filthy party on my chest Herr Himmler?

Remember, my motto is "Never Again" and I'm dedicated to stopping Nazi filth like you.

Nazi twat.
Unlike most republicans, I don't collect Nazi clip art an memorabilia to break out and show people. What is wrong with you folks?

democrat clip art - Nazi twat.


You're throwing a temper tantrum because I expose you for exactly what you are, a Nazi twat.
You should check out what’s happening in Alaska…

Alaska has voting rules that are questionable. Set up by elites from the beginning. Powerful families are regional powers in this nation. Murkowski is part of that, and Palin is not loved. Soon Progs will have sex with 5 year old's legally and that is what it isa bout.
Alaska has voting rules that are questionable. Set up by elites from the beginning. Powerful families are regional powers in this nation. Murkowski is part of that, and Palin is not loved. Soon Progs will have sex with 5 year old's legally and that is what it isa bout.
Strange how your bitch ass didn’t utter a peep about any of this …until Trump’s pick lost.
Bwahahaha. Probably embarrassed by the filth posted by the MAGATs. I’d guess Apple isn’t far behind.

  • Donald Trump’s Truth Social is not available on the Google Play store.
  • The restriction means that 44% of smartphone users in the U.S. cannot download the app.
  • Google says that the app violates the Play store’s standards for content moderation, according to Axios.
Thanks for proving my point; again.
Your point being that you're a filthy Nazi?

Glad I could help.

Oh, and your 1945 is coming, Nazi Twat. Those like you always think your reign of evil will be endless, but it always collapses.

You failed in Germany - but have rearisen here. You are the same, only your scapegoat has changed.

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