TrumpUSA: Nature-Oriented Dreamcatcher


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's an eco-conscious discussion between fantastic characters (taken from comic books and video games) about the value of commerce, consumerism, and industrialization.

Such a discussion is symbolic of the key concerns of our arguably capitalism-biased 'TrumpUSA.'


JLA: Why do you manipulate the cold weather and use ice as a weapon?
SUB-ZERO: Everything freezes, even the heart...
JLA: Aren't you inspired by Facebook and Starbucks?
SUB-ZERO: I am cold to the 'wind' of consumerism and 'TrumpUSA.'
JLA: In the Bible, it says breaking-bread with merchants can be peaceful...
SUB-ZERO: It also says that selling doves in the temple leads to vanity!
JLA: What if the Devil (the enemy of love) has tricked you into thinking that creativity is useless?
SUB-ZERO: Apple Computers is creative, but other consumerism 'relics' (e.g., Burger King) create sloth.
JLA: Your way of thinking could lead the mind into thinking that even Ronald McDonald is evil...
SUB-ZERO: I simply am skeptical about consumerism creating 'metaphysical creativity.'
JLA: We can prove you're wrong. Consumerism is creative --- just look at Disney merchandise!
SUB-ZERO: What's the difference between Planet Hollywood and Babylon?
JLA: The difference is one of perspective --- movie stars may not be role models, but they are entertaining!
SUB-ZERO: Darkness hides an insidious serpent who preys on our gullible optimism towards 'Golems.'
JLA: Are you saying Ronald McDonald is a Golem of gluttony or superficial culture?
SUB-ZERO: I'm saying that Americans simply do not care enough about Captain Planet and Tarzan.
JLA: Are you suggesting that consumerism has draw us dangerously away from nature and the forest?
SUB-ZERO: I'm saying capitalism/industrialization has 'justified' large-scale wasteful thinking (e.g., Exxon).
JLA: What if the real Devil is a Marxist?
SUB-ZERO: Critics of capitalism should not be painted as 'dangerous dystopians.'
JLA: Why then do you resort to eco-terrorism?
SUB-ZERO: I have little patience with standard government, but I am willing to listen to 'strong dialogue'!






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