Trump's sniveling "witch hunt" claim

After 12 months, Robert Mueller's investigation has already delivered indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies. Members of Trump's inner circle express worries that the probe may yet ensnare more figures in Trump’s orbit, including family members. There is particularly worry about Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., and Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and a senior adviser. President Trump combats the probe with bluster, disarray and defiance as he scrambles for survival. Trump gripes that he needs better “TV lawyers” to defend him on cable news.

Dear Trump supporters: "Witch hunts" don't yield indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies! Every guilty plea, and every member of Trump's associates that flip give more and more legitimacy to Mueller's investigation. So stop sniveling like little girls about witch hunts and face the fact that your fearless leader and his little minions are just plain guilty.

‘Buckle up’: As Mueller probe enters second year, Trump and allies go on war footing

Trump Says There’s No Evidence of Collusion. There Is So Much Evidence Already.

Ex-Trump aide: Mueller is still 'really focused' on Russia collusion

Trump falsely says Comey memos exonerate him

First off...... You blew up your own statement, when you said ""Witch hunts" don't yield indictments or guilty pleas". This shows how unbelievably ignorant you are. Do you know where the phrase "witch hunt" came from? The Salem Witch trials. There were tons of people who plead guilty and some were killed, because of that made up fabricated trial.

Point being..... there are always indictments and guilty pleas in witch hunts. ALWAYS. Read a book dude.

Second, there are two different things here.

One part of the investigation is, was there Russian interferrence. Answer: Yes. Russia is Russia. The original home of the world wide intelligence organizations, the KGB. They infamous. It would be more of a shocking news story, if Russia was NOT interfering.

I have no problem with that part of the investigation, except that thus far we have ZERO real hard evidence supporting it. Maybe Mueller has this evidence, and maybe he doesn't.

The second part of this investigation is about whether or not Trump had any collusion with Russia. There is NOTHING.... as in..... absolutely NOTHING, so far supporting this. Nothing. Absolutely Nothing.

I'm sorry, but I've read all the evidence that has been presented by everyone on this, and there is nothing there.

If Mueller has something to support his continuing investigation into Trump, he needs to show it, or shut it. At some point, it's not good to have a non-stop investigation that the only indictments you have are for making false statements, that don't have anything to do with the investigation. You have to show something eventually.

When Kenneth Starr put out the Star Report, he had hundreds of pages of hard evidence against Clinton. Mueller so far, has zero. At least he hasn't shown anything yet.
Nothing, absolutely nothing??

Roger Stone was tweeting with the hacker about Podesta, just before Podesta’s hacked email was dumped all over the Internet.
Why are you guys so eager for Mueller to find something on Trump?
There will never be anything found against Trump regarding non-existent illegal Russian collusion. That has been firmly established by the lack of evidence of any crime warranting an investigation let alone any involving the President.

The bigger, more appropriate question would be why are Liberals / snowflakes so eager to engage in treason to 'un-elect' the democratically-elected President, to support a felon who could not win her own party's nomination, who should have been forced out of the race / should have been in jail on election day?

Mueller isn't investigating Trump, he's investigating Russia's interference. Why are you insistent on that being about Trump? If Trump is as innocent as you and he claim, you've got nothing to worry about. Let Mueller do his job and release his report,. What are you afraid of?
Precisely, the investigators job is to find out the truth of what happened...the who, what, where, when and how....they are not investigating a PERSON, they are trying to get to the facts, and whether a crime has been committed....

If President Trump and the Trump campaign has not committed collusion or obstruction etc... as he has been claiming all along, then he truly has nothing to worry about....

He certainly is acting guilty....whether he is or not, will be found out....the truth seems to always come to light eventually.... Sunshine! Let the Sun shine in....for goodness sake! The TRUTH will set us free....! :D

When Kenneth Starr put out the Star Report, he had hundreds of pages of hard evidence against Clinton. Mueller so far, has zero. At least he hasn't shown anything yet.

The hard evidence you claim is highly debatable and controversial, but even if your claim is given the benefit of the doubt, it should be noted that Starr took over the Special Counsel position from Robert Fiske in August of 1994 who had begun his investigation in January of that year. Hence, Starr took over an already half year plus investigation. The Starr Report, came out in early September 1998, almost a full four years after Starr took over the already 6 plus months investigation. So, you are comparing Mueller's special counsel status of just short of one year to Kenneth Starr's over four years of investigations. Starr = 4 years + 6 months Mueller = 1 year -1 week

Only partially true. Yeah, he did take over for Robert Fiske. But the investigation was about the Whitewater scandal. We knew pretty quick what was going on.

As for the star report about Perjury, Witness Tampering, Obstruction of Justice, and everything else that surrounding the Monica scandal.... NO you are wrong.

Linda Tripp had recordings of the obstruction of justice, by the fall of 1997. The Drudge broke the story January of 1998, and Clinton was impeached that year, with most of the evidence against him, openly known.

It was months between criminal act, evidence collected, and charges brought. The Starr report was released in September of 98, not even a year later than the criminal act, and just months before impeachment. It was not 4 years. You are wrong.
My dates are correct. You can wiggle them around with diversions about Linda Tripp or other witnesses, but the facts are what I posted. Starr took over the investigation from Fiske and made his report four years later. He spent four years investigating with a six month head start from Fiske. You guys are following Trump orders and demanding the Mueller investigation be brought to an end after less than a year. And unlike Ken Starr, Mueller already has a load of indictments and guilty pleas. He even has one guy in prison doing a sentence.

Ah yes, the typical left-wing "la la la I can't hear you" routine.

I'll say it again..... your dates are irrelevant. The Starr report which I referenced was about the Monica Scandal. That started with the taping of conversations about perjury and obstruction of justice, in the fall of 1997. The story broke in early 1998. The Starr report came out in September of 1998. Bill was impeached December of 1998.

The amount of time between crime, and report, and impeachment was mere months. Not 4 years.

Now you can either accept the facts, or you have proven yourself not mentally competent to be discussing this topic.

You tell me which it is. Is what I said fact, and true? Or are you the Forest Gump of partisanship? You tell me.
Great, so when we’re 4 years into Mueller’s investigation and Mueller’s investigation turns into a direction unrelated from its original course, Mueller gets only about a year from that point to produce evidence of a crime unrelated to Russia.
Mueller isn't investigating Trump, he's investigating Russia's interference. Why are you insistent on that being about Trump?
Bwuhahahaha........ Riiiiiiiiight.

Mueller indicted a man - of lying to the FBI / Investigators - who FBI agents, according to the former Director of the FBI, said in their opinion did not lie to them when they questioned him.

Mueller indicted another man for a potential crime dating back to BEFORE OBAMA WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT (Pre-2008) because he is investigating possible Russian Interference at least 7 years later in 2015/2016...

Tasked with investigating potential Russian Interference, Mueller ignored a candidate who had taken $100+ million from the Russians, whose husband met personally with Vladimir Putin, who colluded with / paid a foreign spy working with Russians for a debunked document consisting of Russian 2nd-hand propaganda which 1) she used illegally in an election and 2) that she gave to Obama's FBI who illegally - according to the IG - used the propaganda to acquire FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate and his team during an election.....
*** There is your Russian Collusion Connection With Intent and Application To Effect The Outcome of the Election, completely ignored by the man tasked with investigating just that but whose sole purpose was / is to 'get Trump'.

And for going on 2 years now snowflakes have been declaring over and over how Trump was going to be 'taken down'....
After 12 months, Robert Mueller's investigation has already delivered indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies. Members of Trump's inner circle express worries that the probe may yet ensnare more figures in Trump’s orbit, including family members. There is particularly worry about Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., and Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and a senior adviser. President Trump combats the probe with bluster, disarray and defiance as he scrambles for survival. Trump gripes that he needs better “TV lawyers” to defend him on cable news.

Dear Trump supporters: "Witch hunts" don't yield indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies! Every guilty plea, and every member of Trump's associates that flip give more and more legitimacy to Mueller's investigation. So stop sniveling like little girls about witch hunts and face the fact that your fearless leader and his little minions are just plain guilty.

‘Buckle up’: As Mueller probe enters second year, Trump and allies go on war footing

Trump Says There’s No Evidence of Collusion. There Is So Much Evidence Already.

Ex-Trump aide: Mueller is still 'really focused' on Russia collusion

Trump falsely says Comey memos exonerate him
As though you have any access to Trumps inner circle. What a lying troll.
Mueller isn't investigating Trump, he's investigating Russia's interference. Why are you insistent on that being about Trump?
Bwuhahahaha........ Riiiiiiiiight.

Mueller indicted a man - of lying to the FBI / Investigators - who FBI agents, according to the former Director of the FBI, said in their opinion did not lie to them when they questioned him.

Mueller indicted another man for a potential crime dating back to BEFORE OBAMA WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT (Pre-2008) because he is investigating possible Russian Interference at least 7 years later in 2015/2016...

Tasked with investigating potential Russian Interference, Mueller ignored a candidate who had taken $100+ million from the Russians, whose husband met personally with Vladimir Putin, who colluded with / paid a foreign spy working with Russians for a debunked document consisting of Russian 2nd-hand propaganda which 1) she used illegally in an election and 2) that she gave to Obama's FBI who illegally - according to the IG - used the propaganda to acquire FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate and his team during an election.....
*** There is your Russian Collusion Connection With Intent and Application To Effect The Outcome of the Election, completely ignored by the man tasked with investigating just that but whose sole purpose was / is to 'get Trump'.

And for going on 2 years now snowflakes have been declaring over and over how Trump was going to be 'taken down'....

Flynn pled guilty to a lesser charge, you realize that, right?

Why not wait until Mueller has released his report? There have been no (pardon the pun) trumped up charges, only guilty pleas by people who committed crimes.

If I attempt to rob a bank but don't get away with the money, am I innocent?
Except for the fact RM has only been on the job for a year. Do not worry it will not last near as !omg as whitewater or even Watergate. And if your cheato is exonerated will it still be fake nuz then?
So you want everyone to ignore all the other fruitless investigations now, proving there was no need for Mueller or his witch hunt? lol

During Whitewater, there was a crime to investigate.
During Watergate, there was a crime to investigate.
Mueller has nothing because there was nothing.

The real collusion was easy to spot...and Democrats willingly ignored it to protect their felon they had already protected from Indictment.
- Hillary: $145 million from the KGB Bank
- Bill Clinton: $500k per speech from the KGB Bank...and he met directly with Putin.
- Mueller courted the Russian Oligarch
- Hillary colluded with a foreign spy and Russians
The IG has made it clear McCabe is dirty and should be indicted, Comey lied, and his FBI illegally acquired warrants....

Nothing really, why all the indictments and guilty pleas then? I mean since there is nothing there?
Are ANY of the indictments or guilty pleas directly related to the Trump campaign 'colluding' with Russia??????
Thought not asshole!
After 12 months, Robert Mueller's investigation has already delivered indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies. Members of Trump's inner circle express worries that the probe may yet ensnare more figures in Trump’s orbit, including family members. There is particularly worry about Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., and Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and a senior adviser. President Trump combats the probe with bluster, disarray and defiance as he scrambles for survival. Trump gripes that he needs better “TV lawyers” to defend him on cable news.

Dear Trump supporters: "Witch hunts" don't yield indictments or guilty pleas involving 19 people and three companies! Every guilty plea, and every member of Trump's associates that flip give more and more legitimacy to Mueller's investigation. So stop sniveling like little girls about witch hunts and face the fact that your fearless leader and his little minions are just plain guilty.

‘Buckle up’: As Mueller probe enters second year, Trump and allies go on war footing

Trump Says There’s No Evidence of Collusion. There Is So Much Evidence Already.

Ex-Trump aide: Mueller is still 'really focused' on Russia collusion

Trump falsely says Comey memos exonerate him


One indictment was of an unpaid, self-important Trump campaign volunteers who was set up by a Hillary supporter / donor - the Aussie Rep set up a meeting with Papa in a Brit Pub, and his indictment came after the Aussie gave the FBI a 'tip' about an 'overheard drunken conversation' between himself and Papa in the bathroom of the British Pub...


ne indictment was filed by the exposed Trump-Hating FBI agent who was fired from Mueller's team and who was found to have protected Hillary and Hillary aides Mills and Abedin from being indicted for crimes. FBI Director Comey himself declared his FBI agents did not believe Flynn lied to the FBI; yet, he was still indicted by Strzok for Lying to the FBI:
--- ""Director Comey specifically told us during that briefing that the FBI agents who interviewed Lt. General Michael Flynn, 'saw nothing that led them to believe [he was] lying.'

A Judge just recently BLASTED Mueller for overreach of his authority and for going after Manafort on a charge for a suspected crime that happened before Obama was ever elected President just to try to take down Trump. It was also reported that Mueller's team overstepped their authority by seizing items not on the subpoena served on Manafort. That puts the entire case against him in jeopardy, and if Mueller's team does not comply with the Judge's order to show the letter giving them the authority to do so the Judge may throw it all out anyway.

Trump is completely wrong, though, about there being no evidence of collusion.
- Evidence exists showing Hillary colluded with foreign spies and Russians.
- Evidence exists the DOJ and FBI colluded to ensure Hillary did not get indicted (Obstruction)
- Evidence shows Mueller colluded with a Russian Oligarch, one that played a role in his case
- Evidence shows Hillary took $145 million from the KGB Bank
- Evidence shows Bill took $500k a pop from the KGB bank for speeches and met w/Putin
- Evidence shows Mueller hid Russian crimes associated w/their attempt to acquire Uranium One
- Evidence shows Obama knew about Russian activities but did nothing to gain permission from Putin to invade Syria

NO evidence exists showing Trump illegally colluded with anyone
NO evidence exists showing any crime occurred warranting Mueller's investigation of Trump

The Witch Hunters are now being investigated....can't wait!
Let’s see your evidence Hillary took $145 million from a Russian bank...?

Deny every unethical, immoral and shady event in your life - Filthy Don

And then panic:

"Do Something!"


Which one of these took $145 million from Putin's KGB Bank?

View attachment 193622 View attachment 193623

...'Nuff Said. :p
Name the Russian bank.....
Mueller indicted a man - of lying to the FBI / Investigators - who FBI agents, according to the former Director of the FBI, said in their opinion did not lie to them when they questioned him.

the FBI investigators said Flynn showed no physical signs of lying.... (like blinking of eyes, fidgeting, stuttering, shifting in seat etc),

they also said, this was a real conundrum, because they had the facts and conversations, and KNEW he was lying... :rolleyes:
There is no evidence of any crime. All of the indictments are for process crimes arising from the investigation. The charges against the Russians are about to disappear since the judge ordered Mueller to produce evidence of a crime and he can't.
"No evidence of any crime"...that's why there are indictments, guilty pleas and convictions.........:71:
Precisely, the investigators job is to find out the truth of what happened...the who, what, where, when and how....they are not investigating a PERSON, they are trying to get to the facts, and whether a crime has been committed....
As repeatedly pointed out, EVIDENCE SHOWS:
- Russians tried to hack the power grid
- Russians tried to hack accounts senior members of our government
- Russians manipulated liberals on social media to organize and march for them
- Russians paid liberal groups to spread racial division and violence
- Obama knew about it all and chose to do nothing to avoid pissing off Putin, whose approval Barry wanted to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria
- Hillary Took Millions from the KGB Bank
- Bill met directly with Putin
- Mueller courted / worked with a Russian Oligarch who has helped him with this investigation

The Russians did NOT, as pointed out - with links /evidence:
- Attempt to hack state election devices / systems...but Obama and his DHS did.
- Rig primaries, cheat in debates, engage in election fraud, violate campaign / campaign finance laws ... but Hillary and the DNC did
- Protect a proven felon from Indictment to ensure she would be given the nomination and run in the election...but the Obama administration / FBI did

Mueller claimed that he would follow where the evidence led him...but he has ignored every shred of existing evidence exposing Democrat / Obama administration agency/cabinet member crime and has solely focused on Trump and his team...when there was never any evidence of a crime warranting his investigation / no evidence of any crime involving Trump and non-existent illegal Russian collusion.

Your story now that Mueller is investigating potential Russian Interference, that 'evidence' has limited the scope of his investigation to Trump and his team is so much bull dung that you could fertilize a flower bed as big as a football field.
Mueller isn't investigating Trump, he's investigating Russia's interference. Why are you insistent on that being about Trump?
Bwuhahahaha........ Riiiiiiiiight.

Mueller indicted a man - of lying to the FBI / Investigators - who FBI agents, according to the former Director of the FBI, said in their opinion did not lie to them when they questioned him.

Mueller indicted another man for a potential crime dating back to BEFORE OBAMA WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT (Pre-2008) because he is investigating possible Russian Interference at least 7 years later in 2015/2016...

Tasked with investigating potential Russian Interference, Mueller ignored a candidate who had taken $100+ million from the Russians, whose husband met personally with Vladimir Putin, who colluded with / paid a foreign spy working with Russians for a debunked document consisting of Russian 2nd-hand propaganda which 1) she used illegally in an election and 2) that she gave to Obama's FBI who illegally - according to the IG - used the propaganda to acquire FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate and his team during an election.....
*** There is your Russian Collusion Connection With Intent and Application To Effect The Outcome of the Election, completely ignored by the man tasked with investigating just that but whose sole purpose was / is to 'get Trump'.

And for going on 2 years now snowflakes have been declaring over and over how Trump was going to be 'taken down'....

Flynn pled guilty to a lesser charge, you realize that, right?

Why not wait until Mueller has released his report? There have been no (pardon the pun) trumped up charges, only guilty pleas by people who committed crimes.

If I attempt to rob a bank but don't get away with the money, am I innocent?
I 100% guarantee that YOU and the rest of the LIBs will NEVER accept Mueller's report if he finds Trump innocent of 'colluding' with the Russians.

YOU will be on this forum for years claiming somehow Trump "got away with being brought to justice".
The silver lining is every day that goes by with no Mueller indictment of Trump adds thousands of Independent voters to Trump's side.
If Mueller hasn't wrapped up his witch hunt by next Nov. the DEMs can kiss the midterms goodbye.
Except for the fact RM has only been on the job for a year. Do not worry it will not last near as !omg as whitewater or even Watergate. And if your cheato is exonerated will it still be fake nuz then?
So you want everyone to ignore all the other fruitless investigations now, proving there was no need for Mueller or his witch hunt? lol

During Whitewater, there was a crime to investigate.
During Watergate, there was a crime to investigate.
Mueller has nothing because there was nothing.

The real collusion was easy to spot...and Democrats willingly ignored it to protect their felon they had already protected from Indictment.
- Hillary: $145 million from the KGB Bank
- Bill Clinton: $500k per speech from the KGB Bank...and he met directly with Putin.
- Mueller courted the Russian Oligarch
- Hillary colluded with a foreign spy and Russians
The IG has made it clear McCabe is dirty and should be indicted, Comey lied, and his FBI illegally acquired warrants....

Nothing really, why all the indictments and guilty pleas then? I mean since there is nothing there?
Are ANY of the indictments or guilty pleas directly related to the Trump campaign 'colluding' with Russia??????
Thought not asshole!

Didn't realize the investigation had concluded yet dick nose!
the FBI investigators said Flynn showed no physical signs of lying.... (like blinking of eyes, fidgeting, stuttering, shifting in seat etc), they also said, this was a real conundrum, because they had the facts and conversations, and KNEW he was lying... :rolleyes:
Again, thank you for proving my point. Comey stated his agents said they did not believe Flynn lied to them during their questioning of him...and the only one who thought so, the one who ended up having him indicted, was the exposed Trump-Hating, traitorous, pro-Hillary FBI Agent fired by Mueller, the agent who protected Hillary and her 2 aides from being indicted for their crimes.

Based on the opinions of multiple agents who were there at the time who stated they did not think Flynn lied AND based on the facts exposed about the disgraced / Mueller-fired criminally partisan FBI agent, Flynn should never have been indicted. Granted, he pled 'guilty' ... to lying about something not even illegal. Flynn's biggest crime was being STUPID, something Strzok and Mueller obviously took advantage of while trying to use him to go after Trump.
Didn't realize the investigation had concluded yet dick nose!

'dick nose'? What are you, 5yo?

Had this been another investigation into Hillary's obvious crimes we all know, based on exposed evidence from the last one, the investigation would have been over before anyone was asked to answer questions...again, her exoneration letter written almost immediately and kept safe until the formality of having to publicly declared although she broke laws she will not be indicted. :p
Didn't realize the investigation had concluded yet dick nose!

'dick nose'? What are you, 5yo?

Had this been another investigation into Hillary's obvious crimes we all know, based on exposed evidence from the last one, the investigation would have been over before anyone was asked to answer questions...again, her exoneration letter written almost immediately and kept safe until the formality of having to publicly declared although she broke laws she will not be indicted. :p

Bbbbbbbbuuuuutttttt Clinton. It is all you got as usual tard.
Bbbbbbbbuuuuutttttt Clinton. It is all you got as usual tard.

That, my simple-minded, partisan friend, is because she is the only one proven - by the existence of a helluva lot of evidence - to have committed crimes...from which she was completely shielded by the Obama administration and is being shielded from now by Mueller.

In case you are not smart enough to figure it out, the Democrats are doing the same thing with Hillary as they did with James Clapper - keep citizens pre-occupied with bullshit while the statute of limitations for her crimes run out.

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